Plus: How the pros do it
[I]n January, for the 41st time in the 42 quarters
since it went public, Microsoft reported earnings
that met or beat Wall Street estimates. The 36
brokerage analysts who make the estimates were, as a
group, quite happy about this--the 57 cents per share
announced by the software giant was above their
consensus of 51 cents, but not so far above as to
make them look stupid. Investors were happy too,
bidding the already high-priced shares of the company
up 4% the first trading day after the announcement.
In short, for yet another quarter, Microsoft had kept
its comfortable spot in the innermost sphere of
corporate paradise. This is what chief executives and
chief financial officers dream of: quarter after
quarter after blessed quarter of not disappointing
Wall Street. Sure, they dream about other things
too--megamergers, blockbuster new products, global
domination. But the simplest, most visible, most
merciless measure of corporate success in the 1990s
has become this one: Did you make your earnings last
This is new. Executives of public companies have
always strived to live up to investors' expectations,
and keeping earnings rising smoothly and predictably
has long been seen as the surest way to do that. But
it's only in the past decade, with the rise to
prominence of the consensus earnings estimates
compiled first in the early 1970s by I/B/E/S (it
stands for Institutional Brokers Estimate System) and
now also by competitors Zacks, First Call, and
Nelson's, that those expectations have become so
explicit. Possibly as a result, companies are doing a
better job of hitting their targets: For an
unprecedented 16 consecutive quarters, more S&P 500
companies have beat the consensus earnings estimates
than missed them.
Microsoft's prodigious record of beating expectations
is due in large part to the company's prodigious
growth, from annual revenues of $198 million at the
time of its IPO in 1986 to more than $9 billion now.
It also helps that it dominates its industry. But
even the Microsofts of the business world have a few
tricks up their sleeve. The most obvious is to manage
earnings. "Managing earnings" has a pejorative,
slightly sleazy ring to it, but even at the most
respected of companies, accounting and business
decisions are regularly made with smoothing or
temporarily boosting earnings in mind. Not all are as
up front about it as General Electric, where
executives say openly that they don't think their
company would be as popular with investors if its
profits weren't so consistent and predictable. But
neither can it be a complete coincidence that of the
top ten companies on FORTUNE's 1997 Most Admired
list, seven--Coca-Cola, Merck, Microsoft, Johnson &
Johnson, Intel, Pfizer, and Procter & Gamble--have
missed fewer than five quarters in the past five
years, according to I/B/E/S (and two of the other
three don't have any earnings estimates to meet).
Meeting the estimates is made easier by the fact that
they're not set in a vacuum--analysts rely heavily on
guidance from companies to form their forecasts, and
companies have in recent years figured out that it
pays to guide the analysts to a lower rather than a
higher number. At least partly as a result of this
expectational interplay, the price of missing a
quarter has risen sharply, particularly among
high-priced growth stocks. In the growth stock
fraternity, "missing by a penny" now implies the
height of corporate boneheadedness--that is, if you
couldn't find that extra penny to keep Wall Street
happy, then your company must really be in trouble,
and since missing by a penny is already going to send
your stock plummeting, you're better off missing by a
dime or two and saving those earnings for the next
Microsoft missed by a penny
once--back in 1988, when such
behavior was not yet considered
unbearably gauche. Nowadays its executives treat
analysts to a constant patter of cautionary and even
downbeat words about the future that the analysts say
is a mix of genuine paranoia and astute expectations
management. After a typically grim presentation by
CEO Bill Gates and sales chief Steve Ballmer at an
analysts' meeting two years ago, Goldman Sachs
analyst Rick Sherlund ran into the pair outside and
said, "Congratulations. You guys scared the hell out
of people." Their response? "They gave each other a
high five," Sherlund recalls. But Microsoft, unlike
some companies less attuned to the rules of this
game, also lets analysts know when they're too
pessimistic. That's what CFO Mike Brown did, along
with the usual warnings about slower growth ahead,
during his regular quarterly conference call after
the January 17 earnings release. He told the hundreds
of analysts, money managers, and journalists
listening in that earnings would be "more than a
nickel, less than a dime" higher than predicted for
the current quarter, and another penny higher in the
How did he know this? That involves something that
looks a lot like earnings management--although not of
the sort that provokes penalties from the Securities
and Exchange Commission or nasty newspaper articles
about inflated profits. Starting around the unveiling
of Windows 95 in August 1995, Microsoft has followed
a uniquely conservative method of accounting for the
software it ships--deferring recognition of large
chunks of revenue from a product until long after the
product is sold. The reasoning is that when somebody
buys software in 1996, they're also buying the right
to upgrades and customer support in 1997 and 1998. If
it hadn't been for the new accounting technique, the
company would have had to report a sharp rise in
profits in the latter half of 1995, then a sharp drop
in the first half of 1996--a turn of events that
might have sent its stock price reeling--instead of
the smoothly rising earnings that it did post. By the
end of 1996, Microsoft had taken in $1.1 billion in
"unearned revenue" that it had yet to recognize on
its income statements. "Because of this, they know
what they've got in the bag from one quarter to the
next," says Marshall Senk, a Robertson Stephens
analyst who follows the company. Which leads him to
conclude that "Microsoft does a better job of
leveraging accounting--I would almost say it's a
competitive weapon--than anybody else in the
Microsoft treasurer Greg Maffei doesn't like this
interpretation. "I'm a financial officer of this
company, and I would be in deep doo-doo with the SEC
if that was what was driving our revenue recognition
policies," he says. "Our revenue recognition policies
are driven by GAAP." Which isn't quite true. In fact,
GAAP--the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
companies follow in preparing financial
statements--may in this area be driven by Microsoft.
Virtually no other software company does its
accounting the way Microsoft does, but standards
setters, egged on by the industry leader, are
starting to push in that direction.
That's how GAAP works. It's constantly changing and
evolving, particularly in businesses that haven't
been around for long. This is only natural, but it
can be maddening for people trying to understand what
a company's reported earnings really mean. "With
industries that haven't been in the market before,
you tend to see a lot of monkey business because
accountants, even if well intentioned, don't know
what the standards are," says Martin Fridson,
high-yield debt strategist at Merrill Lynch and a
financial statement analysis guru. "Underwriters of
small companies and people who make a living doing
IPOs are very conscious of the market's inability to
see what the correct measures are." Add that
confusion to the general cacophony of accounting
quirks and judgment calls in financial statements,
and you begin to realize that earnings are nothing
but a vague, approximate measure anyway.
One of modern accounting's guiding principles is that
of matching revenues and expenses over time. That's
why the cost of building a factory that will be
churning out cars for 20 years gets expensed over
those 20 years, not when the money is actually spent.
But such matching requires making all sorts of
guesses and estimates about the future. These
judgments--how much to set aside for potential loan
losses, what rate of return to expect on a pension
fund, over how many years to spread out the cost of a
factory--make earnings a better reflection of the
long-term economic health of a company. They also
provide ample room for managers to fudge. This is why
financial analysts and money managers are supposed to
know how to look beyond a company's bottom line to
find the true economic value in its balance sheet or
cash flow statement or, best of all, the footnotes to
its financial statements. In the bull market of the
past 15 years, however, analytic rigor hasn't always
been required to make good stock picks. "Nobody's
paying attention," says Robert Olstein, who in the
1970s co-authored an influential newsletter called
the Quality of Earnings Report and now runs the $140
million Olstein Financial Alert fund.
If Microsoft is the archetype of a hugely successful
company trying to tone its earnings down so people
don't get their expectations too high, Boston Chicken
bespeaks an altogether different and more common
phenomenon. It is a business that isn't successful
yet but has used accounting to help convince
investors that it already is, or at least will be
soon. This has enabled it to raise more than $800
million in stock and convertible debt offerings,
money which has been essential not only to the
company's rapid growth--from 175 Boston Chicken
restaurants when it went public in one of the
decade's hottest IPOs in November 1993 to 1,100
restaurants (rechristened Boston Markets) and 325
Einstein Brothers and Noah's bagel stores today--but
to its very survival. That's because, economically
speaking, Boston Chicken is still a big money loser,
as probably can be expected of a startup restaurant
chain. All the losses, however, have been incurred by
"financed area developers," or FADs, which is Boston
Chicken lingo for large-scale franchisees that act a
lot like subsidiaries but aren't. If they were, their
losses would have to be reported on Boston Chicken's
income statement (they are instead disclosed, on an
annual basis only, deep in the text of the company's
SEC filings). The FADs get 75% of their startup
capital in loans from Boston Chicken, and with that
money they pay the company the royalties, franchise
fees, and interest that allow it to report
ever-rising profits. Once the restaurants start
making money, Boston Chicken exercises its right to
convert the loans into equity, officially dubbing the
FADs subsidiaries and allowing their profits to flow
to its bottom line.
That's the plan, at least, as
outlined with somewhat more
delicacy in the company's 1993
annual report. And so far it has worked. Sure,
business publications have printed nasty articles
about the company, accounting professors have warned
their students about it, and shortsellers have lined
up in droves to place bets that its stock price will
crash. But Boston Chicken's stock price has more than
held its own. Part of investors' sanguinity has to do
with the track record of the two former Blockbuster
Entertainment bigwigs who run it, CEO Scott Beck and
President Saad Nadhir, and the belief that America
really is hungry for takeout chicken, ham, and meat
loaf. But it sure doesn't hurt, analysts and money
managers say, that not only is Boston Chicken able to
report earnings every quarter, but those earnings
have so far never failed to meet or surpass analysts'
expectations--even though those analysts all know
that the earnings in no significant way reflect how
the company is doing. "It's a very smart strategy,"
says Michael Moe, a growth stock strategist at
Montgomery Securities. "It has made enormous amounts
of capital available to them at an attractive price
that most companies can only dream of."
Boston Chicken CFO Mark Stephens says his company was
structured not to please Wall Street but to provide
flexibility and motivate its franchisees. But he
acknowledges that "a byproduct of where we are with
the structure is that we have a public entity with an
earnings complexion that is attractive." He adds:
"It's like sausage. I love the product; just don't
show me how it's made."
Another company that has used aggressive accounting
to raise money is America Online. AOL's practice of
capitalizing and writing off over two years the cost
of those ubiquitous free disks and ads it used to
lure members was highly controversial, and was
abandoned in October. But for years it allowed the
company to post earnings most of the time instead of
losses, which helped it to raise more than $350
million on the stock market. Says Wharton School
accounting professor Richard Sloan, referring to both
Boston Chicken and AOL: "They just view accounting as
another marketing tool that they should use to try
and promote their ideas."
Boston Chicken and America Online are extreme cases.
So is Microsoft. The mass of companies lead lives
somewhere in between. When they manage earnings, they
do it simply to smooth the ups and downs of business
life, and of course to meet those Wall Street
earnings estimates. Is there evidence of widespread
earnings management? You bet. Looking at 17 years of
I/B/E/S data on more than 1,000 companies, Jeff Payne
of the University of Mississippi and Sean Robb of
Canada's Wilfrid Laurier University found an
unmistakable pattern of using accruals (i.e.,
judgment calls) to manage earnings upward if they
were below the analysts' consensus and a somewhat
less pronounced trend of managing them downward if
they were above the consensus.
General Electric, a company whose name invariably
comes up when you ask Wall Streeters about earnings
management, says it does what it does because the
stock market demands it. "We think consistency of
earnings and no surprises is very important for us,"
says Dennis Dammerman, the company's CFO. "We're a
very complex, diverse company that no one from the
outside looking in can reasonably be expected to
understand in complete detail; so our story to the
investing world is, we have a lot of diverse
businesses, and when you put them all together they
produce consistent, reliable earnings growth." And if
something inconsistent comes along--say, a one-time
gain from selling off a factory--"we have a pretty
consistent record of saying, 'Okay, we're going to
take these large gains and offset them with
discretionary decisions, with restructurings.'"
These tactics have helped GE meet or beat
expectations every quarter but one in the past five
years, and they certainly haven't hurt it among
investors, even skeptical ones. "They are using all
sorts of techniques to smooth earnings," says Howard
Schilit, whose Center for Financial Research and
Analysis keeps institutional investors posted on
companies whose earnings numbers may be hiding
business troubles. "If I wrote that to my clients,
there would be a big yawn."
Another investor favorite that produces awfully
smooth earnings is Coca-Cola, which in the third
quarter of last year took advantage of $520 million
in one-time gains from a settlement with the IRS and
the sale of some bottling operations to recognize
$500 million in supposedly one-time hits to earnings.
One of those hits, $200 million used to reduce the
inventories of soft drink concentrate at bottling
companies, was explained as a move to free up
bottlers' capital but was seen by some as an
admission that Coke had been shipping concentrate
early to artificially boost earnings. That hurt the
company's stock price for a few months, but by taking
the charge Coke gave itself the option of using
inventory buildup at its bottlers to pad profits
later. "When they pull it out in 1998 or 1999 to keep
up their 19% or 20% earnings growth, everyone will
have forgotten," says Roy Burry, who follows Coke for
Oppenheimer & Co.
Will everyone really forget? If financial markets are
in fact efficient, economic reality will in the long
run win out over accounting games. But the long run
can seem awfully far away when you've got a posse of
analysts breathing down your neck every three months.
Many corporate executives also seem to think
investors take earnings numbers at face value; they
write outraged letters to the Financial Accounting
Standards Board, accounting's top rule-making body,
whenever it proposes a change that might reduce
reported earnings. "They obviously don't believe in
efficient markets," says Neel Foster, a FASB member
and former treasurer of Compaq Computer. "Academic
evidence shows that generally, accounting changes
don't result in changes in stock prices. But it also
shows that people that make greater disclosures
generally have a lower cost of capital. They don't
believe that either."
Even this doesn't explain why some companies seem to
persist in managing earnings in the face of Wall
Street disbelief. Food maker H.J. Heinz grew rapidly
during the 1980s but has since needed repeated asset
sales and other special items to keep earnings
steady--and its stock has lagged. Last June the
company announced quarterly earnings of 45 cents a
share but failed to mention that four of those cents
came from the sale of a magazine and two pet food
brands. It was "immaterial," a company spokesman says
now, but it nevertheless infuriated some analysts,
who found out only when they received the annual
report a month later. It didn't help the stock price
either, although the stock later bounced back on
rumors of a major restructuring.
What might motivate such corporate behavior? One
answer is money. High-level executives like to get
paid a lot, and it so happens that many bonus
plans--including the one at Heinz--are built around
meeting earnings targets. The rise of
performance-related bonuses has taken earnings
tweaking to new heights, say some market watchers.
There's no reliable measure of such activity, but one
rough gauge, comparing profits reported to the
Internal Revenue Service by U.S. corporations with
profits reported to shareholders (the measure that
counts for bonuses) by companies on the S&P 500,
gives a clue. It shows some wild relative swings in
S&P earnings in the late 1980s and early 1990s,
probably a result of big corporations using one-time
charges to pay for restructuring costs like plant
closures. This write-off binge ended in 1994, which
could mean either that earnings quality is getting
better or that companies are coasting to ever higher
earnings now because they hid ongoing costs back
While there's no conclusive proof that managing
earnings is on the rise, it is undeniable that the
game is being played more aggressively than ever.
This isn't necessarily bad: "The good side of what a
lot of people call the game of managing expectations
is that companies realize that they have to give
better guidance to the market as to what their
prospects are," says Ed Keon, senior vice president
for marketing at I/B/E/S.
The downside of giving better guidance--apart from
the hours of valuable top management time that it
eats up--is that the investors most interested in the
estimates are not exactly the well-run corporation's
best friend. They are the momentum guys--mutual fund
managers and hedge fund jockeys and individual
investors--who jump on the bandwagon when a company's
earnings growth is accelerating and beating the
analysts' estimates, and jump off the second it
misses a quarter.
"When it stops, they sell--you cannot break this
algorithm," says a resigned Eric Benhamou, chief
executive of 3Com Corp., which lost $7 billion in
market value in a matter of weeks this year as it
became known that its earnings for the quarter ended
February 28 would not meet analysts' expectations.
The moral of the story: Unless you're a trader,
ignore the short-term kabuki that the companies and
the analysts perform for each other, but educate
yourself about the accounting games that companies
play. If enough investors did, it could mean that the
smartest earnings and expectations management
strategy of the 2000s will be--don't bother.
Plan ahead: Time store openings or asset sales to
keep earnings rising smoothly. In most cases, this is
earnings management at its least controversial. The
master of it is General Electric.
Call it a sale: Madly ship products during the final
days of a weak quarter, or hold off if the quarter's
already in the bag. There's leeway in revenue
recognition too: Tech companies often book sales
aggressively to boost profits, but Microsoft is now
demonstrating the virtues of belated recognition.
Capitalize it: Usually it's pretty clear which costs
you capitalize and which you expense. But there are
gray areas--software R&D is one--and you can get
creative about the length of time an asset should be
depreciated. America Online was, until it stopped in
October, a noted aggressive capitalizer.
Write it off: Take a "big bath" and charge a few
hundred million in restructuring costs, and meeting
future earnings targets will be easier. Among the
biggest restructurers of the 1990s: IBM.
Use your reserves: Build them up for product returns,
bad loans, and insurance losses; drain them down to
bolster earnings when business sags. Outsiders say
this is one of the secrets of GE's success, but the
company says that's just not true.
[Pathfinder Navigation Bar]