Elvish Dictionary

          â imperative particle, independent and variable in place (WJ:365, 371). Cf. heke-â.

          -â adjectival ending (WJ:382)

          abaro (PQ) "recusant, one who refuses to act as advised or commanded" > CE abar pl. abarî "refuser, one who declined to follow Oromë" > Quenya Avar, Avari (WJ:371, 361, 380, 411) The Etymologies has abârô/abâro "refuser, one who does not go forth" (AB/ABAR)

          adnô "gate" (AD)

          ailin ("ai-lin") "pool, lake" (AY)

          aiwê "(small) bird" (AIWÊ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          ajan- "holy" (AYAN)

          akâra "made, did", a primitive past tense of KAR, marked as a past tense by the augment, the reduplicated stem-vowel (WJ:415)

          akrâ "narrow" (AK)

          akwâ "fully, completely, altogether, wholly" (if = Quenya aqua, the word it yielded) (WJ:392, said to be an "extension or intensification of *kwâ, used adverbially", WJ:415)

          al- (prefix) "no, not" (AR2)

          alâkô "rush, rushing flight, wild wind" (ÁLAK)

          alkwâ "swan" (ÁLAK, where the spelling is "alk-wâ", but in VT42:7, the form is cited without a hyphen)

          ankâ ("an-kâ") "jaw, row of teeth" (NAK)

          anâr- "sun" (ANÁR; be polite and don't ask how Primitive Elvish could have a word for "sun")

          andâ "long" (ÁNAD/ANDA); andambundâ "long-snouted" = elephant (MBUD)

          angâ (CE) "iron" (PM:347, cf. also ANGÂ in the Etymologies; though this is the head of an entry, it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          angwa or angu "snake" (the forms ANGWA/ANGU are found in the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but they seem to be complete words and not just "stems")

          anta- "to present, give" (ANA1)

          ap-pata "walk behind", on a track or path (PM:387)

          ara- "noble", extended stem arat-; arâtâ "exalted" (PM:363)

          Arâmê (not capitalized in source) evidently the oldest Elvish form (adopted from Valarin) of the name that became Oromë in Quenya and Araw in Sindarin (WJ:400, where various intermediate archaic forms are also mentioned)

          ari "day" (AR1)

          askarâ "tearing, hastening" (SKAR)

          asmalê "yellow bird, 'yellow hammer' " (SMAL)

          asmalindê "yellow bird, 'yellow hammer' " (SMAL)

          atar (PQ) "father" (ATA)

          atata, cardinal "two", also (a)tata (VT42:27)

          at-jên-ar "anniversary day" (YEN)

          atû (PQ) "father" (ATA)

          atakwê "construction, building" (TAK)

          au- (CE) "away", from the point of view of the thing, person, or place left (WJ:361)

          aud possible origin of the Sindarin preposition o "from, of"; sc. au with the suffix -d(a) (WJ:366)

          awâ = au, as an independent adverbial form, apparently also as prefix, as an intensive form of awa-, au- (WJ:361). Cf. -

          awa-delo, awâ-delo (also ?wâ-delô) (CE) *"Away-goer", a name made in Beleriand for those who finally departed from Middle-earth (WJ:360)

          awâwiiê *"has passed away" (WJ:366), evidently the perfect of -. Later *a-wâniiê, "with intrusion of n from the past"

          aw'tha "a dim shape, spectral or vague apparition" (VT42:9)

          "No! Don't!" (WJ:372)

          bad- "judge" (prob. verb); bâd- "judgement" (BAD)

          bal'tar- *"Vala-king" = Vala (BAL)

          ba, pl. balî ("bal-î") "Power, God" (BAL)

          balâre archaic form of the name Balar, referring to a large island at Sirion's mouth (BAL)

          balî-ndôre/balî-ndore "Valinor" (BAL. WJ:413 also gives Valinôrê, but this form must be late, after the Quenya change of initial b > v.)

          Ba (not capitalized in source) "Vána", name of a Valië (spelt Vana in the Etymologies) (BAN; however, Vána's name is derived from a stem WAN in WJ:383)

          banjâ "beautiful" (BAN), also "Vanya-elf"; pl. Banyai "Vanyar" in PM:402 may be taken as ancient Quenya (primitive *banjâi). See also wanjâ.

          bara "lofty, sublime" (BARÁD, BARATH)

          barasâ "hot, burning" (BARÁS)

          barjâ- > Quenya varya "to protect" (BAR)

          Barathî "Varda", spouse of Manwe, Queen of Stars (BARATH)

          barnâ > Quenya varna "safe, protected, secure" (BAR)

          bâta ("bâ-ta") "ban, prohibit" (WJ:372)

          ba/bata "beaten track, pathway" (BAT)

          battâ "trample" (BAT)

          Bedûina ("Bedû-ina") "of the Spouses" (Aule and Yavanna) (LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK)

          belê "strength" (BEL)

          belek (unglossed, the source of:) belekâ "mighty, huge, great" (BEL)

          bere "wild" (BERÉK)

          berja- "to dare" (BER)

          bernô "man" (BES)

          berô "valiant man, warrior" (BER), "man" (BES)

          besnô "husband" (BES (BER) )

          bessê "wife" (BES)

          bestâ "matrimony" (BES)

          besû "husband and wife, married pair" (BES, LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK)

          beujâ- "follow, serve" (BEW)

          beurô "follower, vassal" (BEW)

          boron- "steadfast, trusty man, faithful vassal" (BOR)

          [b'radil-] "Varda" (BARÁD)

          b'randâ "lofty, noble, fine" (BARÁD)

          b'ras-sê "heat" (BARÁS)

          b'rekta- "break out suddenly" (BERÉK)

          b'rethâ "beech-mast" (BERÉTH)

          b'rittê "broken stones, gravel" (BIRÍT)

          b'rônâ "that has long endured, old" (of things only; implies that they are old, but not changed or worn out) (BORÓN)

          daio "shade, shadow cast by any object" (DAY)

          daira "large, great" (VT42:11)

          dâla "flat" (DAL)

          dan- = ndan-, q.v.

          dattâ "hole, pit" (DAT/DANT)

          de pronominal element in the 2nd person; also le (WJ:363)

          dele (also with suffix del-ja) "walk, go, proceed, travel" (WJ:360)

          dene "thin and strong, pliant, lithe" (WJ:412)

          Denwego (must for historical reasons be CE) "Lenwë", the leader of the Nandor. The name is interpreted "lithe-and-active", evidently dene + wego (WJ:412)

          dêr, der- (PQ) "man" (NI1, NÊR)

          dess "young woman" (BES)

          "bride" (?) (BES)

          dimbâ "sad, gloomy" (DEM)

          dimbê "gloom, sadness" (DEM)

          dîs "bride" (?) (BES)

          do3mê "night" (?) (DOMO)

          dômi- "twilight" (DOMO, SD:302), cf. dômilindê "nightingale" (SD:302)

          d'râk "wolf" (DARÁK)

          edela "eldest" (also "firstborn", struck out) (ÉLED)

          edelô (PQ) "one who goes, traveller, migrant" (from dele). A name made at the time of the Separation for those who decided to follow Oromë. (WJ:360)

          edlô possible variant form of edelô, "with loss of sundóma" (stem-vowel) (WJ:363, 364)

          [Eigolosse "Ever-snow", name of Taniquetil (EY)]

          [ejâ "ever" (EY)]

          eke (PQ) "sharp point" (WJ:365)

          ek-tâ "prick with a sharp point", "stab", and (by blending with hek-ta) "treat with scorn, insult", often with reference to rejection or dismissal (WJ:365)

          ektele "spring, issue of water" (metathesized tk > kt; oldest form et-kelê) (KEL)

          ekwê *"said" (WJ:392), a primitive past tense marked by the "augment" or reduplicated base-vowel (WJ:415)

          el, ele, el-â (CE) "lo! look! see!", derived from PQ ELE (WJ:360)

          êl pl. eli, êli "star", also elen pl. elenî with "extended base" (WJ:360)

          eldâ (CE) an adjectival formation "connected or concerned with the stars", used as a description of the kwendî, the origin of Quenya Elda. (WJ:360) This obsoletes the (slightly) earlier reconstruction in Letters:281: Eledâ "an Elf" (cf. Eled- "Starfolk" = Elves under EL in the Etymologies)

          Eled-nil "Ælfwine" (Elf-friend, Quenya Elendil) (NIL/NDIL)

          [eleda] "firstborn" (ÉLED)

          Eledandore *"Elf-land" (ÉLED)

          Ele›ser (masc. name = Old English Ælfwine, Elf-friend) (SER; the change d > seems to indicate that this form is later than Primitive Quendian or Common Eldarin.)

          elen pl. elenî "star" (Letters:281, said to be "primitive Elvish"; cf. WJ:360 [see êl])

          elenâ (CE) = eldâ (WJ:360). Cf. Letters:281: elenâ "Elf"

          Endero (archaic or alternative Quenya form?) a surname of Tulkas (NDER)

          eredê "seed" (ERÉD)

          ereqa "isolated" (ERE; this seems to be an unorthodox spelling for *erekwa, unless Tolkien wanted to denote that original [kw] had merged into a single labio-velar sound - or this may be an indication that what is normally spelt "kw" was a single labio-velar sound all along, that could fittingly be written as one letter, "q". But cf. erikwa below.)

          erikwa "single, alone" (VT42:10)

          erjâ "isolated, lonely" (VT42:4)

          esdê > ezdê (CE) "Repose", origin of the Quenya name of the Valië Estë, Telerin Êde (WJ:403)

          et-kat "fashion" (KAT)

          et-kelê "spring, issue of water" (KEL)

          et-kuiwê "awakening" (KUY)

          etlâ-ndorê, etla-ndore, ulterior form of the name Eglador (VT42:4)

          etsiri "mouth of a river" (ET)

          ezdê see esdê

          gairâ "awful, fearful" (WJ:400)

          gais- "to dread" (GÁYAS)

          gaisrâ "dreadful" (GÁYAS)

          gaj- "astound, make aghast" (WJ:400)

          gâjâ "terror, great fear" (PM:363)

          gajakâ "fell, terrible, dire" (PM:363)

          Gajar- (CE) "the Terrifier", the name first made for the vast Sea (> Quenya Eär) (PM:363; gayâr, WJ:400)

          galadâ "great growth", "tree"; applied to stout and spreading trees such as oaks and beeches; contrast ornê. (UT:266, SD:302, Letters:426; in the latter source, the root GAL is defined "grow", intransitive)

          galjâ "bright light" (KAL)

          [gâlæ- "light"] (KAL)

          gardâ "bounded or defined place, region" (WJ:402)

          gâsa "void" (?) (GAS)

          gassâ "hole, gap" (GAS)

          gattâ "cavern" (GAT(H) )

          [geiâ "ever" (GEY)]

          [Geigolosse "Everlasting Snow" = Taniquetil (GEY)]

          gilja "star" (GIL)

          gjernâ "old, worn, (of things:) decripit" (GYER)

          g'lâ "radiance" (KAL)

          glada ("g-lada") (CE) "laugh" (PM:359)

          glindâ alternative (late PQ) form of lindâ (PM:380, 411)

          glisi ("g-lisi") "honey" (LIS). (There can be little doubt that g-lisi is meant to be the ancestral form of "Noldorin"/Sindarin glî "honey", the form mentioned just before it, though g-lisi is not asterisked.)

          golbâ "branch" (GÓLOB)

          gon(o), gond(o) "stone, rock" (Letters:410, PM:374)

          gor-ngoroth "deadly fear" (ÑGOROTH)

          Gothombauk- (personal name > Sindarin Gothmog) (MBAW)

          grauk- "a powerful, hostile, and terrible creature", origin of the second element in Quenya Valarauco, Sindarin Balrog (WJ:415)

          grotâ (also rotâ) (CE) "excavation, underground dwelling"; -grota in the compound nâba-grota (WJ:414). Intensified form grottâ "a large excavation" (WJ:415)

          groto "dig, excavate, tunnel" (WJ:414); cf. rot-.

          "not, un-, in-" (UGU/UMU), prefix - (prefix) "no, not" (GÛ)

          guldâ "red" (GUL)

          guruk- see ruk-

          gwa-lassa, gwa-lassiê "collection of leaves, foliage" (Letters:282)

          heke (PQ) "apart, not including" (WJ:361); imperative heke-â "be off!" (WJ:365)

          hekla (PQ) "any thing (or person) put aside from, or left out from, its normal company"; personal form heklô "waif or outcast"; adjectival heklâ and hekelâ (WJ:361), extended adjectival form heklanâ (CE) "Forsaken", the name given by the Sindar to themselves after they were left behind in Beleriand (WJ:365).

          hek-tâ (PQ, CE) "set aside, cast out, forsake" (WJ:361; hek-ta, WJ: 365)

          hek-wâ adverb and preposition "leaving aside, not counting, excluding, except" (WJ:365)

          hjôlâ "trump" (SD:419)

          , ho adverb "from, coming from", the point of view being outside the thing referred to (WJ:361); - an enclitic that is the origin of the Quenya genitive ending -o (WJ:368)

          -î a plural ending, see for instance elen pl. elenî

          îdî "heart, desire, wish" (ID)

          idrê "thoughtfulness" (ID)

          -ikwâ an abjectival ending meaning roughly "-ful" (WJ:412). Also -kwâ.

          indise ("i-ndise") intensive form of ndîse > Quenya Indis (NDIS-SÊ/SÂ)

          Indo-glaurê (may be primitive Lindarin) (masc. name) (ID)

          Indo-klâr (may be primitive Lindarin) (ID)

          iondo "son" (SEL-D; read *jondo?)

          -ittâ a feminine ending (PM:345)

          -ja, adjectival ending (VT42:10)

          jagâ "void, abyss" (Letters:383)

          jagu "gulf" (YAG)

          jagwê "ravine, cleft, gulf" (YAG)

          jakta- "neck" (YAK)

          jantâ "yoke" (YAT)

          jatmâ > Quenya yanwe "bridge, joining, isthmus" (YAT)

          jên, jend- "daughter" (YÔ/YON)

          , jôm "together", of more than two; as prefix jo-, jom- (WJ:361)

          julmâ "drinking-vessel" (WJ:416)

          julmê "drinking, carousal" (WJ:416)

          kala-kwendî "Calaquendi, Light-folk", the Elves that had experienced the Light of Aman (WJ:373)

          kalarjâ "brilliant" (KAL)

          kala ?"shine", expanded stem kalata- (WJ:392)

          kalrô "noble man, hero" (KAL)

          kalrondô "hero" (KAL)

          kanata, kanatâ, cardinal "four" (VT42:24)

          kandâ "bold" (KAN)

          kânô "crier, herald"; original form of the ending in Fingon, Turgon (PM:362, 352)

          karani "red" (KARÁN)

          kassa, kasma ("kas-ma, kas-sa") "helmet" (KAS)

          katwâ "shaped, formed" (KAT)

          katwârâ "shapely" (KAT)

          k(a)wâk "crow" (WJ:395)

          keg- "snag, barb"; keglê > Sindarin cail, a fence or palisade of spikes and sharp stakes; kegjâ "hedge" (UT:282)

          kelun ("kelu-n") "river" (KEL)

          khagda "pile, mound" (KHAG)

          khaimê "habit" (KHIM)

          khalatirnô/khalatirno (PQ) "kingsfisher", etymologically "fish-watcher" (TIR)

          khalnâ "noble, exalted" (KHAL2)

          khaustâ "resting" (khau-stâ = "rest-ing") (KHAW)

          kher- "possess"; noun khêr, kherû "master" (Letters:178, 282)

          khîmâ "sticky, viscous" (KHIM)

          khînâ "child", in compounds khîna, khinâ (WJ:403)

          khîthi "mist, fog" (KHIS/KHITH)

          khithme "fog" (KHIS/KHITH)

          khithwa "grey" (KHIS/KHITH)

          khjelesê "glass" (KHYEL(ES) )

          Khô-gorê (masc.name "heart-vigour" > Quenya Huore, Sindarin Huor) (KHÔ-N; Khôgore, GOR)

          khotsê "assembly" (KHOTH)

          khrassê "precipice" (KHARÁS)

          khugan "hound" (KHUG, see KHUGAN)

          kirtê "cutting" (WJ:396)

          kjelepê ("kyelepê") "silver" (Letters:426; cf. UT:266)

          kjulumâ "mast" (SD:419; this may obsolete the earlier reconstruction tjulmâ, q.v.)

          k'lâ "light" (KAL)

          kogna (from even older ku3nâ) "bowed, bow-shaped, bent" (KU3)

          koro (primitive Quenya?) "Kôr" (KOR)

          kot-t- "quarrel" (KOT > KOTH)

          k'rannâ "ruddy (of face)" (KARÁN)

          k'riktâ "reap" (KIRIK)

          krumbâ "left" (> Sindarin crom), krumbê "the left hand" (> Sindarin crum) (KURÚM)

          ku3nâ "bowed, bow-shaped, bent" (KU3)

          kukûwâ "dove" (KÛ)

          kuldâ (1) "hollow" (WJ:414), (2) "red" (KUL)

          kundû "prince" (KUNDÛ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          kûua (CE for PQ *kukûwâ?) "dove" (KÛ)

          kuw (from kû3) "bow" (KU3)

          kwa, kwa-ta element seen in Eldarin words for "full" (WJ:412); *kwâ the base of the "intensified" form akwâ, q.v.; -kwâ adjectival ending "-ful" (WJ:392). Also, it seems, -ikwâ.

          kwâra "fist" (PM:318)

          kwelett- "corpse" (KWEL)

          kwene (PQ) "person" (m. or f.) > CE kwên (in compounds -kwen), pl. kweni, "person", "one", "(some)body"; pl. "persons", "(some) people" (WJ:360, 392). In WJ:416, kwene is translated "user of articulate speech", the most basic etymology.

          kwende (PQ and CE), pl. kwendî (WJ:360, 409; "kwendi" in WJ:393 would seem to be an error) "Quendi, Elves", probably first used in the plural for all the first Elves: "people, the people of the Elves". (WJ:360; this obsoletes the earlier reconstruction kwenedê in the Etymologies, stem KWEN(ED).)

          kwendjâ adj. "belonging to the *kwendî, to the people as a whole" (WJ:360, 393)

          kwentâ "tale" (KWET)

          kwentro "narrator" (KWET)

          kwessê "feather" (KWES)

          kwetta "word" (KWET)

          kwingâ "bow" (for shooting) (KWIG)

          la- (prefix) "no, *un-" (> Quenya il- via vocalic l) (LA)

          labmâ earliest form of the word that became lambâ (q.v.) in Common Eldarin "and possibly earlier", sc. in Primitive Quendian (WJ:416).

          labmê earliest form of the word that became lambê (q.v.) in Common Eldarin "and possibly earlier", sc. in Primitive Quendian (WJ:416).

          lâda "flat" (DAL)

          laibê > Quenya laive "ointment", Sindarin glaew "salve" (LIB2)

          laikwâ (laik-wâ) "green" (LÁYAK; laikwa under LAIK is evidently a later form, after the shortening of the final vowels. Letters:282 gives what must be a variant form: laikâ.)

          lakra "swift, rapid" (LAK2)

          lambâ "tongue" (the physical tongue, not = language) (WJ:394). From labmâ (WJ:416).

          lambê "tongue-movement, (way of) using the tongue", in non-technical use the normal word for "language" (WJ:394; VT42:17 cites "lambe-" as a Common Eldarin word for language). From labmê (WJ:416).

          lansrondo, lasrondo ("lansro-ndo, lasro-ndo") "hearer, listener, eavesdropper" (LAS2)

          lassê "leaf" or "ear" (LAS1, Letters:282)

          lassekwelêne "autumn" (lit. *"leaf-fading") (LAS1)

          lasû "ears" (a dual form = two ears of one person) (LAS2)

          lauka "warm" (LAW)

          laurê "light of the golden Tree Laurelin, gold" (but not properly used of the metal) (LÁWAR/GLÁWAR)

          lawa "year" (VT42:10)

          le pronominal element in the 2nd person; also de (WJ:363)

          lebnâ "left behind" (LEB/LEM)

          lepem (CE) "fingers"; the word incorporates the C.E. plural indicator -m. (VT42:26)

          lepen, cardinal "five", in Common Eldarin also lepene "with a final vowel modelled on the other numerals" (VT42:24), later (after syncope) lepne as the form immediately preceding Quenya lempë (VT42:25)

          lepenja, ordinal "fifth" (VT42:26)

          leth- "set free" (LEK)

          libda "soap" (LIB2)

          ligâ "fine thread, spider filament" (SLIG)

          lindâ (1) "Linda" (Quenya pl. Lindar), what the Teleri called themselves (PM:380). Primitive pl. Lindâi (WJ:378) or Lindai (WJ:385)

          lindâ (2) "sweet-sounding" (SLIN)

          Lindân-d "musical land" (> Lindon) name of Ossiriand because of water and birds (LIN2). However, Tolkien later reconstructed the primitive form of the name Lindon as Lindânâ and explained the name as referring to the Lindarin (Telerin) Green-elves that settled there (WJ:385).

          linkwi "wet"(LINKWI is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          liñwi "fish" (LIW)

          loga = sloga (?) (VT42:10)

          logna "soaking wet, swamped" (VT42:10)

          lokko "ringlet" (LOKH)

          londê "narrow path, strait, pass" (LOD)

          lugni "blue" (LUG2)

          lotta-, apparently a verb "to bloom", the source of Quenya losta- of similar meaning, and also influencing Sindarin loth "flower" (VT42:18)

          luktiênê "enchantress" > Luthien, Lhúthien, Lúthien (LUK)

          lungâ "heavy" (LUG1)

          -m a plural ending (3O), in VT42:26 said to be an ancient Common Eldarin plural indicator. See lepem.

          - suffix frequent in the names of implements (WJ:416); see julmâ, sukmâ, takmâ

          mâgâ "soil, stain" (SMAG)

          magit- (CE) "shapely" (PM:366)

          magla "stain", "stained" (though asterisked in Etym, this may be Old Sindarin, since the S of the stem SMAG has been lost - primitive *smagla?)

          magnâ "skilled" (MAG, under MA3)

          magrâ "useful, fit, good (of things)" (MAG, under MA3)

          maha "hand" (VT39:11); cf. PQ mâ3 (ma3-) in the Etymologies (MA3)

          ma3tâ ("ma3-tâ") "to handle" (evidently PQ, since it yielded CE mahtâ-) (MA3, also mentioned in the entry MAK)

          ma3iti "handy, skilled" (MA3)

          mahtâ- ("Eld" = CE) "to handle" (from PQ ma3tâ) (MA3)

          maikâ "sharp, penetrating, going deep in" (called a "strong adjective", whatever that means). (WJ:337)

          Mailikô, Mailikâ "Greedy One", Melkor (MIL-IK)

          makla "sword" (MAK)

          maktâ "wield a weapon" (MAK)

          mâlô "friend" (MEL)

          mâmâ "sheep" (WJ:395)

          mapâ "hand" (MAP)

          mâtâ "is eating", continuous form of the stem mata- "eat" (VT39:13)

          mauj- "need" (impersonal) (MBAW)

          mazgâ "pliant, soft" (MASAG)

          mazgê "dough" (MASAG)

          mbakhâ "article (for exchange), ware, thing" (MBAKH)

          mbanda "duress, prison" (MBAD)

          mbandô "custody, safe-keeping" (MR:350)

          mbartanô "world-artificer", title of Aulë (LT1:266)

          mbelekôro (said to be the "oldest Q[uenya] form" of Melkor, but evidently far more primitive than the Quenya of historical times) (WJ:402)

          mbundu "snout, nose, cape" (MBUD)

          - abstract or verbal noun ending, as in julmê "drinking, carousal", from the stem JULU "drink" (WJ:416)

          meinâ "desiring to start, eager to go" (VT39:11)

          metta "end" (MET)

          mikrâ "sharp-pointed" (WJ:337)

          miniia "single, distinct, unique" (MINI)

          minitaun "tower" (MINI (and TUN) ); minitunda "isolated hill" (TUN)

          mi-srawanwe "incarnate" (cf. srawâ) (MR:350)

          mizdâ "wet" (MIZD)

          mizdê "fine rain" (MIZD)

          môl- "slave, thrall" (MÔ)

          mori "black", "dark(ness)" (MOR, Letters:382, WJ:362; the latter source discusses the possibility of a later form mora- in very early Sindarin); Mori-kwendî "Moriquendi, Dark-folk" = Avari, as opposed to Kala-kwendî (WJ:373)

          mornâ "dark" (Letters:382)

          moro "bear" (MORÓK)

          nâbâ (CE) "hollow"; nâba-grota "hollow underground dwelling" = Novrod, Nogrod (WJ:414)

          naje "lament" (NAY)

          nakma "jaw" (NAK)

          nakt- "biting" (NAY)

          ñalatâ (CE) "radiance, glittering reflection" (from jewels, glass, polished metals or water) (PM:347)

          narâka "rushing, rapid, violent" (NÁRAK)

          narwâ "fiery red" (NAR1; the wording in this entry in Etym may seem to suggest that this is a Quenya word, but the long final vowel indicates that it is meant to be Primitive Elvish.)

          natsai "gore" (This is not the pl. of Sindarin naith, but an archaic pl. form that sg. naith is derived from.) (SNAS/SNAT)

          naukâ adjective "especially applied to things that though in themselves full-grown were smaller or shorter than their kind, and were hard, twisted or ill-shapen" (WJ:413)

          naufie "imagination" (NOWO; the letter represents th as in English thing. This sound apparently did not occur in the most primitive language [though the aspirate TH did], so naufie must rather be archaic Quenya. Cf. also the form of the root, suggesting that at the oldest stage, the initial syllable was *nou- rather than nau-.)

          ndæ^r ("Eld" = CE) "bridegroom". From PQ ndêro. (NDER)

          ndâkô "warrior, soldier" (NDAK)

          ndan- element "indicating the reversal of an action, so as to undo or nullify its effect, as in 'undo, go back (the same way), unsay, give bak (the same gift: not another in return)' " (WJ:412). Also dan-. Cf. ndangwetha, ndandô.

          ndandô "Nando", interpreted "one who goes back on his word or decision" (the Nandor were so called because they left the march from Cuiviénen) (WJ:412)

          ndangwetha "answer" (noun, may be Old Sindarin), sc. a stem gweth- "report, give account of" with the prefix ndan-, here simply meaning *"back" (PM:395)

          ndere "bridegroom" (DER, NÊR)

          ndêro "bridegroom" (NDER)

          ndeuna "second" (NDEW)

          ndeuro "follower, successor" (NDEW)

          ndîse "bride" (NDIS-SÊ/SÂ; ndis under I)

          ndorê (PQ) "the hard, dry land as opposed to water or bog" (WJ:413). In the Etymologies defined as "land, dwelling-place, region where certain people live" (NDOR); this may be the meaning that developed later. Confused with nôrê.

          ndôro "(a particular) land or region" (WJ:413)

          ndulla "dark, dusky, obscure" (NDUL)

          ndulna "secret" (DUL)

          ndûnê "sunset" (NDÛ)

          neinê "tear" (NEI)

          neiniel- "tearful" (NEI)

          neiti- "moist, dewy" (NEI)

          nenle ("nen-le") "brook" (NEN)

          neñwi "nose" (NEÑ-WI is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem"; the stem may be NEÑ, not given separately)

          nere, nêr (probably PQ and CE, respectively) "a male person, a man" (WJ:393)

          netere (CE), cardinal "nine" (VT42:27)

          nêthê "youth" (NETH)

          nethrâ ("neth-râ") "young" (NETH)

          ñgol-, ñgolo- the stem of the four following words (PM:360)

          ñgôlê "Science/Philosophy" (PM:360)

          ngolda (read *ñgolda) "wise" (ÑGOL)

          ñgolodô "Noldo" (WJ:364, 380; ngolodô, MR:350)

          ngolwina (read *ñgolwina) "wise, learned in deep arts" (ÑGOL)

          ñguruk- see ruk-

          ñgwalaraukô "balrog, demon" (RUK)

          nîbe "front, face" (NIB)

          nidwô "bolster, cushion" (NID)

          nindi "fragile, thin" (NIN-DI is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem"; the stem may be NIN, not given separately)

          ninkwi "white" (NIK-W)

          njadrô "rat" (NYAD)

          Ninkwitil(de) Tára a name of Taniquetil, presumably not belonging to the oldest stage (the accent seems to mark vowel-length rather than stress) (NIK-W)

          ñôle "odour" (ÑOL)

          nôrê "family, tribe or group having a common ancestry, the land or region in which they dwelt" (WJ:413) Confused with ndôrê.

          not- "count" (WÔ)

          Nôwê Círdan's original name, difficult to interpret (PM:392; the PM Index gives Nôwë, but this would seem to be an error)

          nukotta, nukotto "a stunded or ill-shapen thing (or person)" (the origin of Sindarin nogoth "dwarf") (WJ:413)

          nuktâ- "stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue" (WJ:413)

          numê-n "going down", sunset, West (Letters:303)

          nûrâ "deep" (NÛ)

          nut- "tie" (WÔ)

          oijâ "everlasting" (OY)

          oio "ever" (Letters:278, said to be "Primitive Elvish")

          okta "strife" (KOT > KOTH); cf. also the entry OKTÂ (> Quenya ohta "war"), that seems to be a complete word in itself and not just a "stem". The primitive word was evidently oktâ.

          Olo(s)-fantur > "Noldorin"/Sindarin Olfannor and Quenya Olofantur, names of the Vala Lórien (ÓLOS; because of the f in fantur, a sound not occurring in the primitive language, this must be taken as archaic Quenya.)

          olsa- "to dream" (ÓLOS)

          onrô "parent" (ONO)

          ontâro "begetter, parent" (evidently masc.) (ONO)

          orku "goblin" (Orc) (ÓROK)

          ornâ "uprising, tall" (UT:266)

          ornê "tree" (originally applied to straighter and more slender trees such as birches or rowans; contrast galadâ) (UT:266, Letters:426, SD:302; the latter source gives pl. ornei.)

          Orômê "Orome" (ORÓM; this form is evidently obsoleted by Arâmê [q.v.] in a later work)

          ortur- "master, conquer" (TUR)

          ostô (CE) "fortress, stronghold" (made or strengthened by art) (WJ:414 - MR:350 gives osto without the long final vowel, perhaps the compound form since the second element in Quenya Mandos is there discussed: primitive *mbandô-osto, *mbandosto???)

          otsôja (CE), ordinal "seventh" (VT42:25)

          palantîrâ/palantîra "Palantír" (Letters:427)

          panô "plank, fixed board, especially in a floor" (PAN)

          pantâ "open" (PAT)

          parmâ "book" (PAR)

          pathmâ "level space, sward" (PATH)

          pathnâ "smooth" (PATH)

          patnâ "wide" (PAT)

          peltakse "pivot" (PEL)

          pendâ "sloping" (WJ:375)

          peñe "lip", dual peñû (VT39:11 cf. 9)

          Phaj-anâro "radiant sun" (= masc. name Fëanor, later reinterpreted as "Spirit of Fire") (PHAY)

          phaja "spirit" (PM:352, MR:349)

          pheren "beech" (BERÉTH)

          Phinderauto (masc. name, > Sindarin Finrod) (PHIN)

          phindê "a tress" (PM:362)

          phini (CE) "a single hair" (PM:362)

          phoroti "right" or "north" (PHOR)

          poikâ "clean, pure" (POY)

          pori "flour, meal" (POR)

          potô "animal's foot" (POTÔ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          râba "wild, untamed" (RAB)

          ragnâ "crooked" (RAG)

          rakmê "fathom" (RAK)

          râmâ "wing" (RAM)

          râmalê "pinion, great wing (of eagle)" (RAM)

          rambâ "wall" (RAMBÂ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          ramja- "fly, sail; wander" (RAM)

          ramna "wing (horn), extended point at side, etc." (RAM)

          Ranâ "Moon" (RAN)

          randâ "cycle, age" (100 Valian Years) (RAD)

          ranku "arm" (RAK)

          ratâ "path, track" (RAT)

          rattâ/ratta "course, river-bed" (RAT)

          râu "lion" (RAW)

          rauk- see ruk- and cf. raukô, rauku.

          raukô or rauku (CE form of a word said to be present already in PQ) a word applied to "the larger and more terrible of the enemy shapes" known to the first Elves (WJ:390)

          rautâ "metal" (changed from "copper"). (RAUTÂ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          reddâ " 'sown', sown field, acre" (marked with a query) (RED)

          rênê (CE) "remembrance" (PM:372)

          rîg-anna ("crown-gift" > Sindarin fem. name Rhian) (RIG)

          rîgâ (CE) "wreath, garland" (PM:347)

          rîgê "crown" (RIG)

          rimbâ "frequent, numerous" (RIM)

          rimbê "crowd, host" (RIM)

          ringi "cold" (RINGI is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          rinki "flourish, quick shake" (RIK(H) )

          risse- "a ravine" (RIS)

          rista- "cut" (RIS)

          -ro agental ending, added to ómataina (suffixed stem-vowel). Also - added to stem, with or without n-infixion, and -rdo > (CE?) -rd. (WJ:371).

          rôda (> rôdh) "cave" (ROD)

          rokkô "horse" (Letters:282, 382)

          rondô (CE) "a vaulted or arched roof, as seen from below (and usually not visible from outside)", "a (large) hall or chamber so roofed" (WJ:414); "cavern" (Letters:282)

          ronjô " 'chaser', hound of chase" (ROY1)

          rono "arch over, roof in" (WJ:414)

          rossê "dew, spray" (of fall or fountain) (Letters:282)

          rot- (also s-rot) "delve underground, excavate, tunnel" (PM:365); cf. groto (q.v.) and CE rotâ (also grotâ) "excavation, underground dwelling" (WJ:414)

          ruk- one of the "ancient forms" of the stem RUKU, that yielded the word Orch (Orc) in Sindarin. Other forms include rauk-, uruk-, urk(u), runk-, rukut/s; also the "strengthened stem" gruk- and the "elaborated" guruk-, ñguruk (the latter by combination with a distinct stem NGUR "horror", WJ:415). None of these derivatives are clearly glossed, though urku (or uruku) is said to have yielded Quenya urko, vague in meaning in the lore of the Blessed Realm ("bogey"), but later recognized as a cognate of Sindarin Orch. The adjective urkâ is said to mean "horrible" (WJ:389-90).

          rukut, rukus see ruk-

          rundâ "rough piece of wood" (RUD)

          runk- see ruk- (WJ:390)

          ruskâ "brown" (RUSKÂ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          russâ (CE) ?"red" (PM:366, cf. 353)

          sagmâ "poison" (SAG)

          sagrâ "bitter" (SAG)

          sarnâ "of stone" (STAR)

          -se (evidently a pronominal ending meaning "she") (S)

          /se, also /si "she" (S)

          silimâ "silver, shining white" (adj.) (SIL)

          silimarille "Silmaril" (RIL - for historical reasons, this cannot be a PQ word, or hardly even CE; it may be archaic Quenya)

          silimê "light of Silpion", also a poetic word for "silver" (SIL)

          sjadta ("syad-ta") "axe-stroke" (SYAD)

          sjadâ (meaning unclear; but since this is the origin of Sindarin hâdh, and Sindarin hadhafang is equated with Quenya sangahyando "throng-cleaver", hâdh < sjadâ should mean "cleaver") (SYAD)

          sjadnô " 'cleaver', sword" (SYAD)

          sjadsê > sjatsê "cleft, gash" (SYAD)

          sjalmâ "shell, conch, horn of Ulmo" (SYAL)

          sjandô " 'cleaver', sword" (SYAD)

          sjatsê - see sjadsê

          sjatsela/sjatsêla "broadsword-blade", "axe-blade" (SYAD)

          skalnâ "veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady" (SKAL1)

          skarnâ "wounded" (SKAR)

          skarwê "wound" (SKAR)

          skelmâ "skin, fell" (SKEL)

          skelnâ "naked" (SKEL)

          skelta- "strip" (SKEL)

          skjapat- "shore" (SKYAP)

          slaiwâ "sickly, sick, ill" (SLIW)

          slignê "spider, spider's web, cobweb" (SLIG)

          slindâ > Quenya linda "fair", blended with primitive slindi "fine, delicate" (that would regularly have become Quenya *linde if the words had not been confused) (LIND)

          slindi "fine, delicate" (SLIN)

          slingê "spider, spider's web, cobweb" (SLIG)

          slinjâ "lean, thin, meagre" (SLIN)

          slîwê "sickness" (SLIW)

          sloga, word used for streams of a kind that were variable and liable to overflow their banks at seasons and cause floods when swollen by rains or melting snow (VT42:9)

          smaldâ "gold" (as metal) (SMAL)

          smalinâ "yellow" (SMAL)

          smalta "gold" (LÁWAR/GLÁWAR cf. SMAL)

          smalu "pollen, yellow powder" (SMAL)

          smalwâ "fallow, pale" (SMAL)

          -so (evidently a pronominal ending meaning "he") (S)

          /so "he" (also /su) (S)

          solos "surf" (SOL)

          spâna "cloud" (SPAN)

          spangâ "beard" (SPÁNAG)

          Spanturo "lord of cloud" > Quenya Fantur, surname of Mandos (SPAN)

          spindê "tress, braid of hair" (SPIN; this reconstruction of the original form of Quenya findë is apparently obsoleted by phindê in PM:362)

          spinê "larch" (SPIN)

          srawâ "body" (if = Quenya hroa, the word it yielded) (MR:350). Cf. mi-srawanwe.

          srâwê "flesh" (if = Quenya hrávë, the word it yielded) (MR:350)

          srot- ("s-rot-") "delve underground, excavate, tunnel"; also rot- (PM:365); cf. also groto-

          stabnê > stambê "room, chamber" (STAB)

          stabnô, stabrô "carpenter, wright, builder" (STAB)

          staknâ "cleft, split" (also stankâ) (STAK)

          stalga "stalwart, steady, firm" (STÁLAG)

          stalrê "steep, falling" (STAL)

          stalgondô "hero, dauntless man" (STÁLAG)

          stama- "bar, exclude" (UT:282)

          stambê < stabnê "room, chamber" (STAB)

          stangâ > Quenya sanga "crowd, throng, press" and Sindarin thang "compulsion, duress, need" (STAG)

          stangasjandô "throng-cleaver" (sword-name) (SYAD)

          stankâ "cleft, split" (also staknâ) (STAK)

          starâna "stiff, hard" (STARAN)

          stintâ "short" (STINTÂ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          /su "he"; also /so (S)

          suglu "goblet" (SUG; see SUK)

          sukmâ "drinking-vessel" (SUK)

          swanda "sponge, fungus" (SWAD)

          swesta- "to puff" (SWES)

          soto "shelter, protect, defend" (WJ:414)

          ta3na (meaning unclear, probably "high, lofty, noble") (TÂ/TA3)

          tad "thither" (Evidently CE for PQ *tada, including the allative ending -da: hence "to that") (TA)

          taika (may be Old Sindarin) "boundary, limit, boundary line" (from tayak, extension of a stem TAYA "mark, line, limit" (WJ:309)

          takmâ "thing for fixing" (> Quenya tangwa "hasp, clasp", Sindarin taew "holder, socket, hasp, clasp, staple") (TAK)

          taksê "nail" (TAK)

          talrunja "sole of foot" (TALAM, RUN)

          tambâ "to knock" (TAM)

          tamrô "woodpecker" (etymologically "knocker") (TAM)

          tân-nig element that may be the origin of tani- in Taniqetil (TÂ/TA3)

          tankla "pin, brooch" (TAK)

          tanô "craftsman, smith" (TAN)

          târâ "lofty" (TÂ/TA3, (TÁWAR) )

          târa-khil *"high-man" = Númenórean (KHIL)

          targâ "tough, stiff" (TÁRAG)

          târî "queen" (wife of a târo) (TÂ/TA3)

          târo "king" (TÂ/TA3)

          tathar, tatharê "willow-tree" (TATHAR)

          tathrê "willow-tree" (TATHAR)

          taurâ "masterful, mighty" (TUR, (TÁWAR, TÂ/TA3) )

          taurê "great wood, forest" (TÁWAR)

          tawar "wood" (material) (TÁWAR)

          tawarê/taware "dryad, spirit of woods" (evidently fem.) (TÁWAR)

          tawarô/tawaro "dryad, spirit of woods" (evidently masc.) (TÁWAR)

          [te3ê "path, course, line, direction, way" (TE3)]

          tekla "pen" (TEK)

          tekmê "letter, symbol" (TEK)

          telesâ "rear" (TELES)

          telmâ/telma "hood, covering", also telmê/telme (TEL/TELU)

          telu, tel-u "roof in, put the crown on a building" (WJ:411)

          têñe "line, row" (TEÑ)

          teñrâ "straight, right" (TEÑ, TE3)

          teñ-wê "sign, token" (VT39:17). Cf. tenwe (WJ:394) (read teñwe? The word is derived from a stem TEÑ and yielded Quenya tengwë) "indication, sign, token"

          terên, terênê "slender" (TER/TERES)

          terêwâ "piercing, keen" (TER/TERES)

          thandâ "shield" (apparently noun) (UT:282)

          thara- "tall (or long) and slender" (WJ:412)

          thausâ "foul, evil-smelling, putrid" (THUS)

          thaurâ "detestable" (Letters:380; said to be derived from a root THAW. The th of thaurâ is spelt with a single (Greek) letter in the source.)

          thaurond- "Sauron, *Detestable One"; said to be derived from thaurâ, q.v. (Letters:380; the th of thaurâ and thaurond- is spelt with a single (Greek) letter in the source.)

          thêrê "look, face, expression" (THÊ)

          thindi "pallid, grey, wan" (THIN), "grey, pale or silvery grey" (WJ:384)

          tindômiselde "daughter of twilight", a kenning of the nightingale; = Sindarin Tinúviel. (TIN, SEL-D)

          tinkô "metal" (TINKÔ is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          tinmê "sparkle, glint" (TIN)

          tiukâ "thick, fat" (TIW)

          tiukô "thigh" (TIW)

          tjalañgandô "harp-player" (TYAL), also tjalañgando with shortening of the final vowel of the final element of a compound (ÑGAN/ÑGÁNAD)

          tjaliâ- "to play" (TYAL)

          tjulmâ "mast" (TYUL; this reconstruction may be obsoleted by kjulumâ in SD:419)

          tjulussê "poplar-tree" (TYUL)

          tollo "island" (TOL2)

          tôp- "cover, roof" (TOP)

          tor, toron- "brother" (THEL/THELES)

          tubnâ "deep" (TUB)

          tûghor, tû-gor, Tûgore "Strength-vigour", masc. name > Sindarin Tuor (TUG, GOR)

          tûgu "muscle, sinew, vigour, physical strength" (TUG)

          tuilê > Quenya tuile "spring-time", also used = "dayspring, early morn" (TUY)

          tuilelindô "swallow", etymologically "spring-singer" (TUY)

          tuimâ "a sprout, bud" (TUY)

          Tulkatho (name of a Vala; = Quenya Tulkas) (TULUK)

          tulku "support, prop" (TULUK)

          tultâ "make come" (TUL)

          tulukmê "support, prop" (noun) (TULUK)

          tumbu "deep valley", under or among hills (TUB)

          tumpu "hump" (TUMPU is the head of an entry in the Etymologies, but it seems to be a complete word and not just a "stem")

          Tûnâ/Tûna name of an Elf-city in Valinor (TUN)

          tundâ "tall" (TUN)

          tundu "hill, mound" (TUN)

          tungâ "taut, tight" (of strings:) "resonant" (TUG)

          tupsê "thatch" (TUP)

          tûrê "mastery, victory" (TUR)

          tûrô, also turo, -tur? "master, victor, lord" (TUR; turo, TÂ, TA3)

          turumâ, turumbê "shield" (TURÚM)

          tussâ "bush" (TUS; tussa, ÓR-NI)

          -û dual element, used of natural pairs (Letters:427); see besû, lasû, peñû

          ûbanô "monster" (BAN)

          ubrâ "abundant" (UB)

          ugu "not-, un-, in-" (UGU/UMU)

          Ui-nend "Uinen" (NEN)

          ulda "torrent, mountain-stream" (ULU)

          ulgundô "monster, deformed and hideous creature" (ÚLUG)

          uljâ "it is raining" (ULU)

          Ulumô name of the Vala of all waters > Quenya Ulmo (ULU)

          uñgwê "gloom" (UÑG)

          urkâ "horrible" (WJ:390)

          urkô, urk(u), uruku ?"Orc" (WJ:390); cf. ruk-

          uruk ?"Orc" (WJ:390); cf. ruk-

          usukwê, uskwê ("usuk-wê, usk-wê") > Quenya usqe, Sindarin osp "reek", Ilk usc "smoke" (USUK)

          Utubnu name of Melko[r]'s vaults in the North > Quenya Utumno (TUB)

          wa ("Eld" = CE) "together" (WÔ); wa-nôrô "of one kin" > Quenya onóro "brother", Old Sindarin wanúro/Sindarin gwanur "kinsman" (TOR)

          - a verbal stem (not glossed: ?"go away"), perfect awâwiiê; connected with au, awâ; possibly also used in composition with verbal stems (WJ:361). wâ-delo (WJ:364) = awa-delô

          ?wâ-delô (CE) *"Away-goer", a name made in Beleriand for those who finally departed from Middle-earth. Also awa-delo, awâ-delo. (WJ:360, 363)

          wæ^de "bond, compact, oath" (WED; must be CE because of the vowel æ; PQ *wêdê; cf. ndæ^r).

          wa3râ "soiled, dirty" (WA3)

          wahsê "stain" (WA3)

          wahtâ- "to soil, stain" (WA3)

          wahtê "a stain" (WA3)

          wâjâ "envelope", especially of the Outer Sea or Air enfolding the world within the Ilurambar or world-walls (WAY, [GEY])

          wanjâ "Vanya-elf", Quenya pl. Vanyar, the first clan of the Eldar (WJ:380). But in the Etymologies, Quenya vanya is said to come from banjâ (BAN), and in his last years Tolkien apparently returned to this idea: in PM:402, it is said that "of old" the name Vanyar was Banyai (evidently ancient Quenya for primitive *banjâi).

          wannâ "departed, dead" (WAN)

          wanwê "death" (act of dying, not death as a state or abstract) (WAN)

          wath "shade" (WA3; but wath = stem WATH)

          - abstract suffix (WEG)

          we3ê "manhood, vigour" (WEG; given this root, this word must be proto-Quenya for earlier *wegê)

          [wed-tâ] "swear" (to do something) (WED)

          wedâ "bond" (WED)

          wegô "man", in compounds -wego with short final vowel (WEG)

          wegtê ("weg-tê") (Unglossed; Christopher Tolkien therefore thinks the entry WEG "was left unfinished", but this is rather the primitive form of the element -waith, -weith in Sindarin Forodweith, Forodwaith "Northmen" mentioned just before.) (WEG)

          -wego, -weg (compound form) "man", frequent element in masculine names (WEG)

          wei (archaic element meaning "wind, weave") (WEY)

          weirê "Weaver", the archaic form that yielded Quenya Vairë, name of a Valië (stem WEY "weave", LR:398). Note, however, that Tolkien in a later source derives Vairë from a stem WIR and states that it is A-infixed to express "Ever-weaving"; this would point to a primitive form *Wairê (not explicitly mentioned). (VT39:10)

          wen- "maiden" (WEN/WENED)

          wilmâ "air, lower air" (distinct from the 'upper' air of the stars, or the 'outer'). Changed by Tolkien from wilwâ. (WIL)

          [windi "blue-grey, pale blue or grey" (WIN/WIND)]

          windiâ "pale blue" (It is uncertain whether Tolkien rejected this word or not.) (WIN/WIND)

          wingê "foam, crest of wave, crest" (WIG)

          [winjâ "evening" (WIN/WIND)]

          [winta- "fade" (WIN/WIND)]

          , prefix wo- "together", a dual adverb "together", referring to the junction of two things, or groups, in a pair or whole. (WJ:361) The Etymologies likewise has , wo "together" (evidently PQ, since it yielded CE wa), but nothing is there said about this being exclusively dual. (WÔ)

          Wolwê (CE) hypothetical early form of Olwë; Tolkien points out that this should rather have yielded Volwë in Telerin, so this reconstruction may be doubtful (PM:357)

          (Y - see J)