For Professionals, Researchers and Students
The Links are organized by Subject Area
General Reading 1: Marco-Foundamental Analysis 2: Capital Market Developments
3: Measuring Volatility and Contagion 4: Currency Risks 5: Political Risks
6: Top-Down and Diversification 7: Corporate Finance 8: The Index Approach
9: Mutual Funds 10: Emerging Market Derivatives 11: Fix Income Securities
12: Real Estate 13: Financial Institutions 14: Risk Management
15: Asia Financial Crisis 16: Latin America 17: Africa, Eastern Europe, and Middle East
Major Newsites 19.
Finance Supersites 20.
Privatization and Project Finance
Mark Mobius on Emerging Markets
Prof. Paul Krugman's Web Page: In depth and easy to read analysis on current market events.
Prof. Roubini's page on Asian Crisis: Extensive coverage of the Asian Financial Crisis
Morgan Stanley's Global Economic Forum: Stephen Roach and other analysts' in-depth analysis of the global economy and financial markets--updated daily!
Jokes about
economists and economics: Economists are funny people.
Brazil's Economic Crisis Pits President Against Governors Jan. 25, 1999, NYT
As an Economy Sinks, U.S. Sees Painful Choices, DAVID E. SANGER, New York Times
Brazil goes through the floor: Stephen Fidler and Geoff Dyer, Financial Times
Currency devaluation sends Brazil reeling, Elliot Blair Smith; Rich Miller, US Today
Brazil Devalues Currency; Wider Crisis Feared; Global Markets Fall, Paul Blustein, Washington Post
A Crisis With Global Implications, Steven Mufson, Washington Post
Brazil Letter of Intent to the IMF (11/98)
IMF Press Conference on the Brazil Package (11/98)
Quarterly Review: International Banking and Financial Market Developments
World Bank: 1998/99 World Economic Outlook
IMF: World Economic Outlook (10/98)
Private Capital Flows Sustained to Leading Emerging Markets (IIF) 5/6/98
Perspectives on East Asian Growth by Jeffrey Frankel (6/97)
World Bank Paper 1535. Financial History: Lessons of the Past for Reformers of the Present Gerard Caprio, Jr. and Dimitri Vittas
Recovery and Growth in Transition Economies 1990-97--A Stylized Regression Analysis, IMF:Havrylyshyn, Oleh; Izvorski, Ivailo; van Rooden, Ron;
BIS working paper47, Frank Smets: Financial asset prices and monetary policy: theory and evidence, September 1997
Asset Prices and Monetary Policy: Four Views, August 1998,
BIS working paper45, Steven B. Kamin: A multi-country comparison of the linkages between inflation and exchange rate competitiveness, August 1997
BIS working paper37, Henri Bernard and Stefan Gerlach: Does the term structure predict recessions? The international evidence, September 1996
2: Capital Market Developments
World Bank Paper 1482. A Measure of Stock Market Integration for Developed and Emerging Markets Robert A. Korajczyk
Soros' plea, Krugman (Fortune, 11/12/98)
Curfews on capital: what are the options? (10/12/98 - why dollar debt is not the problem)
World Bank Paper 1462. Stock Market Development and Financial Intermediaries: Stylized Facts Asli Demirg-Kunt and Ross Levine
After Asia: New Directions For The International Financial System, Dornbusch, [July, 1998]
Capital Controls An Idea Whose Time is Gone, Dornbusch, [March, 1998]
The Challenges of Emerging Markets Data by Campbell Harvey
A Quick Guide To foreign Investment In The Taiwan Stock Exchange: A little messy but informative
Paper Tigers, the IMF and the World Capital Market, Dornbusch, [January,1998]
"Re-Emerging Markets" W. Goetzman and P. Jorion
An Emerging Market, The NYSE From 1815 to 1871, W. Goetzman and R. Ibbotson
Trends in Venture Capital Finance in Developing Countries. Anthony Aylward
World Bank Paper 1456. Equity Markets, Transaction Costs, and Capital Accumulation: An Illustration Valerie R. Bencivenga, Bruce D. Smith, and Ross M. Starr
International Banking and Financial Market Developments
World Bank Paper 1946. Estonia: The Challenge of Financial Integration Carlos Cavalcanti and Daniel Oks
World Bank Paper 1917. Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility Asli Demirg-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
World Bank Paper 1903. Taxing Capital Income in Hungary and the European UnionJean-Jacques Dethier and Christoph John
Can the Neoclassical Model Explain the Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment Across Developing Countries? IMF:Zebregs, Harm;
Can short-Term Capital Controls Promote Capital Inflows? IMF:Cordella, Tito;
Developing Countries and the Globalization of Financial Markets IMF:Knight, Malcolm;
Sequencing Capital Account Liberalizations and Financial Sector Reform IMF: Johnston, R Barry;
World Bank Paper 1690. Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth Ross Levine and Sara Zervos
World Bank Paper 1678. Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and AgendaRoss Levine
World Bank Paper 1582. Stock Market Development and Long-Run Growth Ross Levine and Sara Zervos
World Bank Paper 1578. Stock Market and Investment: The Governance Role of the Market Cherian Samuel
World Bank Paper 1539. The Rise of Securities Markets: What Can Government Do?Richard Sylla
World Bank Paper 1505. The Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Evidence from Emerging Markets Stijn Claessens, Susmita Dasgupta, and Jack Glen
World Bank Paper 1504. Savings and Education: A Life-Cycle Model Applied to a Panel of 74 Countries Jacques Morisset and C?sar Revoredo
Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility, IMF:Demirguc-Kunt, Asli; Detragiache, Enrica;
Responses of the Stock Market to Macroeconomic Announcements Across Economic States, IMF:Li Li; Hu, Zuliu;
Stocks, Bills, Bonds And Inflation Total International Investment Returns, 1694-1995
3: Measuring Volatility and Contagion
(For detailed coverage, see Prof. Roubini's Asia Home page)
Why Markets Tumble Together ? (CSM 9/98)
Globalized Financial Markets and Financial Crises by Charles Wyplosz (3/98)
BIS paper Changing financial systems in small open economies, December 1996
BIS paper Financial stability in emerging market economies , April 1997
Exploratory Investigation of Country Returns, by Campbell Harvey
The Behavior of Emerging Market Returns, by Campbell Harvey
Stock Market Crises in Developed and Emerging Markets by Sandeep Patel and Asani Sarkar (4/98)
Local Return Factors and Turnover in Emerging Stock Markets by K. GEERT ROUWENHORST
"Contagion and Risk" Campbell Harvey and Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta
Volatility and Contagion in a Financially-Integrated World: Lessons from East Asia's Recent Experience by Pedro Alba, Amar Bhattacharya, Stijn Claessens, Swati Ghosh, and Leonardo Hernandez (8/98)
foreign investors destabilize stock markets? The Korean experience in 1997
by Hyuk Choe, Bong-Chan Kho, and Ren? M. Stulz, June 1998
Prof. Roubini's page on Asian Crisis: Extensive coverage of the Asian Financial Crisis
Introduction to Currency Boards by Kurt Schuler
What Role for Currency Boards? by John Williamson
"Rupiah Rasputin" by Paul Krugman (Fortune, 4/98)
"Inflation Stabilization and BOP Crises in Developing Countries" by G. A. Calvo and Carlos Vegh
"Explaining Currency Crises" by Gerardo Esquivel and Felipe Larrain (6/98)
Domestic Causes of Currency Crises: Policy Lessons for Crisis Avoidance by Helmut Reisen (OECD 6/98)
Leading Indicators of Currency Crises by Graciella Kaminsky, Saul Lizondo and Carmen Reinhart
Before the Fall: Were East Asian Currencies Overvalued? by Menzie Chinn
Are Currency Crises Predictable? by Goldfajn, Ilan and Valdes, Rodrigo O; IMF Working Paper
BIS working paper36, William R. Melick: Estimation of speculative attack models: Mexico yet again, August 1996
"Balance of Payment Crises In Emerging Markets" by Guillermo A. Calvo
Crises, Contagion, and the Closed-End Country Fund Puzzle IMF:Yeyati, Eduardo Levy; Ubide, Angel
Why Do Different Countries Use Different Currencies? IMF:Kocherlakota, Narayana; Krueger, Thomas
Contagion-Monsoonal Effects, Spillovers, and Jumps Between Multiple Equilibria, IMF:Masson, Paul R
Current Account Reversals and Currency Crisis-Empirical Regularities, IMF:Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria; Razin, Assaf
Transparency in Central Bank Operations in the Foreign Exchange Market IMF: Enoch, Charles;
Bank Soundness and Currency Board Arrangements: Issues and Experience IMF: Santiprabhob, Veerathai;
Making a Currency Board Operational IMF: Enoch, Charles; Gulde, Anne-Marie;
"Varieties of Capital-Market Crises" by Guillermo A. Calvo
Merrill Lynch's Currency & Bond Market Revew: Analysis and forecasts of currency & bond market behavior. Updated biweekly.
World Bank Paper 1648. The Lender of Last Resort Function Under a Currency Board: The Case of Argentina Gerard Caprio, Jr., Michael Dooley, Danny Leipziger, and Carl Walsh
World Bank Paper 1913. The 1994 Currency Crisis in Turkey Oya Celasun
Perspectives on the Recent Currency Crisis Literature, IMF:Flood, Robert P; Marion, Nancy Peregrim;
Self-Fulfilling Risk Predictions - An Application to Speculative Attacks, IMF:Flood, Robert P; Marion, Nancy Peregrim
BIS Banking paper26, Reducing foreign exchange settlement risk: a progress report, July 1998
BIS Banking paper17, Settlement risk in foreign exchange transactions, March 1996
BIS Banking paper24, Statistics on Payment Systems in the Group of Ten Countries: Figures for 1996, December 1997
BIS Banking paper22, Real-time gross settlement systems, March 1997
BIS Banking paper20, Disclosure framework for securities settlement systems, February 1997
BIS Banking paper18, Security of electronic money, August 1996
Law and Order in Emerging Markets: An Asset Pricing Perspective, H.H. Liao and J.P. Mei
Institutional factors and Real Estate Returns, H. Liao and J. P. Mei
Political Risk, Economic Risk and Financial Risk, by Campbell Harvey
Why Worry About Corruption? by Paulo Mauro (IMF)
J.P. Mei's Antique Bond Collection: Exotic bonds became Worthless Wall Papers
World Bank. East Asia: The Road to Recovery (10/98) New!
The East Asian Crisis: Origins, Policy Challenges, and Prospects by Javad K. Shirazi (6/98)
East Asia recovery prospects depend on global factors. analysis by Oxford Analytica (9/98)
Is the Worst Still Ahead for Asia? (3/98)
"Is the Asian Crisis Over?" by Michel Camdessus (4/98)
Neat Mean-Variance Analysis Tool by Campbell Harvey
Going Global (1996) A global asset allocation case by W. Goetzman
Do World Markets Still Serve as a Hedge?, Campbell Harvey and Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta
The Cross-Section of Volatility and Autocorrelation in Emerging Markets, Campbell Harvey
The Risk Exposure of Emerging Equity Markets Campbell Harvey
Predictability and Time-Varying Risk in World Equity Markets, Campbell Harvey and Wayne Ferson,
Predictable Risk and Returns in Emerging Markets, Campbell Harvey
Time-Varying World Market Integration, Campbell Harvey and Geert Bekaert,
Inflation and World Equity Selection, Claude B. Erb, Campbell Harvey, and Tadas E. Viskanta,
Emerging Equity Market Volatility, Campbell Harvey and Geert Bekaert
Demographics and International Investment, Claude B. Erb, Campbell Harvey, and Tadas E. Viskanta,
The Making of an Emerging Market, Campbell Harvey and Claude Erb and Tadas Viskanta
Future of Investment in Emerging Markets'' Campbell Harvey
World Bank Paper 1724. Debt Maturity and Firm Performance: A Panel Study of Indian Companies Fabio Schiantarelli and Vivek Srivastava
World Bank Paper 1461. Stock Market Development and Firm Financing Choices
World Bank Paper 1878. Searching for Sustainable Microfinance: A Review of Five Indonesian Initiatives R. Marisol Ravicz
World Bank Paper 1794. Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Performance: The Case of Chinese Stock Companies Xiaonian Xu and Yan Wang
World Bank Paper 1725. Access to Long-Term Debt and Effects on Firms' Performance: Lessons from Ecuador Fidel Jaramillo and Fabio Schiantarelli
World Bank Paper 1686. Institutions, Financial Markets, and Firms' Choice of Debt Maturity Asli Demirg??-Kunt and Vojislav
Managing Corporate Distress in the Philippines-Some Policy Recommendations, IMF:Cheng, Hoon Lim; Woodruff, Charles;
J.P. Morgan's Comprehensive ADR Site
MSCI Index Construction Methodology
Crises, Contagion, and the Closed-End Country Fund Puzzle IMF:Yeyati, Eduardo Levy; Ubide, Angel
Scudder Emerging Markets Growth Fund
Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund
T. Row Price Emerging market Funds
Templeton Developing Markets Trust
Mutual Fund Education Alliance
Mutual Fund Investors Resource Center
Investment Company Institute Mutual Fund Connection
Merrill Lynch Currency & Bond Market Trends: ML Research Report & Forecast
Neat Options Simulation by Campbell Harvey
World Bank Paper 1887. The Structure of Derivatives Exchanges: Lessons from Developed and Emerging Markets George Tsetsekos and Panos Varangis
The Statistical Measurement of Financial Derivatives Heath, Robert M; IMF
World Bank Paper 1432. Using Financial Futures in Trading and Risk ManagementIgnacio Mas and Jes?s Sa?-Requejo
BIS Banking paper21, Public disclosure of the trading and derivatives activities of banks and securities firms, November 1995
BIS Banking paper13, Risk management guidelines for derivatives, July 1994
BIS Banking paper27, Report on OTC Derivatives: Settlement procedures and counterparty risk management (Joint report by the Committee on Payment
BIS Banking paper23, Clearing arrangements for exchange-traded derivatives, March 1997
Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity
Goldman Sachs Warrants Web site: Current prices and basic information about HK warrants
Wahoo: hot links for futures traders
CME Emerging Markets Product Information: Currency, Brady Bonds, and other derivative products
American Stock Exchange (AMEX)
Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros - from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Bolsa de Mercadorias do Paran?
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Deutsche Terminb?rse (DTB) - German options and future exchanges.
French Futures & Options Exchange
Futures & Options of Texas - trading services for the individual trader.
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)
Meff Renta Variable - Spanish Equity Derivatives Exchange
Singapore International Monetary Exchange
South African Futures Exchange
11: Fix Income Securities
World Bank Paper 1511. Default Risk and the Effective Duration of Bonds David F. Babbel, Craig Merrill, and William Panning
Brady Bonds and Default Probabilities, IMF:Izvorski, Ivailo;
External Debt Histories of Ten Low-Income Developing Countries - Lessons from Their Experience , IMF:Brooks, Ray; Cortes, Mariano; Fornasari, Francesca; Ketchekmen, Benoit; Metzgen, Ydahlia;
Fixed Investment and Capital Flows - A Real Options Approach, IMF:Chan-Lau, Jorge; Clark, Peter B;
Intermediation Spreads in a Dual Currency Economy-Argentina in the 1990s, IMF:Catao, Luis;
Structural Reforms in Government Bond Markets, IMF:De Broeck, Mark; Guillaume, Dominique; Van de Stichele, Emmanuel;
BIS working paper46, Srichander Ramaswamy: Global asset allocation in fixed income markets, September 1997
BIS working paper44, Gregory D. Sutton: Is there excess comovement of bond yields between countries?, July 1997
Product and Service Information
Joint BIS-IMF-OECD-World Bank statistics on external debt
BradyNet: Everything you ever wanted to know about Brady bonds
Morgan Stanley Sovereign Bond Yields: Provide Upto date Duration and Yield Data
Fixed Income Investment Research - Web site contains 215 daily-updated reports.
Merrill Lynch's Currency & Bond Market Revew: Analysis and forecasts of currency & bond market behavior. Updated biweekly.
J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index +: Long-term Bond Index
The J.P. Morgan Emerging Local Markets Index (ELMI): Short-term
Investor Home: Comprehensive Bond Information Site
Canadian Bond Rating Service - providing investors with reliable credit analysis and ratings since 1972.
Duff & Phelps Credit
Rating Co.
Bond Market - a
Canadian perspective.
BondVu - provider of real-time bond quotes and bond analytics.
Capital Data - information on the global capital markets
Bond Market Association - research and market statistics; conferences and publications for professionals in the bond markets.
A Fundamental Analysis of Japanese Equity and Real Estate Markets, Crocker Liu and J.P. Mei
Are the Foundations Solid for Emerging Market Real Estate? J.P. Mei
Asian Investment Opportunities: Institutional Investors Perspective, by J. P. Mei
A French Secondary Mortgage Facility, by Lo?c Chiquier
Institutional factors and Real Estate Returns, H. Liao and J. P. Mei
Housing Finance and Asian Financial Markets: Cinderella Coming to the Ball, by Andrew Sheng
Templeton Global Real Estate Fund: Some Exposure in EM Real Estate
Jones Lang Wootton - publishing their commercial property index on the net
Jones Lang Wootton Australia Online - providing information on local property sales, leasing, management, worldwide property investment news.
NAREIT on Line
Sun Hun Kai
-- Hong Kong real estate company information
IRSA--Argentina Real Estate Company
Yahoo-Real Estate Company Superlinks
Yahoo's link for Real Estate Research Centers
Hong Kong Property Journal: Extensive price data on property transactions
International Real Estate Institute: Practical Information for Real Estate Executives
All Japan Real Estate Association (Zennichi) - non-profit professional organization.
Economic Crises and the Financial Sector by Stanley Fischer (9/98)
Excess Risk Premium in Asian Banks, J.P. Mei
Lessons from Systemic Bank Restructuring by Claudia Dziobek and Ceyla Pazarbasioglu
The Determinants of Banking Crises: Evidence from Industrial and Developing Countries
World Bank Paper 1676. The Evolution of Payments in Europe, Japan, and the United States: Lessons for Emerging Market Economies David B. Humphrey, Setsuya Sato, Masayoshi Tsurumi, and Jukka M. Vesala
World Bank Paper 1574. Bank Regulation: The Case of the Missing Model Gerard Caprio, Jr.
World Bank Paper 1566. Liquidity, Banks, and Markets: Effects of Financial Development on Banks and the Maturity of Financial Claims Douglas W. Diamond
Financial Crisis and Credit Crunch as a Result of Inefficient Financial Intermediation - with Reference to the Asian Financial Crisis, IMF:Chan-Lau, Jorge; Chen, Zhaohui;
Leading Indicators of Banking Crises-Was Asia Different? IMF:Hardy, Daniel C; Pazarbasioglu, Ceyla;
World Bank Paper 1541. Deposit Insurance Eugene White
World Bank Paper 1540. Thrift Deposit Institutions in Europe and the United StatesDimitri Vittas
Capital Structures and Portfolio Composition During Banking Crisis - Lessons from Argentina 1995, IMF:Ramos, Alberto;
Interest Spreads in Banking - Costs, Financial Taxation, Market Power, and Loan Quality in the Colombian Case 1974-96 , IMF:Barajas, Adolfo; Steiner, Roberto; Salazar, Natalia;
World Bank Paper 1537. Before Main Banks: A Selective Historical Overview of Japan's Prewar Financial System Frank Packer
World Bank Paper 1536. Free Banking: The Scottish Experience as a Model for Emerging Economies Randall Kroszner
World Bank Paper 1533. Universal Banking and the Financing of Industrial DevelopmentCharles W. Calomiris
World Bank Paper 1532. Regulation and Bank Stability: Canada and the United States, 1870 - 1980 Michael Bordo
World Bank Paper 1918. How Does Foreign Entry Affect the Domestic Banking Market?
Methodologies for Determining Minimum Capital Standards for Internationally Active Securities Firms, International Organization of Securities Commissions, May 1998
International Disclosure Standards for Cross-Border Offerings and Initial Listings by Foreign Issuers, International Organization of Securities Commissions, May 1998
Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation International Organization of Securities Commissions, May 1998
World Bank Paper 1907. Development Expenditures and the Local Financing ConstraintAlbert D.K. Agbonyitor
World Bank Paper 1697. Strategies to Develop Mortgage Markets in Transition EconomiesDwight M. Jaffee and Bertrand Renaud
World Bank Paper 1692. Regulating Market Risk in Banks: A Comparison of Alternative Regulatory Regimes Constantinos Stephanou
World Bank Paper 1892. The Role of Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries (with Particular Reference to Egypt) Dimitri Vittas
World Bank Paper 1875. How Deposit Insurance Affects Financial Depth (A Cross-Country Analysis) Robert Cull
World Bank Paper 1746. The Role of Long-Term Finance: Theory and EvidenceGerard Caprio, Jr. and Asli Demirg-Kunt
World Bank Paper 1739. Safe and Sound Banking in Developing Countries: We're Not in Kansas Anymore Gerard Caprio
World Bank Paper 1705. The Polish Experience with Bank and Enterprise RestructuringFernando Montes-Negret and Luca Papi
World Bank Paper 1833. Cost Recovery and Pricing of Payment Services David B. Humphrey, Robert H. Keppler, and Fernando Montes-Negret
World Bank Paper 1828. The Determinants of Banking Crises: Evidence from Industrial and Developing Countries Asli Demirg??-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
World Bank Paper 1804. Financial Sector Adjustment Lending: A Mid-Course AnalysisRobert J. Cull
World Bank Paper 1683. High Real Interest Rates, Guarantor Risk, and Bank RecapitalizationsPhilip L. Brock
World Bank Paper 1680. Brazil's Efficient Payment System: A Legacy of High InflationRobert Listfield and Fernando Montes-Negret
Systemic Banking Distress - The Need for an Enhanced Monetary Survey IMF: Frecaut, Olivier; Sidgwick, Eric;
The Payment System and Monetary Policy IMF: Johnson, Omotunde;
BIS Banking paper46, Morris Goldstein and Philip Turner: Banking crises in emerging economies: origins and policy options, October 1996
BIS Banking paper12a, Basle Capital Accord: the treatment of the credit risk associated with certain off-balance-sheet items, July 1994
BIS working paper39, Patrick Honohan: Banking system failures in developing and transition countries: Diagnosis and predictions, January 1997
BIS working paper38, William R. White: International agreements in the area of banking and finance: accomplishments and outstanding issues, October 1996
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Home Page
Federal Reserve Board of Governors
FRED -- Federal Reserve Economic Data
Global Securities Information Home Page
Inter-American Development Bank
Mark Bernkopf's central banking resource center
BIS Banking paper43, Sound Practices for Loan Accounting, Credit Risk Disclosure and Related Matters, October 1998
BIS Banking paper42, Operational Risk Management, September 1998
BIS Banking paper41, Enhancing Bank Transparency, September 1998
BIS Banking paper40, Framework for Internal Control Systems in Banking Organisations , September 1998
BIS Banking paper39, Supervisory Information Framework for derivatives and trading activities (Joint report by the Basle committee on Banking Supervision and the Technical Committee of the "IOSCO"), September 1998
BIS Banking paper38, Supervisory Cooperation on Year 2000 Cross-Border Issues, June 1998
BIS Banking paper37, Consultative paper on the Basle Capital Accord, April 1998
BIS Banking paper36, Amendment to the Basle Capital Accord of July 1988, April 1998
BIS Banking paper35, Risk Management for Electronic Banking and Electronic Money Activities, March 1998
BIS Banking paper34, Supervision of Financial Conglomerates (consultation documents), February 1998
BIS Banking paper33, Framework for the Evaluation of Internal Control Systems, January 1998
BIS Banking paper32, Survey of disclosures about trading and derivatives activities of banks and securities firms 1996, November 1997
BIS Banking paper31, The year 2000 - A challenge for financial institutions and bank supervisors, September 1997
BIS Banking paper30, Core principles for effective banking supervision , September 1997
BIS Banking paper29, Principles for the management of interest rate risk , September 1997
BIS Banking paper28, Survey of disclosures about trading and derivatives activities of banks and securities firms (Joint report by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and the Technical Committee of the "IOSCO"), November 1996
BIS Banking paper27, The Supervision of Cross-Border Banking, October 1996
BIS Banking paper25, Interpretation of the capital accord for the multilateral netting of forward value foreign exchange transactions, April 1996
BIS Banking paper20, * The supervision of financial conglomerates (A report by the tripartite group of bank, securities and insurance regulators.), July 1995
BIS Banking paper19, * Framework for supervisory information about the derivatives activities of banks and securities firms (Joint report by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and the Technical Committee of the "IOSCO".) , May 1995
BIS Banking paper18, Basle Capital Accord: treatment of potential exposure for off-balance-sheet items, April 1995
BIS Banking paper12b, Amendment to the Capital Accord of July 1988, July 1994
BIS Banking paper10, * Minimum standards for the supervision of international banking groups and their cross-border establishments, July 1992
BIS Banking paper8, * Measuring
and controlling large credit exposures, January 1991
14: Risk Management
RiskMetrics Monitor is a publication that discusses broad market risk management issues and statistical questions
VaR Data Set: Download the most recent RiskMetrics datasets
The RiskMetrics Technical Document provides a detailed description of the set of market risk measurement techniques and data that make up RiskMetrics.
VaR Calculator: This page allows a user to use subsets of the RiskMetrics datasets to Calculate Portfolio VaR. This service is free.
Topics in Probability: The mathematics of financial risk-management by Marco Avellaneda
IFCI Risk Watch provides an introduction and guide to the most important official documents in the area of financial risk management
CSFB Credit Risk Plus Model: provide detailed information on their credit risk product
BIS Banking paper23, Overview of the amendment to the capital accord to incorporate market risks, January 1996
BIS Banking paper22, Supervisory framework for the use of "backtesting" in conjunction with the internal models approach to market risk capital requirements, January 1996
15: Asia Financial Crisis
(For more links, see Prof. Roubini's Asia Home page)
The IMF's Response to the Asian Crisis - a Factsheet
"The Onset of the East Asian Financial Crisis" by Steve Radelet and Jeffrey Sachs (3/98)
"What Happened to Asia?" by Paul Krugman (Jan 1998)
World Bank. East Asia: The Road to Recovery (10/98)
Asian Crises Themes,Dornbusch, [February, 1998]
"The Myth of Asia's Miracle: A Cautionary Fable" by Paul Krugman (Foreign Affairs 1994)
World Bank: The making of the East Asia miracle (10/93)
The East Asian Miracle - One Paradigm Too Many? by Edith Terry
Asia's Miracle is Alive and Well? Wrong, It Never Existed by Paul Krugman
East Asian Growth Before and After the Crisis, IMF:Crafts, Nicholas;
The East Asian Crisis - Macroeconomic Developments and Policy Lessons, IMF:Stone, Mark; Kochar, Kalpana;
The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Cures, and Systemic Implications by Morris Goldstein (6/98)
The Asian Liquidity Crisis by Roberto Chang and Andres Velasco (July 1998)
"The Asian Crisis: Is there a Way out? Are the IMF Prescriptions Right? by W. Max Corden
Which Capitalism? Lessons from the East Asian Crisis by Luigi Zingales and Raghuram G. Rajan, (9/98)
Ronald McKinnon: Exchange Rate Coordination for Surmounting the East Asian Currency Crises (8/98)
Is There a Credit Crunch in East Asia? by Wei Ding, Ilker Doma?, and Giovanni Ferri
Prospective Deficits and the Asian Currency Crisis by Burnside, Eichenbaum and Rebelo (10/98)
The Economic Miracle in a Haze by Manuel F. Montes
Rate Policy and Monetary Strategy Options in the Philippines - The Search
for Stability and Sustainability IMF:
Houben, Aerdt;
Korean Financial Crisis of 1997-1998 by Irma Adelman and Song Byung Nak
Yen Crisis: That Sinking Feeling (FT 8/98)
Avinash Persuad: Don't Blame Japan (FT 8/98)
"Japan's Trap" by Paul Krugman (5/98)
Restoring Japan's Economic Growth by Adam S. Posen (9/98)
"The Asian Crisis, the IMF, and the Japanese Economy" by Stanley Fischer (4/98)
Why Has China Survived the Asian Crisis So Well? What Risks Remain?John G. Fernald and Oliver Babson (FED)
The China Page of the South China Morning Post
Why is China Growing So Fast? by Zuliu Hu and Mohsin, S. Khan (IMF)
Can China Avert Crisis? (Business Week 3/16/98)
Second-Generation Strategies for Reform for China by Joseph Stiglitz (7/98)
China's Transitional Economy (Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 7/97)
Brazil Letter of Intent to the IMF (11/98)
IMF Press Conference on the Brazil Package (11/98)
Brazil and the IMF, Dornbusch [November, 1998]
Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: annual in-depth report by IADB IADB
Fiscal Discipline and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regime by IADB Tornell, Aaron; Velasco, Andres
Balance-of-Payments Rescue Packages: Can They Work? By IADB Fernández-Arias, Eduardo
Savings in Chile. What Went Right? By IADB Morandé, Felipe G.
Make or Buy? Approaches to Financial Market Integration by IADB Hausmann, Ricardo; Gavin, Michael
Varieties of Capital-Market Crises by IADB Calvo, Guillermo
Transition to a Functional Financial Safety Net in Latin America by IADB Garber, Peter M.
Credit Union Policies and Performances in Latin America by IADB Shaffer, Sherrill; Westley, Glenn
Institutional Investors, Pension Reform and Emerging Securities Markets by IADB Blommestein, Hans J.
Regional Financial Market Integration: Learning from the European Experience by IADB Steil, Benn
Debt Management: Some Reflections Based on Argentina by IADB Kiguel, Miguel A.
Financial Crises in Latin America: Then and Now by Graciella Kaminsky and Carmen Reinhart
Latin America's swan song (Krugman notes on the current dilemma)
Impact of the Asian Crisis on Latin America (ECLAC)
World Bank Asian Lessons for Latin America Roundtable Transcript
List of Financial Institutions in Latin America
Financial Data on Latin America
World Bank Paper 1529. Interest Rates, Credit, and Economic Adjustment in Nicaragua
World Bank Paper 1519. Payment Systems in Latin America: A Tale of Two Countries-Colombia and El Salvador Robert Listfield and Fernando Montes-Negret
Challenges Facing the Transition Economies of Central Asia by Michel Camdessus (5/98)
Monetary Operations and Government Debt Management Under Islamic Banking, IMF:Sundararajan, V; Marston, David; Shabsigh, Ghiath
Hard Currency and Sound Credit: A Financial Agenda For Central Europe,Dornbusch, [May, 1998]
Islamic Banking - Issues in Prudential Regulations and Supervision, IMF:Errico, Luca; Farahbaksh, Mitra;
Africa - Is This the Turning Point? IMF: Fischer, Stanley; Hernandez-Cata, Ernesto; Khan, Mohsin S
External Borrowing in the Baltics, Russia, and Other States of the Former Soviet Union - the Transition to a Market Economy IMF: Odling-Smee, John; Zavoico, Basil;
Legal and Institutional Obstacles to Growth and Business in Russia IMF: Buckberg, Elaine;
For Russia and Its U.S. Bankers, Match Wasn't Made in Heaven, NY Times, 10/18/98
Bankers' Wars in Russia Trophies and Wounds, by Natalia Dinello
Investor's Business Daily Web Edition
Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition
19. Finance Supersites
Absolute Investments Web-zine - offering a subscription-based online magazine
Barron's Online - electronic edition of Dow Jones & Company's business and financial weekly magazine
Barra Seucrities: fixed income instruments and financial research
CommonCents - personal finance journal.
DBC Online: GlobalMarkets provides extensive quotes on world stocks, indices, exchange rates and commodities
Center for Latin American Capital Markets Research: Exchanges
Computerized Trader's Interesting Sites List
DBC Online: Financial and Investment Links
DINO - Wirtschaft - Finanzielle M?rkte
Financial Information Link Library
Finance Resources on the WWW (Graphics Version)
International Economics Gateway
Forbes - table of contents, cover story from Forbes.
Individual Investor - requires registration.
Mauro Magnani's "FINANCE AREA"
Merrill Lynch OnLine Today - online magazine with financial news and analysis
Money Magazine - Features guides to mutual funds, company reports, the best loan rates in your area.
Money Talks - investment magazine for individual investors.
MoneyMinded - personalized and practical guide to saving, investing, borrowing and spending.
Moneywise - UK personal finance magazine featuring news, advice, spending and investment tips, and financial product investigations.
MZES/EURODATA - External Links
Resources for Economists on the Internet
Personal Investment - from Australia. Each month contains practical information and advice for personal wealth creation.
Poder & Dinero - business and financial monthly in Spanish reporting on Colombian economy.
SmartMoney Interactive - offers commentary, hourly updates, portfolio tracking, broker ratings, and more.
Tracker Magazine -providing analysis and commentary on the FTSE 100 Index.
Trusts and Estates MagazineMorgan Stanley CapitalInternational provides information on Morgan Stanley's World and Emerging Market Indices with historical data available back to December 1995
Telekurs Financial Information Service
Wall Street Online:Destination Links
WebEc - WWW Resources in Economics
Worldwide Gov't Information Links
Wall Street Research Net's Home Page
Yahoo - Business and Economy:Markets and Investments:Stocks
Worth Magazine - daily news from the world of finance, access to top financial experts, and tips.
20: Privatization and Project Finance
Bank Paper 1861. Infrastructure Project Finance and Capital Flows: A New
Mansoor Dailami and Danny Leipziger
The Macroeconomic Impact of Privatization IMF: Mackenzie, George A;
Dedicated Road Funds - A Preliminary View on a World Bank Initiative IMF: Potter, Barry H
Political Risk, Economic Risk and Financial Risk, by Campbell Harvey