Home: 110 Bleecker Street Apartment 19E New York, NY 10012 Telephone: (212) 475-6342 |
Business: New York University, Stern School of Business 44 West 4th St., KMEC 7-93, New York, NY 10012 Telephone: (212) 998-0418 Fax: (212) 995-4221 E-mail: |
1969 Ph.D. in Business and Applied Economics - Major in Marketing and Minors in Economics and Statistics, University of Pennsylvania. Dissertation: Planning of
Retail Floor Space by Public Authorities in France and Great Britain.
1964 M.A. (Hons) University of Manchester. Thesis: The Development of Variety Chain Stores in France 1929-1964.
1963 Certificat, Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris.
1962 B.A. (Hons) Economics, Politics and Modern History, University of Manchester, U.K.
Academic Positions
2001-present Paganelli-Bull Professor of Marketing and International Business
1982-2001 Professor of Marketing and International Business, Stern School of Business, New York University, New York.
1978-80 Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing, New York University, New York.
1973-78 Professor of Management (Associated) European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels.
1971-78 Associate Professor of Marketing, Centre d'Enseignement Superieur des Affaires, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
1969-71 Assistant Professor of Marketing, Temple University, Philadelphia.
1969 Lecturer in Marketing, Temple University, Philadelphia.
1968-69 Research Assistant, Marketing Science Institute, Philadelphia.
Visiting Positions
2005 (Summer) Visiting Professor of Marketing, EMBA Program, University of Wuhan, China.
2003 (Summer) Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of Lubljana, Lubljana, Slovenia
2000-01 (Summer) Visiting Professor, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.
1998 (Spring)
1996-97 Unilever Visiting Professor of Marketing, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
1995 (Summer) Visiting Professor of Marketing, ALBA, Athens, Greece.
1993 (Summer) Professor of Marketing, China-Europe Management Institute, Beijing, P.R.C.
1993 (Summer) Visiting Professor of Marketing, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India.
1991 (Summer) Educational Consultant, UNDP Project on International Management Education, at Indian Institute
of Management: Bangalore, Calcutta; Indian Institute of Foreign
Trade, New Delhi; and International Management Institute, New Delhi.
1988 (Spring) Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of Warwick, U.K.
1988 (February) Visiting Professor of Marketing, ISIDA, Palermo, Italy
1985 (April) Visiting Professor of Marketing, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy.
1985 (Spring) Visiting Professor of Marketing, Centre HEC-ISA, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
1980 (Fall) Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing, Tatung Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
1975 (Spring) Visiting Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
1973-74 Visiting Professor, University of Louvain, Belgium.
Contributed Chapters, Monographs
“Dynamics of International Brand Architecture: Overview and Directions for Future Research,” with C. Samuel Craig, Handbook of Research in International Marketing, ed Subhash Jain, Edward Elgar, 2003.
“International Advertising,” with C. Samuel Craig, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. In Neil J Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), 2002.
“Exploring New Worlds: The Challenge of Global Marketing,” special essay, Journal of Marketing, January 2001.
"Comparing the Strategy-Performance Interface in the U.S. and European Markets," with Dong Kee Rhee. In Ajay Manrai and Lalita Manrai (eds.), Designing Competitive Strategy in Global Marketing, Research in Marketing special issue. Greenwich, Conn.: J.A.I. Press, 1998.
"Global Marketing," with C. Samuel Craig. In Michael Baker (ed.), Encyclopedia of Marketing. London: Routledge, 1995. (Revised, 1998)
"Cross-National Consumer Research Traditions," with C. Samuel Craig and Maureen Morrin. In Gary Lilien, Bernard Pras and Gilles Laurent (eds.), Research Traditions in Marketing. New York: Praeger, 1994.
"Researching Global Markets," with C. Samuel Craig. In Sidney J. Levy, George R. Fredicks, Howard L. Gordon (eds.), The Marketing Manager's Handbook, third edition. Chicago: Darnell Press, 1994.
"Spatial Dimensions of International Markets," with C. Samuel Craig. In Charles Ingene and Avijit Ghosh (eds.), Spatial Aspects of Marketing Analysis, Research in Marketing Series. Greenwich, Conn.: J.A.I. Press, 1991.
"Examining Consumer Behavior in International Markets," in O.C. Ferrell and W. Pride (eds.), Marketing. Houghton Miffin, 1988.
"Market Structure, Performance and Strategy," with C. Samuel Craig and Srinivas K. Reddy. In T. Cavusgil (ed.), Advances in International Marketing. Greenwich, CT: J.A.I. Press, 1987.
"The Japanese Distribution System as a Barrier to Entry," in Thomas A. Pugel with Robert G. Hawkins (eds.), The Fragile Interdependence. Lexington, Mass.: Heath Lexington Books, 1986.
"Dressing the Female Executive: Some Clues for the Retail Strategist," with Michael R. Solomon. In L. Pellegrini and S. Reddy (eds.), Distributive Trades: An International Perspective. Milano: Franco Agnelli Libri, 1986.
"Contributions of Comparative Research to the Study of Consumer Behavior," with C. Samuel Craig. In George Fisk (ed.), Marketing Management Technology as a Social Process. New York: Praeger, 1986.
"The Female Clothes Horse: From Aesthetics to Tactics," with Michael R. Solomon. In Michael R. Solomon (ed.), The Psychology of Fashion. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1985.
"Marketing Research," The Social Science Encyclopedia, Winter 1985.
"Establishing Equivalence in Comparative Consumer Research," with C. Samuel Craig. In Erdener Kaynak and Ronald Savitt (eds.), Comparative Marketing Systems. New York: Praeger, 1984.
"Marketing Research in the International Environment," with C. Samuel Craig. In Ingo Walter (ed.), Handbook of International Business. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982, second edition 1988.
"Information for International Marketing Decisions," with C. Samuel Craig. In Ingo Walter (ed.), Handbook of International Business. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982, second edition 1988.
"Protocols in Consumer Research: Problems, Methods and Uses," with C. Samuel Craig and Jean-Philippe Faivre. In Jagdish Sheth (ed.), Research in Marketing, vol. V. Greenwich, Conn.: J.A.I. Press, 1981.
"Culture et Comportement du Consommateur," with Bernard Dubois. In Techniques Commerciales, Encyclopedie du Management, Paris, 1978.
"L'Utilisation du Style de Vie dans le Media-Planning," with Anne Macquin. Awarded the Jours de France Gold Medal for Advertising Research, 1977.
"L'Analyse du Style de Vie: Problemes Actuels et Perspectives Futures," in Techniques Commerciales, Encyclopedie du Management, Paris, Juin, 1977.
"Public Planning of Retail Location in France and Great Britain," in J. Boddewyn and S. Hollander (eds.), Public Policy Toward Retailing: An International Study. Lexington, Mass.: Heath Lexington Books, 1973.
“International Marketing Research: On Improving the Conceptual Foundations of International Marketing Research,” with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of International Marketing (to appear 2006).
“Culture Matters: Consumer Acceptance of U.S. Films in Foreign Markets” with C. Samuel Craig and W.H.Greene, Journal of International Marketing (to appear 2005).“Examining the Animosity Model in Countries with High Levels of Foreign Trade” with Edwin J Nijssen, International Journal of Research in Marketing, January 2004
“On the Use of Borrowed Scales in Cross-National Research: a Cautionary Note,” with Edwin J. Nijssen, International Marketing Review, December 2003. (awarded Best Paper Award for 2003).
“The Internet and Consumer Behavior in International Markets,” with C. Samuel Craig and Theresa Flaherty, Journal of Internet Commerce, July 2003.
"Integrating Branding Strategy Across Markets: Building International Brand Architecture," with C. Samuel Craig and Edwin J. Nijssen, Journal of International Marketing, 19, 2, (2001), 97-114.
"Conducting International Marketing Research in the 21st Century," with C. Samuel Craig, International Marketing Review, 18, 1, (2001).
"Global Marketing Strategy in the 21st Century: The Challenges," Japan and the World Economy (12, (2000), 381-384.
"The Worldminded Consumer: An Emic Exploration," with Suzanne Beckmann, Gunther and Martina Bötschen, Susanne Friese and Ed Nijssen, Association for Consumer Research Proceedings, Salt Lake City 2000.
"Building Global Brands in the 21st Century," with C. Samuel Craig, Japan and the World Economy, 382, (2000).
"Configural Advantage in Global Markets," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of International Marketing,8, 1 (2000). (Awarded S. Tamer Cavus gil Best Paper Award 2000)
"Competing in the Next Millenium: Challenges Facing International Marketers," with C. Samuel Craig, International Marketing Review, 16, 2, 1999.
"Gathering and Using Information for the Selection of Trading Partners," with Ed Nijssen and Gilles Callis, European Journal of Marketing, 1999.
"Effect of Assimilation on Purchase External Information - Search Tendencies," with Denver D'Rozario, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8, 2, 1999.
"The Changing Dynamic of Consumer Behavior: Implications for Cross-National Research," with C. Samuel Craig, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14, 4, October 1997.
"Managing the Transnational Value Chain: Strategies for Firms from Emerging Markets," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of International Marketing, 5, 3, 1997.
"Responding to the Challenges of Global Markets: Change, Complexity, Competition and Conscience," with C. Samuel Craig, Columbia Journal of World Business, Spring 1997.
"Developing Strategies for Global Markets: An Evolutionary Perspective," with C. Samuel Craig, Columbia Journal of World Business, vol. XXXI, no. 1, Spring 1996. Reprinted in Chemtech, April 1997.
"Global Market Portfolio and Market Interconnectedness," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of International Marketing, Winter 1996.
"Market Entry Strategies: An Emerging Market Perspective," with C. Samuel Craig, Foreign Trade Review, June 1995.
"Convergence and Divergence Among Industrialized Nations: 1960-1988," with C. Samuel Craig and Andreas Grein, Journal of International Business Studies, Fall 1992.
"Advances in International Marketing: A Review," with C. Samuel Craig, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Fall 1992.
"Achieving Success in Japanese Consumer Markets," with C. Samuel Craig, Japan and the World Economy, 2, 1990.
"Evolution of Global Marketing Strategy: Scale, Scope and Synergy," with C. Samuel Craig, Columbia Journal of World Business, Fall 1989. Reprinted in John Quelch and Robert Buzzell, Global Marketing Management, Addison Wesley: 1991. Reprinted in Ben Enis, Keith Cox and M.P. Mokua, Marketing Classics: A Selection of Influential Articles, Prentice Hall (2000).
"Examining Generic Competitive Strategy Types in U.S. and European Markets," with Dong Kee Rhee, Journal of International Business Studies, Fall 1989.
"The Ranking of Masters' Programs in International Business: A Reply," Journal of International Business Studies, Spring 1989.
"Pinpointing Opportunities for Small Businesses in International Markets," Business Age, January 1988.
"The Myth of Globalization," with Yoram Wind, Columbia Journal of World Business, vol. XII, Winter 1988.
"Instrumentality versus Self-expression in Role Projection: Boundaries of Choice for Female Business Dress," with Michael R. Solomon, Psychology and Marketing, vol. 4, 1987.
"Global Market Myopia," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 2, Winter 1986.
"A Cross-National Analysis of Country of Origin Effects on Product Evaluations," with Johnny K. Johansson and Ikiyiro Nonaka, Journal of Marketing Research, November 1985.
"Examining the Performance of U.S. Multi-nationals in Foreign Markets," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of International Business Studies, Winter 1983.
"The Power of Pinstripes," with Michael R. Solomon, Savvy, March 1983.
"Approaches to Assessing International Marketing Opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Companies," with C. Samuel Craig and Warren J. Keegan, Columbia Journal of World Business, Fall 1982.
"Strategic Factors Associated with Market and Financial Performance," with C. Samuel Craig, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 22 Summer 1982, 101-112.
"Comparative Consumer Research: The Next Frontier," with Yoram Wind, Management Decision, 20, 1982, 24-35.
"Item Non-Response in Cross-National Surveys," with Robert Shoemaker, European Research, July 1981.
"International Portfolio Analysis and Strategy: The Challenge of the 80's," with Yoram Wind, Journal of International Business Studies, Special Issue Fall 1981, 69-82.Reprinted in William A. Dymsa and Robert V. Vamberg (eds.), International Business Knowledge, New York: Praeger, 1987. Reprinted in James C. Baker, John K. Ryans, Jr. and Donald G. Howard, International Business Classics, Lexington Books: DC Heath, 1988.
"Measure Unreliability: A Hidden Threat to Cross National Marketing Research?" with Harry L. Davis and Alvin J. Silk, Journal of Marketing, Spring 1981.
"Examining Family Role and Authority Patterns: Two Methodological Issues," with Yoram Wind, Journal of Marriage and the Family, February 1978.
"Looking at the Cultural Environment for International Marketing Opportunities and Insights," with Bernard Dubois, Columbia Journal of World Business, Winter 1977/1978. Reprinted in Harold H. Kassarjian and Thomas S. Robertson (eds.), Perspectives in Consumer Behavior, 3rd edition, Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1981.
"Life-style Analysis to Profile Women in International Markets," with Christine Urban, Journal of Marketing, July 1977.
"Do Working Wives Read Different Magazines from Non-Working Wives," Journal of Advertising, 6, Winter 1977.
"Les Styles de Vie a Travers les Activities, Attitudes et Opinions," with P. LeMaire, Revue Francaise du Marketing, juin 1976.
"Cross-National Comparisons and Consumer Stereotypes: A Case Study of Working and Non-Working Wives," Journal of Consumer Research, 3, June 1976. Reprinted in Harold H. Kassarjan and Thomas S. Robertson (eds.), Perspective in Consumer Behavior, 2nd edition, Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1979.
"Men's Leisurewear: A Male-Dominated Market?" European Journal of Marketing, vol. 10,
no. 1, Spring 1976.
"Quelques Reflexions sur des Recherches sur le Comportement du Consommateur en Europe," with Bernard Dubois, in Les Consommateurs et L'Enterprise, Cahiers de Recherche Economique et Commerciale, n. 1, janvier 1976.
"La Communication: Concepts-cles," with Bernard Dubois and Jacques Lendrevie, Hommes et Commerce, n. 139-140, Nov./Dec. 1974.
"Issues in International Consumer Research," with Yoram Wind, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 8, no. 3, Winter 1974.
"Environmental Factors and Marketing Practices," with Yoram Wind, European Journal of Marketing, 8, Winter 1974.
"Le Geocentrisme-La Politique Strategique Preferee pour le Marketing International," Revue Francaise du Marketing, Cahier 47, 2nd Quarter 1973.
"You Are What You Buy -- The Life-Style Concept," European Business, Spring 1973.
"Guidelines for Developing International Marketing Decisions," with Yoram Wind and Howard Perlmutter, Journal of Marketing, April 1973.
"International Market Segmentation," with Yoram Wind, European Journal of Marketing, 6, Spring 1972.
"On the Meaning of Comparison: A Methodology for Cross-Cultural Studies," with Yoram Wind, Quarterly Journal of Management Development, March 1972.
"Experimentation as a Tool for the Small Retailer," with Yoram Wind and Aaron Ascoli, Journal of Marketing Research Society, Summer 1971.
"Patterns and Parallels of Marketing Structures in Five Countries," M.S.U. Business Topics, Spring 1971.
"Household Correlates of Brand Loyalty for Grocery Products," with Ronald E. Frank and Ronaldo Polli, Journal of Business, April 1968.
"Household Correlates of Package Size Proneness for Grocery Products," with Ronald E. Frank and Ronaldo Polli, Journal of Marketing Research, November 1967.
Conference And Seminar Proceedings
“Measuring Marketing Capabilities: a Cross-national Study”, with Graham Hooley et al, EMAC Conference, Murcia Spain May 2004
“Using Gender Appeals in Advertising a Cross-National Study”, with Amanda Broderick and Ian Lings, EMAC Conference Glasgow, Scotland, May 2003
"The Worldminded Consumer: An Emic Exploration," with Suzanne Beckmann, Gunther Botschen, Martina Botschen,
and Susanne Friese, Association for Consumer Research, Salt Lake City, 2000.
"Attitudes Towards the Purchase of Foreign Products: Extending the Model," with Edwin J. Nijssen, University
of Nijmegen, and Paul Bressers, Akzo Nobel, AM-AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Stirling, Scotland, 6 July
1999, Best Paper Award.
"Developing and Managing an International Brand Portfolio," with C. Samuel Craig, Academy of Marketing
Science World Marketing Congress Proceedings, Malta, June 23-26, 1999.
"Global Marketing Strategy: An Evolutionary Perspective," inaugural lecture, Unilever - Erasmus Visiting
Professor of Marketing, Erasmus University, February 20, 1997.
"Understanding Global Market Segmentation: A Managerial Approach," Douglas Stayman (ed.), Proceedings:
Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, San Diego, February 1995.
"International Expansion Paths: Countries vs. Products," with Veronica Wong, 20th Annual Meeting of European
Marketing Academy, Dublin, Ireland, May 1991.
"Successes of Western Products in the Japanese Market," Seminar on International Marketing Research,
ESOMAR: Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1991.
"Key to Success in Penetrating Japanese Markets," with C. Samuel Craig, 18th Annual Meeting of European
Marketing Academy, Athens, Greece, April 1989.
"Comparing the Performance and Competitive Strategy of U.S. and European Businesses," 17th Annual Meeting
of European Marketing Academy, Bradford, April 1988.
"Formulating Global Marketing Strategy," with C. Samuel Craig, International Symposium on The State and
Private Enterprise in the Global Society, Tokyo, Japan, September 1987.
"Emerging Consumer Markets in Japan," in Melanie Wallendorf and Paul F. Anderson (eds.), Advances in
Consumer Research, Vol. XIV, 1987.
"Approaches to Assessing International Marketing Opportunities Based on Secondary Data," Twelfth Annual
International Trade Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, March 1986.
"Global Marketing Myopia," with C. Samuel Craig, 15th Annual Meeting of European Marketing Academy, Helsinki
"Pricing and Production Location Decisions in International Markets," with Avijit Ghosh, in Proceedings,
AMA Educators Conference, Washington: American Marketing Association, 1985.
"Clothing the Female Executive: Fashion or Fortune," with Michael R. Solomon, in Proceedings, AMA Educators
Conference, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1983.
"Country-of-Origin Effects in Multi-Attribute Product Evaluations," with Johnny K. Johansson, 10th International
Seminar of Research in Marketing, Aix-en-Provence: Institute d'Administration des Enterprises, 7-10 Juin, 1983.
"Marketing Mix Strategy and Performance in International Operations," with C. Samuel Craig, 11th Annual
Meeting of the European Marketing Academy, Antwerp, Belgium, April 1982.
"Measure Equivalence and Reliability Differentials: A Special Problem for Cross-National Marketing Research,"
with Harry Davis and Alvin Silk, in Alden Clayton (ed.), Attitude Measurement Reaches New Heights, Carlsbad, California
"Hierarchical Cognitive Content in Four Domains of Consumption," with Elizabeth C. Hirschman, in Advances
in Consumer Research, Vol. VIII, Washington: Association for Consumer Research, 1980.
"Teaching International Marketing Management: A Geocentric Perspective," with Donald Sexton, in Proceedings
American Marketing Association Conference, Chicago 1980.
"On the Comparative Study of Marketing Systems," with Yoram Wind, Second Annual Conference on Marketing
Theory, Phoenix, Arizona 1980.
"Examining the Impact of Sampling Characteristics in Multi-Country Survey Research," 9th Annual Meeting
of European Academy for Advanced Research in Marketing, Edinburgh 1980.
"On the Use of Verbal Protocols in Cross-Cultural and Cross-National Consumer Research," Advances in
Consumer Research, Vol. VII, San Francisco, Association for Consumer Research, 1979.
"A Cross-National Exploration of Husband-Wife Involvement in Selected Household Activities," Advances
in Consumer Research, Vol. VI, Miami, Association for Consumer Research, 1978.
"A Multivariete Logit Model for Analyzing Attitudinal Data in Cross-National Surveys," with Alain Bultez,
7th Annual Meeting of European Academy for Advanced Research in Marketing, Stockholm 1978.
"Protocol Analysis: New Techniques for Examining Consumer Decisions," with Jean-Francois Boss, Way and
New Ways of Data Collection, ESOMAR Seminar, Jouy-en-Josas, 1977.
"Qui est le Nouveau Consumateur?" with Yves Evrard, 3rd International Marketing Seminar, Senanque, June
"Teaching Consumer Behavior in Europe: Some Experiences in a French Business School," with Bernard Dubois,
Educating the Marketing Decision Maker, ESOMAR Seminar, Barcelona, 1976.
"What's Fashion All About and Does it Really Matter Anyhow?" Research for Today's Marketing Problems,
ESOMAR Seminar, Venice, 1976.
"Working Wife Families: A Basis for Segmenting Grocery Markets?" in Beverlee Anderson (ed.), Advances
in Consumer Research, Vol. III, Cincinnati: Association for Consumer Research, 1975.
"Applying a Conceptual Framework in Life-Style Research," Seminaire de Recherche en Marketing, Abbaye
de Senanque, 4-7th June 1974.
"Pour une Approache Systematique dans les Etudes Styles de Vie," with Patrick LeMaire, Journees de I'IREP,
le 27 er 28 Mai, 1974.
"Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Life-Style Research," with Patrick LeMaire, Proceedings of the
XXV ESOMAR Congress, September 1974.
"Profiling Customers Based on Product Purchasing Characteristics," with Patrick LeMaire and Yves Evrard,
Proceedings of XXIV ESOMAR Congress, September 1973.
"Recherches sur le Style de Vie et le Positionnement des Products," with Patrick LeMaire, Journees de
I'IREP, 1973.
"The Working Wife: Marital Roles and Purchase Behavior," 2nd Annual Meeting of European Academy for Advanced
Research in Marketing, May 1973.
"Selection of Global Target Markets: A Decision Theoretic Approach," with Patrick LeMaire et Yoram Wind,
Proceedings of XXIII ESOMAR Congress, September 1972.
"Purchase Intentions as Predictors of Buying Behavior," with Yoram Wind, Proceedings of the Association
for Consumer Research, Maryland, September 1971.
"The Midi is Dead, Long Live the Mini: A Study of Perceptions, Preferences and Purchasing Behavior,"
with Frank J. Carmone, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, Fall 1971.
"Environmental Influences on the Development of Market Structures," Proceedings of the American Marketing
Association Meeting, Fall 1970.
Unpublished Conference And Seminar Presentations
“Examining the Animosity Model in Small Export-Oriented Countries”, University of Ljubjlana , Ljubjlana , Slovenia , May 27 th 2003.
“Measuring Marketing Capabilities: a Cross-National Study”, with Graham Hooley and John Cadogan , EMAC/ANZMAC Conference , Perth , Australia , Dec 16 th 2002.
"On Decentring in Cross-National Research," Building Bridges, keynote panel, EMAC Conference, Rotterdam, May 2000.
"Information Access and Interpretation: The Impact of the Internet on Consumer Behavior in International Markets,"
with C. Samuel Craig and Theresa Flaherty, Conference and Symposium on Electronic Conference and Global Business,
Santa Cruz, California, May 17-19, 2000.
"On Truth in Cross-National Research," SAVE Seminar, University of Richmond, March 30, 2000.
"On the Use of Borrowed Scales in Cross-National Research," KPMG Seminar, Judge Institute, University
of Cambridge, October 28, 1999.
"Balancing Brand Portfolios in Europe," Academy of International Business North East Regional Meetings,
Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University, Philadelphia, June 5, 1999.
"Examining the Cross-Cultural Validity of the CETSCALE," University of Edinburgh, Business School, May
17, 1999.
"Research Directions in International Marketing," Eighteenth AMA Faculty Consortium, Michigan State University,
July 12, 1998.
"Conducting Survey Research in International Markets," Eighteenth AMA Faculty Consortium, Michigan State
University, July 11, 1998.
"Challenges Facing Firms in International Markets," AIB North East Meetings, Loyola University, Baltimore,
January 30, 1998.
"International Branding Strategies," Globalization at the Millennium, Marketing Science Institute Conference,
Brussels, June 16-17, 1997.
"Assessing the Validity of Attitudinal Scales in Cross-National Research," Research Seminar, Group HEC,
Jouy-en-Josas, France, April 1997.
"Examining the Construct Validity of the CETSCALE in the Netherlands," IRSM Seminar, Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, May 1997.
"Use of Research in Developing International Marketing Strategy," International Marketing Research Seminar,
Tilburg University, November 20, 1996.
"The Emic/Etic Dilemma in International Marketing Research," EIBS Seminar, Erasmus University, Rotterdam,
September 11, 1996.
"Conducting International Marketing Research," AMA/Notre Dame, Seminar on Marketing Research, July 25,
"Extending Involvement in the Transnational Value Chain: Strategies for Firms from Emerging Markets,"
with C. Samuel Craig, Fifth Annual World Business Congress, Bermuda, July 17-21, 1996.
"The Changing Dynamics of Global Positioning," Seminar on Advertising Theory and Practice, Athens, Greece,
June 19, 1995.
"Internationalizing the Marketing Curriculum: Three Approaches," presentation at School of Business,
Indiana University, March 3, 1995.
"Evolving Perspectives in International Marketing: A Research Agenda," presentation at CIBER Center,
School of Business, Indiana University, March 3, 1995.
"New Directions for Cross-Cultural Research: Understanding the Dynamics of Change," AMA Winter Educator's
Conference, San Diego, February 13, 1995.
"Developing Global Marketing Strategies," presentation at CIBER Center, School of Business, Michigan
State University, December 8, 1994.
"Research Directions in International Marketing," EMAC Conference, Maastrict, Holland, May 1994.
"What is Global Marketing?" AMA Educator's Conference, San Francisco, August 1993.
"The Role of Collaboration in Cross-National Consumer Research," AMA Educator's Conference, Washington,
August 1992.
"Cross-National Consumer Research Traditions," with Maureen Broadman and C. Samuel Craig, at EIASM Conference
on Research Traditions in Marketing, Brussels, January 9-10, 1992.
"Products, Promotion and Channels: International Strategy in Relation to Domestic Strategy," Workshop
on Internationalizing the Marketing Curriculum, University of Maryland, July 1991.
"Internationalizing the Marketing Research Course," AMA Faculty Consortium on Global Marketing, Georgetown
University, July 1991.
"Product Symbolism and the Female Executive," John Labatt Seminar, Quebec, Montreal, October 1987.
"Generic Competitive Strategies in International Markets," with Dong Kee Rhee, paper presented at AIB
Meetings, Chicago, November 1987.
"Internationalizing the Marketing Research Course," paper presented at American Marketing Association
Faculty Consortium, Atlanta, July 5-8, 1983.
"Some Decision Variables Related to Performance in International Operations," with C. Samuel Craig, paper
presented at AIB Meetings, Montreal, Canada, October 15-17, 1981.
“Beyond National Culture: Implications of Cultural Dynamics for Consumer Research,” with C. Samuel Craig, forthcoming.
“Advertising Across Cultures,” with C. Samuel Craig. In Gerard Tellis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Advertising, forthcoming.
2003-05 | Chair, EMAC ( European Marketing Academy ) Fellows |
2003 | Faculty Member, EMAC ( European Marketing Academy ) Doctoral Consortium, Strathcylde , Scotland , May 2003 |
2001 | Fellows Panel, AIB Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia. |
2000 | Faculty Member, EMAC (European Marketing Academy), Doctoral Consortium, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, May 2000. |
1999-2002 | Dean, Fellows of Academy of International Business. |
1998 | Faculty Member, 18th AMA Faculty Consortium, Michigan State University, July 10-13th. |
1997-8 | 1997-98 Chair, AIB Fellows Election Committee. |
1997 | Member, External Examination Board, Smurfitt Chair, University College, Dublin, Ireland. |
1997 | Faculty Member, EMAC (European Marketing Academy), Doctoral Consortium, Warwick, U.K., May 1997. |
1995 | Faculty Member, EMAC (European Marketing Academy), Doctoral Consortium, Cergy Pontoise, France, May 1995. |
1994 | Faculty Member, EMAC (European Marketing Academy), Doctoral Consortium, Maastricht, Holland, May 1994. |
1991-3 | Vice President, Academy of International Business, Executive Board Member. |
1991 | Faculty Member, Workshop on Internationalizing the Marketing Curriculum, University of Maryland, July 8, 1991. |
1991 | Faculty Member, AMA (American Marketing Association), Faculty Consortium on Global Marketing, Georgetown University, July 1, 1991. |
1991 | Faculty Member, EMAC (European Marketing Academy), Doctoral Consortium, Dublin, Ireland, May 19-21, 1991. |
1991 | Program Chair, Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Miami, October 17-20, 1991. |
1990 | Chair, Richard Farmer Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee, Academy of International Business. |
1988-90 | Member, Richard Farmer Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee, Academy of International Business. |
1988-89 | Member, External Relations Committee, Academy of International Business. |
1987 | Co-chairman, AMA Educators Conference, Toronto. |
1986 | Faculty Member, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, New York, August. |
1985 | Member, International Steering Committee, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge. |
1983 | Faculty Member, American Marketing Association Faculty Consortium, Atlanta, July. |
1977 | Co-organizer of European Colloquium for Doctoral Students in Marketing, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels. |
1976-78 | Member of Marketing Faculty, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels. Chairman of various seminars and workshops. |
1976-77 | President of the European Academy for Advanced Research in Marketing (EAARM). |
1974 | Convenor of ESOMAR Seminar on Fashion, Barcelona, December 1974. |
1972-79 | Founder Member, member of Steering Committee, Executive Committee, and Editor of Newsletter of European Academy for Advanced Research in Marketing. |
2002 Fellow of European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
1991 Fellow of the Academy of International Business
1977 Jours de France Gold Medal for Advertising Research
1997-Present Revue Française du Marketing
1997-Present Journal of World Marketing
1993-Present Journal of International Marketing
1987-Present Recherche et Applications en Marketing
1987-92 International Marketing Review
1984-87 Journal of Advertising
1982-88 International Journal of Research in Marketing
1980-Present Journal of International Business Studies
1978-94 Journal of Marketing
1977-80 Journal of Business Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Marketing Management
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Fluent French
Working knowledge of German
Some Italian
Susan Patricia Douglas