Web Casts: Corporate Finance - Spring 2010

The 26-session corporate finance class will be webcast starting January 25, 2010, and the lectures will be available as webcasts that can either be watched online or downloaded. You can get the supporting lecture notes by clicking on the pdf files below - the pages covered by each lecture are provided next to each lecture. The quality of the video is not great but the audio should be good. You can download the lecture notes that I will be using for the classes below. For the syllabus and other details, visit the home page for this class .

Lecture Notes
Lecture note packet 1: Management Objectives and Investment Analysis (Sessions 1-15: Download pdf file. You can also get two slides per page, if you want to save paper.) Updated for Spring 2010 class
Lecture note packet 2: Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Valuation (Sessions 16-26: Download pdf file). You can also get two slides per page, if you want to save paper.) Updated for Spring 2010 class

Emails sent during the class
Email chronicles: Spriung 2010

This page will include the webcasts from the current class. The prior semester's webcasts can be found here.

Session (Click here) Topics covered Lecture notes

1 (1/25/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

This is corporate finance!
Overview of class

Syllabus for class
Project Description

2 (1/27/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

The objective in corporate finance
- Maximize firm value vs stockholder wealth vs stock price
- The Classicial onjectve
- What can go wrong?
Packet 1: 1-20

3 (2/1/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

More on Managerial versus Stockholder Interests
Assessing where power lies in a corporation
Bondholders versus Stockholders
Can we trust markets?
The price of social consciousness

Packet 1: 21-43
Analyzing holding structures

4 (2/3/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Alternatives to stock price maximization
Why I would stick with market based mechnisms
Closing thoughts on objectives
First steps on risk
Packet 1: 44-67

5 (2/8/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Ingredients for a good risk and return model
Alternatives to the CAPM
The role of the marginal investor
Riskfree rates
Packet 1: 68-92

6 (2/10/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Riskfree rates when there is no default free entity
Equity Risk Premium
- What we would like to measure..
- Estimation Approaches
* Surveys
* Historical risk premiums
* Implied equity risk premoiums

Benchmarket government rates

Packet 1: 93-109

7 (2/17/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Final thoughts on equity risk premiums
- Regression betas
- Intercept and Jensen's alpha
- R Squared
Implied equity risk premium
Packet 1: 109-127

8 (2/22/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

More thoughts on regression betas
Expected Returns and Costs of Equity
Determinants of betas
- Business mix
- Fixed costs (operating leverage)
Packet 1: 128-145

9 (2/24/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Determinants of betas (continued)
- Financial leverage
Betas as weighted averages
- Betas after mergers
- Bottom up Betas
Packet 1: 146-160
Quiz 1: Review Session (2/25/10)
Streaming webcast
Audio podcast (downloadable)
Quiz 1 Review Material

10 (3/1/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution

More on divisions betas
Estimating bottom up betas for emerging market companies
Estiamting bottom up betas for financial service companies
Estimating bottom up betas for private businesses

Packet 1: 161-170

11 (3/3/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Total betas: A solution for private businesses
- What is debt?
- The cost of debt
Weights for debt and equity
Cost of capital versus Cost of equity

Packet 1: 171-194

12 (3/8/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Measuring Returns
- Cash flows versus Earnings
- What is a project/investment?
- Accounting returns
Packet 1: 195-216

13 (3/10/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

From earnings to cash flows (depreciation, cap ex and working capital)
From cash flows to incremental cash flows
Time weighted incremental cash flows
Dealing with uncertainty
Packet 1: 217-243

14 (3/22/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Sensitivity Analysis and Simulations
Equity analysis: ROE and cash flows to equity
Mutuallly exclusive investments: NPV versus IRR
Packet 1: 244-282

15 (3/24/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Comparing Projects with different lives
Side Costs from Projects
- Assets with existing alternative uses
- Assets with future alternative uses
Side Benefits from Projects
Packet 1: 283-309

16 (3/29/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Nike Case Analysis
The Options in Investments
Nike case analysis
Finite & Infinite life nos
Packet 1: 310-End

Quiz 2: Review Session (3/30/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Review for quiz 2 Review presentation

17 (3/31/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Take the quiz (a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution

The Financing Principle
- Debt versus Equity
- The life cycle view of financing
- The trade off

Packet 2: 1-16

18 (4/5/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

The downside of debt
- Bankruptcuy costs
- Agency costs
The Miller Modigliani Theorem
The cost of capital approach
Packet 2: 17-47

19 (4/7/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

More on the cost of capital approach
Key questions to answer
Cost of capital approach for family group companies, private companies and commodity companies
Packet 2: 48-68

20 (4/12/10) (Warning: The slides in the presentation do not match the audio. Please pirnt off slides 69 through 97 and try to keep up manually)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

The Enhanced Cost of Capital Approach
Estimating optimal financing for a bank
The Adjusted Present Value (APV) Approach
Relative Capital Structure Analysis
Packet 2: 69-97

21 (4/14/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Getting from the actual to the optimal
Designing the perfrect bond
- Rationale for matching debt to assets
- Steps in debt design
The intuitive approach to debt design
Packet 2: 98-113

22 (4/19/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Quantitative approaches to debt design
- Project analysis
- Historical regressions
Comparing the 'right" debt to actual debt

Basics of Dividends
- Dividend facts
- Assessing dividends
Packet 2: 114-149

Quiz 3: Review Session (4/20/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Review for the third quiz Review presentation

23 (4/21/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Take the quiz (a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution

The trade off on Dividend Policy
- Why dividends are bad for some stockholders
- Why dividends are good for others
- The clientele effect
A process for assessing dividends

Packet 2: 150-171

24 (4/26/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

A framework for analyzing dividends
- How much did the company return to stockholders?
- How much could it have? (FCFE)
- Can I trust the managers with the cash?
Packet 2: 172-203

25 (4/28/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Final thoughts on dividend policy
- Approaches
- Components of Intrinsic value
* Cash flows
* Discount rates
* Growth rates
* Terminal value

Packet 2: 204-242

26 ( 5/3/10)

Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Wrapping it all up (using project summary numbers)
- A Big Picture view of corporate finance
- Review of the class
- Valuation loose ends
Presentation for class


Webcast, streamed (need a good internet connection)
Video podcast (downloadable)
Audio Podcast (downloadable)

Final exam review Review Presentation
The Final Exam

Take the final exam (a or b), check the solutions (a or b).

Check your overall grade for the class