Gabriel Natividad
CV (.pdf)
Research papers:
Financial capacity and discontinuous investment: Evidence from emerging market multibusiness firms
Integration and productivity: Satellite-tracked evidence
Business microloans for U.S. subprime borrowers (joint with Cesare Fracassi, Mark Garmaise and Shimon Kogan)
Financial slack, strategy, and competition in movie distribution
Cheap credit, lending operations and international politics: The case of global microfinance (joint with Mark Garmaise)
Multidivisional strategy and investment returns
Information, the cost of credit and operational efficiency: An empirical study of microfinance (joint with Mark Garmaise)
Some syllabi: MBA M&A Strategies: daytime (.pdf) evening (.pdf) PhD Econ.Org. (.pdf)
Note: This website will not be updated after 5 May 2014. |