What is Alternative Risk Transfer?
Ian Giddy
is Alternative Risk Transfer?
Alternative Risk Transfer (ART) is risk
protection that is done outside of the traditional models of an
insurance program. ART blends
risk retention and risk transfer at the lowest total cost of risk and
results in mutually aligning the financial interests of both the
insurer and the insured. That can span a whole spectrum of solutions.
There are two broad
segments to the ART market. These two
segments are risk
transfer through alternative carriers and risk
transfer through alternative products. For
the most part, the
alternative carrier concept encompasses self-insurance, pools, captives
and risk retention groups (RRGs). Risk transfer through alternative
products generally includes transactions such as integrated multiline
products, insurance-linked securities (or CAT bonds as they are
commonly referred to), credit securitization, committed capital,
weather derivatives, and finite risk products.
The origin of the alternative risk transfer market was
focussed on transactions that allowed entities to insure their own
risks. These solutions emphasized the financing of risks rather than
transfer of the risks to the commercial insurance market. In truth,
most of the alternative carrier concepts incorporate a large portion of
risk retention and involve little in the way of transfer; however, the
ART name has been given to them and it has stuck.
- Self-Insurance--This segment of the
carrier market
is one of the oldest and still remains one of the largest. Currently,
estimates indicate that self-insurance represents about 75% of the
carrier market. Coverages that commonly fall into this segment are
workers compensation, general liability, and auto liability and
physical damage. Despite the fact that both workers compensation and
auto liability are heavily regulated by the various states, growth of
self-insurance in these two lines has continued. Since self-insurance
is typically associated with cost efficiency and increased loss
control, these alternatives are expected to continue to grow regardless
of the market conditions.
- Captives and RRGs--By definition,
captives and risk
retention groups (RRGs) are insurance companies that are owned by their
parent(s). The original captive "boom" was in the late 1960s; however,
the recent hard market has broadened the appeal of the captive
movement. For years, captives have been considered the exclusive domain
of Fortune 500 companies but, today, middle market companies are also
seeing the advantages of captive formations. As a result, captive
domiciles across the country saw a record year for formations in 2003.
Despite the continuation of the hard market, it will be difficult to
continue this record pace.
- Pools--This ART technique is usually
associated with
groups of governmental entities that band together to cover specific
risks. Most frequently, pools have been established to deal with
workers compensation coverage. The year 2003 saw significant growth in
the pool concept and since workers compensation is one of the most
troubled lines of coverage, interest in pools should continue during
this current year and beyond.
- Finite Risks--The past several years
have seen finite
risk products become an accepted risk mechanism. While these products
are designed specifically to the needs of the customers, they are
typically multiyear contracts that assist the customer in reducing
their cost of capital via earnings smoothing. Finite risk products are
long-term solutions that, by their nature, reduce the year-to-year
volatility normally associated with a commercial insurance policy.
Products can be written either on a pre-funded (prospective) or
post-funded (retrospective) basis. Recently, a variety of applications
have been successfully
utilized to help purchasers resolve risk problems. Among the current
crop of finite products are loss portfolio transfers, adverse
development covers, time and distance covers and spread loss covers. To
date, the most utilized finite product is the loss portfolio transfer,
which is frequently used to eliminate long-term liabilities from a
company during merger and acquisition activities. The smoothing effects
of the finite risk products coupled with the current restricted
capacity in today's marketplace will continue to favor the use of these
- Contingent Capital--These products,
also referred to
as commited capital, are one method to take advantage of the
convergence of the insurance and capital markets. The underlying
concept of committed capital is that the customer can sell some form of
debt via a contractual commitment at a predetermined price should a
specific adverse event occur. These products are only about 10 years
old; however, they are catching on quickly since many people see them
as a bridge between full insurance and full self-insurance. The current
hard insurance market should continue to stimulate interest in this
- Integrated Multi-line Products--The
late '90s also
saw the introduction of another new ART approach--the multiline--and,
in many cases, multiyear integrated insurance product. These products
were the first attempts to combine insurable risk with financial risks
and were yet another sign of the converging capital and insurance
markets. These products were heralded by some as the next big thing in
risk management. However, due in large part to the events following
9/11, many insurers have moved back to their core businesses and
deployed their capital in more traditional methods. As a result, with
the exception of Swiss Re and Zurich, few carriers are offering these
products today.
- Insurance-Linked Securities (aka Cat
products were developed specifically to offset the decrease in
insurance capacity. They are designed to assist insurers and
corporations in transferring catastrophic risks (wind, flood and
earthquake) to the capital market via a bond issue. Originally, these
products were used in response to the lack of wind coverage following
Hurricane Andrew. Typically, these products come about as a result of a
bond being issued, and the proceeds being invested. Bondholders then
receive interest payments and the principal repayment over the life of
the bond. However, should the issuer suffer a catastrophic loss, both
the interest and principal could be used to pay the loss. While many
believed that the hard market would accelerate the use of CAT bonds,
utilization has been modest over the past few years. However, as the
transactional costs decline and the acceptance of these products
increases, usage is expected to grow.
- Weather Derivatives--As opposed to a
lack of
insurance capacity, the development of these products was directly tied
to the deregulation of the U.S. energy industry. Energy companies
needed to find ways to mitigate the significant ear
- nings volatility
that was usually associated with changes in weather. Weather
derivatives were introduced in 1997. Use of weather derivatives has
quickly expanded beyond the energy industry and many experts see a wide
variety of applications for these products in the future. Additionally,
although they were originally confined to use in the United States,
they are now freely used in many parts of Europe and Asia. Significant
growth over the next few years is expected.
- Credit Securitization--Despite the
rosy views of the
U.S. economy, credit risks continue to be one of the most significant
for many organizations. Credit securitization products were designed to
hedge these risks. Typically, these products involve a portfolio of
loans, bonds, or other credit assets. By bundling these assets
together, they can be structured as a single portfolio with many
layers, each with its own credit rating. The major advantage of these
products is that bundling these risks diversifies the credit risk
across single companies, industries and geographic locations, thereby
becoming more attractive to the capital markets.
Links: ART Portal | Contingent
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