The purpose of the Q. &
A. is to raise questions, problems or concerns and to clear the air.
Rarely should you want to prevent people from participating. There
are times when you want to keep total control, e.g., in dealing with the
media or a difficult audience, but even then you may want to give the participants
a hearing. For most business presentations, this is an opportunity
to get out any differences while you have a chance to evaluate them and
to incorporate or discard them. Skillful handling of questions and
concerns in front of the group may prevent undermining behind the scenes
List every conceivable question and answer ahead of time. Ask
someone to drill you. Hold some research in reserve, on a visual
or in your head, then present it as if spontaneously during your Q. &
Starting the Session Effectively
After the last point in the speech, the audience will need time to
absorb your last idea and to review the speech. Give them whatever
time they need to relax and start thinking. If something isn't forthcoming
after a suitable wait, you can begin to encourage people. Suggest
a question for them, "Sometimes I'm asked...." Then answer
your own question briefly.
Maintain eye contact and listen attentively to the end of the question.
This shows respect and acknowledges to questioners your support and concern
for their point-of-view. You will also be certain to understand the
whole question and catch possible underlying assertions that need support
or refutation. Do not stop listening until the final punctuation.
Once the questioner is finished, take your time and begin the answer.
After the first few words, take the focus back out to the audience so that
they are included again as part of the group. This reasserts your
control of the floor.
When Handling Questions From The Audience
Keep your major premise foremost in your mind while answering questions
so that you are not trapped into a tangential area, winning individual
points but risking your original objective.
Try to keep your answers short. If you don't understand the question,
admit it, saying, "I'm sorry. I don't understand the question."
Do not say, "Your question is unclear." Rephrase questions
that are unclear and rambling. Repeat each question only if the audience
cannot hear it. If you don't know the answer, admit it. Do
not try to bluff the answer.
Try to move around the audience when accepting questions so that the
total audience is involved. Before listeners will accept your argument,
they will want acknowledgment of their concerns. Remember that
evidence, not opinion, is what persuades an audience.
Take control firmly at the end of the Q/A session
Make certain that you present the last word on the subject. At
the end of the session, make sure to have an appropriate closing:
a summary, request for action, request for commitment, or restatement of
the group's agreement. Remember, the first and the last comments
made receive the audience's highest level of attention.