- Notes on the Theory
of Economic Planning, Athens, Greece: Center for Economic Research,
- Optimal Replacement
Policy (with D.W. Jorgensen and J.J. McCall), North-Holland Press
and Rand-McNally, 1967 (also released as RAND Corporation Report
R-437-PR, April 1966).
- Economic Theory of
Teams (with J. Marschak), Cowles Foundation and Yale University
Press, New Haven, 1972.
- Demand and Supply
in U.S. Higher Education (with L.S. Miller), Carnegie Commission on
Higher Education and McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975.
- Mathematics in
Academia (with C.V. Kuh), Conference Board of the Mathematical
Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1980.
- "The Evaluation
of Information in Organizations," in Proceedings of the Fourth
Berkeley Symposium on Probability and Statistics. Berkeley, California:
University of California Press, 1961, Vol. 1, pp. 491-530.
- "Paths of Economics
Growth that are Optimal with Regard Only to Final States: A 'Turnpike
Theorem'," Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 28, 1961,
pp. 98-104.
- "Team Decision Problems,"
Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 33, 1962, pp. 857-81.
- "Marches a terme
et au comptant en cas d'incertitude," Cahiers d'Econometrie,
No. 9, 1967, pp. 30-47.
- "Competitive Equilibrium
under Uncertainty," Econometrica, 1967, pp.30-47.
- "Shadow Prices for
Infinite Growth Programs: The Functional Analysis Approach" (with
M. K. Majumdar), in Techniques of Optimization, A. V. Balakrishnan,
(ed.), Academic Press, New York and London, 1972.
- "Allocation of Resources
in a Team" (with T. F. Groves), Journal of Economic Theory,
Vol. 4, 1972, pp. 415-441.
- "Satisficing,"
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 2, 1975, pp. 253-62.
- "On the Allocation
of Effort" (with M. Rothschild), Journal of Economic Theory,
Vol. 10, 1975, pp. 358-76.
- "Allocation of Resources
in Large Teams" (with K. J. Arrow), Econometrica, Vol.
47. 1979, pp. 361-386.
- "Rational Expectations
Equilibrium: Generic Existence and the Information Revealed by Prices,"
Econometrica, Vol. 47, 1979, pp. 655-678.
- "Collusive Behavior
in Noncooperative Epsilon-Equilibria of Oligopolies With Long but
Finite Lives," J. of Econ. Theory, Vol. 22, 1980, pp.
- "Monitoring Cooperative
Agreements in a Repeated Principal-Agent Relationship," Econometrica,
Vol. 49, 1981, pp. 1127-1148.
- "Repeated Principal-Agent
Games with Discounting," Econometrica, Vol. 53, 1985,
pp. 1173-1198.
- "Repeated Partnership
Games with Imperfect Monitoring and No Discounting," Review
of Economic Studies, Vol. 53 (1986), 43-57.
- "An Example of a
Repeated Partnership Game with Discounting and with Uniformly Inefficient
Equilibria," Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 53 (1986),
- "The Internal Economy
of Large Firms," The Economic Journal, Vol. 96, Supplement,
1986, 1-22.
- "Can Bounded Rationality
Resolve the Prisoners' Dilemma?", in A. Mas-Colell and W. Hildenbrand,
eds., Contributions to Mathematical Economics, North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1986, pp. 387-399.
- "Decentralization
and Incentives," in T. Groves, R. Radner, and S. Reiter, eds.
Information, Incentives, and Economic Mechanisms, U. of Minn.
Press, Minneapolis, 1987.
- "A Model of Defense-Protected
Build-Down," in A. M. Weinberg and J. N. Barkenbus (eds.), "Strategic
Defenses and Arms Control," The Washington Institute, Washington,
- "Equilibria of the
Sealed-Bid Mechanism for Bargaining with Incomplete Information"
(with W. Leininger and P. B. Linhart), J. Econ. Theory, vol.
48 (June 1989), 47-62.
- "The Sealed-Bid
Mechanism: An Experimental Study" (with A. Schotter), J. Econ.
Theory, vol. 48 (June 1989), 179-220.
- "Transfer Payments
and the Core of a Profit-Center Game," in D. Gale, et al, eds.,
"Essays in Honor of Frank Hahn," Cambridge University
Press, 1992, pp. 316-339.
- "Joint Exploitation
of a Productive Asset" (with J. Benhabib), Economic Theory,
2 (1992), 155-190.
- "Hierarchy: The
Economics of Managing," J. of Economic Literature, vol.
30 (Sept. 1992), 1382-1415.
- "Price Caps"
(with P. B. Linhart), Annals of Operations Research, 36 (1992),
- "The Organization
of Decentralized Information Processing," Econometrica,
61 (1993), 1109-1146.
- "Efficiency in Partnership
when the Joint Output is Uncertain" (with S. R. Williams), in
J. Ledyard, ed., The Economics of Informational Decentralization,
Kluwer, Boston, 1995, pp. 79-99.
- "Moral Hazard (with
P. K. Dutta), in R. Aumann and S. Hart, eds., Handbook of Game
Theory, Vol. 2, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1995.
- "Bounded Rationality,
Indeterminacy, and the Managerial Theory of the Firm," in Z.
Shapira, ed., Organizational Decision Making, Cambridge U.
Press, Cambridge, 1997. [A shorter version published as "Bounded
Rationality, Indeterminacy, and the Theory of the Firm," Economic
J., 106, no. 438 (Sept. 1996), 1360-1373.]
- Economic Survival,
Nancy Schwartz Memorial Lecture, Northwestern University, 1996; reprinted
in D. P. Jacobs, et al, Frontiers of Research in Economic Theory,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 183-209.
- "On the Optimal
Schedule for Introducing a New Technology" (with P. B. Linhart),
in G. Chichilnisky, ed., Markets, Information, and Social Choices,
Cambridge U. Press, 1999, pp. 165-190.
- "Market Selection
and the Profit-Maximization Hypothesis" (with P. K. Dutta), Review
of Economic Studies, 66(1999), 769-798.
- "A Profit-Center
Game with Incomplete Information" (with T. Ichiishi), Review
of Economic Design, 4 (1999), 307-343.
- "Real-Time Decentralized
Information Processing and Returns to Scale" (with T. Van Zandt),
Economic Theory, 17 (no. 3, May 1999), 545-575.
- "Costly and Bounded
Rationality in Individual and Team Decision-Making," Industrial
and Corporate Change, v.9, no. 4 (2000), 623-658.
- "On the Core of
a Cartel," in G. Debreu, W. Neuefeind, and W. Trockel, eds.,
Economics Essays, Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp. 315-331.
- "Viscous Demand,"
September, 2002, to appear in the J. of Economic Theory, 112
(2003), 189-231.
- "Self-Enforcing Climate-Change
Treaties" (with P.K. Dutta), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S., 101
(2004), 4746-4751.
- “Strategic Analysis of Petty Corruption: Entrepreneurs and
Bureaucrats” (with A. Lambert-Mogiliansky and M. K. Majumdar),
J. of Development Economics, 83 (2007), 351-367.
- “Strategic Analysis of Global Warming: Theory and Some Numbers,”
(with P. K. Dutta), J. of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 71, (2009), 187-209.
- “Capital Growth in a Global Warming Model: Will China and India Sign a Climate Treaty,”(with P.K. Dutta), Economic Theory, 49 (2012), 411-443.
- “Dynamic Pricing of Network Goods with Boundedly Rational
Consumers” (with Ami Radunskaya and Arun Sundararajan), December 2011 (unpublished).
- "Bayesian Analysis and Model Revision for k’th Order
Markov Chains with Unknown k,” September 2002.