- "On the Use of Borrowed Scales in Cross-National
Research: A Cautionary Note," International Marketing Review (to appear 2002).
- "Dynamics of International Brand Architecture:
Overview and Directions for Future Research" with C. Samuel Craig. Research in International Marketing
Conference, CIBER University of Connecticut, October 19, 2001.
- International Marketing Research: Concepts and Methods with C. Samuel Craig. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley
& Sons, 2000.
- "International Advertising,"
with C. Samuel Craig, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. In Neil J Smelser
and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), 2002.
- "Integrating Branding Strategy Across
Markets; Building International Brand Architecture," with C. Samuel Craig and Edwin J. Nijssen, Journal
of International Marketing, 9, 2, (2001), S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award.
- "Configural Advantage in Global Markets"
with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of International Marketing. 8, 1 (2000). S. Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award.
- "Conducting International Marketing Research
in the 21st Century" with C. Samuel Craig, International Marketing Review, 2000.
- "Competing in the Next Millenium: Challenges
Facing International Marketers" with C. Samuel Craig, International Marketing Review, 16, 2, 1999.
- "Attitudes Toward Foreign Products:
Extending the Animosity Model," with Edwin J. Nijssen, University of Nijmegen, and Paul Bressers, Akzo
Nobel, Academy of Marketing, AMA Global Marketing SIG Joint Conference, 6 July 1999 (Best Paper Award).