The Rosenwald Global Value Fund was launched at NYU Stern in Fall 2012. Thanks to an initial gift from James B. Rosenwald III (Stern M.B.A., 1984) and subsequent generous gifts, the Rosenwald Global Value Fund offers Stern MBA students an opportunity to learn the craft of value investing from highly knowledgeable and experienced investment managers, and then to apply these skills in the real world of global investing. As part of a 12-week course, students scan the global investment landscape and develop investment proposals that meet value investment benchmarks, including an investment horizon of 3-5 years. A panel of judges reviews the student proposals and selects the most compelling investment ideas from the pool. A set of new holdings and asset sales is finalized by the end of the fall semester. The Fund is re-evaluated and the process is repeated with a new class the following year.

Distributions from the Fund, were initiated in 2019 to support academic research within the Alternative Investments Platform at Stern's Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions. Each year, a select group of undergraduate students receive financial support as Rosenwald Fellows and undertake research studies on asset management under faculty supervision. A list of Rosenwald Fellows and their completed research papers are at this link.

From an initial gift of $100,000, the Fund now oversees more than $1.9 million in assets under management. The portfolio is concentrated in a small number of holdings investing in companies based in China, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan and the United States. The class is limited to roughly 35 students each semester.