Sample Exams

This page is intended to assist in the preparation for the mid-term and final exams. I suggest that you not look at these practice exams until you are nearing the completion of your preparations for the actual exam. If you are familiar with the questions (and solutions) before taking these practice exams under "exam conditions," they will seem quite easy relative to the actual exam. Questions on these practice exams were drawn from actual exams in prior semesters and should require approximately three hours to complete. Solutions to exam questions follow the sample exams. These sample exams will probably be revised as the term progresses to reflect actual course coverage. Allow approximately 3 hours to complete both parts of each sample exam.

The exams are provided in *.pdf format which can be downloaded by selecting the appropriate links below. After downloading, you will need to access this material with Adobe Acrobat Reader . If you do not have this program, it can be downloaded without cost by linking to Adobe's site , selecting the "Get Acrobat Reader link" and following instructions. Be cautious about a few mathematics symbols and Greek letters that not convert properly from WP8.0 to *.pdf format. Feel free to report any difficulties to or obtain any needed assistance from  John Teall .

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updated 06/03/07