Economic Statistics
Briefing Room (ESBR) - White House
This part of the White House web site offers summary data and graphs
of macroeconomic series. While the series are relatively short, it is convenient
to have summary information in one place with links to the originator.
Data is organized in the following categories: output; income; employment,
unemployment, and earnings; production and business activity; prices; money,
credit, and securities markets; transportation; and international statistics.
Excellent resource for latest data on the business cycle.
Great resource for analyzing U.S. macro data. You can use a simple
form to choose hundreds of macro series, choose the sample period, chart
the series and transform the charts in several useful formats (such as
levels and rates of change): Raw series, Period-to-period percentage change
of the series at AR (Annualized Rate), Period-to-period actual change at
AR, Percentage change from same period last year, Actual change from same
period last year, PRESSURE: (normal/smoothed percentage changes), PRESSURE:
positive actual changes (suggested for series with negative data), PRESSURE:
negative actual changes (suggested for interest & unemployment rates).
Once you create a chart, you can save it in a GIF format and download it.
Business Information Sources from Stern
A good directory of links to online resource in macroeconomics
The Dismal Scientist
An good source of information, data and analysis of the most important
business cycle indicators; by subscription.
Economic and Treasury Calendar
from Yahoo
A calendar of all forthcoming business cycle indicators. A good source
to keep track of which indicators are going to be published during the
current month.
Economic Report
of the President
This site offers the current and past issues of the Economic Report
of the President, an excellent summary of U.S. macroeconomic conditions
and policies. Besides the text, it also includes the statistical tables
from the appendixes.
FRED Database of Macroeconomic
At FRED, you find thousands of macro series from the database of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. One of the largest collections of data
on the U.S. economy.
Federal Reserve Banks:
Each one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors
of the Fed has a WEB site offering a wealth of information, analysis and
data on US monetary policy. Particularly useful and rich in content are
the New York Fed site, the Chicago Fed site, the Minneapolis Fed site and
the Board of Governors site.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
This service from the BEA contains the most requested data. Specifically,
it has recent data (from the last few quarters) from the National Income
and Products Account (NIPA): real GDP and its components, personal income,
and corporate profits. You also find here the Survey of Current Business.
There is also historical data for real GDP, (but no components) final sales,
and several price indices and deflators. In addition, they offer charts
of some of their data. For balance of payments accounts, they offer "U.S.
International Transactions" and "Trade in Goods and Services" data from
the last few years. They offer various charts as well in this area.
GPO Gate: Monthly Economic Indicators
This is another site with official reports and summary data on the current and recent past performance of the U.S. economy. The Economic Indicators are prepared for the Joint Economic Committee of Congress by the Council of Economic advisors and is published monthly. To see what it contains, search for the contents of latest issues. Data is found via their search engine. So it is less convenient than the sites above.
Roubini Global Macro
and Financial Policy Site
A premiere source of information and analysis on the global macroeconomy.
Subject matters organized by country and topics.
NYU's Virtual Business
Many online data and information resources for NYU students are at
the NYU's Virtual Business
Library; Access is automatic through NYU or NYU dial-up; outside NYU,
use the NYU's proxy server.
Stanley Global Economic Forum
This service (led by Stephen Roach, chief economist at Morgan Stanley
and a leading Wall Street economist) offers a daily view on macroeconomic
affairs and events around the world. This is the best daily source of information
and commentary on current macroeconomic conditions in US, Europe, Japan,
Canada and selected deveoping countries. On each business day, a number
of issues are discussed. Back issues are available as well. An excellent
source of analysis and information on macroeconomic conditions and policies
in industrial and emerging markets.
Ed Yardeni's Economics Network
Ed Yardeni is a senior economist at Prudential. You will find a numerous
charts of U.S. and international macro data and data from the latest releases
of statistical material. There are also weekly economic analyses, briefings
and topical analyses of macroeconomic trends.
Wachovia provides its users with free, valuable economic information.
The following
reports are made available: Economic Indicator Analysis, Weekly Economic
Commentary, Regional Economic Review, Quarterly Economic Outlook, Data
The Economics Section of About.Com
An excellent resource for Economics information for Economics Students.
Trends" by the Research Department at Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Excellent WEB resource. This is a monthly source for analysis and charts
of US business cycle conditions.
Latest economic statistics are charted and the current state of the
economy is discussed in detail. Topics analyzed include:
The Economy in Perspective, Monetary Policy, Inflation and Prices,
Economic Activity, Labor Markets, Banking
Conditions, International Trade, Global Savings and Investment.
USA Data from
the Dallas Fed
Many data on the US economy including a very good Quick
Slide Show of the US Economy
Macroeconomic Advisers LLC
Macroeconomic Advisers LLC, previously "Laurence H. Meyer & Associates,
Ltd" is a privately owned corporation that specializes in macroeconomic
forecasting and policy analysis. Its founder Lawrence Meyer is now a governor
of Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. They built, maintain
and support the Washington University Macroeconometric model of the United
States Economy (WUMM). At this site they offer a fairly detailed description
of their model (including graphs of its response to monetary and fiscal
International Monetary Fund
The IMF site provide information on the role and functions of the IMF,
the leading international organization dealing with macroeconomic reform
and lending to developing countries facing macroeconomic difficulties.
You can find information on IMF Staff Country Reports, IMF Working Papers
and Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessment, Press Releases/Briefings/Conferences,
News Briefs, Speeches by the Managing Director, the IMF Survey and some
selected macro data.
The World Bank Group
The World Bank site offers a wide variety of material on their operations.
It includes information on current events ,country and project information.
There is also substantial information on the research projects of the bank.
An excellent site for information on emerging markets and their macroeconomic
Inter-American Development Bank
This site describes many aspects of the bank's work, a international
lending institution for Latin America. It also has extensive information
on their projects, press releases, information on their press releases,
some information on business opportunities, information on their private
sector projects, and information on the Inter-American Investment Corporation.
They also have fairly extensive summary statistical data on their member
countries. A good source of information on Latin American countries.
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
The OECD is based in Paris and is the "club" of industrialized countries.
Among other functions, the OECD collects a large set of macroeconomic data
for the member countries and prepares regular reports and studies of their
macroeconomic conditions and policies. The site provide information on
the activities of the OECD. You can find on this site some data on the
latest economic indicators of the member countries and a catalogue of the
publications of the OECD.
Asian Development Bank
This site describes all aspects of this bank's work. This not only
includes information about the bank, but also includes news releases, extensive
information on its projects, and its work with law and development. There
is also extensive material on the bank's publications.
We list below links to the WEB sites of some leading economics and business newspapers and magazines. Each one of this site offers selected articles form current and past issues that provide a wealth of macroeconomic information on industrial countries and emerging markets.
The Economist
The WEB site of the Economist offers only a few articles of each issue
and an archive of selected articles in past issues of them magazine. Still,
the site is a partial free alternative to subscribing to the paper edition.
Bloomberg is one of the leading suppliers of financial market information.
In this offering, you can read about a number of current financial market
events. While this site offers less than their fee-based service (Bloomberg
Terminal), it does supply a substantial amount of information: news, summary
information on markets around the world, etc.
The Wall Street Journal
You need to pay a fee to subscribe on a regular basis. The on-line
edition of the WSJ contains all current articles and an searchable archive
of the last two weeks of the WSJ and Dow Jones services.
The Financial Times
The on-line web site of the Financial Times offers you a free (subject
to registration) view of the current articles and an searchable archive
of the newspaper. Excellent coverage of international economics news.
Resources for Economists
on the Internet
This site provide a most extensive set of links to resource for economists
on the WEB. The links are classified by categories.
Another systematic directory of Economic reources on the Internet.
Economics Listings
Yahoo is one of the most popular Internet search engines. Their Economics
listing are classified according to the following categories: Indices,
Accounting and Auditing, Conferences, Courses, Economic Indicators, Economic
Policies and Regulations, Federal Reserve Banks, Finance, Game Theory,
Government, Institutes, Journals, Management Science, Marketing , Markets
and Investments, Money and Banking, Organizations, Usenet. While the coverage
is not limited to macroeconomics, many of the links are very useful source
of macroeconomic information and data.
Author: Nouriel Roubini, Stern School of Business, New York University, 2004.