Alan Greenspan's Tradeoff

                                by N. Gregory Mankiw

                                Fortune, December 8, 1997

                                        Life is full of tradeoffs. Consumers trade off spending today against
                                        saving for tomorrow. Congress trades off tax cuts against deficit
                                        reduction. And the Federal Reserve trades off inflation against
                                        But wait: The U.S. is now enjoying low inflation and low unemployment.
                                        Doesn't this refute the old theory of an inflation-unemployment tradeoff?
                                        Not at all, and Alan Greenspan knows it. The Fed has a single policy
                                        lever, and this lever pushes inflation and unemployment in opposite
                                                              When the Fed wants to reduce
                                                              unemployment, it reduces interest rates by
                                                              increasing the money supply. Lower
                                                              interest rates stimulate spending on goods
                                                              and services, and this encourages firms to
                                                              hire more workers. But with more dollars
                                                              circulating in the economy, over time each
                                                              dollar becomes worth less. The result is
                                                              higher inflation.

                                                              Conversely, when the Fed wants to fight
                                        inflation, it reduces growth in the money supply. Yet this causes a rise in
                                        interest rates, which depresses spending and increases unemployment.
                                        How, then, does the U.S. economy now find itself enjoying both the
                                        lowest inflation and the lowest unemployment in decades? The answer is
                                        that while the Fed always faces an inflation-unemployment tradeoff, the
                                        tradeoff does not stay the same from year to year.

                                        Consider an analogy. As a consumer, you face a tradeoff between
                                        spending and saving. The more you spend, the less you save. Of course,
                                        if your income rises, you can both spend more and save more. And if
                                        your income falls, you might choose to both spend less and save less.
                                        But this in no way denies the tradeoff between spending and saving that
                                        you face every day.

                                        What, then, can alter the short-run tradeoff between inflation and
                                        unemployment? There are three answers--inflation expectations, supply
                                        shocks, and labor-market conditions--and each is important for
                                        understanding the economic environment the Fed now faces.

                                          Inflation Expectations: When expected inflation is high, workers
                                        demand larger wage increases. Employers acquiesce, expecting that
                                        they can pass higher costs on to consumers. As a result, high expected
                                        inflation leads to rapid cost escalation, which in turn leads to high actual
                                        inflation. Economist Robert Solow put the point succinctly during the
                                        high inflation of the 1970s: "Why is our money ever less valuable?
                                        Perhaps it is simply that we have inflation because we expect inflation,
                                        and we expect inflation because we've had it."
                                        Just the opposite is true today. Now we have low inflation because we
                                        expect low inflation, and we expect low inflation because we've had it.
                                        Greenspan has bought for himself a favorable tradeoff between inflation
                                        and unemployment by giving the public many years of low inflation.

                                          Supply Shocks: Sometimes outside events affect the prices at which
                                        firms supply their goods and services. The classic inflationary supply
                                        shocks were the OPEC oil price increases of the 1970s. As the cost of
                                        all oil-related products rose, the Fed had to cope with a less favorable
                                        tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Greenspan has been more
                                        fortunate. Shortly before he was appointed Fed chairman in 1987, world
                                        oil prices plummeted, improving the inflation-unemployment tradeoff.
                                        Over the past two years, the foreign-exchange market has provided a
                                        similar benefit. The rise in the exchange rate from 90 to 120 yen per
                                        dollar has put downward pressure on the prices of imports and
                                        import-competing goods. And because wages respond to consumer
                                        prices, the strong dollar has also kept down growth in labor costs.

                                          Labor-Market Conditions:
                                        Monetary policy is only one
                                        determinant of the
                                        unemployment rate. More
                                        important, especially in the long
                                        run, is how well the labor
                                        market matches workers and
                                        jobs. In many European
                                        countries, unemployment
                                        remains high because welfare
                                        policies give unskilled workers
                                        little incentive to find jobs. The
                                        U.S. is less generous, and one
                                        result is a more favorable
                                        tradeoff between inflation and

                                        The declining unemployment rate over the past several years has led
                                        some economists to wonder whether the U.S. labor market is getting
                                        better at matching workers and jobs. Why might that be? The increasing
                                        role of temporary-help agencies is one possible explanation.

                                        Because so many variables can shift the inflation-unemployment
                                        tradeoff, the Fed tries to keep track of it all. Many economists
                                        summarize the answer with a number called the NAIRU, standing for
                                        "non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment." When unemployment
                                        rises above the NAIRU, inflation tends to fall below rates experienced in
                                        the recent past. When unemployment falls below the NAIRU, inflation
                                        tends to rise.

                                        But here's the rub: Estimates of the NAIRU are notoriously imprecise.
                                        This uncertainty makes the task facing the Fed chairman and his
                                        colleagues all the more difficult. But it should not delude us into thinking
                                        that the Fed can push unemployment lower without risking higher
                                        inflation. Indeed, unless Greenspan's good luck continues, there is reason
                                        to fear that higher inflation may be around the corner.

                                        N. Gregory Mankiw is a Harvard economics professor and author of
                                        Principles of Economics.