Importance: ***
Definition: Capacity utilization
measures the extent to which the nation's capital is being used in the
production of goods. The utilization rate rises and falls with business
cycles. As production increases, capacity utilization rises.
Related Indicators:
Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Frequency: Monthly
Availability: Two to three weeks following the reported month
Volatility: Low
Likely Impact of Financial Markets:
Interest Rates: Larger-than-expected monthly increase or increasing
trend is
considered inflationary, causing bond prices to drop and yields and interest
rates to
Stock Prices:
Exchange Rates:
Ability to Affect Markets:
Analysis of the Indicator:
Economists closely watch capacity utilization for signs of inflation
pressures. There is a common
belief that when utilization rises above somewhere between 82% and
85%, prices pressures
increase, resulting in inflation.
The industrial production index, released at the same time, measures
the physical volume of output of
the nation's manufacturing sector, including factories, mines, and
Goods-producing industries account for about 45% of the economy. The
balance, the service sector
and construction industry, account for the remaining 55%. They are
not covered by this report.
The index is expressed as a percentage of production in a base year.
Currently, the base year is
1987. The data is typically expressed as an increase or decrease from
the prior month.
The slower the production pace, the better the bond market likes it.
Conversely, a strong production
and capacity utilization report leads to a market sell-off.
WEB Links
A Table of the latest Industrial Production data
from The
Economic Statistics Briefing Room
the White House.
The latest Industrial
Productin report from the White House.