Investors are convinced that lowly rated countries and
companies are much less likely to go bust than they were. Are
they correct
risk is no longer a four-letter word
Investors are convinced that lowly rated countries and
companies are much less likely to go bust than they were. Are
they correct? CAST your mind back a little over two years, to
the beginning of 1995. Mexico was on the ropes, and had been
forced to devalue the peso. Fearful that the country would
default on its foreign debts, investors bolted. Memories of an
earlier Latin American debt crisis caused them to desert other
emerging economies, too, and not just in Latin America: the
shock waves were felt as far away as Asia. That March the
yield on an index of emerging-market bonds compiled by J.P.
Morgan stood at over 1,900 basis points (hundredths of a
percentage point) above that on American Treasuries, a record.
Only a $50 billion bail-out for Mexico, assembled by America
and the IMF , calmed investorsÕ frazzled nerves.
They are, it is clear, frazzled no longer. This month the
yield on the J.P. Morgan index was a shade more than 350 basis
over Treasuries, a record low (see ). ThailandÕs recent
travails have caused scarcely a ripple outside South-East
Asia. Yields on bonds issued by emerging countries and big
companies in other parts of the world have barely budged.
And not just in emerging markets. In rich countries, yields on
bonds lacking an investment-grade rating (known as junk) have
fallen much faster than those on less risky paper, and are now
at rock
bottom. Investors seem to think that borrowers they
considered horribly risky not long ago are now much safer
bets; in consequence, they are demanding much less extra
interest to compensate for the possibility of default. Have
investors inflated a credit bubble that will, in time-honoured
fashion, burst?
The fall in the price of risk has been both striking and
universal. At the end of 1995, according to an index drawn up
by Salomon Brothers, American junk bonds yielded about 430
basis points more than Treasury bonds. Now the gap is less
than 300 basis points. In Latin America, big firms have been
able to borrow in foreign currencies at rates similar to those
paid by firms in developed countries.
As for government borrowers, in October 1996 Argentina had to
pay 445 basis points over Treasuries when it issued ten-year
dollar bonds; the spread has
fallen to below 250 basis points.
As recently as June, Russia issued ten-year bonds at 335 basis
points over LIBOR , the rate at which the soundest banks
borrow from each other in London; they now trade at 285 basis
points over. Even countries that were once considered almost
radioactive have seen their borrowing rates plunge. A year ago
bonds issued by Bulgaria traded at almost 1,500 basis points
over Treasuries; now the gap is
little more than a third of
In the case of American junk bonds, many borrowers do indeed
seem to be in better shape than they were. John Lonski, chief
economist at MoodyÕs, a credit-rating agency, points to
several factors. The long-term decline in government-bond
yields has meant that companies have been able to borrow new
money and refinance existing debt at cheaper rates. A strong
stockmarket has enabled them to rely more on equity capital
than debt, and so improve their balance sheets. And soaring
profits have pushed the ratio of pre-tax profits to interest
charges to its highest since the late 1970s. In the first half
of this year, for every dollarÕs worth of junk that MoodyÕs
downgraded, $1.65-worth was upgraded. Of old, junk was more
often downgraded.
This is not a watertight case: Wall StreetÕs 1980s junk-bond
boom ended in tears. But most fears about investors misjudging
risks centre on emerging-market debt. True, many emerging
economies look in better nick than they did. The ratio of
their external debt to GDP has
fallen, estimates the IMF ,
from 38.3% in 1992 to an expected 30% this year. Inflation
has, in general, been cut, making currencies more stable and
foreign-debt defaults less likely. In 1994, says the Fund,
developing-country inflation was 51%; this year, it should be
below 10%. Some countries have seen spectacular falls: Latin
American inflation, 200%-plus in 1994, is expected to be 12%
or so in 1997; in Russia, where prices rose by 1,350% in 1992
and 300% in 1994, the IMF expects inflation of only 14.2% this
Taking advantage of their improved economic conditions,
developing countries have been rushing to issue bonds in the
international markets (see ). They have found no shortage of
takers. The money comes mainly from two sources.
The first is portfolio investors. Low interest rates at home
(ten-year government bonds yield about
6.4% in America and a
measly 2% in Japan) have pushed investors to seek higher
yields. Micropal, a British research firm, now tracks 208
emerging-market debt funds which in total manage $17
billion-worth of assets. On average, these funds are only two
years old. Hedge funds have also been piling in.
Banks, too, have been falling over themselves to lend to
riskier credits at home and abroad. Bumper profits have left
lots of them, especially in Europe and America, with excess
capital. Many now have capital worth well over the minimum 8%
of risk-weighted assets demanded by international standards.
At the end of 1996,
according to the Banker, 15 of the top 25
banks had ratios over 10%. Some have been returning this to
shareholders. But by no means all of them.
International syndicated lending grew from $310 billion in
1995 to $530 billion last year. Much of the increase came from
lending to riskier borrowers in both domestic markets and
emerging ones, often at slender rates. According to Capital
Data, a London research firm, spreads on banksÕ lending to
junk borrowers have shrunk from just over 200 basis points at
the beginning of 1995 to 150 basis points now.
But the economic fundamentals have not always improved as much
as either
bond investors or bankers might have wishedÑand not
enough to warrant the steep fall in yields. South-East Asia
has demonstrated this amply in the past few months. Besides
ThailandÕs difficulties, Malaysia has a large current-account
deficit and Indonesia has borrowed lots abroad. South Korea
has both these problems.
Yet investors have shown no signs of fundamentally reassessing
the creditworthiness of countries in Asia as they did in Latin
America two years ago. There has been no panic selling. In
June a ten-year dollar bond issued by the Thai government
yielded 85 basis points over Treasuries; now it trades at
about 135 basis points
over, even though the baht has fallen
by a quarter against the dollar. A Philippine 20-year bond
trades at a lower spread than at its launch in September 1996,
even though the peso is at record lows against the dollar.
One reason for investorsÕ sanguine reactions seems to be the
feeling that countries are simply not allowed to default any
more: the IMF , together with rich countries, will always come
to the rescue. On top
of the $50 billion Mexican package and a
small one for Bulgaria last year, Thailand is set to receive a
$16.6 billion bail-out.
Who dares lends
Yet there are reasons for caution. Both Mexico and Thailand
were special cases. America, having nurtured closer economic
and political ties with Mexico, was never going to let its
neighbour sinkÑespecially given the exposure of its companies
and banks to the country. So it led the rescue and lent the
lionÕs share. In Thailand, Japan had a keen interest in
helping out. Its banks are the biggest lenders; its companies
provide one in seven Thai manufacturing jobs. But other
countries (and investors) might not always be so lucky.
Moreover, although big banks in emerging countries will
probably not be allowed to fail, given their key roles in
countries with underdeveloped capital markets (this week,
South Korea guaranteed its banksÕ external debts), the same is
not necessarily true of big firms: Hanbo, a big Korean steel
maker, recently went bust. And often it is a condition of IMF
that countries do not prop up ailing companies: Thailand
has had to let many financial firms fold.
All of which suggests that lenders, both bond buyers and
banks, have been more concerned with the quest for returns
than with a cool-headed analysis of credit risk. Until the
recent turmoil in South-East Asia, there has not been a single
instance where spreads on emerging-market debt over Treasuries
have widened over the past year, whatever their economies have
done. And while risky debt may look alluring now, the worst
loans have often been made in what seemed the best of times.