Variables used in the regression
Dividend Yield = .0318 - .0001 Beta - 0.03 Expected Growth +.025 Market Debt to Capital Ratio
T statistic on intercept = 26.09
T statistic on beta = 10.16
T statistic on expected growth = 7.12
T statistic on debt to capital ratio = 13.24
US Regression: Dividend Payout
Dividend Payout = 1.53 -.540 Beta - 1.829 Expected Growth +.28 Market Debt to Capital Ratio
T statistic on intercept = 12.89
T statistic on beta = 5.26
T statistic on expected growth = 1.50
T statistic on debt to capital ratio = 4.42
Global Regression: Dividend Yield
Dividend Yield = 0.028 -.0006 Beta - 0.053 Expected Growth +.032 Market Debt to Capital Ratio
T statistic on intercept = 41.47
T statistic on beta = 15.83
T statistic on expected growth = 3.28
T statistic on debt to capital ratio = 26.82
Global Regression: Dividend Payout
Dividend Payout = .81 -.171 Beta -0.59 Expected Growth +.16 Market Debt to Capital Ratio
T statistic on intercept = 20.69
T statistic on beta = 5.83
T statistic on expected growth = 10.12
T statistic on debt to capital ratio = 14.31
Assume that you want to estimate the dividend payout ratio for a firm with the following characteristics, using the US regression:
Regression beta = 1.20
Expected Growth in EPS over next 5 years = 10%
Market Debt to Capital = 30%
If your predicted value is less than zero, your predicted dividend payout ratio is zero.