Some Light Reading


Chapter 2

Bernstein, P., 1992,  Capital Ideas, The Free Press, New York.

Bernstein, P., 1996, Against the Gods, John Wiley &  Sons, New York.

Chapter 3


Chapter 4

Damodaran, A., 2002, Investment Valuation, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons. New York.

Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7

Edwards, R. and J. Magee, 2001, Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, St. Lucie Press.

Liss, D., 2001,A Conspiracy of Paper, Ballantine Books.

Mackay, C., 1852, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Reprinted by John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Robert Schiller, 2000, Irrational Exuberance, Princeton Press, Princeton.

Chapter 8

Graham, B. and D. Dodd, 1934, Security Analysis. McGraw Hill.

Hagstrom, R.G., 1994, The Warren Buffett Way, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Lowe, J.C., 1994, Benjamin Graham on Value Investing: Lessons from the Dean of Wall Street, Dearborn Financial, Chicago.

Lowenstein, R., 1996, Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist,  Doubleday.

Chapter 9

Bernstein, R., 1995, Style Investing, John Wiley and Sons.

Pradhuman, S., 2000, Small Cap Dynamics, Bloomberg Press.

Siegel, J., 1998, Stocks for the Long Run, McGraw Hill, New York.

Chapter 10

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Bhide, A., 1989, The Causes and Consequences of Hostile Takeovers, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, v2, 36-59.

Bhide, A., 1993, Reversing Corporate Diversification, in The New Corporate Finance- Where Theory meets Practice, ed. D.H. Chew Jr., McGraw Hill.

Bradley, M., A. Desai and E.H. Kim, 1983,  The Rationale behind Interfirm Tender Offers, Journal of Financial Economics,  v11, 183-206.

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Brown, K.C., W.V. Harlow and S.M. Tinic, 1988, Risk Aversion, Uncertain Information, and Market Efficiency, Journal of Financial Economics, v22, pg 355-385.

Brown, L.D. and M.S. Rozeff, 1980, Analysts can forecast accurately!, Journal of Portfolio Management, v6, 31-34.

Capstaff, J. , K.Paudyal and W. Rees, 2000, Revisions of Earnings Forecasts and Security Returns: Evidence from Three Countries, Working Paper, SSRN.

Chan, K., L.K.C. Chan, N. Jegadeesh and J. Lakonishok, 2001, Earnings Quality and Stock Returns, Working Paper, SSRN.

Charest, G., 1978, Split Information, Stock Returns and Market Efficiency-I, Journal of Financial Economics, v6, 265-296.

Chopra, V.K., 1998, Why so much error in analyst forecasts? Financial Analysts Journal, Nov-Dec, pg 35-42.

Collins, W. and W. Hopwood, 1980, A Multivariate Analysis of Annual Earnings Forecasts generated from Quarterly Forecasts of Financial Analysts and Univariate Time Series Models, Journal of Accounting Research, v18,  390-406.

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Cragg, J.G., and B.G. Malkiel, 1968, The Consensus and Accuracy of Predictions of the Growth of Corporate Earnings,  Journal of Finance,  v23, 67-84.

Crichfield, T., T. Dyckman and J. Lakonishok, 1978, An Evaluation of Security Analysts Forecasts, Accounting Review.

Damodaran, A., 1989, The Weekend Effect in Information Releases: A Study of Earnings and Dividend Announcements, Review of Financial Studies, v2, 607-623.

Dennis and McConnell, 1986, Corporate Mergers and Security Returns, Journal of Financial Economics, v16, 143-188.

Dreman, D.N. and M. Berry, 1995, Analyst Forecasting Errors and their Implications for Security Analysis, Financial Analysts Journal, May/June, pg 30-41

Finnerty, J.E,  1976, Insiders and Market Efficiency, Journal of Finance, v31, 1141-1148.

Fuller, R.J., L.C. Huberts and M. Levinson, 1992, It�s not Higgledy-Piggledy Growth! Journal of Portfolio Management, 38-46.

Givoly. D. and J. Lakonishok, 1984, The Quality of Analysts' Forecasts of Earnings, Financial Analysts Journal, v40, 40-47.

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Huang, R.D. and R. Walkling, 1987, Acquisition Announcements and Abnormal Returns. Journal of Financial Economics, v19, 329-350.

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Jaffe, J., 1974, Special Information and Insider Trading, Journal of Business, v47, pp 410-428.

Jarrell, G.A., J.A. Brickley and J.M. Netter, 1988, The Market for Corporate Control: The Empirical Evidence since 1980, Journal of Economic Perspectives, v2, 49-68.

Jensen, M.C. and R.S. Ruback, 1983, The Market for Corporate Control, Journal of Financial Economics, v11, 5-50.

Kaplan, S. and M.S. Weisbach, 1992, The Success of Acquisitions: The Evidence from Divestitures, Journal of Finance, v47, 107-138.

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La Porta, R., J. Lakonishok, A. Shleifer and R. Vishny, 1995, Good News for Value Stocks: Further Evidence of Market Inefficiency, NBER Working Paper.

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Mitchell, M.L. and K. Lehn, 1990, Do Bad Bidders make Good Targets?, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, v3, 60-69.

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Chapter 11

Ackermann, C., R. McEnally and D. Ravenscraft, 1999, The Performance of Hedge Funds: Risk, Return and Incentives, Journal of Finance, v54, 833-874.

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Chapter 12

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Chapter 13

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