this section, we will look at characteristics that declining companies tend to
share, with an eye towards the problems that they create for analysts trying to
value these firms. Note again that not every declining company possesses all of
these characteristics but they do share enough of them to make these
Stagnant or declining revenues: Perhaps
the most telling sign of a company in decline is the inability to increase
revenues over extended periods, even when times are good. Flat revenues or
revenues that grow at less than the inflation rate is an indicator of operating
weakness. It is even more telling if these patterns in revenues apply not only
to the company being analyzed but to the overall sector, thus eliminating the
explanation that the revenue weakness is due to poor management (and can thus
be fixed by bringing in a new management team).
Shrinking or negative margins: The stagnant revenues at declining firms
are often accompanied by shrinking operating margins, partly because firms are
losing pricing power and partly because they are dropping prices to keep
revenues from falling further. This combination results in deteriorating or
negative operating income at these firms, with occasional spurts in profits
generated by asset sales or one time profits.
Asset divestitures: If one of the
features of a declining firm is that existing assets are sometimes worth more
to others, who intend to put them to different and better uses, it stands to
reason that asset divestitures will be more frequent at declining firms than at
firms earlier in the life cycle. If the declining firm has substantial debt
obligations, the need to divest will become stronger, driven by the desire to
avoid default or to pay down debt.
Big payouts – dividends and stock
buybacks: Declining firms have few or any growth investments that generate
value, existing assets that may be generating positive cashflows and asset
divestitures that result in cash inflows. If the firm does not have enough debt
for distress to be a concern, it stands to reason that declining firms not only
pay out large dividends, sometimes exceeding their earnings, but also buy back
Financial leverage – the downside: If
debt is a double-edged sword, declining firms often are exposed to the wrong
edge. With stagnant and declining earnings from existing assets and little
potential for earnings growth, it is not surprising that many declining firms
face debt burdens that are overwhelming. Note that much of this debt was
probably acquired when the firm was in a healthier phase of the life cycle and
at terms that cannot be matched today. In addition to difficulties these firms
face in meeting the obligations that they have committed to meet, they will
face additional trouble in refinancing the debt, since lenders will demand more
stringent terms.