are clear differences across mature companies in different businesses, but
there are some common characteristics that they share. In this section, we will
look at what they have in common, with an eye on the consequences for
Revenue growth is approaching growth rate in
economy: In the last section, we noted that there can
be a wide divergence between growth rate in revenues and earnings in many
companies. While the growth rate for earnings for mature firms can be high, as
a result of improved efficiencies, the revenue growth is more difficult to
alter. For the most part, mature firms will register growth rates in revenues
that, if not equal to, will converge on the nominal growth rate for the economy.
Margins are established: Another feature
shared by growth companies is that they tend to have stable margins, with the
exceptions being commodity and cyclical firms, where margins will vary as a
function of the overall economy. While we will return to take a closer look at
this sub-group later in the book, event these firms will have stable margins
across the economic or commodity price cycle.
Competitive advantages? The dimension on which mature firms reveal the most variation is
in the competitive advantages that they hold on to, manifested by the excess
returns that they generate on their investments. While some mature firms see
excess returns go to zero or become negative, with the advent of competition,
other mature firms retain significant competitive advantages (and excess
returns). Since value is determined by excess returns, the latter will retain
higher values, relative to the former, even as growth rates become anemic.
Debt capacity: As firms mature, profit
margins and earnings improve, reinvestment needs drop off and more cash is
available for servicing debt. As a consequence, debt ratios should increase for
all mature firms, though there can be big differences in how firms react to
this surge in debt capacity. Some will choose not to exploit any or most of the
debt capacity and stick with financing policies that they established as growth
companies. Others will over react and not just borrow, but borrow more than
they can comfortably handle, given current earnings and cash flows. Still
others will take a more reasoned middle ground, and borrow money to reflect
their improved financial status, while preserving their financial health.
Cash build up and return? As earnings
improve and reinvestment needs drop off, mature companies will be generating more
cash from their operations than they need. If these companies do not alter
their debt or dividend policies, cash balances will start accumulating in these
firms. The question of whether a company has too much cash, and, if so, how it
should return this cash to stock holders becomes a standard one at almost every
mature company.
Inorganic growth: The transition from a
growth company to a mature company is not an easy one for most companies (and
the managers involved). As companies get larger and investment opportunities
internally do not provide the growth boost that they used to, it should not be
surprising that many growth companies look for quick fixes that will allow them
to continue to maintain high growth. One option, albeit an expensive one, is to
buy growth: acquisitions of other companies can provide boosts to revenues and
final point that needs to be made is that not all mature companies are large
companies. Many small companies reach their growth ceiling quickly and
essentially stay as small, mature firms. A few growth companies have extended
periods of growth before they reach stable growth and these companies tend to
be the large companies that we find used as illustrations of typical mature
companies: Coca Cola, IBM and Verizon are all good examples.