“Mergers and Sunk Costs” Replication File:


Allan Collard-Wexler


Friday, February 06, 2009


All files are found in the zip archive Panel_SBR_Replication.zip. Anyone can use and modify the code and files used in this paper (with the exception of the Arcview data files) as long as I am cited.


  1. Code to find isolated towns:

The file Arcview_Isolated_Town_Description.doc has a further description of this process.



    1. Iso_towns.avp (arcview script)
    2. Zipspaced.avp (arcview script)

Files (Isolated Towns)

    1. cities2000plus.shp (arcview shape files)
    2. cities4000p.shp  
    3. places.shp       
    4. zip_poly.shp     
    5. lonesome.dta    (outcome)


  1. Extract Data from Zip Business Patterns and put together isolated town data.

      (stata code)



    1. make_zbp_panel.do,
    2. make_zbp_panel10m.do,
    3. make_zbp_panel20m.do,
    4. merge_rings.do   


    1. concrete_zip_panel.dta (outcome)
    2. concrete_zip_panel_10m.dta
    3. concrete_zip_panel_20m.dta
    4. concrete_zip_panel_5m.dta
    5. zip10m.dta       
    6. zip20m.dta       
    7. zip5m.dta        
    8. zip_panel_23.dta 
    9. zip_panel_3273.dta


  1. Stata Code for estimation:


    1. PanelSBR_Ziplog1.do
    2. SBRlf21.do       
    3. demand_ll.do
  1. Matlab Code for counterfactuals.
    1. demand_kernel.m  
    2. merger_sim.m     
    3. predict_firms.m  
    4. SBRmain2.m
  2. Version of Sunk-Cost Bresnahan Reiss Paper I wrote using Census Data (for comparison purposes)
    1. PanelBR.pdf and PanelBR.tex (original tex file)
    2. Tex file of this paper: