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After the Revolution
Forty years
ago, the Modigliani-Miller propositions started a new era in corporate finance.
How does M&M hold up today?
Dun Gifford
Jr., CFO Magazine
July 01, 1998
I have a
simple explanation [for the first Modigliani-Miller proposition]. It's after
the ball game, and the pizza man comes up to Yogi Berra and he says, 'Yogi, how
do you want me to cut this pizza, into quarters?' Yogi says, 'No, cut it into
eight pieces, I'm feeling hungry tonight.' Now when I tell that story the usual
reaction is, 'And you mean to say that they gave you a [Nobel] prize for
--Merton H.
Miller, from his testimony in Glendale Federal Bank's lawsuit against the U.S.
government, December 1997
It has been 40
years since Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller first proposed that a company's
value is independent of its capital structure--no matter how you slice it.
Published in the June 1958 issue of The American Economic Review, "The
Cost of Capital, Corporate Finance, and the Theory of Investment" laid out
a set of ideas that came to be known at different times as the "bombshell
assertions," the "irrelevance propositions," or simply M&M.
In 30-odd pages, the authors expounded radically new ways of thinking about
capital structures and markets-- ways that helped win Nobel prizes in economics
for Modigliani, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and
Miller, a professor at University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
In effect,
M&M says don't try to make your shareholders wealthy by adjusting debt
levels, because--at least in the somewhat idealized world in which economists
operate, and sometimes in practice--it won't work. Instead, M&M argues, the
company's best capital structure is one that supports the operations and
investments of the business.
"An investment
banker has a recap proposal for your company and he dumps on your desk a book
with 100 pages of projections about earnings- per-share impact, return on
assets, and all kinds of accounting numbers," explains Jeremy Stein, who
teaches corporate finance at MIT's Sloan School of Management. "So you are
thinking, 'Which of these [numbers] is relevant?'" What M&M tells you,
says Stein, is to disregard the numbers and focus instead on how the recap
would change your operating behavior.
from the beginning, at age 40 the irrelevance propositions are proving to be
anything but irrelevant, still raising hackles in academic circles. Not
surprisingly, critics question M&M's otherworldly assumptions--that
companies don't have to pay corporate taxes, don't have to pay investment
bankers to raise capital, don't have to pay lawyers when in bankruptcy, and
don't withhold information from capital markets. (Such simplifying assumptions
are, of course, standard practice in economic model making.)
Indeed, an entire
generation of academics has been hard at work bringing M&M down from the
"frictionless" world of theory to the roll- up-your-sleeves world of
empirical research. What impact, these researchers have asked, do things like
managerial self-interest (agency costs), insider's knowledge (information
asymmetries), and the possibility of bankruptcy (financial distress) have on
the value of a company? How much attention should each be given in the design
of capital structure?
The first
major assault on M&M came soon after the propositions were published. The
authors, critics said, clearly underestimated the tax benefits of debt, which
exist thanks to the tax-deductibility of interest payments. This so-called
corporate tax shield means that, for any number of companies, using more debt
means paying less taxes and hence increases the value of the company.
Modigliani and Miller conceded the point in a correction paper published in
1963, and brought their estimates back in line.
"We made
a big mistake on the matter of how firm value is affected by interest
deductibility under the corporate income tax," Miller says. "In the
correction paper, we worked out the argument a little more rigorously and
showed that you could create value with debt, and we came up with an estimate
of how much value you could create-- though it didn't turn out to be a very
high number."
To this day,
however, exactly how valuable the tax shield is for investors remains a bone of
contention between Modigliani and Miller: "The whole issue of taxes is a
divisive one," says Modigliani. "Miller still seems to think--
something that I disagree with--that taxes make no difference. I believe that
is wrong."
Where does the
CFO come down on this debate?
availability of the tax deduction is a primary consideration when making a
decision about whether you issue equity or debt," says Hank Wolf, executive
vice president of finance at Norfolk Southern Corp., the railroad and
transportation giant based in Norfolk, Virginia. "The tax benefit, for
example, may influence the decision of how you are going to finance an
acquisition or capital investment. But I think there are more important
considerations, such as companywide strategic issues and overall shareholder
value, that come into play." Case in point: Norfolk Southern's commitment
to low debt levels proved indispensable when it needed to raise cash for its
successful Conrail Inc. bid, in 1996.
Agency-Cost Debate
significant challenge to M&M orthodoxy stems from an acquisition technique
that came of age in the 1980s--the leveraged buyout. Some experts say the use
of debt capital in an LBO to create value for shareholders proves that capital
structure matters after all.
"In the
'70s, people invented hostile takeovers as a way to recapture the approximately
50 percent of the value of American corporations that was being destroyed by
its managers with nonoptimal operating policies," asserts Harvard Business
School professor Michael Jensen. Jensen, together with the late University of
Rochester professor William Meckling, published extensive research purporting
to show the positive effect that debt can have on company value. Jensen's main
point: A company's operating and investment decisions, and therefore its cash
flows, are not independent of its debt-equity ratio.
Of all the
real-world reasons that capital structure matters, Jensen's agency-cost
argument seems to have taken the firmest hold on the corporate consciousness:
witness the rise of stock options to keep managers focused on shareholder
"I think
Mike Jensen's premise that there are agency costs is fundamentally right, and that
debt has governance value that would not be there if the debt were not
there," says Carl Ferenbach, managing director at Berkshire Partners LLC
in Boston, a private-equity company that has done more than 50 leveraged
transactions since 1984. "We have time and time again taken managers who
were in a private-company context, privatized the businesses they ran, provided
equity incentives, levered the company, and had tremendous investment outcomes.
What was the driver? Was it the equity incentives or the debt? I don't have a
clear answer for that, except to say that it was probably both."
however, remains unconvinced.
point that cash cows will lever up so that management will not use the money,
because they will have to pay it in interest-- that is an interesting
thought," concedes Miller. "But the big increase in value at these
companies had nothing to do with leverage, in my view. It was the
entrepreneur-- they had better managers and management focus."
What does Wall
Street make of the debate around agency costs? "If you listen to the
dialogue between investment bankers and CFOs and chief executive officers, you
won't hear highbrow theories such as agency and information issues being
directly discussed," says John Moon, vice president in the investment
banking division of Goldman, Sachs & Co. and a PhD in business economics.
"Nevertheless, if one is familiar with the concepts and uses them to step
back and examine situations, one can see how they are very relevant to the real
Problems and Bankruptcy Costs
Moon points to
another reason that capital structure matters in the real world: information
asymmetries. This awkward-sounding term is used to describe the rather
pedestrian notion that investors can be somewhat suspicious of equity
offerings--managers may not be willing or able to tell all they know-- and
drive down a company's stock price.
"insider's advantage" has been cited in much of the post-M&M
literature as one of the reasons that decisions to issue debt or equity can
affect the value of a company.
While investor
suspicion can affect the value of a company's securities, so can another
"information problem": many investors just don't have the resources
to get to know small companies. As a result, these companies have to pay a
higher price for financing.
Take the case
of Albuquerque-based Cobre Mining Co., purchased earlier this year by Phelps
Dodge Corp., a mining company in Phoenix. When Cobre pitched an equity offering
to institutional investors in 1997, it ultimately raised the funds it sought,
but not without a good deal more difficulty than it anticipated, according to
former Cobre CFO John F. Combs. Says Combs: "You can run all of the
projections you like and be flexible about where you are going to price the
equity, and still find the realities of the marketplace are that you just can't
generate enough interest to get deals done with the kind of ease you would
marketplace reality that, like information problems, can hurt the value of a
firm is bankruptcy. M&M critics mean by that not bankruptcy per se--a
worthless company is a worthless company--but the additional costs to
shareholders of paying lawyers, accountants, and brokers as a company moves
through bankruptcy. The risk of incurring these costs, say critics, is a
significant factor in financing decisions.
on, people realized that there were costs of going through bankruptcy,"
says Stewart C. Myers, professor of finance at MIT and co-author, with Richard
Brealey, of the best-selling financial textbook Principles of Corporate
Finance. "There is an argument over how big these costs are, but it is
clear that there are some, and that is a reason not to go to extremely high
debt ratios. The risk of bankruptcy also explains why companies with a lot of
intangible assets and growth opportunities tend not to use debt." Myers
says putting such companies through financial distress is like "putting a
wedding cake through a car wash. There's not a lot left at the end."
everyone seems to have a favorite bone to pick with M&M, there seems to be
little disagreement about one thing: while well-designed capital structures
might create some value, most value comes from the decision making done by
M&M propositions remind us that it is corporate strategy that produces
value," says Cheryl Francis, CFO of R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., a
Chicago-based commercial printer. "The challenge on the right-hand side of
the balance sheet is to find the capital structure that can support the
business strategy. What M&M does is help you cut through the smoke and
mirrors, the marketing pitches, and find the true value-creating
In a
slow-growth business like printing, one might expect a conservative balance
sheet. But what about a fast-growing company?
now the dominant and overwhelming consideration is making sure that our capital
structure and the amount of cash on the balance sheet are sufficient to provide
us with the operating and strategic flexibility at this very important time in
Internet commerce," says Joy Covey, CFO of virtual bookseller,
in Seattle. "How many market-share points we have at the end of the day
and how many customers we have--and how happy those customers are with our
service and our product offerings--are by far the most significant drivers of
shareholder value for us."
How about
high-tech businesses? Same story.
"I would
very much agree with the premise as it is stated: total firm value is
independent of the capital structure," says Bill Daniher, CFO of a division
of AMP Inc., an electronic- connector firm in Santa Clara, California. Daniher,
36, remembers studying the propositions in business school. "The value of
the firm is much more dependent on the value of its products and services, its
underlying technology, and its market position--all of the things on the
left-hand side of the balance sheet," he says. "That's where I'd look
for firm value, as opposed to how it is financed."
Such beliefs
were echoed in a 1989 study done by J. Michael Pinegar, a professor at the
Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. Pinegar asked the
Fortune 500 CFOs to rank the most important variables that influenced their
capital-structure decisions.
things that are emphasized in some of the post-M&M financial literature,
such as the tax deductibility of interest expense and bankruptcy costs, did not
come up big for the managers who responded to our survey," Pinegar says.
"The things that turned out to be more important were the connections
between the financing and the asset that needed to be financed, the risk of the
cash flows that the asset would generate, and the expected return on the cash
Which is music
to the ears of one Merton Miller.
"What I
draw from the debate is actually the robustness of the original
propositions," he says. "Sure, they are not literally true, and there
can be little nits here and there." But, he adds, the experience of the
last 40 years has convinced him "there is not much easy systematic gain
from leverage, other than taxes--which we don't know too much about."
--------------------------------- Three Propositions That Changed Finance
Modigliani and
Miller were able to say the surprising things they did about debt and equity
because they took the corporate balance sheet out of the hurly-burly of the
marketplace and brought it into the economist's laboratory. In this somewhat
sterile setting--where there were no taxes or transaction costs, such as
bankers' and lawyers' fees, and where managers didn't behave differently under
different balance- sheet scenarios--things looked a little bit different.
The original
M&M propositions consisted of three closely related points:
Proposition I.
The value of a company is dictated first by the earning power and riskiness of
its assets, not by how those assets are financed. In their paper, the authors
gave the following analogy: No matter how hard he tries, a dairy farmer can't
increase the value of his milk by selling the cream on the top separately from
the milk on the bottom. What he gains in price when selling the cream, he'll
lose in price when selling the milk.
II. The cost of equity capital is an increasing function of leverage. That
means you can't lower your total cost of capital by issuing "cheaper"
debt. Why not? Although debt may cost less, it also, in the market's eyes,
increases the riskiness of your stock and hence your cost of equity. In short,
there is no such thing as a free lunch. In M&M's words: "The gains
from being able to tap cheap, borrowed funds are more than offset for
stockholders by the market's discounting of the stock for the added leverage
III. In the authors' words, "[T]he type of instrument used to finance an
investment is irrelevant to the question of whether or not the investment is
worthwhile." Having shown capital structure to be irrelevant for the
company as a whole, M&M then extends irrelevance to the individual
investment. In M&M's ideal world, issuing debt to finance a new plant won't
make it a more profitable investment than issuing equity.
Dividend Propositions
As if these
propositions were not enough, Modigliani and Miller stirred the pot again three
years later. Their paper "Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of
Shares" spelled out what have come to be known as the dividend
propositions. In a perfect market, once they have chosen their investment policy,
managers cannot increase the value of their firm by paying out a higher
dividend. This is because if they pay out a dollar more in dividends, the firm
is worth a dollar less, or it has to raise a dollar with more securities. As
one observer put it, this insight put the authors on the "radical
left" at the time, since it implied that firms need not dole out more
dividends to institutional shareholders.
To the
financial practitioner, these ideas may sound somewhat unrealistic, but, as
Modigliani and Miller said in their original paper, the ideas were meant to
create a framework for discussion rather than be statements of absolute fact.
"These and other drastic simplifications have been necessary in order to
come to grips with the problem at all," they wrote. "Having served
their purpose, they can now be relaxed in the direction of greater realism and
relevance, a task in which we hope others interested in this area will wish to
And share they
--------------------------------- M&M's Legacy
What will be
the legacy of the work of Modigliani and Miller? One implication that has
almost gone unnoticed is the modern obsession with shareholder value. While
academics have been busily proving that capital structure can affect
shareholder value, few have questioned that shareholder- value creation itself
is the goal of the corporation.
"The view
which existed until the time our paper came out was that management was
supposed to maximize profits," says Modigliani. "We replaced that
concept with another one, maximizing the market value of the firm--you should
do those things that the market likes. This concept has been very broadly used,
and there is now a broad discussion that the goal of management is the
maximization of market value."
Stewart C. Myers, co-author of Principles of Corporate Finance: "M&M
sort of woke the field up and set a standard. If you are going to work in the
field it is going to have be serious economics, and it has to take into account
that there is a capital market out there. You can't spin theories about
corporate finance without making it consistent with what is going on in capital
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