How To Find Honest Stocks
avoid a personal Enron, get any skunks and overhyped companies out of your
Feb. 18 issue
It's time
ask yourself the same questions that Congress wants to ask former Enron chief
Kenneth Lay: What do you really know about your stock? If the answer is 'almost
nothing'Ñum, how come? Your future depends on how well you save and invest. You
can't risk living with a skunk in the garage.
AIR IS STILL COMING out of the stock-market bubble you
thought you'd left behind. Two years ago sexy companies with no real earnings
got the chop. Now the reality squad is gunning for stocks whose earnings were
ginned up by management (not to mention accountants who couldn't add or
subtract but sure knew how to multiply). You may have future Enrons and Global
Crossings in your portfolio but haven't faced it yet.
Do you even know how well your
stock-buying strategy has actually performed? Folks tend to assume that they'll
do fine 'over the long term,' even if their current investments are a mess.
But consider this: in the past four years, the broad stock market
took a complete round trip. From January 1998 through December 2001, Standard
& Poor's 500-stock average returned a modest 5.66 percent a year. If you'd
invested in safe three-month Treasuries instead, you'd have earned 4.96
percentÑalmost as much as investors got from stocks, according to a report from
Towneley Capital Management in New York. Nasdaq lovers almost certainly did
worse. Too few investors take the time to figure this out for their own
accounts. You need to create your own annual reports, using software or the
Internet, to track your performance versus the market overall.
As for Enron, its collapse is being
treated as a huge surprise. But for analysts worth their pay and willing to
talk (the world's shortest list), the market risk was clearÑcollapsing margins,
negative cash flow, opaque financials, lots of hype, insiders bailing out.
Followers of price/earnings (P/E)
ratios might also have guessed that Enron stock was on shaky ground. At its
peak in mid-2000, the company sold at 267 times pretended earnings.
Historically, high P/E stocks (the riskiest ones) haven't done as well as low
P/E stocks, says Jeremy Siegel, finance professor at the Wharton SchoolÑand for
him, 'high' is 50 times earnings, let alone 267. Stocks with super-high P/Es
are time bombs. Sell them while you can.
But how far can you trust P/EsÑthe
most basic measures of value for the average investor? You find them in
newspaper stock listings and on the Web. When a stock price (the P) is high
relative to the company's earnings (E), investors expect rapid growth in future
profits. If growth slows, that stock will tank. By contrast, firms with low
P/Es (say, under 12) face so many problems that investors aren't sure when (or
if) they'll turn around.
The problem with judging stocks by
P/E, of course, is the fairness of the 'E.' There are dozens of ways of
figuring earnings legally, completely aside from fraud.
Most of the P/Es you see refer to a
company's 'operating earnings,' which supposedly show how well the business
runs. This calculation leaves out unusual expenses, such as restructuring
costs. Unfortunately, scores of companies now inflate their bottom lines by
calling certain regular costs 'unusual,' or pulling other tricks.
Here's something else you may not
know: investment reports from brokerage firms often use predicted P/Es.
They're lower than actual P/Es, which makes the stock sound like more of a
bargain. But it isn't, of course.
Companies with no or poor earnings may
create 'pro forma' profits. Those are imagined earnings,
from the Land of Oz.
How should investors make their way
through this mess? Don't accept pro formas or 'operating earnings' from outer
space. Go with P/Es figured by Standard & Poor's, which are based on actual
earnings and calculated in a consistent way. Ask your broker for them. S&P
has proposed a standardized definition of operating earnings. That would not only
help you compare various companies fairly, it also would help investors trust
analysts more, says David Blitzer, chair of S&P's 500 index committee.
Also, cut and run if your company's
financials fall under suspicion. An attack on Qualcomm last week, by numbers
sleuth Howard Schilit of the Center for Financial Research & Analysis, took
a fast bite out of its price. Says Schilit, 'You know something's wrong when a
middle-aged accounting professor becomes a star.'
A note to all you market timers: the
S&P stocks look expensive, at 29 times 2001 earnings (the historical median
is just 15). Still, you always get high P/Es at the end of a business downturn,
because profits plunge. No need for another crash to restore 'normal'
valuations. Today's prices will look cheaper when profits start back up.
So much for numbers. You should also
consider a softer way of deciding which stocks to shed or buy: is the company
truly run in the shareholders' interest, at the top? The Enron board of
directors disgraced itself, and of course its members sit on other boards. The
AFL-CIO has urged companies not to keep them.
Checking the expertise of directors
reveals a lot, says shareholder activist Nell Minow. What does it tell you
about a company's concern for your money when it names O. J. Simpson to its
critical audit committee (that was Infinity Broadcasting, 1993Ñlater sold to
CBS and then to Viacom)? How about a board so submissive to a CEO that his 1999
employment contract even specified the make and model of Mercedes the company
would buy him (Global Crossing, for ex-CEO Robert Annunziata)? Minow also
wonders if shareholders get full value from boards stocked with company
insiders (her example: Carnival Corp.).
For executive-employment contracts and
info on boards of directors, check Minow's Web site,. Good companies come from
good character, as well as smarts.
With Temma Ehrenfeld
© 2002 Newsweek, Inc.