case against index funds
L. Fisher, Forbes Magazine, 02.22.99, 12:00 AM ET
READERS READ my Jan. 25 column "Report Card" and e-mailed asking,
"Since this column's 1998 advice only matched the S&P 500's return,
why not simply buy an index fund and tune out?"
depends. An index fund is nothing more than a tool, and isn't inherently good
or bad. Like a hammer, it depends on what you use it for and how good you are
with it.
first, my advice is much more diversified than the S&P 500, which is
valuable. Here you get global diversification to reduce risk.
the S&P with globalness beats just owning the S&P. You get good U.S.
and good foreign returns. If and when the U.S. market lags, S&P 500 index
fund holders will be sorry. This column's 1998 advice beat the overall world
stock market by more than 4%.
the S&P 500 is more specialized and less diversified than you may think. It
doesn't act like all stocks, but like a specific subset of U.S. stocks: huge
growth stocks. It has an average dollar- weighted market capitalization of $90
billion. That is, it acts like a $90 billion U.S. stock. Huge. And like a
growth stock, selling at 8 times book value, 30 times earnings and 3 times
sales. The rub?
huge stocks pay off. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes growth stocks pay off and
sometimes they don't. Sometimes U.S. stocks pay off and sometimes they don't.
It's not impossible to have a year in which all three factors reverse, and
small beats big, value beats growth and overseas markets beat the U.S. market.
The S&P 500 is unique enough to be potentially risky, part of why it has
done so well.
too, comes behavioral finance with powerful arguments against index funds. If
you turn to me, or others, for advice, you must feel some need for advice.
There is more than ample evidence that folks who are in need of advice will
misuse index funds. They either try to time the market or they panic in a
downturn. Index funds are easy to buy and too easy to sell.
you're a great market timer, which few folks are, then you may well use index
funds to buy low and sell high. But normal folks who discover index funds late
in a bull market won't use those funds to be long-term investors, even if they
think they will. Instead, most of them will sell out late in a bear market,
hurting themselves.
forget that late in a bear market a general consensus builds that stocks will
never again be worthwhile. It gets very easy to sell out then, and there is
nothing easier to sell than an index fund.
normal investor's brain works with what behavioralists call "mental
accounting." There is a decision "tree" or mental process
associated with every single investment you have. If you have 50 stocks, it
takes a lot more internal crunching and mental agony to sell out than if you
have just one stock, an index fund.
would hate to see you sell out at the bottom and take a real loss a few years
from now. At the right time, I hope to advise you out of stocks. But for now,
stick to my basic allocation, which is to be 100% invested in stocks, with 67%
of that from among the 30 largest U.S. stocks. The other 33% should be in huge
high-quality foreign stocks with a handful of global Japanese exporters. Ones
like these: At 55% of sales and a cheap-by-Japanese-standards P/E of 18, Sony
(73, SNE, is a good way to pick up a great consumer products
powerhouse. Global diversity, leading brand names, and positions in technologies
like DVD, HDTV and MiniDisc, and a game division growing at 50% annually: These
all position Sony to prosper in the next century.
News Corp. (30, NWS, is another great global play. You may
not appreciate Rupert Murdoch's influence, but if you enjoy Fox, the Los
Angeles Dodgers, TV Guide, Harper-Collins publications, or virtually any news
rag in the U.K., News Corp. grabs your attention. So should its value.
prices will eventually rise, following the recent splurge of global money
growth. France's Elf Aquitaine (55, ELF, is the world's
sixth-largest oil firm, plus, it has high-margin chemicals and specialty
products. It also owns a 52% stake in health and beauty concern Sanofi -- worth
fully one-third of Elf's market value. Sell if it gets to 95 by 2001.
L. Fisher is a Woodside, Calif.-based money manager. His third book is 100
Minds that Made the Market.