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Uncovering the Spread
greater disclosure in the corporate bond market lower the cost of debt? Issuers
may soon find out.
Springsteel, CFO Magazine
February 01,
In markets for
the likes of narcotics and arms, prices fluctuate wildly day to day, quotes
change in mid-conversation, trades are effectively unregulated, and middlemen
walk away with billions in profits. That also accurately describes the U.S.
corporate bond market, where 98 percent of the $10 billion in daily trading
occurs over the counter, with no public disclosure and little oversight by
Uncle Sam. Critics say that raises the cost of issuing and trading bonds.
Not that the
government hasn't been interested. Since the Securities and Exchange Commission
was first granted the power to require electronic price reporting and develop
market surveillance programs in 1975, the market regulator has looked several
times at creating such a system, to no avail. With relatively little retail
investor exposure, and more immediate problems to be addressed in the equities
markets, past commissions always let the issue slide.
chairman Arthur Levitt has decided to revisit the issue, announcing an
initiative last September to create a new system of publicly available
corporate bond price reporting, along with a new supervisory and regulation
database system, with the help of the National Association of Securities
Dealers (NASD).
"The sad
truth is that investors in the corporate bond market do not enjoy the same
access to information as a car buyer, a home buyer, or, dare I say, a fruit
buyer. And that's unacceptable," said Levitt, at the Media Studies Center
in New York, in announcing the plans.
In fact,
there's reason to believe the SEC won't back away from the issue this time, if
only because powerful members of Congress are pushing for action. Yet the
details of any reporting system remain the subject of heated disagreement. Bond
dealers, voicing their concerns through their trade group, the Bond Market
Association (BMA), are vehemently opposed to the disclosure of bid and ask
quotes on the system, or any other information that would give investors more
information about the markups they collect in their trading.
Yet the
die-hard proponents of price transparency say that is the crux of the
issue--that dealers unfairly scalp both the rare individual investor and the
less-sophisticated institutional buyers because of the lack of easily available
information. The result is billions of dollars a year of unproductive
transactional costs in the bond market, costs that are eventually paid for by
issuers in wider spreads when placing or calling their own issues.
The NASD-run
system would provide real prices, an improvement over the current system of
informal quotes from bond traders and guesswork valuation models. At a glance,
issuers could see where their more actively traded debt is priced, allowing for
more informed decisions about issuing new debt, the type of debt to issue, and
the possible call or open-market repurchase of debt.
"I never
know exactly where the debt of similar credit companies, or even our own debt,
is trading," says James Rutledge, vice president and treasurer at the $2
billion (in sales) Witco Corp., a specialty chemicals company in Greenwich,
Connecticut. "So any better pricing information than what exists now would
be great. It would help us make decisions about future issues and
Adds Larry
Raymond, assistant treasurer for capital markets at Sears, Roebuck and Co., in
Hoffman Estates, Illinois: "Even if you're sophisticated, you call around
in this market and get lots of different prices for any particular security.
There are many different positions and assumptions out there, so it would be
good to see the real transaction prices."
The basic
concept for bond price reporting--transparency--seems fairly simple: Report as
soon as possible the last time a bond traded, at what price, yield, and volume,
and holders of similar bonds will have a much better gauge of what their
portfolio is actually worth. But the obstacles to increasing transparencies are
NASD chief
operating officer Patrick Campbell, who is overseeing the creation of the new
system, says he is committed to one that creates price transparency, as called
for by the SEC. But Campbell says the impact on dealers will depend on the
deliberations of a newly named blue-ribbon panel--composed of senior bond
market traders, institutional buyers, issuers, and other interested
parties--that the NASD set up last fall.
The SEC itself
is wary of imposing its own definition of a transparent transaction report.
"We don't have a preconceived notion of what will be required, or when it
should be released," says Belinda Blaine, an associate director in the
market regulation division of the SEC. "Certainly the price and yield of
the last trade should be there, and that would include all trades by
broker-dealers and between them," Blaine says. "But should every
trade be reported, especially very infrequent trades? Should trades be
identified as being from or to a broker-dealer? We don't know. We want the most
transparency that makes sense, and are open to suggestions from the NASD
So what do the
experts think would make sense? They aren't saying. Numerous calls to such
major bond broker-dealers as Goldman, Sachs; Lazard Freres; CS First Boston;
and Morgan Stanley went unreturned. The BMA contends that transparency would
lead to a less liquid and more volatile market. That's because dealers' profits
would be squeezed so hard, many would no longer make a market in the
One major
dealer dismisses that fear, at least in private. "We make money in lots of
different ways," observes the chief fixed-income strategist for a major
Wall Street bond firm. And while he concedes that smaller dealers might have a
harder time making money as a result of smaller spreads, much as they did in
equities after the SEC did away with fixed commissions in 1975, this executive
doubted that would have any more impact on liquidity in the bond market than
dwindling commissions did on liquidity in the stock market. As far as his firm
is concerned, the fixed-income strategist says he's "fully confident"
that transparency would not threaten its profits on bonds. And while he thinks
change will be slow to come, he says that despite dealer resistance, he has
little doubt that a public exchange will eventually come to dominate the
corporate market.
No one really
knows what impact corporate bond transparency will have. There is, to be sure,
a new bond pricing disclosure system in the municipal market, created by the
Municipal Securities Regulatory Board (MSRB), an organization designed by
Congress to oversee the $2.4 trillion (principal outstanding) municipal bond
market, in which 33 percent of investors by dollar volume are individuals. The
new transaction reporting system reports the high, low, and close price of any
muni bond that traded at least four times, on a next-day basis. To show its
support for price transparency in general, and because so few newspapers will
run the daily quotes, the BMA has decided to publish the 1,300 to 1,500 daily
municipal-bond quotes on its Web site.
Taylor, executive director of the MSRB, says it's too soon to tell what impact,
if any, the new setup has had on the municipal bond market's liquidity. But, he
says, "We expect more participation and more trading to follow the
increase in transparency."
While the
current level of dealers' profits is a well-kept secret, some measure of
trading revenues is possible, thanks to two recent studies that have tried to
gauge average bid-ask spreads and their variation between 1995 and 1997.
In the first,
by Arthur Warga, then professor of finance at the University of Wisconsin and
now at the University of Houston, and Gwangheon Hong, a visiting assistant
professor in finance at Wisconsin, average trading spreads in the large-scale
over-the-counter market were 13 basis points for investment-grade bonds and 19
basis points for high-yield debt.
The second
study, by Paul Schultz, professor of finance at the University of Notre
Dame--one of the authors of the influential study of Nasdaq trading practices
that led to changes in that stock market system and an antitrust settlement
with the brokerage industry--shows wider spreads of about 26 basis points for
corporate investment-grade bonds.
multiplied by the average annual trading volume in corporate investment-grade
debt--approximately $260 billion a year by the BMA's last count--an average
spread of 26 basis points would add up to more than $676 million a year. If
investors are losing, say, just 5 basis points a year because of a lack of
transparency, that would be $135 million a year of lost yield that,
theoretically, could be shaved off all outstanding corporate-bond coupons in a
given year or added to investor returns.
Ian Springsteel
is a freelance writer based in Boston.
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