January 22, 1999
Bankruptcy the Chinese
Way: Foreign Bankers Are Shown to the End of the Line
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UANGZHOU, China -- People boarding the Sunday morning
train from Hong Kong to this southern Chinese city on Jan. 10 were treated to a
novel sight: Dozens of Western bankers in suits sat among the Chinese
travelers, their briefcases stashed between lumpy bags of food and clothing.
The pin-striped passengers were in a chatty mood. They
were about to learn the fate of one of China's largest state-owned companies,
Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corp., or Gitic. Though Gitic was
in danger of defaulting on nearly $1.5 billion in loans and guarantees from the
foreigners' banks, few of the creditors believed they would be left in the
Three hours later, they rode the train back to Hong Kong
in stunned silence. In a curt, 90-minute meeting, Chinese officials told the
creditors that they planned to throw Gitic into bankruptcy. Bankers who
inquired about when they might be repaid got a blunt response: Take a number
and get in line.
China's decision is more than a slap in the face to the
banks. It is a frontal assault on the way business has been conducted in the
world's most populous country. By refusing to bail out Gitic, China is
signaling that investors will be held accountable for their lending. Gone are
the days when foreign bankers could rely on political connections as a
substitute for proper credit-risk analysis.
"People went up there with higher
expectations," said T.K. Chang, an expert in Chinese bankruptcy law in the
Hong Kong office of Coudert Brothers, who attended the meeting as a
representative of South Korean banks. "Nobody expected that it would be
put into bankruptcy."
And why should they? China has rarely used its bankruptcy
law, although it has been on the books since 1986. And it has never invoked the
law in the case of a major state-owned enterprise -- let alone one with foreign
creditors like Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, HSBC, and Sumitomo Trust and Banking.
But all that is changing. Beijing's decision to crack
down on profligate borrowing, China watchers say, reflects a broader crusade by
Prime Minister Zhu Rongji to make China's corporate sector more rational and
its economy more efficient. Although China is growing faster than its Asian
neighbors, it shares many of their frailties -- including a wobbly banking
system and bloated state companies.
The Gitic bankruptcy will be a litmus test of Beijing's
resolve, according to lawyers and bankers. Before it can reap the benefits of
more disciplined business practices, the central government must first show
that it can impose an untested bankruptcy law on its often unruly provinces.
"This bankruptcy will set the pattern for future
insolvencies, and there will be hundreds of them, if not thousands," said
Gordon Chang, a bankruptcy lawyer in the Shanghai office of Paul, Weiss,
Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.
Gitic, which is based in this provincial capital,
functioned as the main fund-raising arm of the Guangdong government. Though a
separate company, Gitic is controlled by the provincial authorities, who have
often enlisted it to help finance projects, like the toll highway that connects
Hong Kong to Guangzhou.
Over the last decade, Gitic borrowed billions of dollars
-- mostly in foreign currency and not approved by Beijing -- to pay for a
pell-mell expansion into real estate, hotels, securities trading, even silk
manufacturing. Gitic's distinctive orange logo sits atop dozens of apartment
blocks in this clamorous city, while its 63-floor headquarters was until
recently Guangzhou's tallest tower.
The trouble is, most of Gitic's businesses lose money,
and the company capsized under $4.3 billion in debt. When skittish Japanese and
Korean banks called in their loans last fall, Gitic could not pay. The
Guangdong government cobbled together funds to keep it afloat. But Beijing,
eager to rein in the maverick province, shot down the plan. On Oct. 6, the
central government abruptly shut down Gitic and appointed the People's Bank of
China to start liquidating it.
"This company was basically squandering state
resources," said Lawrence Lau, the director of the Center for Economic
Policy Research at Stanford University. "The province wasn't supposed to
guarantee its loans, but it did. And the Western banks were colluding with
these guys."
Lau and other China experts praised Beijing's hard line,
which they said would help it tackle the far more daunting challenge of
cleaning up China's debt-ridden banks. "The discussion in Beijing is: 'If
we bail out Gitic, will it encourage more behavior like this?"' Lau said.
The bankers, however, insist they made loans to Gitic in
good faith -- not as part of a collusive deal with provincial leaders. Many
regard Beijing's action as less a courageous stand than a craven betrayal.
"China's credibility could be badly damaged by how
this was handled," said Brian Lippey, the managing director of Tokai Bank
Ltd., a Japanese bank with modest exposure to Gitic. "I'm not saying the
government should bail out every company, but the process has to be in accordance
with international norms."
A leading Hong Kong banker was even blunter. "This
will have repercussions for years," he said, speaking on the condition of
anonymity. "It will be a few years before people lend again, because they
have deep wounds."
Whether that is true or not, the bankers are especially
raw because they believe they had guarantees from provincial officials that
either Guangzhou or Beijing would stand behind their loans if Gitic went sour.
Sometimes these guarantees came in the form of handshakes; other times they
were set out in "letters of comfort."
"More than 60 bankers said they were told that the
government would pick up the tab if things went wrong," the Hong Kong
banker said.
In the aftermath of Gitic's collapse, banks have begun
calling in loans to other troubled Chinese companies. As they do, more Chinese
companies are defaulting. Dalian International Trust and Investment Corp., the
fund-raising arm of the northern city of Dalian, recently acknowledged that it
had missed payments on foreign loans. Other investment-trust companies
affiliated with Guangdong, Fujian, and Hubei provinces have also missed
For now, the debt crisis is mainly limited to investment
trusts. These financial institutions, known as ITICs by investors, sprouted
like weeds after Deng Xiaoping opened China's economy in 1978. Their purpose
was to raise money from outside China for the provinces. But with their loose
management and shaky finances, they became the Chinese equivalent of the U.S.
savings and loan debacle.
Last week Beijing said it planned to prune the number of
investment trusts to 40 from 240. That will mean shutting down or merging
scores of ITICs, most of which owe money to foreign banks. Basisfield, a
research firm that tracks corporate debt issues, estimates that the investment
trusts have $5.1 billion in total debt -- $1.5 billion of it in direct loans
from foreign banks.
But now many experts fear the debt crisis is spreading
beyond investment trusts. Guangdong Enterprises Holdings, another prominent
Chinese company, has suspended payments on $2.9 billion in debt, while it
overhauls its operations with the help of Goldman, Sachs.
Guangdong Enterprises is a "red chip" -- a Hong
Kong-based company controlled from the mainland, in this case by the Guangdong
government. Formed in 1980, it was one of the first companies set up by
provincial regimes to tap overseas markets. Like Gitic, it has diverse holdings
in trading, property and hotels. Unlike Gitic, some of its assets would seem to
be sure-fire winners.
Its Hong Kong subsidiary, for example, is one of the
largest importers of fresh food from China to Hong Kong. Yet that unit recently
disclosed that it had $391 million in debt and a cash balance of only $13.7
At the prodding of Goldman, Sachs, Guangdong Enterprises
has owned up to its failings. In a report to creditors on Jan. 12, it said its
woes were the result of "poor business decisions historically which have
resulted in poor or nonperforming assets and an overall lack of strategic
business focus."
Before the Asian economic crisis, red chips were the
rocket fuel that propelled the Hong Kong stock market. Now they are in
disrepute. In a report for investors last November, before it was hired to fix
Guangdong Enterprises, Goldman estimated that the red chips were groaning under
nearly $13 billion in debt.
"Bankers are no longer making distinctions between
red chips and other Chinese companies," the Hong Kong banker said.
Analysts said China would hardly wither if foreign banks
turned off their taps. Foreign lending accounts for a relatively small part of
the overall economy, and analysts said the country's four main domestic banks
could pick up much of the slack. Although China has more than $130 billion in
foreign debt, it can draw on vast household savings to finance public spending.
Still, lawyers are poring over China's bankruptcy law for
clues about how it will handle future insolvencies. While the statute borrows
some elements of the U.S. bankruptcy code, it is vague about key concepts --
not least the notion of reorganizing a company, rather than simply liquidating
The law also offers little guidance about which creditors
should get priority in the repayment process. It says only that employee wages,
taxes, and legal costs must be paid before creditors are reimbursed.
Lawyers said the Chinese government had already made
decisions that went beyond the statute. To forestall social unrest, it has
decided to bail out 25,000 people who had deposited money in Gitic's banking
unit. It has also declared that creditors whose loans were registered with
Beijing would receive priority over creditors whose loans were made without its
Legal precedents will be of little help to creditors
because the law has been so seldom used. Before Gitic, the largest bankruptcy
case in Chinese history was that of a sugar mill in the northern province of
Heilongjiang that foundered last November with less than $100 million in debt.
With so much more money involved here, lawyers said the banks would push the
court to impose the law scrupulously.
"Although the bankruptcy law is faulty in the
extreme, we're going to see a lot of improvement very quickly," said Chang
of Paul Weiss.
China has plenty of motivation to stick to the rules. If
the court's conduct of the Gitic bankruptcy passes muster with foreign
creditors, experts predict that foreign banks will resume lending to Chinese
companies -- if a good deal more prudently than in the past.
"Like most things with China, this is neither all
good nor all bad," said Richard Margolis, a former British diplomat in
Beijing who is now a strategist for Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong. "If you're
a creditor, dealing with the nitty-gritty of the bankruptcy, this is an
unmitigated disaster. On the other hand, this is a much needed and overdue
tidying up of China's books."