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Enron Audit Panel Is Scrutinized
For Its Cozy Ties With the Firm
When the board audit committee of Enron Corp. gathered for a
regular meeting at its Houston headquarters a year ago, the session should have
been anything but routine.
After all, Enron management wanted a blessing for every
transaction during 2000 between the energy-trading company and two partnerships
run by then-Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow. The controversial
partnerships kept significant debt off the books, pumped up profits -- and
earned Mr. Fastow more than $30 million.
Yet committee members, all of them outside directors, didn't
challenge a single transaction, according to knowledgeable people and excerpts
of the Feb. 12 meeting's minutes. Their indifference wasn't a complete
surprise. The full board twice had taken the rare step of suspending the
corporate-ethics code, so Mr. Fastow could head the partnerships.
Subsequent disclosure of losses related to the partnerships
hastened Enron's collapse. Now, amid finger-pointing at top management and the
company's outside auditors at Arthur Andersen LLP, the audit committee is under
harsh scrutiny from a slew of civil, criminal and congressional investigations
-- and the board itself.
full coverage of the Enron saga.
Out the Recent Changes in 'Goodwill' Accounting Rules
Who on Enron's Audit Committee
A special board committee looking into the debacle is expected to
partly blame the six-member audit panel in a report to be issued as early as this
weekend. The report will cite slick presentations by sophisticated financial
people along with lethargy on the part of audit-committee members, says an
individual close to the situation. The panel discovered significant defects in
procedures for monitoring financial results and controls, the individual adds.
Critics who contend Enron's audit panel fell short cite several
key reasons: Several members held cozy ties with the company, they say. The
panel's chairman -- Robert K. Jaedicke, retired accounting professor and former
dean of Stanford University's business school -- preferred a relatively passive
role. And Andersen auditors apparently weren't persuaded that they should be
answerable to the audit committee as their client. "It's the worst audit
committee I have ever seen," asserts John Nash, president emeritus of the
National Association of Corporate Directors.
"This audit committee worked pretty well based on the
information it was provided," retorts W. Neil Eggleston, counsel for
Enron's outside directors and a partner at Howrey Simon Arnold & White in
Washington. Andersen signed off on accounting practices and didn't alert
members about "any impropriety or irregularity" until November, Mr.
Eggleston adds. Audit-committee members either declined to comment about their
role or didn't return calls.
An Andersen spokesman, asked to respond to Mr. Eggleston's
critique, said the notion that "the audit committee or senior management
wasn't aware of the risks of the business decisions they were making is entirely
implausible." Regarding criticism of its auditing work, Andersen says
Enron withheld crucial information and misled the auditors about the
partnerships; Enron fired Andersen last month.
At first glance, Enron's pivotal audit panel, made up of prominent
executives, looks well-qualified. But in reality, governance specialists
contend, the committee's makeup is far from ideal.
For one thing, half its members live abroad -- an uncommon
practice at audit panels, which meet often and require a keen grasp of business
practices here. As an American citizen, Hong Kong billionaire property
developer Ronnie Chan may understand U.S. business. But he has the worst recent
attendance record of any Enron director. He missed more than 25% of board and
committee meetings during 1996, 1997 and 2000, according to proxy statements.
(In 1998 and 1999 he missed fewer meetings, though the percentage wasn't
reported because it was less than 25%.)
Corporate-governance experts doubt some other audit-committee
members are truly independent. Lord John Wakeham joined the board in 1994, four
years after the then-British energy secretary approved plans for Enron to build
a power plant in the United Kingdom. Since 1996, proxy statements show, he has
earned $72,000 a year advising its European unit -- more than his $50,000
annual stipend for being a director. In a statement last week, Lord Wakeham's
office said it "would clearly be wrong of him" to make any comments
about his position at Enron while the matter is being investigated.
John Mendelsohn is president of University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center, which has received nearly $1.6 million in donations from Enron
and related entities since 1985, the year his predecessor Charles A. LeMaistre
became an Enron director. Dr. Mendelsohn has said the center doesn't depend
heavily on Enron philanthropy.
Dr. Jaedicke, who is 73 years old, is the most important -- and,
to corporate governance experts, perhaps most problematic -- member of Enron's
audit panel. The unpretentious retired academic commands respect for his
meticulous thoroughness. But he has led the Enron audit panel since he obtained
his board seat in 1985. Big-business boards typically switch committee heads
every three to five years to maintain distance from management.
Dr. Jaedicke feels his lengthy tenure never crimped his outside
perspective, Mr. Eggleston says. But some question whether Dr. Jaedicke's long
service to Enron may have contributed to his approach.
He took a relatively passive role, for example, when the board
first waived the ethics code in mid-1999. To form a private partnership called
LJM Cayman LP, Mr. Fastow needed a special board ruling that his activities
wouldn't violate policies intended to protect against executives being involved
in activities that might pose a conflict of interest or harm Enron.
The audit committee's charter, disclosed in the latest proxy
statement, describes its responsibility for overseeing ethics-code compliance.
Yet the panel took no action about suspending the code before the full board
met; nor did Dr. Jaedicke propose an audit-committee review during that board
meeting, Mr. Eggleston reports.
"The audit committee should have made the code suspension
part of their work, especially since the partnership would involve the
CFO," says Charles Elson, director of the Center for Corporate Governance
at the University of Delaware's business school. And Dr. Jaedicke, as the
committee's chairman, "should have been upset over the proposed waiver of
the code."
To the contrary, according to excerpted minutes from Enron's board
meeting on June 28, 1999, it was Dr. Jaedicke who seconded the motion
suspending the ethics code when directors approved a resolution that Mr.
Fastow's partnership participation "will not adversely affect the
interests of the Company."
He saw the partnership as a "one-off, isolated transaction.
It didn't look like there was much risk at that time," Mr. Eggleston
explains. In addition, the lawyer continues, committee members "believed
that Arthur Andersen was involved in blessing the LJM partnerships."
Also raising eyebrows is the audit committee's lack of involvement
in deciding which law firm would conduct the nearly two-month probe into a
letter warning of questionable accounting last August by Enron Vice President
Sherron Watkins. Her letter raised alarms about the unorthodox partnerships and
their potential danger to Enron's finances and public image.
At numerous companies, the audit-committee chairman decides which
law firm should probe a serious whistle-blowing complaint. "That's the
only way you maintain the integrity of the company," says Roderick M.
Hills, a former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman who has led more
than six audit committees.
Instead, at Enron, management made the decision to retain Houston
law firm Vinson & Elkins to explore concerns described in the letter Ms.
Watkins sent and discussed with then-chairman Kenneth Lay. Her letter cautioned
against using Vinson & Elkins as investigators because it had issued legal
opinions endorsing some of the partnerships.
Dr. Jaedicke didn't learn about the Watkins letter or the outside
lawyers' inquiry until it ended, when Vinson & Elkins briefed him about the
finding, Mr. Eggleston says. He maintains this didn't bother Dr. Jaedicke
because he knew corporate policy required that in-house attorneys review
employee complaints from any level and decide whether to seek outside legal
help. Critics say that the Vinson & Elkins Oct. 15 report in effect ignored
the accounting problems, by concluding that Enron's practice of forming
special-purpose entities to keep debt off its books was "creative and
aggressive" but wasn't "inappropriate from a technical
Enron's auditors also knew about the Watkins allegations long
before the audit committee did. An Aug. 21 Andersen memo summarizes a
conversation in which the whistle-blowing executive, a former Andersen auditor,
shared her concerns about Enron's questionable accounting with an Andersen
audit partner not assigned there. The partner passed along what he termed
"a very troublesome scenario" to several Enron auditors at Andersen
and to the firm's lawyers. Andersen says it also informed Enron management.
By Oct. 9, Andersen analysts had determined there was "a red
alert: a heightened risk of financial-statement fraud" at Enron, according
to an Andersen e-mail. The Andersen spokesman says the financial-statement test
described in the e-mail was conducted on an "experimental basis"
using software later found to be flawed and doesn't know what actions auditors
took to address the "red alert."
Again, however, Enron's audit committee didn't immediately learn
of this. Not until Nov. 2, when the company's financial condition had seriously
deteriorated, did Andersen tell the Enron board of "possible illegal acts
within the company" concerning one partnership, Andersen Chief Executive
Joseph Berardino told lawmakers. Six days later, the complex partnerships
caused Enron to restate nearly $600 million in earnings reported over five
Some suspect Andersen auditors failed to keep Enron's audit
committee well-informed because they saw their main responsibility as serving
the company's management, and not the full board or the audit committee.
"It's usually the comptroller that recommends to the audit committee who
the auditors should be," a former Enron official observes. Andersen
auditors worked "with the company day by day. They saw the audit committee
once a quarter."
Yet at some companies audit-panel chairmen aggressively try to
reverse that misconception, thereby protecting auditors against management
mischief. "You're there to make sure [auditors] report to you" and
that only directors can fire them, Mr. Hills says. So, he occasionally spends
all day at auditors' offices making sure they consider conservative accounting
methods. "Enron is emblematic of a culture in corporate life that needs to
be rooted out," he maintains.
-- Christopher Cooper, Peter Wonacott, Matt Pottinger and
Jonathan Karp contributed to this article.
Write to Joann S. Lublin at
Who on Enron's Audit Committee
Name and Title |
Prior or Related Roles |
Other Enron Links |
Robert K. Jaedicke |
Former dean and accounting professor, Stanford University's
Graduate School of Business |
He has headed committee since 1985; critics say such long tenure
impedes independence. |
Ronnie C. Chan / Billionaire chairman of Hang Lung Group,
Hong Kong property conglomerate |
Also a director of Motorola and Standard Chartered |
He missed more than 25% of board and committee meetings in 1996,
1997 and 2000. |
John Mendelsohn / President, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
University of Texas |
Also a director of ImClone Systems |
Enron or related entities have donated $1,564,928 to M.D.
Anderson since 1985. |
Paulo V. Ferraz Pereira / Brazilian investment banker and
executive vice president of Grupo Bozano |
Former head Banco Bozano Simonsen; former president and CEO
State Bank of Rio de Janeiro |
He won his Enron directorship through a personal relationship
there. |
Lord John Wakeham* / Member, U.K. House of Lords and prominent
Conservative politician |
Former leader House of Commons and House of Lords |
He has earned $72,000 a year as a consultant for Enron's
European unit since fall 1996. |
Wendy Gramm / Director, Regulatory Studies Program,
Mercatus Center, George Mason University |
Former chairman Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
Enron has given Mercatus Center $50,000 since 1996. |