If you have access to a Bloomberg terminal, you can print off data and information on your company in a standardized format. In particular, I use four Bloomberg items (Page 1 of the HDS, the BETA page, the DES page, and a customized FA page that I created). Since there is a lot of information on these 7 pages, I have listed the items that you will generally use in valuation or corporate finance. You can find the item on the specified page.
Description | Bloomberg Page |
1. Company symbol & country of listing & Reporting Currency | HDS |
2. Stock price on date of print out | HDS |
3. Source for holdings data | HDS |
4. Largest stockholders (Name) | HDS |
5. Number of shares held by stockholder | HDS |
6. % of Outstanding stock held by stockholder | HDS |
7. Change in holding (#shares) since last filing | HDS |
8. Currency for returns | BETA |
9. Index used in beta regression | BETA |
10. Period of regression | BETA |
11. Return interval used over regression period | BETA |
12. Regression beta | BETA |
13. Adjusted Bloomberg beta | BETA |
14. Intercept from regression | BETA |
15. R squared & Correlation | BETA |
16. Standard Error of Beta | BETA |
17. Bloomberg estimates of current & forward PE/EPS | DES Page 1 |
18. Bloomberg sector category | DES Page 1 |
19. Bloomberg company description | DES Page 1 |
20. Dividend Yield | DES Page 1 |
21. Market Capitalization (Market value of equity of all shares) | DES Page 1 |
22. Number of shares outstanding & float (traded shares) | DES Page 1 |
23. Number and % of shares held by institutional investors | DES Page 2 |
24. % of Shares held by institutions | DES Page 2 |
25. Bloomberg estimates of market multiples (also see #17) | DES Page 3 |
26. Interest coverage ratio (Bloomberg estimate) | DES Page 3 |
27. Dividend Payout ratio (Bloomberg estimate) | DES Page 3 |
28. Dividend Yield (Bloomberg estimate, also see #20) | DES Page 3 |
29. ROE & ROC (Bloomberg estimate) | DES Page 3 |
30. Geographic breakdown | DES Page 4 |
31. Business breakdown | DES Page 4 |
32. a. Trailing 12 month; b. Reporting Currency | FA |
33. Revenues/Sales | FA |
34. Interest Expenses | FA |
35. Depreciation & Amortization | FA |
36. Book Value of Interest Bearing Debt | FA |
37. Operating Income or EBIT | FA |
38. Cash & Marketable Securities | FA |
39. Weighted Maturity of Debt (if reported in financials) | FA |
40. Book Value of Equity | FA |
41. Capital Expenditures (Accounting definition) | FA |
42. Cash spent on acquisitions (does not include stock paid) | FA |
43. Operating lease expense/commitments (if reported) | FA |
44. Management options (#, exercise price), if reported | FA |
45. Cash dividends paid | FA |
46. R&D expenditures (from income statement) | FA |
47. Stock Buybacks | FA |
48. Change in non-‐cash WC | FA |
49. Increase & Decrease in LT Debt | FA |
50. Change in ST Borrowing | FA |
If you are interested in the customized FA page, it is simple to create within Bloomberg’s conventional FA page. Just click on custom and create the display items that you want.
1. Company symbol
& country of listing
& Reporting
2. Stock price on date of print out
3. Source for data.
13F for US stocks is a filing for institutional investors with SEC
4. Largest stockholders
5. Number of shares held
INTC US $ T 20.95 +.38 · --...._,. /···--· Q20.94/20.95X
..... At 15:37 d Vol34,407,558 0 20.68K H 20.998 L 20.570
Val 716.
6. % of outstanding stock
Intel Corp
I 25) Settings I 99) Feedback I
Holdings: Current I
CUSIP 45814010
D Current ]) Historical 3) Matrix 4) Ownership 5) Transactions
7. Change since
last filing
207,444,400 4.17
172,992,357 3.48
137,727,937 2.77
99,851,707 2.01
81,124,057 1.63
75,952,069 1.53
68,923,843 1.39
60,814,975 1.22
50,818,200 1.02
49,827,833 1.00
43,330,000 0.87
y 39,910,784 0.80
39,131,509 0.79 y 38,635,294 0.78 y 37,607,629 0.76
37,031,150 0.74
36,583 946 0.74
%Out 69.83 Zoom
Japan 81 3 3201 8900
20 7330 rmany
U.S. 1 212 318 2000 Copyright 2012 B1oombQrg FlnancQ L.P.
SN 636136 EST GMT-5•00 GS09-5157-0 18-DQc-2012 15•52•25
Things to watch out for
If you have multiple listings for the same company (say class A and class B stock), remember that this page contains only the % of shares for the class in question and not of all outstanding shares.
The data for this page comes from public filings (in the US, from the SEC). Therefore, it is only as good as the public information is.
If you are using a Bloomberg terminal, the shaded inputs can be changed from the defaults. You can use a different index, a different time period, a different return interval and switch to different currencies.
8. Currency for
9. Index used for regression. If set at Bloomberg default, it will be the domestic country equity index. It can be changed to any index. (NFT: MSCI Global Index)
INTC US $ T 20.945
..... At 15:37 d
·-..· .,. ,.._.......-
10. Period of regression. Can change start & end.
X20 .94/20.95Q
H 20.99B L 20.570
11. Return intervals for regression period. Can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly.
12 1 0
0 o Adjusted BETA
(Intercept) R"2(Correlation"2) R(Correlation)
0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0
Std Dev of Error
Std Error of ALPHA Std Error of BETA
t-Test Significance Last T-Value
<> 0
oo 0
· 6 0
0 0
Last P-Value
Number of Points
,.-. -• , 11 , ._..-..-. • F'f : •.. 4 .-. ,. ,..... ,. . * Last Observation
X • SPX l nde
Australia 61 2 9777 8600 Brazil 5511 308
Japan 81 3 3201 8900 Singapore 65 6212 1000 U.S. l 212 318 2000 Copr 2012 Bloomberg F i nance L.P.
SN 636136 EST GMT-5,00 G509-5157-0 18-0ec-2012 15,52,30
12. Regression beta is 1.006
13. Adjusted beta = Regression beta
(0.67) + 1.00 (0.33)=1.006(.67)
14. Intercept from regression. This is in percent (-0.099%)
15. R Squared and Correlation from regression in decimals.
R sq = 48.7%; Correlation = 69.8%
16. Std Error of Beta is 0.103
67% confidence: 1.006+0.103 - 1.006-0.103
95% confidence: 1.006 + 2(0.103) - 1.006 - 2(0.103)
Number of data points in regression
18. Bloomberg's sector
19. Bloomberg's company description
17. Bloomberg's estimates of current PE, forward PE, trailing EPS,
forward EPS and PEG (PE/Expected growth rate)
20. Dividend yield
= Dividends per share/ Current Price
INTC US Equity | 98) Report 99) Feedback I | IPage 1/41 | Description: Profile I | |
1) Profile | 2) Issue Info | 3) Ratios | 4) Revenue & EPS |
INTEL CORP 5) Semiconductor Devices (CCB)
IntelCorporation designs, manufactures, and sells computer components and related products. The Company's major products include microprocessors, chipsets, embedded processors and microcontroUers, flash memory products, graphics products, network and communications products, systems management software, conferencing products, and digitalimaging products.
6) Price Chart (GP n Earn (ERN) 8) Est EE) lD Cor orate Info
t Date Aft-mkt (C) 01/17/13 12) www.intel.com
i"'28.00 •
1 •.oo P/E 8.99 Santa Clara, CA, Un1ted States
24.oo Est P/E 12/12 9.94 Empls 104 700 (09/29/12)
22.oo T12M EPS (USD) 2.33 13) Mana ement (MGMT
tzo.oo Est EPS 2.11 14) Andy D Bryant
.ll;llau ··-;;; -..-- -- Est PEG 0.94 Chairman/Exec VP/CAO
Px/Chg 10 (USD) 20.945/+1.82% 15) PaulS Otellini
52 Wk H (05/02/12) 29.27 10) Dividend (DVD President/CEO
52 Wk L (11/21/12) 19.23 Ind Gross Yield 4.30% 16) Stacy Jared Smith
YTD Chan e/% -3.305/-13.63% SY Net Growth 14.09% Exec VP/CFO
Mkt Cap (USD) 104,222.3M Cash 11/05/12 0.225 17) 12M TotalRet (TRA) -6.72% Shrs Out/Float 4,976.0M/4,799.5M Beta vs SPX 1.00
SI/% of Float 220.5M/4.59% 19) Depositary Receipts
Da s to Cover 3.6
Australia 61 2 9777 8600 Brazil 5511 3048 450 0 E ur--op--e 4 4 2=-o
Japan 81 3 3201 8900 Singapore 65 6212 1000 u.s. 1 212 318 2000 Copyright 2012 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
SN 636136 EST GMT-5:00 6509-5157-0 18-Dec-2012 15:52:38
21. Market capitalization (Market value of equity)
If there are multiple classes of shares, this is the aggregate market value of all classes
22. Number of shares outstanding & Number of shares that are available for trade (float). If there are shares held by founder/family that don't trade float < outstanding shares
23. Number and % of outstanding shares held by institutions
24. % of outstanding shares held by insiders (management, individuals who own >5%, directors
INTC US $ l20.95 +.38 -,, -·---Y'" X20.94/20.95P 320x29
••••• At 15:37 d Vol34,443,847 0 20.68K H 20.998 L 20.570 Val 717 .281M
INTC US Equity
I 98) Report I 99) Feedback I IPage 2/41 Description: Issue Info I
1) Profile 2) Issue Info 3) Ratios 4) Revenue & EPS
F P u hl ic O f fu n ·n q:s <C A C S) 8)1nstl tion HoWings(OWN)
-=6}.-:;;.I.;;....;;ss u...;...e...;;;_In;..;...;. ...;...or m;...;..;;a.;...;;..tl;,...;;..o.:...;...n <R;...;;.;E=L:.;;;_S) ------4 9} Insider Holdings (OWN) Sec Type Common Stock OEX N.A. %Held by Insiders
Incorp UNITED STATES (DE) RIY 0.715% as of 12/17/2012
SEDOL1 2463247 US NAICS 334413 TRIB 1.382% BANK OF NEW YORK MEL Common 009702920 WPK # 855681 COMP 0.631% INVESCO LTD
O p·t / LE A Ps / M a rq in a b l
Australia 61 2 9777 8600 Brazil 5511 3048 4500 Europ44 20 7330 7500 G rmany 1210 Hong Kong 852 2977 6000
Japan 81 3 3201 8900 Singapore 65 6212 1000 U.S. 1 212 318 2000 Copyright 2012 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
SN 636136 EST GMT-5:00 G509-5157-0 18-Dec-2012 15:52:39
25. Bloomberg's estimates of Market multiples
PE: Current PE
PB: Market Cap/ BV of equity
P/S: Market cap/Sales
EV/EBITDA = (MV equity + BV debt - Cash)/EBITDA
INTC US Equity 98) Report 99) Feedback I
IPage 3/41 Description: Ratios I
1) Profile
2) Issue Info 3) Ratios
4) Revenue & EPS
FiscalYear End 12/2011 5) Income Statements (FA IS)
* Last Quarter End 09/12 Q3 6) Balance Sheet (FA BS)
"" Current/T12M (USD) 7) Cash Flow (FA CF)
Issue Data Per Share Data Cash Row Analysis
""Last Px USD/20.95 P/CF 5.8
N P/E 9.0 N EPS T12M 2.33 Curr P/FCF 15.5
""Dvd Ind Yld 4.3% N DPS 0.78 CF/NI 1.6
* P/B 2.12 * Bk ValPer Sh 9.89 Dvd P/0 31.9%
N P/S 2.0 Rev/Bas Sh 10.27 Cash Gen/Cash Reqd 1.4
"" Curr EV/T12M EBITDA 4.2 CPS 3.99 Csh Dvd Cov 3.1 ""Mkt Cap 1047 247.2M * Curr Shares Out 5.0B CFO/Sales 38.8%
""Curr EV 97,014.2M FCF/Basic Sh 1.94 Eff IR 4.0% Growth Potential Profitability Structure
Oil EPS Frm Cont Op 1Y 25.9% EBITDA 23.5B Curr Ratio 2.2
Capital- 1Year Growth 3.3% EBIT 17.5B Quick Ratio 1.5
BVS - 1Yr Growth 2.4% OPM 32.4% Debt/ Assets 10.3% R & D to Sales 15.5% Pretax Mrgn 32.9% Debt/Com Eq 16.0%
Retention Ratio 68.1% ROA 16.4% A/R Trnovr 13.9
Rev- 1Yr Gr 23.8% ROE 24.9% Inv Turnover 4.2
Empl1Y Gr 21.3% ROC 21.8% GM 62.5%
Assets - 1Year Growth 12.6% Asset Turnover 0.7 EBIT/Tot Int Exp 91.5
Australia 61 2 9??? 8600 Brazil 5511 3048 4500 Europe 44 20 ?330 ?500 Germany 49 69 9204 1210 Hong Kong 852 29?? 6000
Japan 81 3 3201 8900 Singapore 65 6212 1000 U.S. 1 212 318 2000 Copyright 2012 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
SN 636136 EST GMT-5:00 G509-5157-0 18-Dec-2012 15:52:40
27. Dividend Payout ratio = Dividends/ Net Income
28. Dividend Yield = Dividends per share/ Current Price
26. Interest coverage ratio (Bloomberg estimates)
29. ROE and ROC (Bloomberg estimates)
30. Broad Geographic breakdown of revenues
INTC US Equity 98) Report 99) Feedback
2) Issue Info
31. Broad Business breakdown of revenues
IPage 4/4l Description: Rev & EPS l
3) Ratios 4) Revenue & EPS
(US | D) 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | (US | D) 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
FY | 37.68 | 35.18 | 43.68 | 54.08 | 53.48 | 54.58 | FY | .920 | .770 | 2.05 | 2.39 | 2.11 | 1.95 |
Q1 | 9.78 | 7.18 | 10.38 | 12.88 | 12.98 | 13.08 | Q1 | .250 | .110 | .430 | .560 | .530 | .399 |
Q2 | 9.58 | 8.08 | 10.88 | 13.08 | 13.58 | 13.18 | Q2 | .280 | -.070 | .510 | .540 | .540 | .421 |
Q3 | 10.28 | 9.48 | 11.18 | 14.28 | 13.58 | 13.98 | Q3 | .350 | .330 | .520 | .650 | .580 | .526 |
Q4 | 8.28 | 10.68 | 11.58 | 13.98 | 13.68 | 14.68 | Q4 | .040 | .400 | .590 | .640 | .457 | .588 |
n Geo Seg (FA GEO) 2011Rev 3Yr Gr 8) Prod Seg (FA PROD) 2011Rev 3Yr Gr Asia-Pacific 35.78 15.79% PC Client Group 35.48 8.18% Americas 11.38 14.93% Data Center Group 10.18 15.41% Europe 7.08 -0.76% Other ntelArchitecture Oper 5.08 41.60%
Software and Services Group 1.98 47.82% All Other 1.68 N.A.
Australia 61 2 9777 8600 Brazil 5511 3048 4500 Europa 44 20 7330 7500 Garmany 49 69 9204 1210 Hong Kong 852 2977 6000
Japan 81 3 3201 8900 Slngapora 65 6212 1000 U.S. 1 212 318 2000 Copyr i ght 2012 Bloombarg F l nanca L.P.
SN 636136 EST GMT-5•00 G509-5157-0 18-Dac-2012 15• 52•41
33. Revenues (Sales)
35. Depreciation & Amortization
37. Operating Income or EBIT
34. Interest expenses
36. Book value of interest bearing debt
Financial Statement Analysis
Ticker:INTC US Equtty Periodictty: Annuals Currency: USD Note: Years shown on the report are Fiscal Years Company: lnlel Corp
Filing: Most Recent
Corporate Finance Essentials (
32b. Trailing 12 month
32a. Reporting Currency
EBI IDA 21.388.76 21,808.65 23,188.00 23.541.00 20.226.00 10,994.00 14.280.00 13.546.00 11,161.00 16.811.00
Depreciation & 5.052.00 4.616.00 4,798.00 4.912.00 4.595.00
38. Cash & Marketable Securities
Oper ating lncorne 13.489.06 14,687.24 16,082.00 17.477.00 15.588.00 5,942.00 9,664.00 8.748.00 6,249.00 12,216.00
Totalmtercst e)(pense 272.00 191.00 134.00 87.00 94.00 72.00 84.00 21.00
Nellnccme 9,876.78 10.884.67 11.897.00 12.942.00 11,464.00 4.369.00 5.292.00 6,976.00 5.044.00 8.664.00
Cash & Equivalonts 1 4,389.00 15,399.00 22,893.00 14 ,693.00 12.195.00 16.350.00 10.400.00 13,309.00
Total debt 7,156.00 7.331.00 2.115.00 2,221.00 1,287.00 2.122.00 2.028.00 2,419.00
Tota l Debt Wciuhted
Average Maturity
39. Wtd Debt maturity: If available
Total Eqully
40. Book value of equity
49,269.00 45,911.00 49.430.00 41,704.00 39,546.00 42,762.00 36,752.00 36.182.00
Chg in ncn-cash we -525.00 2"0.00 -769.00 112.00 -1,509.00 870.00 60.00 -18.00
Cap11al Expend11ures -10,064.92 -11,293.67 -11,367.00 -10,764.00 -5.207.00 -4,515.00 -5.197.00 -5.000.00 -5,860.00 -5.818.00
Increase:LT Debl 106.00 5,086.00 0.00 1.980.00 0.00 125.00 0.00 1.742.00
Decrease LT Debt
41. Conventional Cap ex
I nc( Dec) ST Debl -10.00 209.00 0.00 -87.00 -40.00 -39.00 -114.00 126.00
Markel cap. 104,222.32 123.481.00 116.245.52 112,262.26 78.869.16 156A65.72 116.761.50 150.483.83
Minorily lnleresl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
E« lax ra1e
42. Cash spent on
24.20 27.21 28.55 23.40 31.15 23.89 28.64 31.29
Net Cash Pt<lfor 812.00 8.721.00 218.00 853.00 16.00 76.00 0.00 191.00
acquisitions. If
Workong Capital 11,061.00 13,844.00 22,284.00 13,566.00 12.053.00 15,314.00 9,766.00 11 .960.00
Op Lease - Cun-ont
stock used, it won't
178.(\0 124.00 120.00 141.00 154.00 160.00 150.00
Op Lease·Yr 1 183.00 102.00 102.00 106.00 95.00 114.00 114.00
Op Lease·Yr 2
show up here.
1.:2.00 66.00 83.00 75.00 73.00 80.00 79.00
Op Lease - Yr 3 112.00 56.00 66.00 55.00 44.00 58.00 62.00
Op Lease - Yr 4 81.00 32.00 40.00 44.00 30.00 33.00 47.00
Op Lease·Yr 5
43. Operating lease
53.00 20.00 20.00 24.00 26.00 24.00 30.00
Op Lease - Beyond yr 5 commitments. For non-US
136.00 31.00 38.00 46.00 52.00 75.00 102.00
D1vidends Paid -4.301.00 -4,127.00 -3,503.00 -3.108.00 -3.100.00 -2.618.00 -2.320.00 -1 .958.00
Dec capnal stock
firms, blank (zero) can
-8.243.00 -14.0.00 -1 .736.00 -1.762.00 -7.195.00 -2.788.00 -4,593.00 -10.637.00
Current Shares 4,976.00 5.092.00 5.578.00 5,522.00 5,562.00 5.847.00 5.766.00 6,029.00
O utsland1ng
indicate either no lease
Price per share 20.57 20.84 20.33 14.18 26.76 20.25 24.96 23.54
Oplions Ou1staM1ng
End OfPenod
commitments or failure to
224.90 298.30 386.40 451.30 612.00 665.90 839.50 899.90
Avg Exercise Price 20.16 20.12 20.45 25.08 27.70 27.76 26.98 26.71 (Options Outstanding)
R & D expendl1ures 9.827.00 8,350.00 6,576.00 5.653.00 5.722.00 5,755.00 5.873.00 5.145.00
Consoli<iatcd Debt
Weighted Average
Op Lease ·Years 2 - 5
45. Dividends paid
44. Management Options, if issued & info provided
47. Dec. Capital Stock = Stock buybacks
48. Chg in non-cash WC
49. Increase & Decrease in LT Debt
50. Change in ST Debt
46. R&D expenditures: Treated by acctg as operating expense
The fonnaland contonl of lhls report may nol be modified or attered (Including. bul nol limilod lo.via dolollon or addillon) In any way.Tho BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONALservice and BLOOMBERG Data are owned and dlslribuled locally by Bloombe'9 Finance LP.("BFLP1and Its subsidlarios In all jurisdlcllons other than Argentina, Bermuda. China. India, Japan and Korea (the '"BLP Countries1. BFLP is a wholty-cwned subskHary of Bloomberg L.P. reLP-). BLF provides BFLP with all global marketing and operational support and service for the Services and distributes the Services efther directly or through a non· BFLP subsidi.a ry in the BLP Countries. BFLP,BLP and their atfiates do not provide Investment advico or guarantee the accuracy of prices or informationin the Services. Nothing on the Sorvlcos shallconstitute an offering of financialinstruments by BFLP.BLP or their affiilates.
Bloomberg ® 12/1812012 15:51:15