I could tell you that I am looking for content and
that I am flexible on format, but I am sure that you still want to
get a sense of typical formatting. There is no one format that will
work for everyone. You might find it worthwile keeping these general
suggestions in mind while writing the report:
- Do not rehash what should be common knowledge. Thus, describing the regression procedure for estimating betas is not necessary, but explaining why your firms have the betas that you do is necessary.
- Do not include the data sources that you used for your report (such as the Bloomberg pages or annual reports. If you are including your spreadsheet output, attach only the output pages and not the input pages.)
- Be brief.
I would like your final report to be 10 pages or less (you can have appendices on additional pages).
- Establish a narrative for your company: Remember that while each part of the project deals with a different aspect of corporate finance, you are still looking at one company. Your overarching objective in this project is to give me a cohesive and consistent narrative that describes your firm, as it stands today: what it does well, what it does badly and what it needs to change.
If you want to get a sense of what a narrative for a company looks like, take a look at this blog post that I had on Petrobras. The narrative is not pretty but it reflected what I thought about the company.
Perhaps the best way to get a sense of format is to
look at other project reports. You can begin with my sample
analysis of Disney, using the numbers from the lecture notes and then move
on to samples from previous year's projects. They are in pdf format,
and you need Adobe Acrobat to read them. They illustrate the diversity
of the companies analyzed and the way in which different groups answered
the same questions. You will notice different formats, different structures and different writing styles.
- Rio Tinto (2017)
- Solvay (2017)
- Pact Group (2017)
- Burford Capital (2018)
- IAG (2018)