Industry Name Number of Firms Capital Expenditures (US $ millions) Depreciation & Amort ((US $ millions) Cap Ex/Deprecn Acquisitions (US $ millions) Net R&D (US $ millions) Net Cap Ex/Sales Net Cap Ex/ EBIT (1-t) Sales/ Invested Capital
Advertising 58 $1,441.58 $1,762.49 81.79% $1,040.66 $9.43 1.78% 21.25% 3.51
Aerospace/Defense 77 $10,435.57 $13,590.49 76.79% $4,530.69 $872.77 0.63% 9.05% 1.87
Air Transport 21 $17,571.78 $10,084.76 174.24% $132.68 $104.03 4.03% 355.17% 1.60
Apparel 39 $1,609.69 $1,364.55 117.96% $851.05 $4.80 1.53% 17.31% 2.10
Auto & Truck 31 $33,387.85 $16,990.28 196.51% $36.80 $2,157.36 4.63% 83.24% 0.95
Auto Parts 37 $3,128.29 $1,786.80 175.08% $1,411.70 $424.01 3.67% 93.95% 1.97
Bank (Money Center) 7 $4,975.00 $0.00 NA $0.00 $0.00 1.31% 1650.58% 0.32
Banks (Regional) 557 $6,543.13 -$0.01 NA -$16,225.48 $0.00 -4.35% NA 0.47
Beverage (Alcoholic) 23 $2,198.74 $776.93 283.00% $163.94 -$0.15 5.68% 45.79% 0.80
Beverage (Soft) 31 $7,299.01 $4,474.51 163.12% $6,051.83 $11.81 5.68% 36.30% 1.60
Broadcasting 26 $1,846.99 $3,113.21 59.33% $3,155.06 -$1.74 2.55% 22.29% 1.09
Brokerage & Investment Banking 30 $9,136.18 $4,261.90 214.37% $1,264.43 -$124.46 2.51% 1055.84% 0.26
Building Materials 45 $3,431.18 $2,894.60 118.54% $5,916.23 $77.71 4.68% 43.55% 2.96
Business & Consumer Services 164 $6,376.30 $9,869.61 64.61% $15,871.00 $452.30 5.72% 81.21% 2.80
Cable TV 10 $24,645.50 $27,346.10 90.12% $1,594.36 $21.00 -0.49% -3.76% 0.80
Chemical (Basic) 38 $7,654.63 $3,043.37 251.52% $3,956.60 $6.21 5.26% 50.53% 2.14
Chemical (Diversified) 4 $651.65 $655.72 99.38% $0.00 $11.09 0.04% 0.36% 1.70
Chemical (Specialty) 76 $13,713.36 $10,326.50 132.80% $9,847.79 $1,146.28 6.22% 54.93% 1.30
Coal & Related Energy 19 $818.97 $865.97 94.57% $192.28 $19.74 1.34% 6.42% 1.91
Computer Services 80 $3,724.54 $10,082.50 36.94% $5,489.11 $200.26 -0.22% -3.78% 4.36
Computers/Peripherals 42 $19,512.80 $15,824.68 123.31% $4,103.06 $3,854.39 1.82% 10.19% 2.12
Construction Supplies 49 $9,168.46 $5,741.75 159.68% $6,465.15 $471.68 6.04% 70.56% 1.42
Diversified 23 $19,831.05 $18,664.01 106.25% $11,569.54 $151.74 2.76% 89.13% 0.81
Drugs (Biotechnology) 598 $7,334.55 $18,073.87 40.58% $5,763.61 $4,933.35 -0.02% -0.31% 0.46
Drugs (Pharmaceutical) 281 $17,928.36 $31,742.94 56.48% $27,527.50 -$2,931.35 2.73% 11.47% 0.75
Education 33 $567.14 $741.15 76.52% $1,688.71 $118.22 9.24% 303.75% 1.24
Electrical Equipment 110 $5,039.93 $3,237.99 155.65% $12,041.56 $502.62 15.00% 203.89% 1.78
Electronics (Consumer & Office) 16 $99.65 $143.91 69.25% $188.24 $31.17 2.41% 128.15% 2.23
Electronics (General) 138 $6,193.44 $3,149.08 196.67% $15,058.51 $466.51 13.58% 175.22% 1.83
Engineering/Construction 43 $3,691.97 $2,615.71 141.15% $8,305.69 $6.32 7.93% 221.32% 3.40
Entertainment 110 $9,363.38 $14,412.23 64.97% $2,968.00 $1,025.08 -0.50% -8.93% 1.46
Environmental & Waste Services 62 $5,040.99 $4,562.04 110.50% $5,654.26 -$0.14 9.63% 96.72% 2.33
Farming/Agriculture 39 $7,371.65 $3,293.57 223.82% $4,056.74 $324.06 3.34% 54.13% 2.05
Financial Svcs. (Non-bank & Insurance) 223 $9,179.09 -$2,735.15 NA $190.48 $1,073.34 3.64% 28.48% 0.05
Food Processing 92 $10,258.80 $6,684.37 153.47% $6,664.20 $49.26 3.71% 38.75% 1.69
Food Wholesalers 14 $1,778.40 $806.80 220.42% $965.41 $0.00 0.90% 55.60% 8.41
Furn/Home Furnishings 32 $2,196.33 $1,031.48 212.93% $991.31 $39.96 3.80% 84.39% 2.19
Green & Renewable Energy 19 $2,988.21 $1,969.57 151.72% $733.80 -$2.55 26.91% 121.60% 0.21
Healthcare Products 254 $9,881.98 $11,528.50 85.72% $25,664.48 $1,601.01 12.59% 99.88% 1.03
Healthcare Support Services 131 $14,972.76 $16,637.58 89.99% $17,824.92 $234.56 0.80% 26.05% 9.03
Heathcare Information and Technology 138 $7,933.70 $10,652.70 74.48% $25,617.93 $948.40 14.77% 106.13% 1.13
Homebuilding 32 $910.45 $819.40 111.11% $2,339.94 $0.00 1.36% 9.42% 1.82
Hospitals/Healthcare Facilities 34 $7,956.49 $6,190.25 128.53% $3,024.73 -$0.73 3.63% 41.52% 1.95
Hotel/Gaming 69 $11,795.18 $15,310.02 77.04% $10,563.89 -$407.13 4.55% 222.00% 0.65
Household Products 127 $7,511.08 $6,678.61 112.46% $3,490.28 $13.90 2.15% 15.79% 2.19
Information Services 73 $6,681.96 $14,669.80 45.55% $12,531.05 $1,170.94 2.54% 13.34% 1.51
Insurance (General) 21 $1,214.69 $6,954.95 17.47% $7,005.40 $5.04 0.96% 5.53% 0.98
Insurance (Life) 27 $386.70 -$362.02 NA -$165.73 $0.00 0.23% 3.32% 0.65
Insurance (Prop/Cas.) 51 $2,505.85 $4,145.30 60.45% $3,178.76 $0.00 0.58% 11.42% 1.22
Investments & Asset Management 600 $4,028.35 $2,810.60 143.33% $9,285.54 $63.17 7.45% 52.28% 0.52
Machinery 116 $4,477.66 $5,881.43 76.13% $20,535.51 $263.77 10.79% 97.07% 2.16
Metals & Mining 68 $5,642.28 $4,500.42 125.37% $401.58 $10.29 2.34% 16.60% 1.58
Office Equipment & Services 16 $480.15 $632.02 75.97% $1,282.11 $17.45 5.74% 122.72% 2.38
Oil/Gas (Integrated) 4 $31,404.90 $42,992.60 73.05% $3,650.00 -$136.00 -1.24% -9.16% 1.50
Oil/Gas (Production and Exploration) 174 $63,029.36 $40,990.52 153.77% $14,016.29 -$1.53 10.79% 38.36% 1.17
Oil/Gas Distribution 23 $10,332.22 $9,008.64 114.69% $4,896.33 $3.66 4.82% 53.72% 0.71
Oilfield Svcs/Equip. 101 $15,048.62 $16,593.82 90.69% $3,808.00 $9.71 0.29% 4.86% 4.10
Packaging & Container 25 $9,003.06 $5,673.27 158.69% $3,606.80 -$1.55 4.43% 57.82% 1.95
Paper/Forest Products 7 $594.21 $445.05 133.51% $291.10 $1.00 3.59% 26.23% 2.64
Power 48 $111,842.71 $48,006.75 232.97% $6,518.97 $53.20 18.40% 132.56% 0.44
Precious Metals 74 $3,997.11 $3,109.90 128.53% $107.83 $67.84 6.30% 108.26% 0.52
Publishing & Newspapers 20 $954.37 $1,401.95 68.07% $2,109.98 $27.18 6.11% 92.43% 2.15
R.E.I.T. 223 $6,165.52 $46,891.92 13.15% $26,707.94 $3.42 -6.96% -31.34% 0.15
Real Estate (Development) 18 $59.68 $212.39 28.10% $0.94 $0.00 -4.24% -32.23% 0.38
Real Estate (General/Diversified) 12 $20.69 $53.88 38.41% $32.80 $0.00 -0.03% -0.22% 0.39
Real Estate (Operations & Services) 60 $1,305.62 $3,122.05 41.82% $1,473.59 $236.48 -0.10% NA 1.57
Recreation 57 $3,799.89 $2,444.25 155.46% $3,610.02 $125.74 8.46% 143.45% 1.59
Reinsurance 1 $23.00 $81.30 28.29% $0.00 $0.00 -0.36% -8.27% 1.21
Restaurant/Dining 70 $8,095.73 $5,241.77 154.45% $3,198.72 $0.00 4.12% 41.44% 1.57
Retail (Automotive) 30 $4,818.78 $2,705.28 178.12% $11,773.00 $7.40 5.13% 122.06% 3.23
Retail (Building Supply) 15 $6,404.83 $4,900.29 130.70% $292.92 $4.08 0.63% 6.11% 4.20
Retail (Distributors) 69 $12,008.05 $2,162.37 555.32% $5,865.84 $28.00 7.95% 85.94% 2.07
Retail (General) 15 $31,479.29 $19,322.90 162.91% $1,822.20 $0.00 1.26% 41.62% 5.51
Retail (Grocery and Food) 13 $5,634.72 $5,306.90 106.18% $280.10 -$0.36 0.23% 10.30% 5.23
Retail (Online) 63 $67,716.67 $40,241.84 168.27% $8,536.14 $11,753.06 8.25% 450.96% 1.34
Retail (Special Lines) 78 $11,540.35 $7,939.36 145.36% $3,655.46 $19.05 1.60% 36.40% 3.22
Rubber& Tires 3 $1,086.63 $953.14 114.01% $0.00 $42.40 0.86% 14.67% 1.59
Semiconductor 68 $53,900.06 $37,648.83 143.17% $6,594.53 $7,322.09 9.42% 41.38% 0.72
Semiconductor Equip 30 $3,670.00 $2,352.82 155.98% $10,462.07 $672.12 15.24% 64.37% 1.51
Shipbuilding & Marine 8 $497.93 $488.95 101.84% $5.55 $0.00 0.15% 0.68% 1.17
Shoe 13 $582.66 $1,097.90 53.07% $2,051.94 $6.90 2.24% 20.38% 2.91
Software (Entertainment) 91 $58,932.86 $25,570.16 230.48% $13,587.24 $14,569.48 14.04% 65.27% 0.78
Software (Internet) 33 $1,759.20 $2,176.57 80.82% $2,378.86 $1,034.65 11.03% NA 0.67
Software (System & Application) 390 $39,873.18 $29,915.26 133.29% $82,920.88 $11,072.46 21.31% 122.89% 0.96
Steel 28 $7,058.12 $4,282.37 164.82% $6,156.18 $1.74 5.13% 32.42% 2.87
Telecom (Wireless) 16 $15,669.23 $16,040.39 97.69% $1,406.80 -$86.04 1.04% 8.47% 0.52
Telecom. Equipment 79 $2,604.70 $2,099.90 124.04% $2,739.80 $477.25 3.52% 23.14% 1.42
Telecom. Services 49 $49,147.36 $45,946.93 106.97% $15,268.04 $197.25 5.76% 37.14% 0.66
Tobacco 15 $1,328.91 $512.18 259.46% $351.03 $55.44 2.11% 6.53% 1.78
Transportation 18 $12,569.91 $8,261.71 152.15% $1,903.34 $2.58 2.34% 32.05% 3.09
Transportation (Railroads) 4 $7,631.60 $4,977.60 153.32% $224.51 $0.00 5.58% 18.02% 0.51
Trucking 35 $19,490.20 $7,437.75 262.04% $4,934.20 $517.40 11.04% 175.45% 1.66
Utility (General) 15 $42,509.60 $17,044.70 249.40% $353.00 -$15.60 19.97% 131.20% 0.37
Utility (Water) 16 $4,155.88 $1,273.87 326.24% $482.33 -$0.53 40.92% 164.81% 0.26
Total Market 7165 $1,112,260.78 $877,229.86 126.79% $560,872.15 $67,496.74 4.18% 45.14% 0.83
Total Market (without financials) 5649 $1,074,291.79 $862,154.28 124.61% $556,338.74 $66,479.65 4.48% 46.61% 1.36