MeMy name is Aswath Damodaran and I teach corporate finance and valuation at the Stern School of Business at New York University.This website includes almost everything that I use in my teaching, as well most of what I write. It started small but has grown over time. I hope you find it useful, and more important, enjoyable! twitterFollow on Twitter
uValue uValue app (iPad & iPhone)
Blog Musings on Markets (My blog)
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I have tried to accumulate as much content as I can into this site, and navigating it can be a challenge. While I have attempted to categorize the information as best as I can, you can also use the search engine below to search the site and my blog posts.


If the search engine does not work, try the site map. If that does not work, email me.

Navigating the site

If you want to get a sense of what I am trying to do here, start with the Bio link. If you need a big picture, start by looking at the the Guide that lists in broad terms what the site contains. If you are unable to find something or are stumped, you can email me. Finally, if you are a glutton for punishment, you want to be keep up with updates on this site or my blog, you can follow me on Twitter.

I have broken the content on this site into the three silos, representing much of what I do in my "working" life: teaching, writing, harnessing data and building tools.

In the teaching section, the background provide a short introduction to the tools that I use in my books and classes, and it contains a glossaries of financial terms and primers on key areas that back up finance and a beginner's area, where I provide an introduction to finance and what it does (and does not do). In the topicstopics section, I group material based upon three areas in finance - , Investments and Valuation. In each of these sections, I have sub-grouped material into lecture notes, spreadsheets, datasets and webcasts. In the section, you will find the classes that I teach to MBAs and Executives as well as online classes that I have put together, assorted webcasts and . Under each class, you will find the syllabus, lecture notes, problem sets and associated material, as well as of the classes.

In the writing section, I categorize material based upon on corporate finance, valuation and investment management. Under each book, you will find a description of the book and other supporting material, including solutions to the problems, overheads, links and derivations. If you are an instructor, you will see links to instructor matieral. Much of the content in my books is also in , primarily relating to estimation issues in finance, and hot concepts in finance (real options and the effect of changing the tax treatment of dividends) as well as on how to value start-up firms with negative earnings, limited history and no comparables that you can download. I would appreciate any comments that you have on the topics.

In the data section, in the link, you will find data for use in valuation and corporate finance. I have the most updated values (usually at the start of each calendar year for key inputs (margins, risk measures, return measures), classified by industry and by region (US, Emerging Markets, Europe, Japan etc.). I also have archived data on industry averages going back about a decade for industries but only for US companies.

In the tools section, you will find that may be useful in valuation and corporate finance. You are welcome to download and use this material. You will also find a link to an iPad and iPhone app that I co-developed with Anant Sundaram at Dartmouth. Happy Hunting!

Implied Equity Risk Premium
The equity risk premium is a fundamental input in both valuation and corporate finance and it is one of my obsessions. I update the ERP for the US at the start of every month.

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Implied ERP on July 1, 2012= 6.11% (normalized cash yield);
6.59% (Traling 12 month cash yield)

Implied ERP in previous month = 6.54%
Implied ERP by month for previous months
Implied ERP on 1/1/12 = 6.01%
Implied ERP on 1/1/10 = 4.36%
Implied ERP by year from 1960-Current
Spreadsheet to compute ERP
Download my paper on the ERP
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