Web Casts: Financial Management - Fall 2007

The 28-session corporate finance class will be webcast starting September 5, 2007, and the lectures will be available as Real Player files (You can download Real Player for free by going to http://www.real.com). You can get the supporting lecture notes by clicking on the pdf files below - the pages covered by each lecture are provided next to each lecture. The quality of the video is not great but the audio should be good. You can download the lecture notes that I will be using for the classes below. For the syllabus and other details, visit the home page for the class.
Lecture note packet 1: Management Objectives and Investment Analysis (Sessions 1-15: Download pdf file. You can also get two slides per page, if you want to save paper.) Updated for Fall 2007 class
Lecture note packet 2: Capital Structure, Dividend Policy and Valuation (Sessions 16-28: Download pdf file). You can also get two slides per page, if you want to save paper.) Updated for Fall 2007 class

This page will include the webcasts from the current class.

Session (Click here) Topics covered Lecture notes
1 (9/5/07) Introduction to Class
First Principles of Corporate Finance

Syllabus for class
Project Description

2 (9/10/07)

The Objective in Corporate Finance
- Maximize firm value vs equity value vs stock price
- Assumptions for "maximixing stock price"

Analyzing ownership
HDS page for Disney
Packet 1: 1-15
3 (9/12/07)

Analyzing the board of directors/ corporate governance
Unprotected lenders?
Information flow and Market Efficiency

Packet 1: 16-35

4 (9/17/07)

Are markets short term?
Social costs and benefits
Alternatives to stock price maximization
The "best" argument for stock price maximization

Packet 1: 26-57
5(9/19//07) Closing thoughts on the "best objective"
The essence of risk
Measuring Risk
The CAPM: An intuitive explanation
Packet 1: 58-78
6 (9/24/07)

More on firm-specific and market risk
Setting up the CAPM for hurdle rates
Estimating a Riskfree rate

Packet 1: 79-88
7 (9/26/07) Equity risk premiums
-What are we trying to measure?
- Approaches to estimating risk premiums
Packet 1: 89-103
8 (10/1/07) Estimating beta
- The beta regression
- The intereept as a measure of performance
- The R squared
- The Bloomberg regression output
Packet 1: 104-118
9 (10/3/07)

More on regression betas
From betas to costs of equity
Determinants of Betas
- Discretionary products or services?
- Fixed and variable costs

Packet 1: 119-135
10 (10/10/07) Betas and Financial Leverage
Betas as weighted averages
- Portfolio betas
- Betas after mergers
- Bottom up Betas
Packet 1: 136-151
11 (10/15/07) Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution
Bottom-up Beta for a private business
The Total Beta Concept
Packet 1: 152-162
12 (10/17/07) Defining Debt
The Cost of Debt
Estimating market value of equity and debt
Converting lease commitments to debt
Packet 1: 162-176
  The case can now be downloaded, with the additional exhibit Case
13 (10/22/07) Closing thoughts on cost of capital
Measuring Returns
- Cash flows versus Earnings
- Estimating earnings and return on capital
Packet 1: 177-196
14 (10/24/07) Return on Capital and EVA for a company
From Earnings to Cash flows
Incremental Cash flows
Packet 1: 197-212
15 (10/29/07) Time Weighted Incremental Cashflows
Net Present Value vs IRR
- Scale differences
- Reinvestment Rate assumptions
Packer 1: 213-240
16 (10/31/07) Consistency with currency
Real versus Nominal
Equity Analysis
What if? A place for sensitivity analysis
Introduction to opportunity costs

Packet 1: 241-263

17 (11/5/07)

Case Analysis
More on opportunity costs
Product cannibalization
Project synergies

Nike case analysis
Nike solution (finite and longer life)
Packet 1 (263-271)
18 (11/7/07) Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution
Options in projects
- The option to delay and the value of patents
- The option to expand and large markets
- The option to abandon and the value of flexibility
Packet 1 (272- End)
19 (11/12/07)

The financing principle
Debt across the life cycle
The trade off on debt and equity
The Miller Modigliani Theorem

Packet 2 (1- 28)
20 (11/14/07) Using the cost of capital to compute the optimal
- The set-up
- Cost of Equity
- Cost of debt
- Why move to the optimal?
Packet 2 (29- 52)
21 (11/19/07)

More on cost of capital
- What can go wrong?
- What if you invest rather than buy back stock?
Optimal debt ratio for banks/ financial service firms
Optimal debt ratio fo cyclical/ commodity firms
Optimal debt ratio for private firms

Packet 2 ( 53-78)
22 (11/21/07) Adjusted Present Value Approach
Relative Capital Structure
Life Cycle
Bridging the Gap - Actual versus Optimal
The Right Kind of Debt - Intuition
Packet 2 (79-96)
23 (11/26/07)

Designing the perfect bond
- More on matching assets
- Following up
Ways of desgigning debt
- Intuitive Analysis
- Project- specific financing
- Firm-wide analysis

Packet 2 (97-117)
24 (11/28/07)

Take the quiz(a or b), check the solution (a or b) and compare your score to the distribution

Closing Thoughts on Debt design
Introduction to Dividend Policy

Packet 2 (118-134)
25 (12/3/07) Three Schools of Thought on Dividends
An argument that dividends are neutral..
The Tax argument against dividends
Bad and Good Reasons for paying dividends
Packet 2 (135-160)
26 ( 12/5/07)

Tools for assessing dividend policy
- Estimating FCFE
- Can you trust management with your cash?
- The causes and consequences of cash build-up

Packet 2 (161-186)
27 (12/10/07) More on dividend policy
- Peer group analysis
Valuation basics
Packet 2 (187-216)
28 (12/12/07) An overview of the class
Project summaries
Finishing touches on valuation
Closing presentation