NPTD 01 Population Total population (National accounts) NPTN 01 Population Total population NPCN 01 Population Population: 0 to 14 years NPAN 01 Population Population: 15 to 64 years NPON 01 Population Population: 65 years and over NLTN 02 Labour force statistics Total labour force (Labour force statistics) NLCN 02 Labour force statistics Civilian labour force (Labour force statistics) NECN 02 Labour force statistics Civilian employment, persons (national) NECD 02 Labour force statistics Civilian employment, persons (domestic) NUTN 03 Unemployment Total unemployment :- Member States: definition EUROSTAT ZUTN 03 Unemployment Unemployment rate: total :- Member States: definition EUROSTAT ZNAWRU 03 Unemployment NAWRU NETN 04 Employment, persons (national accounts) Employment, persons: total economy (National accounts) NETD 04 Employment, persons (national accounts) Employment, persons: all domestic industries (National accounts) FETD 05 Employment, full-time equivalents (national accounts) Employment, full-time equivalents: total economy (National accounts) NSTD 06 Self-employed, persons (national accounts) Number of self-employed: total economy (National accounts) NWTN 07 Wage and salary earners, persons (national accounts) Employees, persons: total economy (National accounts) NWTD 07 Wage and salary earners, persons (national accounts) Employees, persons: all domestic industries (National accounts) FWTD 08 Wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents (national accounts) Employees, full-time equivalents: total economy (National accounts) UBGS 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net exports of goods and services at current prices (National accounts) UBGN 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net exports of goods at current prices (National accounts) UBSN 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net exports of services at current prices (National accounts) UBRA 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net primary income from the rest of the world (National accounts) UBTA 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net current transfers from the rest of the world (National accounts) UBCA 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Balance on current transactions with the rest of the world (National accounts) UBKA 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net capital transactions with the rest of the world (National accounts) UBLA 01 Balances with the rest of the world, national accounts Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-): total economy DXGT 01 Foreign trade at current prices Total exports of goods :- Foreign trade statistics DXGI 01 Foreign trade at current prices Intra EU exports of goods :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) DXGE 01 Foreign trade at current prices Extra EU exports of goods :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) DMGT 01 Foreign trade at current prices Total imports of goods :- Foreign trade statistics DMGI 01 Foreign trade at current prices Intra EU imports of goods :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) DMGE 01 Foreign trade at current prices Extra EU imports of goods :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) AXGT 02 Foreign trade at current prices, excluding energy products Share of exports of goods in world exports including intra EU exports :- Foreign trade statistics AMGT 02 Foreign trade at current prices, excluding energy products Share of imports of goods in world imports including intra EU imports :- Foreign trade statistics AAGT 02 Foreign trade at current prices, excluding energy products Average share of imports and exports of goods in world trade including intra EU trade :- Foreign trade statistics AXGE 02 Foreign trade at current prices, excluding energy products Share of exports of goods in world exports excluding intra EU exports :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) AMGE 02 Foreign trade at current prices, excluding energy products Share of imports of goods in world imports excluding intra EU imports :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) AAGE 02 Foreign trade at current prices, excluding energy products Average share of imports and exports of goods in world trade excluding intra EU trade :- Foreign trade statistics (1960-1998 Former EU-15) NET1 01 Employment, persons Employment, persons: agriculture, forestry and fishery products (National accounts) NET2 01 Employment, persons Employment, persons: industry excluding building and construction (National accounts) NET4 01 Employment, persons Employment, persons: building and construction (National accounts) NET5 01 Employment, persons Employment, persons: services (National accounts) NETM 01 Employment, persons Employment, persons: manufacturing industry (National accounts) FET1 02 Employment, full-time equivalents Employment, full-time equivalents: agriculture, forestry and fishery products (National accounts) FET2 02 Employment, full-time equivalents Employment, full-time equivalents: industry excluding building and construction (National accounts) FET4 02 Employment, full-time equivalents Employment, full-time equivalents: building and construction (National accounts) FET5 02 Employment, full-time equivalents Employment, full-time equivalents: services (National accounts) FETM 02 Employment, full-time equivalents Employment, full-time equivalents: manufacturing industry (National accounts) NWT1 03 Wage and salary earners, persons Employees, persons: agriculture, forestry and fishery products (National accounts) NWT2 03 Wage and salary earners, persons Employees, persons: industry excluding building and construction (National accounts) NWT4 03 Wage and salary earners, persons Employees, persons: building and construction (National accounts) NWT5 03 Wage and salary earners, persons Employees, persons: services (National accounts) NWTM 03 Wage and salary earners, persons Employees, persons: manufacturing industry (National accounts) FWT1 04 Wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents Employees, full-time equivalents: agriculture, forestry and fishery products (National accounts) FWT2 04 Wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents Employees, full-time equivalents: industry excluding building and construction (National accounts) FWT4 04 Wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents Employees, full-time equivalents: building and construction (National accounts) FWT5 04 Wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents Employees, full-time equivalents: services (National accounts) FWTM 04 Wage and salary earners, full-time equivalents Employees, full-time equivalents: manufacturing industry (National accounts) UVG0 05 Gross value added by main branch at current prices Gross Value Added at current prices: total of branches UVG1 05 Gross value added by main branch at current prices Gross Value Added at current prices: agriculture, forestry and fishery products UVG2 05 Gross value added by main branch at current prices Gross value added at current prices: industry excluding building and construction UVG4 05 Gross value added by main branch at current prices Gross value added at current prices: building and construction UVG5 05 Gross value added by main branch at current prices Gross value added at current prices: services UVGM 05 Gross value added by main branch at current prices Gross value added at current prices: manufacturing industry HVG1E 06 Gross value added by main branch at current prices per person employed Gross value added at current prices per person employed: agriculture, forestry and fishery products HVG2E 06 Gross value added by main branch at current prices per person employed Gross value added at current prices per person employed: industry excluding building and construction HVG4E 06 Gross value added by main branch at current prices per person employed Gross value added at current prices per person employed: building and construction HVG5E 06 Gross value added by main branch at current prices per person employed Gross value added at current prices per person employed: services HVGME 06 Gross value added by main branch at current prices per person employed Gross value added at current prices per person employed: manufacturing industry HVGMW 07 Gross value added by main branch at current prices per employee Gross value added at current prices per employee: manufacturing industry OVG0 08 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices Gross value added at 2005 prices: total of branches OVG1 08 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices Gross value added at 2005 prices: agriculture, forestry and fishery products OVG2 08 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices Gross value added at 2005 prices: industry excluding building and construction OVG4 08 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices Gross value added at 2005 prices: building and construction OVG5 08 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices Gross value added at 2005 prices: services OVGM 08 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices Gross value added at 2005 prices: manufacturing industry RVG1E 09 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices per person employed Gross value added at 2005 prices per person employed: agriculture, forestry and fishery products RVG2E 09 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices per person employed Gross value added at 2005 prices per person employed: industry excluding building and construction RVG4E 09 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices per person employed Gross value added at 2005 prices per person employed: building and construction RVG5E 09 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices per person employed Gross value added at 2005 prices per person employed: services RVGME 09 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices per person employed Gross value added at 2005 prices per person employed: manufacturing industry RVGMW 10 Gross value added by main branch at constant prices per employee Gross value added at 2005 prices per employee: manufacturing industry PVG1 11 Price deflator gross value added by main branch Price deflator gross value added: agriculture, forestry and fishery products PVG2 11 Price deflator gross value added by main branch Price deflator gross value added: industry excluding building and construction PVG4 11 Price deflator gross value added by main branch Price deflator gross value added: building and construction PVG5 11 Price deflator gross value added by main branch Price deflator gross value added: services PVGM 11 Price deflator gross value added by main branch Price deflator gross value added: manufacturing industry UWC1 12 Compensation of employees by main branch Compensation of employees: agriculture, forestry and fishery products UWC2 12 Compensation of employees by main branch Compensation of employees: industry excluding building and construction UWC4 12 Compensation of employees by main branch Compensation of employees: building and construction UWC5 12 Compensation of employees by main branch Compensation of employees: services UWCM 12 Compensation of employees by main branch Compensation of employees: manufacturing industry HWC1W 13 Nominal compensation by main branch per employee Nominal compensation per employee: agriculture, forestry and fishery products HWC2W 13 Nominal compensation by main branch per employee Nominal compensation per employee: industry excluding building and construction HWC4W 13 Nominal compensation by main branch per employee Nominal compensation per employee: building and construction HWC5W 13 Nominal compensation by main branch per employee Nominal compensation per employee: services HWCMW 13 Nominal compensation by main branch per employee Nominal compensation per employee: manufacturing industry ALCM 14 Adjusted wage share by main branch Adjusted wage share: manufacturing industry (Compensation per employee as percentage of nominal gross value added per person employed.) PWC1 15 Nominal unit wage costs by main branch Nominal unit wage costs: agriculture, forestry and fishery products PWC2 15 Nominal unit wage costs by main branch Nominal unit wage costs: industry excluding building and construction PWC4 15 Nominal unit wage costs by main branch Nominal unit wage costs: building and construction PWCM 15 Nominal unit wage costs by main branch Nominal unit wage costs: manufacturing industry PWC5 15 Nominal unit wage costs by main branch Nominal unit wage costs: services PLCM 16 Nominal unit labour costs by main branch Nominal unit labour costs: manufacturing industry QLCM 17 Real unit labour costs by main branch Real unit labour costs: manufacturing industry VPRI 18 Industrial production Industrial production: construction excluded XNE 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities ECU-EUR exchange rates :- Units of national currency per EUR/ECU XNEF 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Conversion rates between euro and former euro-zone national currencies XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNNQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Nominal effective exchange rates :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNRQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Real effective exchange rates, based on unit labour costs (total economy) :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights XUNRQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Real effective exchange rates, based on unit labour costs (total economy) :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ XUNRQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Real effective exchange rates, based on unit labour costs (total economy) :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNRQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Real effective exchange rates, based on unit labour costs (total economy) :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNRQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Real effective exchange rates, based on unit labour costs (total economy) :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) XUNRQ 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities Real effective exchange rates, based on unit labour costs (total economy) :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) KNP 01 Exchange rates and purchasing power parities GDP purchasing power parities :- Units of national currency per PPS (purchasing power standard) ISN 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Nominal short-term interest rates ISRV 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Real short-term interest rates, deflator GDP ISRC 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Real short-term interest rates, deflator private consumption ILN 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Nominal long-term interest rates ILRV 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Real long-term interest rates, deflator GDP ILRC 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Real long-term interest rates, deflator private consumption IYN 02 Money supply (m2/m3) Yield curve UYVC 01 Revenue Other subsidies on production: corporations UYNC 01 Revenue Net property income: corporations UCTRC 01 Revenue Net current transfers received: corporations UTVC 02 Expenditure Other taxes on production: corporations UWCC 02 Expenditure Compensation of employees: corporations UTYC 02 Expenditure Current taxes on income and wealth: corporations UEHC 02 Expenditure Adjustment for the change in net equity of households on pension funds: corporations UITC 02 Expenditure Gross capital formation: corporations UKOC 02 Expenditure Other capital expenditure, net: corporations UGVAC 03 Balances Gross value added at basic prices: corporations UOGC 03 Balances Gross operating surplus: corporations UBGC 03 Balances Gross balance of primary income, corporations UBNC 03 Balances Net balance of primary income, corporations UVGC 03 Balances Gross disposable income, corporations UVNC 03 Balances Net disposable income, corporations USGC 03 Balances Gross saving: corporations USNC 03 Balances Net saving: corporations UBLC 03 Balances Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-): corporations UWCH 01 Revenue Compensation of employees: households and NPISH UWSH 01 Revenue Gross wages and salaries: households and NPISH UYNH 01 Revenue Net property income: households and NPISH UCTRH 01 Revenue Current transfers received: households and NPISH UTYH 02 Expenditure Current taxes on income and wealth: households and NPISH UCTPH 02 Expenditure Current transfers paid: households and NPISH UCPH0 02 Expenditure Final consumption expenditure: households and NPISH UITH 02 Expenditure Gross capital formation: households and NPISH UKOH 02 Expenditure Other capital expenditure, net: households and NPISH UOGH 03 Balances Gross operating surplus and mixed income: households and NPISH UYOH 03 Balances Non-labour income: households and NPISH UVGH 03 Balances Gross disposable income: households and NPISH OVGH 03 Balances Real gross disposable income, deflator private consumption: households and NPISH UVNH 03 Balances Net disposable income: households and NPISH USGH 03 Balances Gross saving: households and NPISH ASGH 03 Balances Saving rate, gross: households and NPISH (Gross saving as percentage of gross disposable income) USNH 03 Balances Net saving: households ASNH 03 Balances Saving rate, net: households and NPISH (Net saving as percentage of net disposable income) UBLH 03 Balances Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-): households and NPISH UTVG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Taxes linked to imports and production (indirect taxes): general government :- ESA 1995 UTYG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Current taxes on income and wealth (direct taxes): general government :- ESA 1995 UTSG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Social contributions received: general government :- ESA 1995 UTAG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Actual social contributions received: general government :- ESA 1995 UTIG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Imputed social contributions: general government :- ESA 1995 UVGG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Gross disposable income, general government :- ESA 1995 UVNG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Net disposable income: general government :- ESA 1995 UTCT 01 Revenue (ESA95) Current tax burden: total economy :- ESA 1995 UTAT 01 Revenue (ESA95) Total tax burden excluding imputed social security contributions: total economy :- ESA 1995 UTTT 01 Revenue (ESA95) Total tax burden including imputed social security contributions: total economy :- ESA 1995 UROG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Other current revenue: general government :- ESA 1995 UTOG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Other current revenue including sales: general government :- ESA 1995 URCG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Total current revenue: general government :- ESA 1995 USGG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Gross saving: general government :- ESA 1995 USNG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Net saving: general government :- ESA 1995 UKTTG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Capital transfers received: general government :- ESA 1995 UTKG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Capital taxes: general government :- ESA 1995 URTG 01 Revenue (ESA95) Total revenue: general government :- ESA 1995 UYVG 02 Revenue (former definition) Subsidies: general government :- ESA 1995 UYTGH 02 Revenue (former definition) Social benefits other than social transfers in kind: general government :- ESA 1995 UYTGM 02 Revenue (former definition) Social transfers in kind supplied to households via market producers: general government :- ESA 1995 UYIG 02 Revenue (former definition) Interest : general government :- ESA 1995 AYIGD 02 Revenue (former definition) Implicit interest rate: general government :- Interest as percent of gross public debt of preceding year Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) UCTG0 02 Revenue (former definition) Final consumption expenditure of general government :- ESA 1995 UCCG0 02 Revenue (former definition) Collective consumption expenditure :- ESA 1995 UCIG0 02 Revenue (former definition) Social transfers in kind :- ESA 1995 UWCG 02 Revenue (former definition) Compensation of employees: general government :- ESA 1995 UCTGI 02 Revenue (former definition) Intermediate consumption: general government :- ESA 1995 UUOG 02 Revenue (former definition) Other current expenditure: general government :- ESA 1995 UUCG 02 Revenue (former definition) Total current expenditure: general government :- ESA 1995 UIGG0 02 Revenue (former definition) Gross fixed capital formation: general government :- ESA 1995 UKOG 02 Revenue (former definition) Other capital expenditure, including capital transfers: general government :- ESA 1995 (Including one-off proceeds (treated as negative expenditure) relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) UKTGT 02 Revenue (former definition) Capital transfers paid: general government :- ESA 1995 UUTG 02 Revenue (former definition) Total expenditure: general government :- ESA 1995 (Including one-off proceeds (treated as negative expenditure) relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) OUTG 02 Revenue (former definition) Real total expenditure of general government, deflator GDP :- ESA 1995 UUCGI 02 Revenue (former definition) Total current expenditure excluding interest: general government :- ESA 1995 UUTGI 02 Revenue (former definition) Total expenditure excluding interest: general government :- ESA 1995 OUTGI 02 Revenue (former definition) Real total expenditure excluding interest of general government, deflator GDP :- ESA 1995 UBLG 03 Expenditure (ESA95) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-): general government :- ESA 1995 (Including one-off proceeds relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences) UBLGI 03 Expenditure (ESA95) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) excluding interest: general government :- ESA 1995 (Including one-off proceeds relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) UBLGG 03 Expenditure (ESA95) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) excluding gross fixed capital formation: general government :- ESA 1995 (Including one-off proceeds relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) UYIGE 04 Expenditure (former definition) Interest including flows on swaps and FRAs (Forward Rate Agreements): general government :- Excessive deficit procedure USGGE 04 Expenditure (former definition) Gross saving: general government :- Excessive deficit procedure UUCGE 04 Expenditure (former definition) Total current expenditure: general government :- Excessive deficit procedure UUTGE 04 Expenditure (former definition) Total expenditure: general government :- Excessive deficit procedure (Including one-off proceeds (treated as negative expenditure) relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) UBLGE 04 Expenditure (former definition) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-): general government :- Excessive deficit procedure (Including one-off proceeds relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) UBLGIE 04 Expenditure (former definition) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) excluding interest: general government :- Excessive deficit procedure (Including one-off proceeds relative to the allocation of mobile phone licences (UMTS)) UBLGAP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Cyclically adjusted net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of general government :- Adjustment based on potential GDP Excessive deficit procedure UBLGBP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) excluding interest of general government adjusted for the cyclical component :- Adjustment based on potential GDP Excessive deficit procedure URTGAP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Cyclically adjusted total revenue of general government :- Adjustment based on potential GDP ESA 1995 UUTGAP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Cyclically adjusted total expenditure of general government :- Adjustment based on potential GDP Excessive deficit procedure UUTGBP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Total expenditure excluding interest of general government adjusted for the cyclical component :- Adjustment based on potential GDP Excessive deficit procedure UBLGCP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Cyclical component of net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of general government :- Based on potential GDP ESA 1995 UTCGCP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Cyclical component of revenue of general government :- Based on potential GDP ESA 1995 UUCGCP 01 Based on potential GDP (ESA95) Cyclical component of expenditure of general government :- Based on potential GDP ESA 1995 UBLGA 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Cyclically adjusted net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of general government :- Adjustment based on trend GDP Excessive deficit procedure UBLGB 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) excluding interest of general government adjusted for the cyclical component :- Adjustment based on trend GDP Excessive deficit procedure URTGA 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Cyclically adjusted total revenue of general government :- Adjustment based on trend GDP ESA 1995 UUTGA 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Cyclically adjusted total expenditure of general government :- Adjustment based on trend GDP Excessive deficit procedure UUTGB 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Total expenditure excluding interest of general government adjusted for the cyclical component :- Adjustment based on trend GDP Excessive deficit procedure UBLGC 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Cyclical component of net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) of general government :- Based on trend GDP ESA 1995 UTCGC 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Cyclical component of revenue of general government :- Based on trend GDP ESA 1995 UUCGC 02 Based on trend GDP (ESA95) Cyclical component of expenditure of general government :- Based on trend GDP ESA 1995 UDGG 01 Based on ESA95 General government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) UDGGR 01 Based on ESA95 General government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) ADGGU 01 Based on ESA95 Impact of the nominal increase of GDP on general government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) ADGGI 01 Based on ESA95 Snow ball effect on general government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) UDGGS 01 Based on ESA95 Stock-flow adjustment on general government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) UDGGL 02 Former definition (linked series) General government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) and former definition (linked series) UDGGLR 02 Former definition (linked series) General government consolidated gross debt :- Excessive deficit procedure (based on ESA 1995) and former definition (linked series) UCPH 01 Private final consumption expenditure Private final consumption expenditure at current prices OCPH 01 Private final consumption expenditure Private final consumption expenditure at 2005 prices PCPH 01 Private final consumption expenditure Price deflator private final consumption expenditure HCPHP 02 Private final consumption expenditure per head of population Private final consumption expenditure at current prices per head of population HCPHPR 02 Private final consumption expenditure per head of population Private final consumption expenditure at current prices per head of population UCTH 03 Actual individual final consumption of households Actual individual final consumption of households at current prices OCTH 03 Actual individual final consumption of households Actual individual final consumption of households at 2005 prices PCTH 03 Actual individual final consumption of households Price deflator actual individual final consumption of households ZCPIH 04 Consumer price index Harmonised consumer price index (All-items) ZCPIN 04 Consumer price index National consumer price index (All-items) UCTG 05 Total final consumption expenditure of general government Final consumption expenditure of general government at current prices OCTG 05 Total final consumption expenditure of general government Final consumption expenditure of general government at 2005 prices PCTG 05 Total final consumption expenditure of general government Price deflator total final consumption expenditure of general government UCCG 06 Collective consumption expenditure of general government Collective consumption of general government at current prices OCCG 06 Collective consumption expenditure of general government Collective consumption of general government at 2005 prices PCCG 06 Collective consumption expenditure of general government Price deflator collective consumption of general government UCIG 07 Individual consumption expenditure of general government Individual consumption of general government at current prices OCIG 07 Individual consumption expenditure of general government Individual consumption of general government at 2005 prices PCIG 07 Individual consumption expenditure of general government Price deflator individual consumption of general government UCNT 08 Total consumption Total consumption at current prices OCNT 08 Total consumption Total consumption at 2005 prices PCNT 08 Total consumption Price deflator total consumption UIGT 01 Gross fixed capital formation, total economy and sectors Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: total economy OIGT 01 Gross fixed capital formation, total economy and sectors Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: total economy PIGT 01 Gross fixed capital formation, total economy and sectors Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: total economy UIGG 02 Gross fixed capital formation at current prices, sectors Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: general government UIGP 02 Gross fixed capital formation at current prices, sectors Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: private sector UINT 03 Net fixed capital formation, total economy Net fixed capital formation at current prices: total economy OINT 03 Net fixed capital formation, total economy Net fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: total economy UING 04 Net fixed capital formation at current prices, sectors Net fixed capital formation at current prices: general government UINP 04 Net fixed capital formation at current prices, sectors Net fixed capital formation at current prices: private sector UKCT 05 Consumption of fixed capital, total economy Consumption of fixed capital at current prices: total economy OKCT 05 Consumption of fixed capital, total economy Capital consumption at 2005 prices: total economy UKCG 06 Consumption of fixed capital, general government Consumption of fixed capital at current prices: general government UIGCO 07 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: construction UIGDW 07 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: dwellings UIGNR 07 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: non-residential construction and civil engineering UIGEQ 07 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: equipment UIGMA 07 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: metal products and machinery UIGTR 07 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at current prices Gross fixed capital formation at current prices: transport equipment OIGCO 08 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: construction OIGDW 08 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: dwellings OIGNR 08 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: non-residential construction and civil engineering OIGEQ 08 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: equipment OIGMA 08 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: metal products and machinery OIGTR 08 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods at constant prices Gross fixed capital formation at 2005 prices: transport equipment PIGCO 09 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: construction PIGDW 09 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: dwellings PIGNR 09 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: non-residential construction and civil engineering PIGEQ 09 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: equipment PIGMA 09 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: metal products and machinery PIGTR 09 Gross fixed capital formation by type of goods, price deflators Price deflator gross fixed capital formation: transport equipment UIST 10 Change in inventories and net acquisition of valuables Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables at current prices: total economy OIST 10 Change in inventories and net acquisition of valuables Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables at 2005 prices: total economy UITT 11 Gross capital formation Gross capital formation at current prices: total economy OITT 11 Gross capital formation Gross capital formation at 2005 prices: total economy USGN 12 Gross saving Gross national saving USGG 12 Gross saving Gross saving: general government :- ESA 1995 USGP 12 Gross saving Gross saving: private sector :- ESA 1995 USNN 13 Net saving Net national saving USNG 13 Net saving Net saving: general government :- ESA 1995 USNP 13 Net saving Net saving: private sector :- ESA 1995 UUNF 01 Domestic demand excluding change in inventories Domestic demand excluding stocks at current prices OUNF 01 Domestic demand excluding change in inventories Domestic demand excluding stocks at 2005 prices PUNF 01 Domestic demand excluding change in inventories Price deflator domestic demand excluding stocks UUNT 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at current prices OUNT 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OUNTQ 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Domestic demand including stocks at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PUNT 02 Domestic demand including change in inventories Price deflator domestic demand including stocks UUTT 03 Final demand Final demand at current prices OUTT 03 Final demand Final demand at 2005 prices PUTT 03 Final demand Price deflator final demand YPUT0 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of import prices YPUT1 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of import prices excluding nominal effective exchange rates YPUT2 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of nominal effective exchange rates YPUT3 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of relative unit labour costs in national currency YPUT4 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of real effective exchange rates YPUT5 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of domestic factors YPUT6 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of the GDP price deflator YPUT7 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of nominal unit labour costs YPUT8 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of net indirect taxes YPUT9 04 Contributions to the change of the final demand deflator Contribution to the change of the final demand deflator of gross operating surplus :- excluding imputed compensation of self-employed UVGN 01 Gross national income Gross national income at current market prices OVGN 01 Gross national income Gross national income at 2005 market prices, deflator GDP HVGNP 02 Gross national income per head of population Gross national income at current market prices per head of population HVGNPR 02 Gross national income per head of population Gross national income at current market prices per head of population UVNN 03 Net national income National income at current market prices UVGT 04 National disposable income at current prices Gross national disposable income UVNT 04 National disposable income at current prices National disposable income HVGTP 05 Gross national disposable income per head of population Gross national disposable income per head of population HVGTPR 05 Gross national disposable income per head of population Gross national disposable income per head of population UVGD 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at current market prices UVGDR 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at current market prices UVGDH 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at current market prices :- Reference level for excessive deficit procedure OVGD 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OVGDA 01 Gross domestic product Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices adjusted for the impact of terms of trade PVGD 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PVGDQ 01 Gross domestic product Price deflator gross domestic product at market prices :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) HVGDP 02 Gross domestic product per head of population Gross domestic product at current market prices per head of population HVGDPR 02 Gross domestic product per head of population Gross domestic product at current market prices per head of population RVGDP 02 Gross domestic product per head of population Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per head of population HVGDE 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at current market prices per person employed HVGDER 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at current market prices per person employed RVGDE 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RVGDEQ 03 Gross domestic product per person employed Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per person employed :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) HVGDH 04 Gross domestic product per hour worked Gross domestic product at current market prices per hour worked HVGDHR 04 Gross domestic product per hour worked Gross domestic product at current market prices per hour worked NLHA 04 Gross domestic product per hour worked Average annual hours worked per person employed NLHT 04 Gross domestic product per hour worked Total annual hours worked: total economy OVGDP 05 Potential gross domestic product at constant prices Potential gross domestic product at 2005 market prices AVGDGP 05 Potential gross domestic product at constant prices Gap between actual and potential gross domestic product at 2005 market prices OVGDT 06 Trend gross domestic product at constant prices Trend gross domestic product at 2005 market prices AVGDGT 06 Trend gross domestic product at constant prices Gap between actual and trend gross domestic product at 2005 market prices RVGDAP 07 GDP at constant prices adjusted for the impact of terms of trade per head GDP at 2005 market prices adjusted for the impact of terms of trade per head of population RVGDAE 07 GDP at constant prices adjusted for the impact of terms of trade per head GDP at 2005 market prices adjusted for the impact of terms of trade per person employed CVGD0 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of private consumption CVGD1 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of public consumption CVGD2 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of gross fixed capital formation CVGD3 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of domestic demand excluding stocks CVGD4 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables CVGD5 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of domestic demand including stocks CVGD6 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of exports of goods and services :- including intra-EU trade CVGD7 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of final demand :- including intra-EU trade CVGD8 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of imports of goods and services :- including intra-EU trade CVGD9 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of the balance of goods and services CVGD10 08 Contributions to the change of GDP at constant market prices Contribution to the increase of GDP at constant market prices of total consumption UYGD 09 Alternative definitions domestic product at current prices Gross domestic product at current factor cost UVND 09 Alternative definitions domestic product at current prices Domestic income at current market prices UYND 09 Alternative definitions domestic product at current prices Domestic income at current factor cost UVGE 10 Gross value added, total economy Gross value added at current basic prices excluding FISIM: total economy OVGE 10 Gross value added, total economy Gross value added at 2005 basic prices excluding FISIM: total economy UWCD 01 Compensation of employees Compensation of employees: total economy UTVT 02 Taxes linked to imports and production and subsidies total economy UTVN 02 Taxes linked to imports and production and subsidies total economy UYVT 02 Taxes linked to imports and production and subsidies total economy UOGD 03 Operating surplus, total economy Gross operating surplus: total economy UQGD 03 Operating surplus, total economy Gross operating surplus: total economy :- Adjusted for imputed compensation of self-employed UOND 03 Operating surplus, total economy Net operating surplus: total economy UQND 03 Operating surplus, total economy Net operating surplus: total economy :- Adjusted for imputed compensation of self-employed HWCDW 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy HWCDWR 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy HWCDWQ 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights HWCDWQ 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ HWCDWQ 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) HWCDWQ 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) HWCDWQ 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) HWCDWQ 04 Nominal compensation per employee, total economy Nominal compensation per employee: total economy :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RWCDV 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy RWCDVQ 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights RWCDVQ 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ RWCDVQ 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RWCDVQ 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RWCDVQ 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RWCDVQ 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator GDP: total economy :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) RWCDC 05 Real compensation per employee, total economy Real compensation per employee, deflator private consumption: total economy ALCD0 06 Adjusted wage share Adjusted wage share: total economy: as percentage of GDP at current market prices (Compensation per employee as percentage of GDP at market prices per person employed.) ALCD2 06 Adjusted wage share Adjusted wage share: total economy: as percentage of GDP at current factor cost (Compensation per employee as percentage of GDP at factor cost per person employed.) PLCD 07 Nominal unit labour costs, total economy Nominal unit labour costs: total economy (Ratio of compensation per employee to real GDP per person employed.) PLCDQ 07 Nominal unit labour costs, total economy Nominal unit labour costs: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights (Ratio of compensation per employee to real GDP per person employed.) PLCDQ 07 Nominal unit labour costs, total economy Nominal unit labour costs: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights (Ratio of compensation per employee to real GDP per person employed.) QLCD 08 Real unit labour costs, total economy Real unit labour costs: total economy (Ratio of compensation per employee to nominal GDP per person employed.) QLCDQ 08 Real unit labour costs, total economy Real unit labour costs: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights (Ratio of compensation per employee to nominal GDP per person employed.) QLCDQ 08 Real unit labour costs, total economy Real unit labour costs: total economy :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights (Ratio of compensation per employee to nominal GDP per person employed.) OKND 01 Net capital stock at constant prices, total economy Net capital stock at 2005 prices: total economy RKNDE 01 Net capital stock at constant prices, total economy Net capital stock at 2005 prices per person employed: total economy :- Capital intensity AKNDV 01 Net capital stock at constant prices, total economy Net capital stock per unit of gross domestic product at constant market prices :- Capital output ratio: total economy AVGDK 01 Net capital stock at constant prices, total economy Gross domestic product at 2005 market prices per unit of net capital stock :- Capital productivity APNDK 01 Net capital stock at constant prices, total economy Net returns on net capital stock: total economy ZVGDF 02 Factor productivity, total economy Total factor productivity: total economy ZVGDE 02 Factor productivity, total economy Labour share in total factor productivity: total economy ZVGDK 02 Factor productivity, total economy Capital share in total factor productivity: total economy ZKNDE 03 Production factors substitution, total economy Labour-capital substitution: total economy ZEKND 03 Production factors substitution, total economy Capital-labour substitution: total economy AKGDV 04 Marginal efficiency of capital, total economy Marginal efficiency of capital: total economy (Change in GDP at constant market prices of year T per unit of gross fixed capital formation at constant prices of year T-.5.) UXGS 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at current prices (National accounts) OXGS 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) OXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Exports of goods and services at 2005 prices :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PXGS 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to the rest of the former EU-15: double export weights PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to the rest of 23 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-15, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX and NZ PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to 12 industrial countries (DK SE UK TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to 9 industrial countries (TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to the rest of 35 industrial countries: double export weights : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to 23 industrial countries (CZ DK EE CY LV LT HU MT PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to 21 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SK SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) PXGSQ 01 Exports of goods and services Price deflator exports of goods and services :- Performance relative to 20 industrial countries (CZ DK EE LV LT HU PL SE UK BG RO TR CH NO US CA MX JP AU NZ) VXGSP 01 Exports of goods and services Market performance of exports of goods and services on export weighted imports of goods and services :- 35 industrial markets : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ) VMGSW 01 Exports of goods and services Export markets: Export weighted imports :- Goods and services at constant prices: 35 industrial markets : EU-27, TR CH NR US CA JP AU MX NZ) UMGS 02 Imports of goods and services Imports of goods and services at current prices (National accounts) OMGS 02 Imports of goods and services Imports of goods and services at 2005 prices PMGS 02 Imports of goods and services Price deflator imports of goods and services UXGN 03 Exports of goods Exports of goods at current prices (National accounts) OXGN 03 Exports of goods Exports of goods at 2005 prices PXGN 03 Exports of goods Price deflator exports of goods UXSN 04 Exports of services Exports of services at current prices (National accounts) OXSN 04 Exports of services Exports of services at 2005 prices PXSN 04 Exports of services Price deflator exports of services UMGN 05 Imports of goods Imports of goods at current prices (National accounts) OMGN 05 Imports of goods Imports of goods at 2005 prices PMGN 05 Imports of goods Price deflator imports of goods UMSN 06 Imports of services Imports of services at current prices (National accounts) OMSN 06 Imports of services Imports of services at 2005 prices PMSN 06 Imports of services Price deflator imports of services APGS 07 Terms of trade Terms of trade goods and services (National accounts) APGN 07 Terms of trade Terms of trade goods (National accounts) APSN 07 Terms of trade Terms of trade services (National accounts) APTA 07 Terms of trade Impact of terms of trade goods and services on real income