\frametitle {Notes for Denoon conference @ NYU} {\small % approx page limit (for \small) %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \begin{verbatim} 1. Thank you, I'm delighted to be here. 2. This is joint work with Espen and Tom. It's work in progress, and not focused on China, although China plays an important role here as it does elsewhere. 3. The issue is international capital flows. We argue that in the developed world, low-frequency movements are linked to demography. 4. China remains something of a mystery, but I can be more specific about that later. 5. Capital flows have become a contentious issue, in both policy and academic circles. -> quotes 6. We'd prefer to change the language and look at the evidence. Plan of attack: evidence, model, discussion. \end{verbatim} }