GlobalFinancial Markets
Instructor's Materials
A guide to the workings of the world's currency, money and capital,
commodities and derivatives markets.
by Ian H. Giddy, Stern School of Business, New York University
Instructor's Guide •
ElectronicUpdate • Computerized Test Questions
• Yin and Yang •
PowerPlay • Powerpoint Slides •
Theauthor • The Stern School
1. Instructor's Guide
The Instructor's Guide contains a guide to teaching the contents of eachchapter,
solutions to all questions, problems and applications, and transparencymasters.
For information about academic purchases or adoption contact
HoughtonMifflin Faculty Services (1-800-733-1717), or fax them at 800-733-1810.
Note: The Instructor's Guide contains some errors. Sorry! I am compiling
the corrections into a single document. To get it when it's ready,
sendme an email. Available only to adopting instructors, so please state
who you are and the name and email address of your publisher's rep.
2. Electronic Update
This is now available
on the Internet.
3. Computerized Test Questions
All the questions and problems in the book, plus a few others, with answers,
are on a disk in Wordperfect 6.0 format (readable by recent versions ofMicrosoft
Word). Instructors can use them to select and adapt items fortests. They
are available free to adopting instructors from the publisher.(If you have
trouble getting it, send an
Separately, I have developed a full set of on-line quizzes, both self-test
and "real" quizzes, for my international finance course. These are designed
to be used with WebCT, a Web-based course tool which allows students togo
onto the Web any time and take the quiz and, at the instructor's discretion,
obtain feedback in the form of suggested solutions (see
samplein Adobe Acrobat format). The
questionscan be automatically graded or hand-graded by the instructor. These
maybe purchased for instructor use for $375 for the set. To see it in action,
send a request to
and you'll be assigned a special, temporary, password.
(A similar set is available for a
Foundationsof Finance course.)
4. Yin and Yang, a swap negotiation game
This swap negotiation simulation is designed to emphasize the mechanicsand
principles of interest rate swaps and, to a lesser extent, currencyswaps.
The core is a fixed-floating swap matching the needs of Basket Bancorpof
Miami with those of Sushi Bank of Tokyo, with either Metrobank or GlobalBancorp
of New York intermediating.
Each team is given a Participants' Guide and team-specific information
sheet on the basis of which a swap is to be negotiated. After group discussion,
the teams convene for interactive negotiation on the risks and terms ofthe
swap. Finally they reconvene for a plenary session.
The materials, with instructor's guide, are available for $25to
adopting instructors from the author.
5. Power Play, an international project financing negotiation/case study
This cross-border investment case study, also suitable as a negotiationsimulation,
uses real information about a proposed investment in a powerproject in Hangzhou,
China. The case materials include background informationon China and similar
project, excerpts from sample contracts, a roadshowQ&A from a comparable
project, and a detailed Excel spreadsheet whichthe instructor would normally
make available to students. The spreadsheetcan be used, among other things,
to show the effect of taxes on the optimalfinancing mix. A summary of the
case, as I use it with my students, maybe downloaded
here.The materials, with the Excel spreadsheet and a PowerPoint presentation
(see sample), areavailable
for $50 from the author.
6. A complete set of PowerPoint slides
Developed for my International Financial Management course, these lecture
supplements have become an essential adjunct to my course and have proved
useful to a number of other lecturers, even those not using Global Financial
Markets. The package consists of 20 slideshows, with an average ofabout
40 slides per lecture (see
sample),.In addition to the subjects covered in the book, they include
financialmanagement topics such as international capital budgeting, foreign
exchangeexposure, applications of value-at-risk to international treasury
management,international taxation and international accounting.
The set is available for $500 from the author.
(A similar set is available for a
Foundationsof Finance course.)
7. On-line Courses
On-line versions of this andother
courses are sometimes available to be taken in tandem with the classroomlectures.
Most materials will be made available for download from a specialWebsite
upon receipt of payment in US funds.
Requests for materials should be made to should be in the form of a check made
out to "Ian H. Giddy" andsent to:
Ian H. Giddy
119 West 82nd Street
New York, NY 10024
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Global Financial Markets is published by
HoughtonMifflin, 2075 Foxfield Road, St. Charles, Illinois 60174,
To order individual copies call 800-225-1464.
For information about academic purchases or adoption contact FacultyServices
(1-800-733-1717), or fax them at 800-733-1810.
Go to Giddy's Web Portal
• Contact Ian Giddy at