"Asset Pricing with Status Risk" - Job Market Paper
"Do mutual funds manage their risk? Evidence from holdings data" - Work In Progress
"The Alpha Stochastic Order and the Preference for Lottery-Like Assets" - Work In Progress
"The Effect of the Frequency of Holding Data on Conclusions about Mutual Fund Behavior" (with Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber, Christopher R. Blake, and Sadi Ozelge), forthcoming in The Journal of Banking and Finance
Papers - Computer Science
"Effective Analysis of Runtime Failures in Group Communication Systems" (with Alex Krits, Benny Mandler, Roman Vitenberg, Oren Rubin, and Gabriel Kliot)
"Effective Testing and Debugging Techniques for a Group Communication System" (with Eitan Farchi, Gabi Kliot, Alex Krits, and Roman Vitenberg)
"Automatic Simulation of Network Problems in UDP-Based Java Programs" (with Eitan Farchi, and Yarden Nir)
Instructor - Foundations of Financial Markets (undergraduate), Summer 2008
TA - Modern Portfolio Theory and Asset Management (MBA), Fall 2008