John L. Teall
  Department of Finance 
  Pace University 
  One Pace Plaza 
  New York, NY 10038 
e-mail: jteall@stern.nyu.edu
tel: (212) 998-0300

"Shareholder Wealth, Risk-Taking and Thrift Institution Governance," with J. Knopf, Journal
of Financial and Economic Practice
, Fall, 2003.

"Power Indices and Evaluating the FLP Minority Discount," The Business Review, Cambridge,
vol.2#1, Summer, 2004.

"Estimating Securities Returns Variance: A Review of Techniques for Classroom Discussion,"
Journal of Economics and Finance Education, vol.3, #2, Winter 2004.

"Internet-Based Trading and Open Outcry Markets: The Changing Roles of Options Exchanges
and Market Makers," Journal of Internet Business, September, 2005.

"Modi Operandi of U.S. and European  Fraud: Focus on Parmalat," The Business Review,
5, December, 2006.

"Family Limited Partnerships and Control Premiums," forthcoming, Financial Services Review,
Summer 2007.

European Management and Technology Conference (Rome), 2005: Presented "Internet-Based
Trading and Open Outcry Markets: The Changing Roles of Options Exchanges and Market Makers."


"IPOs, Clustering, Indirect Learning and Filing Independently," with H. Colaco and J. Knopf.

XIII Tor Vergata Financial Conference (University of Rome), 2004: Panel Participant on "New Challenges
for Stock Exchanges in Global Financial Markets"