Teaching and Courses

In addition to teaching Equity Markets and Instruments (B40.3331) at NYU, John Teall is currently Professor of Finance at Pace University . He has also taught at Bad Mergentheim Business School in Germany, Erasmus University, University of Melbourne and Dublin Business School. Courses that Dr. Teall has taught in the recent past or will be teaching in the near future are listed below. A variety of information about these courses, including outlines, sample exams and notes can be obtained by clicking the appropriate link:

Investment Analysis: FIN 652 (Pace)
Doctoral Concentration Seminar in Finance: DPS 822 (Pace)  
Financial Reporting, Analysis and Modeling of Corporate Activities: MBA 653 (Pace)
Principles of Investment: FIN 351 (Pace)
Applied Analytical Methods in Finance: FIN 650 (Pace)
Financial Management (Honors Section) FIN 301 (Pace)
Corporate Governance: FIN 396Q (Pace)
International Finance (Bad Mergentheim Business School)
Entrepreneurial Financial Computing: FIN 396N (Pace)
Advanced Financial Analysis: FIN 320 (Pace)
Mergers and Acquisitions: FIN 648 (Pace)  
Financial Management FIN 301 (Pace)  
International Finance (Erasmus University)
Financial Modelling: FIN 396G (Pace)  
Portfolio Management: FIN 653 (Pace)

Information regarding other courses that Dr. Teall has taught at Pace University and other materials related to Dr. Teall's teaching can be found with appropriate links below. The Blackboard platform can be linked to here. Students will need appropriate ID numbers and passwords to use Blackboard.  During the Summer 2007 semester, John Teall's office hours at New York University are expected to be Tuesday and Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00 in Room 9-150. Dr. Teall is also available by appointment. His office at NYU is 9-150 and his telephone number is (212)998-0300.  Of course, e-mail can be directed to jteall@stern.nyu.edu .
Courses at Pace University Useful Links for Finance Students
Courses at Other Institutions Elementary Mathematics Review Send an e-mail to John Teall
updated 06/01/07