Latin American Business Association (LABA) of New York University's
Stern School of Business is committed to promote the discussion of
major issues of the Latin American business, political and economic
environment. As a crucial part of this commitment, the members of
LABA organize an annual conference.
This year our club makes an enthusiastic invitation to the business
and academic community to participate in our 2nd Annual
Claudio Lembo Filho Conference: "Latin America: Clicks & Mortar".
The purpose of this conference is to understand how current trends
are shaping the Latin American business environment, and to learn
from the successful experience of important business participants
in the region. These objectives will be covered under the perspective
of both the old economy and the new economy.
We want you to take advantage of this opportunity to be in front of
an extraordinary group of speakers that will share their industry
insights as well as their perspectives for the region. In this website
you will be able to find detailed information on the conference, registration
and how to arrive to Stern. If you require any additional information,
please do not hesitate to contact us.
look forward to seeing you on October 6th
at the Stern School of Business!
Latin American Business Association