newdocms - FAQ
Written by Manuel Arriaga. (Email address at the bottom of the page.)
This document is meant to answer some frequently asked questions, as well as
reply to some frequently made comments (FMC?), which keep showing up in my mailbox. :-)
1. Will newdocms support multiple users?
2. Will newdocms offer a network (web?) interface?
These two goals are outside of the scope of newdocms. Supporting multiple
users and offering a network interface are what corporate content management
systems offer, and such systems are already widely available. The idea
behind newdocms was to give individual users a (little) bit of the
power which those systems already provide to large organizations.
3. Shouldn't newdocms be implemented at a lower level?
4. Why don't you try to actually replace the hierarchical file system
These two goals, too, are outside of the scope of the project. The level at
which newdocms currently operates (between the HFS and the applications)
will allow it to work with (virtually) all user applications. Since
- the goal of the project is to make document management easier,
- document management is carried out by the user through user applications and
- the current system will support virtually all user applications
it results that there wouldn't be any advantages (in terms of functionality)
in going to a lower level.
Doing so would also tremendously increase the complexity of the project.
Those who, nonetheless, still believe that changing the file system itself
is the "right" way to do things
should consider contributing to the development of ReiserFS.
5. Will newdocms support command line applications?
Yes. Many seem interested in making newdocms work with CLI apps, so I guess
we will end up implementing support for them. Contrary to what many seem to
think (after having read the article on the main newdocms page), I am very
much a CLI man myself... (Actually, that was the
reason why I wrote libtrash).
6. The interface is difficult to use and ugly!
I know! Do you want to help
me do something about it? :-)
7. In a HFS it is easier to find often-accessed files.
newdocms offers
shortcuts, "simple text strings which act as keys to retrieve often-accessed
documents". This mechanism complements the attributes system, and is meant
to address precisely that sort of criticism.
8. Using newdocms requires a lot of discipline.
So does a HFS when used right! Just as (in
newdocms) you can save a document as "uncatalogued" (ie, no metadata
available), you can save all your documents in a HFS under the same
directory with irrevelant file names. The result is similar: in both cases
it would be just as hard to find what you are looking for. The main
difference is that with newdocms the metadata you do provide is much more
useful when later you try to find your document.
Manuel Arriaga - Email me at marriaga
followed by @ stern . nyu . edu