Natalia Levina


New York University

Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Information, Operations, and Management Sciences Department

Information Systems Group

Henry Kaufman Management Center

44 West Fourth Street, 8-78

New York, NY 10012

 (212) 998-0850




Ph.D. in Information Technologies, 2001
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management
Thesis Title: "Multi-party Information Systems Development: The Challenge of Cross-Boundary Collaboration."
Secondary Concentration: Organizational Studies

Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 1995
Brown University
Research Topic: Dynamical Systems

MA in Mathematics, 1994
Boston University

Combined dual degree program in Mathematics
Dynamical Systems, Chaos Theory, Differential Equations

BA with Distinction in Computer Science and Mathematics, 1994
Boston University

Work for Distinction Project: Integration of the Logical and Physical Data Models in Information Systems Engineering
Student Speaker, Department of Mathematics Commencement, May 1994
Summa Cum Laude


Refereed Journal Articles (Published/Conditionally Accepted)

Levina, Natalia and N. Su “Global IT Multisourcing Strategy: Understanding Supplier Structure, Decision Process and Evolutionary Dynamics,” Decision Sciences, June 2008, forthcoming


Levina, Natalia and E. Vaast “Innovating or Doing as Told? Status Differences and Overlapping Boundaries in Offshore Collaboration,” MIS Quarterly (32:2), Special Issue on Offshoring, June 2008, pp. 307-332


Levina Natalia and M. Xin, “Comparing IT Workers' Compensation Across Country Contexts: Demographic, Human Capital, and Institutional Factors,” Information Systems Research (18:2), June 2007, pp. 193-210.


Avital, M., Lyytinen, K., Boland, R., Butler, B., Dougherty, D., Fineout, M., Garud, R., Jansen, W., Levina, N., Rifkin, W., and Venable, J “Design with a Positive Lens: An Affirmative Approach to Designing Information and Organizations,” Communications of AIS (18), article 25, November, 2006.


Levina, Natalia and E. Vaast, “Turning a community into a market: A practice perspective on IT use in boundary-spanning,” Journal of Management Information Systems (22:4), Spring 2006, pp 13-38.


Emmanuelle Vaast and Levina Natalia, “Multiple Faces of Codification: Organizational Redesign in an IT Organization,” Organization Science (17:2), March-April, 2006, pp. 190-201.


Levina, Natalia,Collaborating on Multi-party Information Systems Development Projects: A Collective Reflection-in-Action View,” Information Systems Research (16:2), June 2005, pp 109-130.


Levina, Natalia and E. Vaast “The Emergence of Boundary Spanning Competence in Practice: Implications for Information Systems’ Implementation and Use,” MIS Quarterly (29:2), Special Issue on Knowledge Management, June 2005, pp 1-29.

Levina, Natalia and Jeanne Ross, “From the Vendor’s Perspective: Exploring the Value Proposition in IT Outsourcing,” MIS Quarterly (27:3), September 2003, pp. 331-364


Levina, Natalia. “Sharing Knowledge in Heterogeneous Environments,” Reflections: The SoL Journal (2:2), January 2001. 


Bressan, Stephane, Cheng Goh, Natalia Levina, Stuart Madnick, Ahmed Shah, Michael Siegel. “Context Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the Context Interchange System,” Applied Intelligence (13:2), September 2000, pp. 165-180.



Conference Presentations


“Collaborating Across Boundaries in a Global Economy: Do Organizational Boundaries and Country Contexts Matter?” 27th International Conference on Information Systems, Milwaukee, WI, December 2006 (Published in the Proceedings, Best Paper in Track Award)


“Service Innovation in Organizational Contexts: An Agent-Oriented Methodology," 2006 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, IEEE, Shanghai, China, June 2006 (Published in the Proceedings).


“Collaborating across Boundaries: Innovating or Doing as Told,” Designing Information and Organizations with a Positive Lens Conference, Cleveland, OH, November 2005


“Turning Collaboration into Transaction: A Case of Intranet Use in Boundary-Spanning Practices” 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Big Island, HI, January 2005 (Published in the Proceedings, Best Paper Nominee).

“Time in ISD Practice:  Three Design Dilemmas,”  25th International Conference on Information Systems, Washington, D.C., December 13-15th, 2004


"IT Workforce Structure and Compensation in IT services vs. other firms: Implications toot Outsourcing," 24th International Conference on Information Systems, Seattle, WA, December 15-17th, 2003 (15% acceptance rate) (Published in the Proceedings)

"Employment Relationship Advantage of Vendors in IT Outsourcing," presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 5-7th, 2003.

 “Collaborative Practices in Information Systems Development: A Collective Reflection-in-Action Framework," presented at 23rd International Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December 16-18th, 2002 (20% acceptance rate) (Published in Proceeedings, further developed in the Information Systems Research, June 2005)

 “Conceptualizing Change in Communicative Genres: Exploring Levels of Analysis and Drivers," symposium sponsored by OCIS division at the Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, August 9th-14th, 2002

 “Sharing Knowledge Across Boundaries,” symposium sponsored by OCIS and OTM divisions at the Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, August 4th-9th, 2000.



Multisourcing Practices in Global IT outsourcing: Understanding Supplier Relationship Structure, Decision Making Process, and Evolutionary Dynamics,” 3rd International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Services (ICOIS), Heidelberg, Germany, May, 2007.


Global IT Multisourcing Strategy: Understanding Supplier Structure, Decision Process and Evolutionary Dynamics,” Invited Talk, Duke Ciber First Annual Conference on Offshoring, NC, April, 2007.


“Collaborating Effectively on Globally Sourced IT Projects,” Invited Panel Chair and Presenter, INFORMS Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 2006.


“Collaborating across Boundaries: Innovating or Doing as Told,” Sloan Industry Studies Conference, Cambridge, MA, December, 2005.

“Why would a large client outsource?” invited talk at Tata Consulting Services, Hyderabad, India and Wipro Technologies Ltd, Bangalore, India, August, 2005


“Innovating across Boundaries for Increased Flexibility and Productivity,” Indian Manufacturing Competitiveness Summit, Indian School of Business, August 19th, 2005.


“Opportunities and challenges of cooperation with world leading IT Nations,” Session Chair and Moderator, Russian Software and Outsourcing Summit, St. Petersburg, Russia, June, 2005

“Paradox of Sourcing: Redesigning an IT Organization,” Conference in honor of Prof. William Starbuck, New York, NY, May 20, 2005.

Off-shoring to Former Soviet Union: Understanding Boundary-Spanning Practices,” Understand Global Outsourcing Conference, New York University, December 10, 2004.


“Designing Practice: Boundary-Spanning and Information Technology Use in Knowledge Work,” NSF Sponsored Organization Design Conference, New York, NY June 4-6th, 2004.


“An Efficiency and Political Perspective to 'Make or 'Buy' Decisions for IS Functions,” discussant at the Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 5th-7th, 2003.


“Discourse, Management Fashions, and ERP Systems,” discussant at IFIP WG 8.2 Working Conference, Barcelona, Spain, December 12-14th, 2002.


 “Multi-party Information Systems Development: The Challenge of Cross-Boundary Collaboration,” presented at 21st International Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium, Brisbane, Australia, December 7th-9th, 2000.


“Sources of Vendor Production Cost Advantages in IT Outsourcing:  Lessons from a Case Study,” presented at the IFIP WG 8.2 Research Workshop, Charlotte, NC, December 12, 1999.


Work in Progress

Levina, Natalia and Wanda Orlikowski “Understanding Shifting Power Relations within and across Organizations:  A Critical Genre Analysis,” Academy of Management Journal, 2008, (positive 2nd round R&R will not be sent to reviewers again)


Mingdi Xin and Natalia Levina, “Software-as-a-Service Model: Elaborating Client-side Adoption Factors,” submitted to the International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, 2008.


Manuel Arriaga and Natalia Levina, “Social Dynamics in Online Cultural Fields,” submitted to the International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, 2008.


Levina, Natalia and Aimee Kane, “The Role of Cross-cultural Liaisons in Managing Offshore Development Projects: A Social Identity View,” Working paper.


Levina Natalia, “Getting Innovation Going: Leadership Practices for Achieving Effective Collaborative in Globally Sourced Projects,” Working paper


Levina Natalia and Emmanuelle Vaast “Boundaries, Boundary Spanners, and Boundary Objects in Knowledge Work: An integrative perspective on Boundary Spanning,” Working paper



Other Publications/ Book Chapters

Jaiswal, V., and Natalia Levina, "Jit Full Circle Outsourcing," in: IT Outsourcing - Impacts, Dilemmas, Debates and Real Cases in A.L. Albertin and O.P. Sanchez (eds.), Editora FGV, Sao Palo, Brazil, 2008,. forthcoming.


Levina, Natalia, “Leadership Practices for Achieving Collaboration in Global Sourcing,” FSO, March, 2008, pp. 27-29.


Levina, Natalia, “’In or Out’ in an Offshore Context: The Choice between Captive Centers and Third-Party Vendors,” Cutter IT Journal (19:12), December, 2006.


Levina, Natalia and Jeanne Ross, "From the Vendor's Perspective:  Exploring the Value Proposition in Information Technology Outsourcing," in: Information Systems Outsourcing: Enduring Themes, Emergent Patterns and Future Directions., R. Hirschheim, A. Heinzl and J. Dibbern (eds.), 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2006.


Levina, Natalia  “Offshore Captive Units versus 3rd Party Providers: Insights from Both Sides of Offshoring,” Cutter Consortium: Sourcing Advisory Service Executive Update (vol. 7) March 2006

Levina, Natalia and Smetana, A. "The Eastern European Outsourcing Market: Focus on the Czech Republic," Cutter Consortium: Sourcing Advisory Service Executive Update (vol. 6), December 2005

Levina, Natalia, "Promises and Challenges," In Indian Manufacturing in a Global Perspective: Setting the Agenda for Growth, S. Seshadri et al. (Eds.), Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India, December 2005, pp. 1-3.


Levina, Natalia, "Why Large Firms Should Consider IT Outsourcing," Cutter Consortium: Sourcing Advisory Service Executive Update (vol. 6), October 2005


Ross, Jeanne and Natalia Levina “Brady Corporation: Delivering Customer Value Through Multiple Channels,” MIT Center for Information Systems Research, Working Paper #315, August 2001.


Levina, Natalia “Broadvision, Inc. 2000,” Teaching Case prepared under the supervision of Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson for Electronic Commerce and Marketing Course, MIT Sloan School of Management, September 2000.


Levina, Natalia “Knowledge and Organizations: Literature Review,” a report prepared for The Society for Organizational Learning, November 1999.


Levina, Natalia “Sources of Vendor Production Cost Advantages in IT Outsourcing,” MIT Center for Information Systems Research, Working Paper #309, Sloan WP #4049, October 1999.


Professional Experience

2007-Present Associate Professor, Information, Operations, and Management Sciences, NYU Stern School of Business. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and conducting research in the area of Information Systems.


2001-2007 Assistant Professor, Information, Operations, and Management Sciences, NYU Stern School of Business.


1997-2001 Research Assistant, Center for Information Systems Research, MIT. Worked with Dr. Peter Weill, Dr. Jeanne Ross, and Dr. Jack Rockart.  Conducted research on the E-commerce strategy, management of IT development, and IT outsourcing.


Summer 1998 Research Assistant, The Society for Organizational Learning, Cambridge, MA. Worked with Dr. Katrin Kaeufer. Prepared a report on current research trends on Knowledge in Organizations.


1996-1997 Research Assistant, Context Interchange Project, MIT. Worked with Dr. Stuart Madnick and Dr. Michael Siegel. Conducted research on heterogeneous data sources integration using object-oriented deductive database representations. Worked with financial data sources to create a multi-context semantic representations and domain models


1994-1996 Senior Information Architect, Bremer Associates, Cambridge, MA.  Led requirements analysis and documentation efforts on client projects in human resource management, financial services, and US government logistics.  Was responsible for evaluating and selecting an integrated object-oriented design approach as well as the delivery of Oracle-7 databases.


1993-1994 Application Systems Analyst, PSI International, Cambridge, MA.  Responsible for heterogeneous legacy data integration, requirements gathering, and data management architecture development.


1991-1994 Teaching Assistant, Boston University, Boston, MA.  Taught recitation sessions and some lectures for Applied Mathematics for Social and Management Sciences and Calculus


Invited Research Talks

Boston University ,Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western Reserve University, Harvard University, HEC, Montreal, IBM Watson Research Lab, Georgia State University, Michigan State University, Stanford University, University of California, Irvine, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Riverside, University of Minnesota, University of Maryland


Additional Professional Activities

·         Associate Editor, Information Systems Research

·         Editorial Board Member, Organization Science

·         Founding Vice-Chair, AIS Special Interest Group on Grounded Theory Method

·         Organizer, Global Delivery in Professional Services Workshop, 2007, 2008

·         Co-Editor, AIS Teaching Resources Site on “Sourcing Management.”

·         Associate Editor, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2003, 2007

·         Track Chair, 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS), Summer 2005

·         Nominating Committee Member, Academy of Management, OCIS Division, April 2004, January-March 2008

·         International Teachers Program Completed, Manchester Business School, July 2003

·         Reviewer for Academy of Management Meetings (OCIS, TIM,  and OMT divisions); Communications of AIS; DATABASE for Research in IS; Decision Sciences, Electronic Commerce Research Journal; Information Systems Journal; Information System Research; Information and Organization; International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS); Journal of Management Inquiry; Journal of MIS, Journal of Strategic MIS; Human Relations; National Science Foundation (NSF); Management Learning; Management Science ; MIS Quarterly; OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science; Organization Science; Organizational Studies

·         Book Reviewer for McGraw-Hill

·         Invited participant to the Arthur Andersen KnowledgeSpace "Knowledge Management: Emerging Issues" web-forum, May 1998

·         Co-organizer of ORGIT (Organizations and Information Technology) Research Group, a forum for scholars of IT in organizations who use practice-based approaches, 1997-Present

·         Co-organizer of the Charles River IT (CRIT) Ph.D. Group, a forum for the exchange of the ideas for Ph.D. Students in the Boston area, 1997-2001

·         Member of the Academy of Management and Association for Information Systems


Honors and Awards

·         IBM Conference Award, 2008

·         IBM Shared University Research Award, 2007

·         ICIS 2006, Best Paper in Track Award

·         Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2005-2007

·         HICSS 2005, Best Paper Nominee, January 2005

·         ICIS Doctoral Dissertation Competition Finalist Award, December 2002

·         Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division of the Academy of Management Doctoral Thesis Competition Finalist Award, August 2002.

·         Nominated and admitted to the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2000 Doctoral Consortium, Brisbane, Australia, and December 2000.

·         DuWayne Peterson Fellowship, 1997, 1998, 1999.

·         College Prize in Mathematics, Boston University, 1994.

·         Achievement Award in Computer Science, Boston University, 1994.

·         Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Boston University, 1994.

·         Summa Cum Laude, Boston University, 1994.

·         Dean’s List, Boston University, 1992, 1993, 1994.


Service Activities

·         NYU-IBM Workshop on Global Sourcing Organizer, January 26, 2007

·         CeDER (Center for Digital Economy Research), “Technology-enabled Organizational Forms and Relations,” Research Track Director

·         CeDER Information Systems Group Seminar Co-organizer, 2004-2005

·         Recruitment Committee Member, 2003-2006

·         Doctoral Program Committee Member, 2002-2003, 2005-2006

·         Undergraduate Core Course Coordinator and Program Committee Member, 2002-2003

·         Promotion and Tenure Process Committee Member, 2001

·         Ongoing participation in recruitment activities, doctoral candidate recruitment and supervision, undergraduate society meetings at the NYU Stern School of Business.