Do We Need a Tax Reform and Which One? A Flat Tax ? A Consumption Tax ?
Instant Expert: Flat Tax. The US NEWS Home Page on the flat tax
A discussion in
The Economist
Alternative Tax Reform plans
The Flat Tax Home Page
of representative Dick Armey, leading proponent of a 17% Flat Tax.
Two systematic critiques of flat tax proposals:
The Flat Taxers' Flat Distortion
Falling Flat
Representative Richard Gephard views on tax reform and his 10% tax proposal :
The 10% Tax Page
Another view on
The Failings of the Flat Tax
CATS (Citizens for an Alternative Tax System) Web site for supply side views
and why we should abolish the IRS).
Unleashing America's Potential
: The GOP Commission recommendations on Tax Reform .
An analysis debunking some myths on the tax burden of American households
and some basic data the
tax burden of American households.
Two views in a
Flat Tax Debate