by Richard M. Levich

As of March 25, 1998

  • p. 20      Questions 6, 7, 8, and 9 were omitted from the list. These questions are listed below.

    6. Why would knowledge about the determinants of prices, the nature of price changes, the nature of price relationships among financial market, and pricing efficiency be important for setting the policies of individuals or corporations?

    7. Why would knowledge about the determinants of prices, the nature of price changes, the nature of price relationships among financial market, and pricing efficiency be important for setting national and international financial policies?

    8. Why might international financial markets be very important to a small country, like Portugal or Korea?

    9. "Over the last 50 years, international financial markets have become more important to the United States." True or false? Explain.

  • p. 65      Title of Chapter 7 is "Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency"
  • p. 82      Under "Synthetic DM Securities" the fourth line down should read "line segment BC."
  • p. 96      In Exercise #10b, the 8% interest rate is on a per annum basis.
  • p. 102     Missing right parenthesis in line 7 after "weights Wi
  • p. 153     Footnote 28. Reference to Table 5.4 should read "Table 5.2" and reference to Table 5.3 should read "Table 5.1."
  • p. 155     In the right-hand column of Box 5.2 the two mathematical expressions have been reversed. The cost of path 1 is 0.6810 $/DM / (1 + 0.060625/12) = 0.6776 $/DM; and the cost of path 2 is 0.6803 $/DM / (1 + 0.04000/12) = 0.6780 $/DM .
  • p. 181     In Figure 6.6, on the right side of the diagram under the "Monetary Approach", the line of text after the second arrow should read: i - i*  = E(s)  . The final "(s)" was omitted.
  • p. 181     In the fourth line of text, the word "are" should be "is"
  • p. 208     In Appendix 6.3, at the top of the right-hand column, the symbols "epsilon (i-i*)" are all an exponent of "e"
  • p. 214     The final full paragraph on this page should begin "Recall our discussion of the International Fisher Effect ..."
  • p. 216     The correct wording at the beginning of Box 7.1 shold read: "In this experiment, we generated 200 normally distributed random numbers (ut, t = 1, ... 200) using the random number generator in EXCEL and placed the numbers in Column A of a spreadsheet. This can be done by clicking on the "TOOLS" menu and the "DATA ANALYSIS" and the "Random Number Generation."
  • p. 240      The footnote at the bottom of the page should read: "Data for this exercise are provided on disk." And the reference to Figure 7.5 in Question 1 should be "Figure 7.4."
  • p. 241      The footnote at the bottom of the page should read: "Data for this exercise are provided on disk." And the reference to Figure 7.5 in Question 2 should be "Figure 7.4."
  • p. 255      Figure B. The labels for the five curves in Figure B represent phi = 1.0, 0.99, 0.95, 0.90, and 0.80 respectively reading from top to bottom. The lines should be drawn to match the legend at the bottom of the Figure.
  • p. 309      Exercise #2, last sentence should read ".... over the next five months."
  • p. 311      The date (1988) should appear after the quotation from Frederick G. Fisher III.
  • p. 340      Figure 10.7. The title of this figure should read "Yield Spread: Regular U.S. Treasury Note Minus Specially Targeted U.S. Treasury Note."
  • p. 425      In Box 12.2, the title of the graph should read: "One-Month Risk Reversal US$/Yen"
  • p. 439      In Figure 12A.1, in the title of each graph, the term "rf" should use the lower case "r"
  • p. 467      Below Figure 13.7a, should include "Source: Simons (1989)"
  • p. 497      Formula (14.5) has an error. The "epsilon" term could be negative and it is not possible to take the logarithm of a negative number. To see a correction for this error, click on the highlighted text Page 497 correction.
  • p. 571     One line below the section header "The Range of Firms Facing Exchange Rate Exposure," and in the same line as the section header "The Time Dimension of Exposure" the partial derivative "delta MV/delta Spot" appears. The word "Spot" was not printed.
  • p. 635-6     The questions are not numbered properly in sequence. There are 15 questions, not 16. The question marked #4, should be numbered as #3, and so on.

Richard M. Levich  |  Tel: (212) 998-0422  |  Fax: (212) 995-4220  |  E-mail:
KMEC 9-72, 44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012