Economic Growth and Technical Change
Tuesday 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Room: 585 KMC

Prof. Ryuzo Sato, C.V. Starr Professor of Economics and Director

The Center for Japan-US Business and Economic Studies Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Office: MEC 7-190
Phone: (212) 998-0750
Fax: (212) 995-4219
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 1:00-2:00 or by appointment

Course Description

The course will discuss the trends in economic growth and the factors that influence them. Descriptive and optimal models will be considered after a discussion of the appropriate analytical techniques. Consideration of empirical studies that indicate the importance of technical change in determining the growth rate lead to a discussion of microeconomic and growth theoretical models of technical change. Specific topics will include techniques for estimation of production functions and technical change, optimal control methods and their application in growth theory, group theoretic methods in economics dynamics, innovation and public policy and international trade and R&D.

Reading Assignments


1. The Rise of Science-Related Technology

2. Research and Productivity

3. Endogenous Technical Progress and the Theory of the Firm

4. Public Policy and Innovation

5. Unresolved Problems: International Trade and R&D

Supplementary Readings