Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Bangladesh's forgotten apparel workers
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Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Bangladesh's forgotten apparel workers
All workers in Bangladesh are entitled to protection of their rights at work, regardless of where they are employed. There are more than 5 million garment workers in Bangladesh, which is second only to China in global apparel exports. To date, there has been little clarity about where most of these workers are employed. With increased data made available since the Rana Plaza factory collapse in April 2013, this is the first map to display where garment factories are located and how many (or how few) factories foreign brands acknowledge as part of their supply chains. Almost three million workers are excluded from the building and safety programs initiated by foreign brands in the wake of Rana Plaza. These workers deserve jobs with dignity and safety, in accordance with international labor standards.
This view shows the locations of every registered garment factory.
Factories are stacked in transparent layers. Click on a factory to move it and reveal additional factories in the same location.
Neighborhood View
See the neighborhood view for a breakdown of factories by type in 65 neighborhoods where production is concentrated.