Vilma Todri bio photo

Vilma Todri

Associate Professor @ Emory University.

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Research Overview


Vilma Todri’s research agenda has been inspired by the profound impact of Internet-related technologies on how consumers conduct research about products, make purchases and interact with brands nowadays as well as how firms leverage such technologies to create value. She is especially interested in areas related to digital strategy, digital marketing, social media, and consumer behavior in technology-mediated environments. She employs state of the art methodologies that lie in the intersection of quantitative modeling, experimental research designs, and machine learning. Her broad research goal is to develop an in-depth empirical understanding regarding the following questions:

  • How can firms develop attribution models and accurately attribute credit to the various targeting mechanisms according to their true impact on changing consumers’ behavior?
  • How can firms effectively harness the capabilities of digital advertising to achieve key marketing objectives? What happens if firms over utilize such capabilities?
  • How can firms utilize the abundance and rapid expansion of unstructured data in the online world to build and optimize their digital strategies?
  • How can firms prosperously develop their relationships with potential and existing customers in order to build and sustain a loyal customer base?
  • What is the role of mobile devices in consumers’ purchase funnel paths?
  • What is the economic value of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and other technology-enabled strategies?

In order to answer these research questions, she deploys an interdisciplinary approach combining econometrics, structural modeling, experimental research designs and machine learning techniques, such as text mining, sentiment and linguistic analysis to extract knowledge from the abundance of unstructured data.

Refereed Journal Publications

Consumer Social Connectedness and Persuasiveness of Automated Collaborative-Filtering Recommender Systems: Evidence from an Online-to-Offline Recommendation App. (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Production and Operation Management (2024): Forthcoming. View Download Google Scholar

Is Distance Really Dead in the Online World? How Geographical Distance Moderates the Effectiveness of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos and Michelle Andrews). Journal of Marketing (2022): Vol. 86, Issue 4, pp. 118-140. ViewDownload Google Scholar

Frontiers: The Impact of Ad-blockers on Online Consumer Behavior (sole-authored). Marketing Science (2021): Vol. 41, Issue 1, pp. 7-18. View Download Google Scholar
[Lead Article]

Demand Effects of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) Channel: Evidence from Automating the Purchase Process (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos and Anindya Ghose). Information Systems Research (2021): Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp.238-267. ViewDownload Google Scholar
[Nominated for INFORMS CIST 2018 Best Paper Award]
[Awarded Marketing Science Institute Research Grant]

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics Across the Purchase Funnel (with Anindya Ghose and Param Vir Singh). Information Systems Research (2020): Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp.102-125. ViewDownload Google Scholar
[Top 5 most popular papers of Marketing Science Institute (2019)]
[Information Systems Research (ISR) Best Paper Award (1st Runner-Up) (2021)]

The Impact of User Personality Traits on Word-of-Mouth: Text-mining Microblogging Platforms (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Information Systems Research (2018): Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp.612-640. ViewDownload Google Scholar
[Nominated for Information Systems Research 2018 Best Paper Award]
[Awarded Marketing Science Institute Research Grant]

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Display Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior (with Anindya Ghose). MIS Quarterly (2016): Vol. 40, Issue 4, pp. 889-910. ViewDownload Google Scholar
[Nominated for INFORMS CIST 2015 Best Paper Award]
[Awarded NET Institute Research Grant]

Selected Working Papers

Multi-channel Attribution and Interdependencies Beyond the Purchase Incidence (with Anindya Ghose, Param Vir Singh and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). In-preparation.

How do consumers’ online browsing and purchasing behaviors differ across devices? The role of mobile devices in consumers’ path to purchase . Work-in-progress.

Publications in Refereed Conferences

The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) : Evidence from an Online Retailer (Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2018), Arizona, USA.
[Nominated for the INFORMS CIST 2018 Best Paper Award]

The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) : Evidence from an Online Retailer (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos) Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, USA.

Got Annoyed? Examining the Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics (with Anindya Ghose and Param Vir Singh). Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017), Seoul, Korea.

Estimating the Impact of User Personality Traits onWord-of-Mouth: Textmining Microblogging Platforms (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2016), Nashville, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Display Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior (with Anindya Ghose). Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2015), Philadelphia, USA.
[Nominated for the INFORMS CIST 2015 Best Paper Award]

Personality-Based Recommendations: Evidence from (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2015), Vienna, Austria.

The Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in Social Media: Evidence from Promotional Events (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015), Sydney, Australia.
[Nominated for the INFORMS Best Student Paper Award on Social Media Analytics] ViewDownload Google Scholar

Social Commerce: An Empirical Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Commerce in Social Network Platforms (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. ViewDownload Google Scholar

Social Media Analytics: The Effectiveness of Promotional Events on Brand Fan Base in Social Media (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. ViewDownload Google Scholar

Publications in Other Conferences and Workshops

The Impact of Ad-blockers on Online Consumer Behavior. 17th Symposium on Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR 2021), Online.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics across the Purchase Funnel (with Anindya Ghose and ParamVir Singh). ISMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS 2019), Rome, Italy.

The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) : Evidence from an Online Retailer (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). GW Conference on the Intelligence of Things (GW IoT 2019), Washington DC, USA.

The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) : Evidence from an Online Retailer (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). ISMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS 2018), Philadelphia, USA.

The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2017), Seoul, Korea.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics (with Anindya Ghose and Param Vir Singh). ISMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS 2017), California, USA.

Estimating the Impact of User Personality Traits onWord-of-Mouth: Textmining Microblogging Platforms (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). ISMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS 2017), California, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior (with Anindya Ghose). FRANK M. BASS -UTDallas Frontiers of Research in Marketing Science Conference (UTD Bass Conference 2017), Texas, USA.

Estimating the Impact of User Personality Traits onWord-of-Mouth: Textmining Microblogging Platforms (with Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2016), Ireland, Dublin.

Falling in Love With a Brand: Multi-Channel Attribution and Interdependencies Beyond the Purchase Incident (with Anindya Ghose, Param Vir Singh and Panagiotis Adamopoulos). 12th Symposium on Statistical Challenges in eCommerce Research (SCECR 2016), Greece.

Estimating the Impact of User Personality Traits on Word-of-Mouth: Text-mining Microblogging Platforms (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos and Anindya Ghose). New York Computer Science and Economics Day (NYCE 2015), New York, USA.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics (with Anindya Ghose and Param Vir Singh). Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2015), Texas, USA.

Big Data: From correlation to causation (NSF Data Science Workshop 2015). University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
[National Science Foundation (NSF) Award for Data Science Workshop]

The Effectiveness of Promotional Events on Social Media (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE 2014), Auckland, New Zealand. download

E-business in the Era of Social Networks and Big Data (with Panagiotis Adamopoulos). New York Computer Science and Economics Day (NYCE 2014), New York, USA.

Invited Presentations

Demand effects of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) Channel: Evidence from an Online Retailer, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, October 2020, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Scheduled).

Demand effects of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) Channel: Evidence from an Online Retailer, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, January 2020, Arizona, USA.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics, Business Analytics Conference, Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee September 2019, Tennessee, USA.

Estimating the Impact of User Personality Traits on Word-of-Mouth: Textmining Microblogging Platforms, Executive Education: Building a Data-Driven Strategy Program, Goizueta Business School, Emory University May 2019, Georgia, USA.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics, Doctoral Seminar, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, April 2018, Arizona, USA.

The Future of Analytics, Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association (AIMA), April 2018, Georgia, USA.

The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things (IoT): Evidence from an Online Retailer, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech, February 2018, Georgia, USA.

Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), The Structural Modeling and Machine Learning Applications for Research on Technology Workshop (S.M.A.R.T Workshop), Foster School of Business, University of Washington, August 2017, Seattle, USA.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, March 2017, Georgia, USA.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, December 2016, Minnesota, USA.

Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics, INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 2016, Nashville, USA.

Measuring and modeling digital advertising effectiveness, Doctoral Seminar on Foundations of Information Systems Research, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, October 2016, Atlanta, USA.

Falling in Love With a Brand: Multi-Channel Attribution and Interdependencies Beyond Purchase Incident, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative Symposium, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, March 2016, Philadelphia, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, January 2016, Philadelphia, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, January 2016, Minnesota, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, January 2016, Arizona, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, January 2016, Indiana, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, January 2016, Pittsburgh, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, INSEAD School of Business, January 2016, Fontainebleau, France.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, January 2016, Montreal, Canada.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, School of Management, University College London (UCL), January 2016, London, UK.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, IE Business School, January 2016, Madrid, Spain.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Simon Business School, University of Rochester, January 2016, Rochester, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, December 2015, Georgia, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, November 2015, Indiana, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, UConn School of Business, University of Connecticut, November 2015, Connecticut, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2015, Philadelphia, USA.

The Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies in Social Media: Evidence from Promotional Events, INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2015, Philadelphia, USA.

Towards a Digital Attribution Model: Measuring Advertising Effects on Online Consumer Behavior, MISQ Special Issue Workshop on Transformational Issues of Big Data and Analytics in Networked Business, KU Leuven, 2015, Brussels, Belgium.

Explanatory Data Analysis, Data Mining for Business Analytics, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, 2014, New York, USA.

Interdisciplinary Research Methods & GTM, GTM Workshop, International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2013), Milan, Italy.

Search and Display Advertising 101, Information Technology in Business and Society, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, 2013, New York, USA.

Industry Presentations

Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association (AIMA): The Future of Analytics, Invited Speaker, April 2018, Georgia, USA.