Econometric Analysis, 5th Edition
Links to Data Tables
Table F1.1 | Table F1.1: Consumption and Income, 10 Yearly Observations, 1970-1979
Source: Economic Report of the President, 1987, Council of Economic Advisors
Table F2.1 | Table F2.1: Consumption and Income, 11 Yearly Observations, 1940-1950
Source: Economic Report of the President, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1983.
Table F2.2 | The U.S. Gasoline Market, 36 Yearly Observations, 1960-1995
Source: Economic Report of the President: 1996, Council of Economic Advisors, 1996.
Table F3.1 | U.S. Investment Data, 15 Yearly Observations, 1968-1982
Source: Economic Report of the President, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1983. CPI 1967 is 79.06. The interest rate is the average yearly discount rate at the New York Federal Reserve Bank.
Table F4.1 | Table F4.1: Labor Supply Data From Mroz (1987), 753 Observations
Source: 1976 Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Mroz(1987).
Table F4.2 | Table F4.2: The Longley Data, 15 Yearly Observations, 1947-1962
Source: Longley, (1967).
Table F5.1 | Table F5.1: Macroeconomics Data Set, Quarterly, 1950I to 2000IV, 204 Quarterly Observations
Source: Department of Commerce, BEA website and
Table F5.2 | Table F5.2: Cost Function, 123 1970 Cross Section Firm Level Observations
Source: Christensen and Greene (1976). Note the file contains some extra observations. These are the holding companies. Use only the first 123 observations to replicate Christensen and Greene.
Table F6.1 | Table F6.1: Production Data For SIC 33: Primary Metals, 27 Statewide Observations
Source and Note: Data are per establishment, labor is a measure of labor input, and capital is the gross value of plant and equipment. A scale factor used to normalize the capital figure in the original study has been omitted. Further details on construction of the data are given in Aigner, et al. (1977) and in Hildebrand and Liu (1957).
Table F7.1 | Table F7.1: Cost Data for U.S. Airlines, 90 Oservations On 6 Firms For 15 Years, 1970-1984
Source: These data are a subset of a larger data set provided to the author by Professor Moshe Kim. They were originally constructed by Christensen Associates of Madison, Wisconsin.
Table F7.2 | Table F7.2: Solow’s Technological Change Data, 41 Yearly Observations, 1909-1949
Source: Solow (1957, p. 314). Several Variables are omitted.
Table F8.1 | Table F8.1: Pesaran and Hall Inflation data. 54 Quarterly Observations Observations
Source: Pesaran and Hall (1987)
Table F9.1 | Table F9.1: Income and Expenditure Data. 100 Cross Section Observations
Source: Greene (1992)
Table F9.2 | Table F9.2: Statewide Data on Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, 25 Observations
Source: A Zellner and N. Revankar (1970, p. 249). Note: “Value added,” “Capital,” and “Labor” are in millions of 1957 dollars. Data used for regression examples are per establishment. Raw data are used for the stochastic frontier application in Chapter 16.
Table F11.1 | Table F11.1: Bollerslev and Ghysels Exchange Rate Data, 1974 Daily Observations,
Source Bollerslev (1986).
Table F13.1 | Table F13.1: Grunfeld Investment Data, 100 Yearly Observations On 5 Firms For 1935-1954
Sources: Moody’s Industrial Manual, Survey of Current Business
Table F14.1 | Table F14.1: Manufacturing Costs, U.S. Economy, 25 Yearly Observations, 1947-1971
Source: Berndt and Wood (1975)
Table F14.2 | Table F14.2: Cost Function Data, 145 U.S. Electricity Producers, 1955 Data; Nerlove
Source: Nerlove (1960) and Christensen and Greene (1976) Note: The data file contains several extra observations that are aggregates of commonly owned firms. Use only the first 145 observations for analysis.
Table F15.1 | Table F15.1: Klein’s Model I , 22 Yearly Observations, 1920-1941
Source: Klein (1950).
Table F16.1 | Table F16.1: Bertschek and Lechner Binary Choice Data, Yearly Data 1993-1998 on 1,270 Firms
Source: Bertcshek and Lechner (1998) Note: These data are proprietary. They are not listed on the website.
Table F18.1 | Table 18.1: Dahlberg and Johanssen - Municipal Expenditure Data,
Data From 265 Municipalities for 9 Years, 1979-1987, 2385 Observations Source: Dahlberg and Johanssen (2000), Journal of Applied Econometrics data archive.
Table F20.1 | Table F20.1: Bond Yield on a Moody’s Aaa Rated, Monthly, 60 Monthly Observations, 1990-1994.
Source: National Income and Product Accounts, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business: Business Statistics
Table F20.2 | Table F20.2: Money, Output, And Price Deflator Data, 136 Quarterly Observations, 1950-1983.
Source: National Income and Product Accounts, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business: Business Statistics,
Table F21.1 | Table F21.1: Program Effectiveness, 32 Cross Section Observations
Source: Spector and Mazzeo (1980).
Table F21.2 | Table F21.2: Data Used to Study Travel Mode Choice, 840 Observations On 4 Modes For 210 Individuals.
Source: Greene and Hensher (1997).
Table F21.3 | Table F21.3: Ship Accidents, 40 Observations On 5 Types In 4 Vintages And 2 Service Periods
Source: McCullagh and Nelder (1983).
Table F21.4 | Table F21.4: Expenditure and Default Data, 1319 observations
Source: Greene (1992)
Table F22.1 | Table F22.1: Strike Duration Data, 63 Observations In 9 years, 1968-1976
Source: Kennan (1985).
Table F22.2 | F22.2 Fair’s (1977) Extramarital Affairs Data, 601 Cross Section observations.
Source: Fair (1977) and Several variables not used are denoted X1, ..., X5.)
Table FD.1 | Table FD.1 Observations on Income and Education, 20 Observations
Source: Data are artificial.