Camping on Seesaws: Prescriptions for a Self-Designing
Bo L. T. Hedberg, Paul C. Nystrom, and William H. Starbuck
Administrative Science Quarterly, March 1976, volume 21, pp.
This article
prescribes how an organization can be designed to meet social and technological
changes and to reap advantage from them. Long-term viability maximizes in a
self-designing organization, in which those who perform activities take primary
responsibility for learning and for inventing new methods, and in which
nonparticipant designers restrict themselves to a catalytic role. Such an
organization is formed by putting together processes, the generators of
behaviors. Although the complex interactions among processes make designers’
forecasts unreliable, serious future problems can be avoided by keeping
processes dynamically balanced. The desired balance can be caricatured with six
requires minimal consensus.
rests upon minimal contentment.
Wealth arises
from minimal affluence.
Goals merit
minimal faith.
depends on minimal consistency.
Wisdom demands
minimal rationality.
An organization’s history can be broken down in segments of
all kinds. One can focus upon single members’ activities in their jobs, or upon
the activities involving single functional or geographic units, like the
purchasing department or the European division. One can discuss social and
intellectual domains, such as chemistry, supervision, or theology. One can
attend to contiguous events, such as what happened during January 1962.
Although prevalent, these analyses portray an organization
as static, and do not reveal its developmental capabilities. Designing an
organization to fit society’s needs implies that it is less important to
discover where an organization is than to understand how it got there, and
where it can go tomorrow. Analyses that give footholds in time are the
appropriate components for assembling trajectories into the future.
Stories, such as myths, sagas, and legends, are one method
of portraying dynamics (Clark, 1972; Mitroff and Kilmann, 1976). Some stories
describe critical events, and other stories summarize unobtrusive long-run
developments, but both types derive from interpretations made after the fact,
and both distort what has happened. Stories can spin out desired futures only
if the distortions are consistent with an organization’s unknown future needs
and environment. If a story describes an organization and environment that no
longer exist, the story’s predictions will fail, and its power to generate
behavior will undermine the organization’s effectiveness.
An alternative method for analyzing dynamics is to
concentrate on the generators of behavior — processes. Processes are the media
by which an organization creates future acts out of its past experiences.
Yesterday surges in and tomorrow gushes out.
Processes are difficult to comprehend because their visages
shift with the events streaming through them: processes' strength and
usefulness rest on their adaptability to heterogeneous demands. Yet
understanding processes warrants effort, because principles that generalize
across diverse circumstances are the keys to both scientific comprehension and
effective designs.
This article discusses what kinds of processes exist, how
processes interact with one another, and how organizational designs can be
constructed from interacting processes. First, it is necessary to assess the
designers’ role and the objectives designers pursue.
Designing is widely thought to belong outside the stream of
routine activities. Designers are technical specialists who value their
noninvolvement. They enter a situation, inventory the problems and
capabilities, go off and explore alternative solutions in the abstract, return
with an optimal solution, and finally implement their solution. Since
implementation requires changes, effective designers initiate and control
changes. If the organization adopts these changes, the designers are judged
Even if one accepts this perception of designers, understanding
of processes is designers’ most precious skill. Formulating and then
implementing designs take time. The organization that existed when designing
began will endure only in myths by the time a design is implemented (Brooks,
1963). So designers can achieve greater success by thinking in terms of an
organization that will come into being while they are creating a design for it.
Designers can be even more successful if they will discard
this generally accepted concept of their role. One reason is that changes start
complex causal chains that are hard to predict, and discrete interventions set
off reactions that are still harder to predict (Churchman, 1971). An organization
persists by developing feedback signals that heighten its resilience to
abnormal internal events and to shocks originating in its environment, and
abrupt interventions instigate reactions by these feedback systems. Predicting
an organization’s future well enough to control it reliably requires greater
analytic capability than designers, or any other people, possess.
Another reason designers can benefit from a new role is that
their direct influence over organizational participants’ behaviors is weak.
Although it is possible to influence activities by setting such premises as
choice criteria, information flows, and spans of responsibility, nonparticipant designers are permitted only sporadic,
marginal opportunities to alter these premises. Activities are ultimately
controlled by those who perform them, and participants often begin repealing designers’
manipulations as soon as the designers withdraw (Nystrom, 1975b).
Process Hierarchies
than seeking to shift how an organization behaves, designers can concentrate on
altering the processes that accomplish changes (Beer, 1972; Starbuck, 1975).
Processes can be more reliably extrapolated than the behaviors they generate,
because they are more versatile and inertial. Designers’ modifications of
processes will adapt to most variations in an organization’s capabilities and
internal politics or in environmental constraints and opportunities. Indeed,
truly effective modifications of processes would improve an organization’s
propensities to learn, to correct flaws in its design, and to experiment with
alternative structures and strategies.
Designs can themselves be conceived as processes — as
generators of dynamic sequences of solutions, in which attempted solutions
induce new solutions and attempted designs trigger new designs.
Process designs will both enhance an organization’s
flexibility and responsiveness and enhance the aesthetics of design activities.
The perception of design as a problem-solution-implementation sequence
misrepresents how solutions evolve; and the notion that designs require
implementation leads designers astray. Transplanted designs arouse rejection
mechanisms that thwart implementations. Moreover, while nonparticipant
designers are off inventing solutions, the problems may change or even
disappear. For example, defining a problem for a consultant may redefine the
problem for the organization’s members, who then begin alleviating the original
problem (Hedberg, 1975b).
When designs become processes generating streams of
solutions, implementations become second-order processes by which first-order
processes are learned. Because those who execute first-order processes must
take responsibility for second-order learning (Emery and Thorsrud,
1969; Starbuck, 1975), designers can at best catalyze an organization’s
self-designing: not only would the organization’s members define problems for
themselves and generate their own solutions, the members would also evaluate
and revise their solution-generating processes.
Designers have the opportunity to focus on ideologies and
other third-order strategies for carrying out second-order learning. Step-like
changes in processes can instigate more troubles than abrupt changes in
behavior can. Attempts to force discrete shifts in processes amplify behavioral
errors, establish contradictions across parallel processes, and elicit
rejection mechanisms, so processes need to be modified gradually in social
contexts that acknowledge the transience of what is being done at any time. A
self-designing organization functions most smoothly if its ideology cherishes
Erecting Tents
or Palaces?
This redefined role for designers accompanies revised
specifications for the well-designed organization.
Designers, and especially management scientists, have long
promoted skill specialization, integration, clear objectives, and unambiguous
authority structures. These widely accepted values assert that an organization
should be internally differentiated and yet harmonious, should use explicit communication
channels and explicit decision criteria, and should act decisively and
consistently. Such properties could improve the performance of an organization
if it inhabited an unchanging environment. Routine activity programs could
replace unprogrammed strategic analyses and
coordinating messages (J. R. Galbraith, 1973; Hedberg,
1975a; Landau, 1973; Miller and Mintzberg, 1974;
Thompson, 1967). Activity programs could be multiplied and pared to their
essential elements, then preserved in capital equipment and standard operating
procedures (Gershefski, 1969; McGuire, 1963; Starbuck
and Dutton, 1973; Thompson, 1967). Communications could be abbreviated with
efficient codes, and responsibilities could be sharply delineated (Bennis, 1965; J. R. Galbraith, 1973; Khandwalla,
1974; Miller and Mintzberg, 1974; Starbuck, 1965;
Thompson, 1967). In constant surroundings, one could confidently assemble an
intricate, rigid structure combining elegant and refined components — an
organizational palace.
Yet change is one of the world’s dominant properties (Beer,
1974; Bennis, 1970). An organization’s environment
does change. Evolving cause-effect relations render today’s methods obsolete,
and what has been learned has to be replaced (Terreberry,
1968). Ansoff (1965) summarized some pressures
forcing changes in products, competitive relations, and governmental controls
on business enterprises. Hedberg (1974) described how
the development of solid-state electronic technology forced revolutions within
the business-machines industry. Grinyer and Norburn (1975) found no evidence that consensus about
objectives, clearly defined roles, or formal planning correlated positively
with financial performances across 21 companies. Instead, financial
performances correlated positively with reliance on informal communication and
with the diversity of information used to assess company performance.
Designers who erect an organizational palace had better anticipate
problems caused by shifting subsoils. Carter (1971)
and Miller and Mintzberg (1974) showed how pursuing
stability and avoiding uncertainty interfere with an organization’s long-run
adaptation and survival. Thompson (1967) observed how difficult it is for an
organization to devote enough resources to searching its environment for
opportunities, because defensive responses to newly recognized problems
consume too many search resources (Cyert and March,
1963). Normann (1971) found that business firms that used formal power and
mechanistic procedures to couple subunits were apt to undertake too few product
reorientations, and those undertaken often were based on little except advocacy
by a single, powerful executive.
One approach to eliminating mismatches between a rigid
structure and a changing environment is systematic remodeling. March and Simon
(1958) proposed that top executives establish programs for periodically
reviewing their organization and its environment. The program-planning and
strategic-planning movements represent attempts to routinize
organizational reassessments (Gilmore and Brandenburg, 1962; Hitch, 1966;
Steiner, 1969). However, systematic procedures offer weak protection against
unpredictability, just as increased rigidity does not effectively prepare a
building for earthquakes. Some flaws of systematic procedures are inherent in
the concept of strategic planning: drafting plans, dismantling an old
structure, and erecting a new structure take so long that designers need to
forecast how the environment will shift. Since forecasts are only conjectures
derived from past experiences, greater reliance on forecasts induces greater
design errors (Beer, 1974; Grinyer and Norburn, 1975; McNulty, 1962). Systematic procedures also
sap an organization’s flexibility by strengthening its rationality.
Interdependence originates when harmony is imposed on contradictory subgoals and disordered activities, and a change in part of
an interdependent structure requires changes throughout. The result is an
organization that embodies more forecasts and that responds more sluggishly
when its forecasts manifest their errors.
Camping in a
Residents of changing environments need a tent. An
organizational tent places greater emphasis on flexibility, creativity,
immediacy, and initiative than on authority, clarity, decisiveness, or responsiveness;
and an organizational tent neither asks for harmony between the activities of
different organizational components, nor asks that today’s behavior resemble
yesterday’s or tomorrow’s. Why behave more consistently than one’s world does?
An organizational tent actually exploits benefits hidden
within properties that designers have generally regarded as liabilities.
Ambiguous authority structures, unclear objectives, and contradictory
assignments of responsibility can legitimate controversies and challenge
traditions (White, 1969). Incoherence and indecision can foster exploration,
self-evaluation, and learning. Redundant task allocations can provide
experimental replications, and partial incongruities can diversify portfolios
of activities. Jönsson (1973) found that unbalanced
resources and crises were major forces driving growth and survival in Swedish
investment development companies, and that problem solving during crises relied
on informal communications. Since the industrial development companies that
grew smoothly in balanced increments displayed more concern with conserving
their past gains than with developing investment opportunities, Jönsson inferred that imbalances ought to be designed into
an organization. Similarly, Burns and Stalker (1961) and Normann (1971)
observed that ambiguous role definitions and amorphous communication networks
help an organization adapt to marked changes in its environment. J. R.
Galbraith (1973) proposed that an organization in a rapidly changing
environment divide itself into self-contained units so as to prevent
information overloads. Miller and Mintzberg (1974)
observed that companies operating successfully in turbulent markets had
intensive internal communications, managed themselves participatively,
utilized coordinative committees, delegated discretion to components that had
to cope with the environment, and devoted considerable effort to scanning the
Those who live in an organizational tent can use good alarm
clocks, wash-and-wear clothes, and the ability to plan itineraries quickly.
They invent sensors for alerting themselves to significant events, and
ceaselessly question their present assumptions and habits (Landau, 1973). They
remain ready to replace old methods, and they discard even adequate old methods
in order to try new ones, looking upon each development as an experiment that
suggests new experiments. They hear descriptions of what exists as statements
about the past, and fantasies about what might happen as opportunities to
create reality. They regard their organization as a means, not an end (White,
1969). They avoid anchoring their satisfactions in the roles and procedures
that are specific to the existing organization, and instead, they draw
satisfactions from the skills and relationships that contribute to processes —
the processes generating the organization to come.
Of course, today’s organization is unlikely to resemble a
tent, and few organizational members act like campers. McGuire (1963)
discovered that only 8 percent of manufacturing firms changed their product
lines substantially during the 1950s, even though many of the static 92 percent
suffered declining sales. Wildavsky (1972) has
masterfully summarized the difficulties an organization confronts when trying
to evaluate its own achievements and capabilities.
Sections II.,
When environmental activities seemingly threaten, an
organization can adjust its behaviors to accommodate the environment.
Processes by which an organization maps its environment into itself can be
labeled adaptive. The adaptive processes include selecting environments,
monitoring and predicting environmental changes, consulting outsiders,
learning, and buffering fluctuations in the flows of resources across
organizational boundaries (Normann, 1971; Starbuck, 1976; Starbuck and Dutton,
1973; Thompson, 1967). Alternatively, when an organization sees opportunities
arising or believes its environment is pliable, it can undertake to remodel
environmental elements. Processes by which an organization impresses itself
into its environment can be called manipulative. The manipulative processes
include constructing desirable niches and negotiating domains, forming
coalitions, educating clients and employees, advertising to potential clients
and customers, and resolving conflicts (J.K. Galbraith, 1973; Star-buck, 1975,
1976; Weick, 1969).
Conventional usage implies adaptation and manipulation also
differ in timing and psychological orientation: adaptation occurs after an
environmental stimulus, and the adapter defends, conforms, or submits;
manipulation is an aggressive, proud, perhaps selfish, act that instigates
environmental reactions.
Timing distinctions between adaptation and manipulation are
not merely uninformative, they often deceive. Stimulus-response pairs break
behavioral chains into segments so short that a perceiver loses perspective;
and vanishing with perspective, goes awareness of subtle maneuvers and
unexploited opportunities. An environmental happening only elicits reactions if
preparations for it were inadequate. For instance, temporary teachers can be
hired as hedges against having to fire tenured faculty when enrollments drop.
Conversely, an environment only calls for remodeling insofar as an inhabitant
has erroneously adapted to it. For example, investments in equipment can
substitute for programs to add skilled workers to the labor market.
Psychological distinctions between adaptation and
manipulation are more elusive than timing distinctions, but they can be just as
deceptive. Manipulation need not be arrogant or aggressive: an organization
may propose a coalition so as to escape impending disaster. Similarly,
adaptation is not solely defensive or submissive: learning can prepare for the
future as well as accommodate to the past. Unfortunately, acts labeled
manipulative may be avoided because an organization does not want to appear
hostile, or may be endorsed because the organization wants to demonstrate
independence. Acts labeled adaptive may be undertaken to present a cooperative
image, or may be spurned in order to evade subservience. When acts are being
chosen because of expected effects, the key step is forecasting these effects.
Since environmental components do not know whether an organization’s members
intend to adapt or to manipulate, the members’ intentions, as such, have
insignificant effects.
Tethering with
Programmed Chains
Real processes are never purely adaptive or purely
manipulative, of course, and since an organization always misunderstands itself
and its environment to some degree, processes inevitably spawn unanticipated
effects. An intended manipulation is only the first link in a vaguely
forecasted chain of adaptations and manipulations.
Over time, these chains of intermingled adaptations and manipulations
transform both an organization and its environment. Many an organization
creates, or migrates into, a benevolent environment; many another organization
finds environmental benevolence springing up about it. A benevolent environment
allows large portions of an organization’s activities to be standardized and
programmed, with cues automatically evoking different activity programs.
Activity programs make efficient use of perceptual and problem-solving
capacities (J. R. Galbraith, 1973; Thompson, 1967). Resources are not wasted
solving familiar problems, and creative talents can focus where innovation is
sought (Penrose, 1959; Starbuck, 1965).
However, programmed behaviors loosen the tethers between an
organization and its environment. Activity programs supply little self-doubt
and few occasions for reconsidering conventional reactions. The cues triggering
activity programs neglect inconsistent, but supposedly unimportant, stimuli, so
that some variations in perceived events are absorbed (Cyert
and March, 1963; Tuchman, 1973). Because event variations are ignored so long
as they satisfy the tolerance limits of the programs in use, programs are
adhered to after the conditions for which they were developed no longer hold.
Events also merely provoke switches among previously learned programs unless
they violate the tolerance limits of every program in the organization’s
repertoire (Nystrom, 1 975a). When the situation differs radically from any
encountered before, trying out old programs delays attempts to generate
entirely new modes of behavior. In essence, an organization has to unlearn its
previous activity programs by exhausting the processes that keep behaviors
static, before it starts analyzing an unfamiliar situation and devising
appropriate new activity programs.
Additional perceptual sensitivity is lost through the
contents of programs and through the ways programs are applied.
Members are taught to accept organizationally approved
beliefs and trained to conform to standardized role prescriptions (Clark, 1972;
Denhardt, 1969; Kaufman, 1960; Starbuck, 1976; Wynia, 1972). Buffers — such as inventories, intermediary
agents, and contingencies built into routine decision rules — are inserted at
the boundaries between organization and environment and at interfaces between
workflow stages inside an organization (Cyert and
March, 1963; March and Simon, 1958; Nystrom, 1975a; Thompson, 1967). Slack
resources are allowed to build up when affluence rises, then economies and
efficiencies are pursued aggressively when affluence wanes (Bonini,
1963; Cyert and March, 1963; Lewin
and Wolf, 1972; Nystrom, 1975a).
An organization can choose how it uses programs as tethers
between itself and its environment. An unusually dynamic organization shifts
products, clients, technologies, or territories because it sees its environment
as benevolent. It perceives and investigates abundant opportunities: it
develops new products, services, clients, and suppliers; it creates new
subunits and realigns old ones; it continuously changes methods, technologies,
and task assignments. However, these searches for opportunities and migrations
into new niches tend to be turned into programs by even the dynamic
organizations (Carter, 1971); revisions of activity programs are induced much
more frequently by difficulties than by opportunities (March and Simon, 1958;
Newman and Logan, 1955).
Another sort of organization — the usual one — makes
changes, but makes as few as possible, and does so only to satisfy
environmental pressures. The organization sees its environment as rather static
and minimally benevolent, offering few opportunities, but erecting many
constraints, and emitting just enough threats to disrupt complacency (Maniha and Per-row, 1965; Normann, 1971; Starbuck, 1976).
This is partly a self-confirming perception, for nonadaptation
is a form of manipulation. Because the organization responds lethargically and
with the least innovative responses feasible, its environment must threaten and
constrain to elicit action; and because the organization does not exploit
opportunities, opportunities are offered to it fleetingly and diffidently, if
at all. To the organization, proposals for changes are criticisms of how things
are, its environment appears to change little, and programmed behaviors appear
fully adequate to cope with the changes that occur. The organization can
elaborate its program repertoire into a palatial hierarchy. But the palace is
built on a bit of flotsam in a sea of social and technological changes, and the
flotsam is constantly being eroded by impinging events.
Drifting into
a Decaying Backwater
so often, a bit of flotsam gets washed away, out of the mainstream. An
organization drifts along in an environment which it believes is placid and
somewhat more than minimally benevolent — until one day it bewilderedly
realizes its environment has evolved into a stagnating backwater. Unperceived
changes have carried the organization into niches that are decaying and
becoming infertile. Even though the niches are not yet totally stagnant, the
organization’s continued survival suddenly depends on making drastic changes.
Processes tethering the organization to the stagnating environment have become
dangerous and must be dismantled. New processes are needed, first for creating
or discovering a vital environment, then for mating together organization and
environment, and later for reestablishing a dependable, nutrient equilibrium.
Although this new equilibrium, if achieved, may not bring forth such extremely
self-confident insensitivity as characterized the former equilibrium, the
organization will have metamorphosed out of a nonreflective
state in which manipulative processes were comparatively dormant and adaptive
processes automatic, will have generated pervasive efforts to manipulate and to
adapt, and finally will have extinguished the most extreme and disruptive
The reactions of an organization in a stagnating environment
can disclose how processes are created, revised, and fitted together. Although
a stagnating environment results from abnormalities, an organization in a
stagnating environment is only marginally and quantitatively abnormal. The
usual organization displays properties qualitatively similar to those of an
organization in a stagnating environment, and many an organization only escapes
environmental deterioration through the intervention of forces beyond its
control. Moreover, an organization in a stagnating environment can be
frequently observed, and because so many problems reveal themselves
simultaneously, this situation constitutes an efficient context for discovering
how an organization diagnoses its difficulties and how it reprograms itself.
The next section of this article describes how an
organization in a stagnating environment reacts, and the sections following
draw inferences from these reactions.
Since activity programs foster perceptual insensitivity,
there is risk that an organization will see its behaviors as succeeding long
after their effectiveness fails.
Success, or the appearance of it, breeds somnolence. Sensors
for scanning the environment wither away (Miller and Mintzberg,
1974; Thompson, 1967). Gradual, evolutionary changes in the environment are no
longer perceived, and gradual, evolutionary changes in the organization are
resisted. The organization’s structure rigidifies, as coordination is
accomplished through planning, and as the communication channels linking
subunits atrophy (J. R. Galbraith, 1973; Khandwalla,
1972; Miller and Mintzberg, 1974). Activity programs
are rationalized through embedding in organizational ideologies and myths
(Clark, 1972; Mitroff and Kilmann,
1976). Confidence in myths and programs strengthens the longer success appears
to continue. Motivation to undertake strategic innovations evaporates, because
managers measure their achievements by criteria for administrative maintenance
rather than by entrepreneurial criteria (Miller and Mintzberg,
1974; Thompson, 1967). Past success is interpreted as readiness for the future
(Thompson, 1967), and a prototypic prescription is “Don’t change a winning
properties reach pathological acuteness in an organization in a stagnating
environment. The organization gradually slides so far out of touch with what is
happening, both within itself and in its environment, that a potentially fatal
disaster develops unseen. Then when reality begins to intrude, the organization
misapprehends its difficulties and responds in ways that amplify the crisis. Of
course, a stagnating environment is a diagnosis by an organization which is
nearly blind: the critical defects do not lie in the environment at all, and
environmental deterioration is only ordinary technological and social evolution
which the organization meets ineptly.
Studies of organizations in stagnating environments —
primarily case studies conducted by Hedberg (1973,
1974, 1975a) and by Miller and Mintzberg (1974) —
suggest that an organization’s reactions divide into three heuristic phases.
Weathering the
At the outset, an organization does not entertain the notion
that its environment has irreversibly changed. The environment is only
temporarily deviating from its usual, benevolent state. Sales have declined,
applications are lower, the currency has been devalued, competition is fiercer
than usual, fuel is more expensive, perhaps hard to find. This deviation
presents something of a challenge: everyone must pull together, work as a team,
and tolerate temporary constraints. However, the trouble originates outside the
organization, and a return to normal is imminent. Since the organization itself
remains strong, the challenge can be overcome through intensified efforts — do
as before, but more. A marketing-oriented company increases its advertising and
sales efforts, and a production-oriented company acquires new equipment.
Quality and cost control systems and budgeting procedures are strengthened;
standard operating procedures are followed strictly; and innovations and
informal communications outside approved channels are suppressed.
As time passes, the spirit of jauntily facing a challenge
together fades. Shortages of liquid funds force more stringent economies, and
actions are taken to improve the accounting statements. Excised are superfluous
goals, such as intercollegiate athletics, job tenure, egalitarian decision
making, high wages, organizational image, high admission standards, pollution
control, full product lines, or equal employment opportunities. Short-run
improvements are sought at the expense of long-run progress. Investments are
postponed, maintenance deferred, and costs cut; advertising, education,
recruitment, research, and training activities are slashed; retirees and resignees are not replaced; people are laid off; wages are
reduced; efforts are made to renegotiate contracts. Friendly camaraderie
vanishes and dissension develops. Members, especially low-level ones, are
alienated. Those in charge are criticized, and some people or subunits are made
scapegoats. Decision making is centralized, controls are added to compensate
for dissension, communications increase up and down the managerial hierarchy,
and a strong task orientation is demanded (Beer, 1974; Hall and Mansfield,
1971; Thompson, 1967; Vickers, 1959).
An organization’s initial diagnoses are remarkably
simplistic. Only superficial attempts are made to understand the root causes of
difficulty, and actions aim instead at removing the symptoms. Since the
symptoms are communicated by the accounting system, the focus is on promptly
improving the accounting reports. What is required is a better bank balance, a
better income statement, a better balance sheet. Many of the steps taken to
achieve such improvements undermine the organization’s future viability by
squandering resources to gain time and by abrading already precarious relations
with the environment. Buildings, land, and equipment are sold to obtain
operating cash. Projects to modernize products or to develop new products are
terminated; even well-advanced efforts to attract new categories of clients are
discontinued, and advertising stops; experimental curricula are deleted;
long-time clients are denied credit; equipment is not repaired; investments in
know-how, such as groups of specialists, are foreclosed; and prices and tuition
fees are raised.
Moreover, if an organization succeeds in eliminating the
signs of distress from its formal reports, it brakes its efforts to reform, and
discounts the need for fundamental strategic changes over the long run. Things
are improving. Not only have the temporary obstacles been overcome, but the
primary means to success have been centralized control and adherence to those
activity programs that have traditionally formed the strategic core. The
effectiveness of activity programs and the wisdom of top management have been
demonstrated once again. The organization’s structure has been pared of
unproductive and burdensome fat — redundant machines and buildings,
nontraditional products and services, excessively skilled personnel, the
football team, advertising and research specialists, preventive medicine and
diagnostic clinics, and informal communication channels.
Perhaps the funds shortages, negative profits, and falling
revenues never cease, or perhaps they disappear and then reappear in an
organization that no longer has the resources to buy delay. In either case, the
permanence of change manifests itself, and the organization’s members must
decide what permanent actions to take.
The first step toward new behaviors is unlearning old behaviors.
The effectiveness of existing activity programs and traditional strategies is
disconfirmed, and the processes binding the organization to today’s behavioral
patterns are disengaged.
Unlearning actually began, but was not recognized as such,
while measures were being taken for weathering the storm. Stress engendered
feelings of uncertainty (Kahn et al., 1964). People were displaced from
familiar roles and forced to reconcile competing roles. Trust in and affection
for leaders diminished. Snarling quarrels over the shrinking resource carcass
built up antagonisms between people and between subunits. Favorite activities
were deleted and cherished goals dropped; the organization’s goal structure may
have been stripped to a skeleton composed only of cynicism and opportunism
(Vickers, 1959).
When members discover that their organization may not
survive, unlearning mounts: doubts multiply concerning the organization’s
appropriate domain, and followers abandon their leaders, especially the leaders
associated with past programs and strategies.
This collapse of faith brings the potential benefit of
opening the way for new viewpoints (Normann, 1971; Thompson, 1967). The
organization’s survival will depend on transferring influence to leaders having
entrepreneurial propensities and possessing expertise related to new strategic
alternatives. However, new leaders and new ideas escalate conflict in an
already conflicted organization. The perilous financial condition means that
only a few strategic experiments can be tried, at most, and that new activities
cannot be added without subtracting old activities. Priorities have to be set,
and there must be losers as well as winners. Unfortunately, an organization
that has continuously inhabited a benevolent environment probably lacks
processes for resolving conflicts on the basis of substantive criteria, because
growth in its resources allowed it to escape conflicts by distributing a little
more to almost every claimant (Olofsson et al., 1973).
It is nearly impossible for an organization to survive
through this nadir. Changes in structure, strategy, personnel, and ideology
must now be revolutionary; marginal, gradual modifications that fit into
historical trends will no longer suffice. Reality has to be discovered. A new
environment must be found, and the organization must restyle itself to match
this environment (Khandwalla, 1972; Starbuck and
Dutton, 1973). Yet the organization was riddled with defects before the recent
threats demonstrated themselves, and since then, the organization has not only
been centralized and further routinized, but stripped
of its creativity, heterogeneity, and mutual trust. Almost no human or
financial resources can now be marshalled for
information gathering or experimenting.
Nonetheless, a rare organization does make it. To do so, it
must act swiftly and decisively. It realistically assesses today’s desperate
plight, yet simultaneously arouses the courage to seek out tomorrow’s
opportunities (King, 1974). It emphasizes contests to wrest more resources from
external sources instead of intraorganizational
contests over the limited resources already at hand. It shoots out sensors for
perceiving potential new niches, and strives boldly to manipulate its
environment. It finds entrepreneurial personnel, gives them discretion, and
avoids punishing them for taking risks. Disregarding precedents, it takes on a
fluid and ambiguous structure in which there is much communication and minimal
consensus. It sets priorities and makes wise choices about the projects that
should come first. It counteracts dissension and inefficiency with
participation, coordination, and trust (Normann, 1971; Schendel
et al., 1975; White, 1969).
Both adaptive and manipulative strategies are fundamentally
inadequate. An organization in a stagnating environment dare not adapt to its
present niches, for that would reinforce its burdens. Yet paradoxes inhere in
matching an organization to a future environment that has still to be defined:
curricula cannot be tailored to the unique needs of unknown students;
unspecified customers or suppliers cannot influence strategic planning. On the
other hand, there are paradoxes in significantly manipulating an environment
that has yet to be explored: premature attempts to persuade may evoke undesired
interpretations; innovative products or methods may not survive the transition
from controlled experimentation to regular, large-scale operation.
Adaptation and manipulation are interspersed, and
manipulative efforts predominate when the turn-around begins. First,
experiments are tried to construct a potentially nutrient environment or to
wedge the organization into existing niches; then the organization is modified
in the direction of its projected future; then more experiments are run.
Problem solving alternates back and forth between present capabilities and
idealizations of what ought to be.
A further complication is the organization’s struggle
against desires for certainty. Having been immersed in stress and change for
some time, the organization’s members feel very uncertain even before they
acknowledge that the organization’s former environment has been stagnating.
Facing up to reality adds further uncertainty. Exploring unknown, possibly
hostile, alternative environments, while simultaneously trying out new roles,
new methods, and new structural arrangements inside the organization, adds
even more uncertainty. Members with low tolerances for ambiguity are likely to
leave voluntarily, but the remaining members and new arrivals exhibit
generalized propensities for reducing uncertainty. They conduct surveys,
install computerized information systems, make sophisticated statistical
analyses, assemble simulation models, and consult outsiders who seem
knowledgeable about potential environments.
Insofar as such methods bring in valid information and
alleviate fright, they facilitate survival. However, benefits are not always
realized. Analyses of available data may absorb manpower and funds that could
be more usefully allocated to experimenting and to gathering data with greater
relevance. Formalized information systems tend to be mechanistic and
inflexible, and they incorporate assumptions that their designers have already
identified the organizational and environmental properties deserving attention.
People who invest time and energy in solving problems develop commitments to
the solutions they generate; and in turbulent situations, they are likely to
become committed to solutions for the wrong problems (Mitroff
and Featheringham, 1974). Uncertainty is often
reduced by stressing the elegance of methods used to solve problems rather than
the importance of the problems themselves, but an organization in a stagnating
environment needs imaginative suggestions more than it does concrete,
documented answers. Consultants hired to provide data often go on to interpret
the data, to reformulate the problems, to suggest solutions, and to manipulate
the organizational client for their personal ends (Normann, 1971).
Methods for reducing uncertainty become increasingly
plausible as an organization achieves mastery within its new environmental
niches. Surveillance of the environment can be routinized.
Thought can be given to frequently arising situations, and activity programs
developed for dealing with them, thus ensuring that the heterogeneity of
solutions matches the heterogeneity of problems. Activity programs that arise
spontaneously can be made compatible with one another. Subunits can be set up
to encompass crucial contingencies in the flow of activities and to manage the
boundaries between organization and environment. Subunits’ capabilities can be
tailored to the tasks they regularly perform; and plans, programs, and
inventories can replace informal communications as the primary means of coordination.
Consensus can be fostered among members as to what goals the organization will
pursue and how it will develop over the long run (Beer, 1972; Khandwalla, 1974; Normann, 1971; Starbuck and Dutton, 1973;
Thompson, 1967).
Of course, someone who stayed with an organization while it
drifted into a stagnating environment and then had to fight its way out, might
wonder, “Are we going to go through it all again?”
The reactions of an organization in a stagnating environment
suggest several inferences about the ways processes interact with one another,
about the guidelines these interactions follow, and about the rules for
effectively managing processes.
Different processes hold different potentials for change.
Change is often accelerated by such processes as enlisting new members,
appointing new leaders, acquiring subsidiary organizations, buying complete
packages of methods, or consulting outside experts. These accelerators either
increase the speed of change in present directions or divert change into new
directions; they enable an organization to absorb new experiences and concepts
rapidly, they reinforce or inhibit forces acting on an organization’s
environment, and they stimulate new visions and experiments. Active processes,
such as evaluating the past performances of people or subunits, retiring,
firing, or retraining members, competing with other organizations, or
consulting outside experts, often decelerate by reducing the speed of change in
present directions. These active decelerators erase memories of past events and
weaken organizational traditions; they sever links between an organization and
its environment; they confront fantasy with reality and raise doubts about the
usefulness of today’s practices. Many other decelerator processes act
passively, in that they tie an organization to its past states but do not
aggressively oppose the accelerating forces. Some processes that can passively
decelerate are indoctrinating new members, accounting, investing pride in the
skills used to perform current tasks, and myth making. Finally, some processes
stabilize speeds and directions of change and weave strands of consistency
through behaviors at different times. These stabilizer processes characteristically
include reinforcing the use of activities that seem to succeed, standardizing
procedures, training, switching around among activity programs, limiting people
and subunits to specialized activities, and ignoring small variations in
perceived events.
Interactions between accelerator, decelerator, and
stabilizer processes generate contests in which coherence struggles against
fragmentation. An organization does not automatically travel along as one
compact cluster of activities; it tends to separate into fragments flying at
different speeds in divergent directions. Continued viability requires that an
organization remain coherent without becoming rigid, and requires that an
organization’s speeds and directions of change approximate those of its environment.
Outlying fragments have to be restrained, diverted, stimulated, or chopped off,
and dynamic balances must be struck among the diverse forces.
However, an organization has much discretion among ways to
achieve viability. It can strive to adapt promptly to the motions of its
present niches, or it can set out to construct, through manipulative acts, a
sequence of environments that will nurture its evolution along a planned flight
path. Neither of these extreme strategies is likely to succeed, because adaptive
and manipulative acts complement one another. Somewhere between the extremes is
a balanced organization that regards its environment as partly an unknown to be
discovered, partly a set of constraints to be satisfied, partly an alternative
to be selected, and partly a setting to be resculptured.
An organization generally has similar discretion about the
balance between processes furthering long-run goals and those furthering
short-run goals. Some goals of both sorts deserve to be pursued simultaneously:
crises are eluded by meeting urgent needs, and self-determination comes from
discovering long-run options. However, apparently pressing needs often
disappear if ignored, most plans are never realized, and many efforts to
develop future options yield no lasting results (Cohen et al., 1972; McNulty, 1962; Grinyer and Norburn, 1975). So beyond some essential minima,
emphasizing either short-run goals or long-run goals wastes resources.
An organization also has latitude for choosing how coherent
to be. Each strategic maneuver can be systematically echoed throughout the
organization; subunits can be left free to develop autonomously with only
minimal concern for their inter-dependencies; or, somewhere between these two
extremes, members can endlessly debate whether subunits should be more or less
coherent, and debate which subunits should be more or less autonomous.
Nonetheless, the prevalence of organizational failure
demonstrates that discretion is largely an illusion which forms when a single
behavioral dimension is examined in isolation. Not only is it possible to
swerve too far in one dimension, but the many dimensions of behavior interact.
For example, the studies of organizations in stagnating environments suggest
that shifts in emphasis toward adaptive processes and away from manipulative
ones accompany shifts toward coherence and increased emphases on short-run
goals; and if any of these shifts extend too far, either absolutely or
relatively to the others, troubles start multiplying. Such complex interactions
among dimensions greatly narrow the dynamic fulcra on which processes must
balance. Although the fulcra are not quite ground down to knife-edges, they are
also not really the broad plateaus seen from the perspective of one dimension
at a time.
An organization finds itself in a stagnating environment
because it failed to stay balanced on fulcra. The organization thought its
environment was not optional, not unknown, not constraining, and not in need of
manipulation; and it believed so strongly in its long-run goals that it ignored
daily changes in itself and its environment. This perceptual insensitivity was
nourished by a lack of conscious attention to choices about coherence;
mechanistic communication procedures were relied on to coordinate subunits.
Suddenly, the organization decides that a short-run
emergency exists. All efforts concentrate on adapting to this temporary crisis;
long-run goals and resources are sacrificed to obtain immediate relief; and
control is centralized. The imbalances which allowed the organization to
disregard environmental deterioration have now been supplanted by new
imbalances, characteristically fatal ones. Survival becomes possible only if
the organization finally discovers fulcra and dynamically balances its processes.
Processes should balance on six fulcra — more or less. All
six fulcra are so closely related that adjacent ones could be merged; and each
of the six could be partitioned into two or more components.
The six fulcra share influence over organizational inertia:
an organization’s ability to uncouple stabilizer processes, to install or to
terminate accelerator and decelerator processes, to recognize that
accelerations or decelerations are needed. Inertia is not always undesirable;
it has an optimum value that varies with the organization’s strategy and its
environment. The usual organization probably has too much inertia. Inertia that
is only moderately excessive causes an organization to respond a little too
slowly, to gloss over situations that deserve some attention, or to adopt
slightly inadequate remedies. Moderately deficient inertia compels an
organization to respond somewhat too quickly, to respond to relatively
unimportant signals, or to take inordinate corrective measures. Gross
deviations from optimum, however, produce truly serious consequences: massive
inertia is one reason an organization drifts into a stagnating environment.
To emphasize the difficulties of staying balanced, the
fulcra are stated as if an organization ought to seek minimal amounts of
desirable characteristics. Although it would be equally correct to say an
organization should seek minimal amounts of the opposite characteristics, this
latter approach might be misinterpreted as only reaffirming the values that an
organizational palace is intended to maximize.
An organization can extract advantages from both consensus
and dissension simultaneously. Balance implies that consensus does not become
regimentation and dissension does not become warfare.
Since the usual organization seeks more consensus than is
useful, since it often settles for superficial symbols that subordinates are
properly submissive, and since it suppresses conflicts that could be genuinely
resolved, additional dissension would confer benefits.
Every organization is blind to some phenomena, of course,
but a better organization perceives more, comprehends more of what it
perceives, and brings more of its comprehension to bear on decisions (Grinyer and Norburn, 1975;
Starbuck, 1965). Perceptions are extended by some sources of dissension, such
as heterogeneity across personnel and subunits, delegating responsibilities to
autonomous people and subunits, redundant and partly inharmonious assignments
of responsibility, and diversified portfolios of activities (Jönsson, 1973; Starbuck, 1974, 1976; White, 1969). Diverse
perceptions are more likely to be used effectively if the heterogeneous
personnel participate in decision making, if information flows are intense and
not rigidly channeled, if deviations are sometimes permitted from standard
operating procedures, if authority is diffused, and if dissent and debate are
prevalent and tolerated (Landau, 1973; Mason, 1969; Miller and Mintzberg, 1974; Mitroff and
Betz, 1972; Wildavsky, 1972). Participative decision
making and delegation of responsibility also narrow the gaps between policy
formulation and implementation, for policies become more practical and more
likely to be followed (Dunbar, 1971; Locke, 1968; Pressman and Wildavsky, 1973).
Dissension stimulates reconsideration of implicit or
conventional assumptions, encourages strategic diversification, and deters
maladaptive stresses from aggregating into crises (Coser,
1956; Smith, 1966). However, excessive dissension debilitates. Autonomous
subunits, ambiguous goals, and nonuniform perceptions
generate competing claims that have to be settled by assigning priorities; they
also foster disagreements, some of which deserve constructive resolution. But
conflict resolution is blocked by distrust, insufficient communication, and
personal criticisms. Extremely ambiguous authority structures or lack of
confidence in leaders may prevent arbitration, and generalized disputes about
long-run goals may preclude disagreements being settled on substantive
grounds. So there is a lower bound below which the level of consensus dare not
fall if the organization is to control its coherence (Etzioni,
1968; Moore and Tumin, 1949; Schneider, 1962; Wildavsky, 1972).
The usual organization seeks happy, contented members. At
least, this is the policy enunciated for public consumption. An organization
strives to satisfy its members, and its failures to make everyone completely
contented result from unavoidable competitions among claimants, from inexorable
constraints imposed by the environment, or from the unrealistic demands of some
members. Observers voice doubts about this overt policy after noting that
people who allocate resources often behave selfishly: unions bargain for higher
wages than labor’s productivity deserves, managers pay themselves excessive
salaries and sit smugly in plush offices, and faculties assign themselves light
teaching loads. But these doubts concern the ways satisfactions are
distributed; though the doubters suggest some members ought to receive smaller
or larger pieces of the satisfaction pie, they do not challenge the
desirability of an organization satisfying its members.
It is vital that people be at least minimally contented with
their personal rewards, with their current activities, and with the
organization’s long-run goals and prospects. An organization loses essential
heterogeneity if members grow so discontented that they refuse to participate
(Hirschman, 1970). Although voiced opinions may say an organization is doing
the right things, consensus appears merely because dissenters have withdrawn
physically or psychologically. Moreover, risk taking, initiative, and
experimentation depend on contentment. Members will only experiment if they
believe their organization can continue to exist, believe their own membership
can continue, and believe unsuccessful experiments will not cause
organizational failure (Thompson, 1967). Experimentation also hangs on members
being satisfied that their fellow members have talent and skill, that
cooperation and joint problem solving can yield good solutions, that leaders
can be trusted to promote the mutual welfare, and that the visible decision
procedures and criteria resemble the real ones (Schneider, 1962). In effect,
minimal contentment can buffer against the short-run reductions in
satisfactions and expectations that changes involve.
On the other hand, excessive contentment incubates crises.
Low levels of contentment sharpen an organization’s perceptions. Changes in an
organization and its environment are signaled primarily by processes for
monitoring what is going wrong; the more sensitive these error monitoring
processes, the better able an organization is to perceive gradual changes
(March and Simon, 1958; Newman and Logan, 1955). Although error monitoring
processes can be programmed and depersonalized, programs are liable to overlook
subtle unanticipated events or to misinterpret them. The important unprogrammed processes for monitoring errors utilize
discontent and emit signals through dissent, complaint, disagreement, and
controversy (Mason, 1969; Mitroff and Betz, 1972;
Starbuck, 1975). Sufficient discontent to induce people to speak up about what
they think is going wrong provides crucial insurance against surprises of
crisis proportions, because the higher the basal levels of discontent, the more
likely it is that small errors will trip off alarms (Coser,
1956; Pettigrew, 1974).
Discontent generally decreases as an organization gains
affluence. Slack resources build up (Bonini, 1963; Cyert and March, 1963; Hedberg,
1975a). Everyone can receive a little more, mutual self-satisfaction grows, and
self-confident complacency sets in. Insensitivity toward environmental and
organizational happenings accumulates and spreads. Since the usual organization
is seeking as much affluence as possible, it can be charged with striving to
maximize its unawareness of reality.
Affluence does offer advantages. It affords a margin which
absorbs consequences of failure and which loosens the tethers between
organization and environment. Opportunities can be given to display initiative
and to experiment. Long-run goals can be pursued and strategies analyzed, and
decisions need not be made immediately, without reflection. Members can be
retrained and their knowledge updated. Alternative structures can be tried
within the organization.
So a small buffer of flexible resources is an asset.
However, excessive affluence can be as serious a liability as is poverty. An
organization requires reminding that its environment is partly unknown,
evolves, and sometimes turns hostile. Outdated activity programs have to be
explicitly proven ineffective and then purposefully unlearned; inadequate
paradigms must be actively disconfirmed, perceptual frameworks clearly shown
invalid, and dysfunctional political coalitions undermined (Hedberg,
1973, 1974). Not every claimant deserves a share of resources.
The case studies of organizations in stagnating environments
suggest that insufficient affluence is the most frightening signal emitted by
error monitoring processes, and that insufficient cash rouses special
excitement. This doubtless indicates that an organization in a stagnating
environment has such rudimentary monitoring processes that it does not realize
something is awry until it has run out of cash. Such an organization relies
inordinately on formal accounting — which is a decelerator process — and fails
to use virtually all of the other monitoring processes it might. However,
concern about affluence is not always pathological. Every organization measures
its financial states and flows much more precisely than it measures its other
characteristics; and societies as wholes develop elaborate technologies for
measuring wealth accurately, for keeping track of wealth positions, and for
transferring wealth from one social unit to another. They do so because money
is the commodity which substitutes and does not rot. Although money changes in
value over time, it can be stored in totally abstract form, and it embodies the
cumulative efforts of civilizations to invent a commodity which exchanges for
all other commodities. The consequence is that wealth can inventory flexibility
as protection against an uncertain future.
Minimal Faith
An organization should plan its future but not rely on its
plans. Plans and long-run goals allow an organization to anticipate what will
be required tomorrow, and the more realistic the organization’s problem-solving
processes, the more tomorrows it can accurately anticipate (Vickers, 1959).
Challenging current practices on the basis of plans is a means of creating the
lead times needed for abrogating commitments, for unlearning, and for inventing
new methods before they are required. Plans also serve as the key premises for
appraising potential environments, for constructing performance measures that
take account of future costs and benefits, for deciding which short-run demands
actually warrant attention, for reacting to immediate problems in ways that do
not destroy desired opportunities, and for reassuring members that changes will
turn out well.
However, an organization needs balanced criteria for
developing plans and goals. Because every organization fails to predict some
events, extremely detailed plans or plans extending far into the future waste
problem-solving capacities and also discourage responsiveness (McNulty, 1962;
Newman and
Logan, 1955; Starbuck, 1965; Wickesberg,
1961). Moreover, plans and goals are frequently too systematic and rational;
useful goals are somewhat unclear, and useful plans are somewhat disorganized,
erratic, and uncertain (Moore and Tumin, 1949;
Schneider, 1962).
A realistic organization keeps itself ready to replace plans
and goals in order to match and to exploit environmental unpredictability
(Beer, 1972, 1974; Starbuck, 1965, 1975). Since events that disprove invalid
hypotheses or suggest useful conjectures might emerge at any time, alertness
snares knowledge and flexibility captures opportunities. Experiments can breed
opportunities and expose nascent challenges; they help an organization
alternate between practical assessments of what it is and ideas about what it
can become. Diversified, inharmonious activities can hedge against
misunderstandings and erroneous beliefs. Unexpected strategic reorientations
remind members that explicit plans and goals are merely images of evolving
aspirations (Landau, 1973; Wildavsky, 1972).
The usual organization behaves as if it prefers revolution
to evolution.
Some changes can be postponed but not escaped; other changes
are desirable. If an organization avoids changes, its effectiveness degrades,
its capacity to accept changes weakens, and needs for change build up. By the
time changes can no longer be held off, needs may have accumulated to
revolutionary proportions, and the organization may have lost most of its
ability to take changes in stride. Yet the usual organization systematically
avoids changes through inflexible policies, strict conformity to standard
procedures, indoctrination programs for new personnel, clear and rationalized
goals, reward structures that discourage risk taking, sharply delineated
responsibilities, blocked communication channels, punishment of dissent,
insistence upon overt consensus, and centralized control. Activities and
strategies are reinforced, rewarded, inhibited, or eliminated because of
consequences they seemingly have already produced, or because of their
consistency or inconsistency with precedents. Monitoring processes are
carefully turned to the signals from current and former environments, and
internal communications are channeled for efficiently executing former and
current tasks (Clark, 1972; Hedberg, 1975a; Starbuck,
What an organization should be avoiding is drastic
revolutions. Since sudden changes do not allow enough time for each subunit to
adjust to the recent behavioral changes of other subunits, coordination efforts
may founder (Starbuck, 1974). Task forces and committees set up to cope with
emergencies expose conflicts among goals, values, and responsibilities:
consequently, doubts escalate about the legitimacy of entrepreneurial
experiments by others, heterogeneity and unplanned diversity are deleted from
activity portfolios, conformity and dependence increase, responsibility is
depersonalized and transferred to groups, and fewer higher-risk experiments
replace more lower-risk experiments. Stress elicits simplistic analyses and
uses up much energy on behavior that serves no purpose beyond emotional tension
release. Needs for quick action drive out problem-solving modes of behavior and
interfere with the development of priorities founded on substantive analyses.
Instead, issues are resolved through bargaining between coalitions that are
rooted in the past rather than the future. If levels of conflict exceed the
conflict-resolution capacities of the available communication channels,
interpersonal warfare breaks out and inflicts lasting damage.
Costs such as hostilities, demotivation,
wasted energies, ill-founded rationalities, and foolish risks can be lowered by
nurturing small disruptions and incremental reorientations — by substituting evolution for revolution.
The primary requirements for evolutionary change are
ideological, conceptual, and procedural. An organization can never be satisfied
to continue behaving as it has, for perfection itself justifies
dissatisfaction. Even in the face of apparent optimality, incremental
experiments are needed to sharpen perceptions, to test assumptions, and to keep
learning processes vital (Box and Draper, 1969; Starbuck, 1974). Long-standing
traditions handicap, and precedents and sunk costs are bad reasons for future
behaviors. Being prepared for the future implies that major investments are
carefully screened for prompt payback and for adaptability to unexpected
events, that technologies use labor rather intensively and avoid specialized
skills, that task assignments and statuses change frequently, and that training
programs diversify members’ skills and prepare members for continued learning
(Kaplan, 1967; Wilson, 1966). Only when new products are easily introduced,
when freedom from competition is assured, and when long-term pools of customers
are reliably forecast, is it safe to delete redundancies and to standardize
products (Starbuck and Dutton, 1973).
At the same time, an organization can generally avoid abrupt
leaps to radically different procedures (Braybrooke
and Lindblom, 1963; Cartwright, 1973; Lindblom, 1959; Starbuck, 1974; Vickers, 1959). Improving
procedures as quickly as possible ultimately produces less benefit than does
breaking down major improvements into small increments spread out over time.
When each increment is small enough to leave intact most of the activities and
perceptions of most people, and small enough to uncover only partial conflicts
of interest and only marginal contradictions among goals and responsibilities,
an organization avoids the mammoth losses that revolutions impose. Incremental
changes also limit the trust placed in current knowledge, leave time for
analyzing the results of experiments, and preserve latitude for taking
advantage of new discoveries. Balanced and continuous innovation aims at rates
of acceleration and deceleration that interpolate between what the organization
has been assimilating and what it expects. An organization needs either
awareness of its unique past or, better, a stable concept of its destiny,
because these help it attain identity as a distinct subculture and focus
members’ loyalties toward this subculture.
On the other hand, shifting responsibilities mean that tasks
are given to inexperienced people who make naive mistakes and that people are
trained to fill positions already occupied by persons having skill and
experience. Shifting responsibilities also increase misallocations of
resources, inefficiencies, and uses of crude problem-solving methods. Inconsistencies
over time expend effort undoing what has just been achieved, and ceaseless
experimenting sets aside optimal solutions so as to try suboptimal ones.
Breaking down major improvements into small ones delays benefits. Nevertheless,
these costs of evolution are more than offset by the savings from avoided
revolutions (Day and Tinney, 1968).
The organization has traditionally been viewed as a vehicle
for rationality, and bureaucracy has been characterized as the most rational of
social systems. The self-designing organization advocated here is anything but
bureaucratic, however. In a self-designing organization, objectivity should be
fostered, responsibilities delegated, and conflicts resolved impersonally on
substantive criteria; but also, expertise should be diluted, authority
ambiguous, statuses inconstant, responsibilities overlapping, activities
mutually competitive, rules volatile, decision criteria varying, communication
networks amorphous, behavior patterns unstable, analytic methods
unsophisticated, subunits conflicting, and efficiency a subordinate goal.
Indeed, rationality itself warrants cautious pursuit. One
danger lies in oversimplifying models. The models used to choose rational
solutions inevitably abstract from reality, and usually, the more explicit and manipulable they are, the more detail they omit. Models
also incorporate false assumptions introduced for analytic convenience.
Although an exceptionally talented model builder can oversimplify and distort
and still retain the essential characteristics of reality, an organization
cannot count on having exceptional model builders, and even very good models
beget mistakes after the modeled situation evolves. When adopting a model means
suppressing alternative formulations, as it nearly always does, an organization
binds itself to fallacy (Lindblom, 1959).
A related danger is emphasizing means to the exclusion of ends.
When solutions are generated and evaluated, criteria of excellence often have
more to do with how analyses are conducted than with what results the analyses
produce. Are measurements accurate? Are statistical coefficients significant?
Is the computational algorithm efficient? Analyses conducted by professional
specialists are especially prone to this corruption. The crucial issues,
frequently ignored, include: Is the problem important? How realistic are the
assumptions? How much does the solution alter when the problem varies slightly?
Are the pursued goals really in the organization’s long-run interest?
Still another related danger is developing rational answers
to the wrong questions. Questions may be asked solely because ways appear for
answering them (Cohen et al., 1972);
then the people who invent answers shackle themselves to their answers.
Large-scale projects produce many commitments that do not hinge on how good
answers are: power struggles to get a project launched and social relations
among staff members generate strong emotional bonds to the project’s outputs,
yet the outputs may be distinctly suboptimal, or may be transient local optima.
Questions may be incorrectly stated, or the key questions may not even have
been conceived (Mitroff and Featheringham,
1974). Wise decisions about what questions to leave unanswered probably
contribute more to an organization’s viability than do wise decisions about
what questions to answer (Starbuck, 1975).
The general point is that rationality is not easily
identified. The usual organization pursues a superficial image of rationality
which understates the value of imperfection. Not only can every organization
expect imperfection, a self-designing organization should seek it. An optimal
degree of imperfection attaches no more certainty to assumptions than their
credibility deserves, converts imbalances into motivators, and uses unclear
goals to keep an organization as ready for change as its environment is (Baumol and Quandt, 1964; Day et aI., 1971; Hedberg, 1974; Jönsson, 1973;
Landau, 1973; Starbuck, 1974). A self-designing organization can attain dynamic
balances through overlapping, unplanned, and nonrational
proliferations of its processes; and these proliferating processes collide,
contest, and interact with one another to generate wisdom.
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