Table of Contents
Janus could look to the past while anticipating the future
The immediate antecedents of experimental psychology were in natural science
Ernst Weber (1831) formulated Weber’s Law
Gustav Fechner (1860) stated Fechner’s Law
Wilhelm Wundt (1874) created the first laboratory
Edward Titchner (1898) introduced experimental psychology to the U.S.
Other 19th-century currents
John B. Watson (1913) declared psychology a failure
Watson blamed introspection for psychology’s failure
“Figure out what behaviors they find rewarding, and then reward them with those behaviors.”
Effects of behaviorismin the U.S.
Edward Tolman’s rats (1948)
Tolman said his rats possessed “cognitive maps”
But only 36% of Tolman’s rats had correct maps
Newell and Simon (1956) reintroduced introspection
Charlie’s run-time estimates
But Charlie did not correctly describe how he did it
Second thoughts about the simulation of thought
People survive despite gross errors in perception
Behavioral theories can explain success despite ignorance
Does cognition guide behavior?
Does behavior guide cognition?
Cognitive theories can explain phenomena that behavioral theories cannot
Cognitive theories can explain phenomena that behavioral theories cannot
Is dialectic development essential?