Recent Honors and Awards: |
- Distinguished Paper Award, Business and Policy Division, Academy of management, Anaheim, CA., August 2008.
- Best paper award, Israel Strategy Conference, December 2007.
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Visiting Scholar, September, 2006.
- Executive programs, Stern School of Business: Excellence in teaching award, June 2006 & June 2004.
- William Berkley Professor of Entrepreneurship, Stern School of Business, New York Univ., Sept. 2001-Current.
- Rockefeller Foundation's Study Center (Bellagio, Italy), Summer Residence, 2000.
Recent Grants: |
- Kauffman Foundation: “Harnessing the entrepreneurial spirit: Investment in technology-based entrepreneurial ventures and subsequent corporate performance.” With G. Dushnitsky. 2008-2009.
- Kauffman Foundation: “Assessing the economic impact of social ventures.” With A. Prado and J. Robinson, 2005-06.
- Kauffman Foundation: “Entrepreneurial spin-offs: A comparative analysis of firm evolution within a high-tech industry,” 2005-06.
Recent Keynote Addresses: |
- December 2007: First Israel Strategy Conference.
- April 2002: CNH Capital, Chicago.
- Oct 2001: University of Poitiers, France.
- Nov 2000: Conference Board of Canada, Featured speaker. Ottawa, Ontario.
- May 2000: AON Insurance Company, New York.
- Jan 2000: Center for the study of Financial Innovation, London, England.
Media Appearances and Quotations: |
- Seattle Times:” Staying calm when the market gets anxious.” March 27, 2007.
- Realtor Magazine: “Calculated risk.” August 1, 2006.
- National Public Radio, Day to Day: “Risk taking,” March 3, 2006.
- NBC Today Show: “Lessons learned from Game Show Contestants,” March 10, 2006.
- KLO Radio, Salt Lake City: “Risk taking in business today.” January 24, 2006.
- Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2006. “”Why game shows have economists glued to their TVs.”
- Inc. Magazine, May 2003. “Risk Management for Risky Times.”
- Haaretz, July 2002. “Investor behavior.”